Place Essays (Examples)

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Stress and Place in Medical Sociology
Place, Neighborhoods & Networks

Stress, Coping and social supports

Stress is considered to be a health threatening circumstance that may arise from natural occurrences or the social roles (Brown, Phil. 2008: 118). The two aspects are seen to be interrelated source of stress in the sense that they cause undesirable changes in life events. The writer is concerned with the influence the resulting stress circumstance impact on the health of an individual. This leads to the determination of measures deployed to facilitate dealing with the stress. Coping and social supports are considered as the measures used to assist in dealing with the stressful situation. Coping and social supports are expected to yield positive effects against the stressful situation. The sought positive effects are however, not realized since the supports mechanisms in turn miss out on the idealistic measures to show empathy. The intricacies involved in determining what….

Healing Hospitals
The United States is teeming with many people that are religious and/or spiritual in nature. In addition to that, many hospitals are owned and/or operated by religion-oriented groups with Jewish and Catholic hospitals being two of the more prevalent examples. These two facts in conjunction are very inter-related because many people associate healing with religion and many hospitals are beginning to actively embrace that in their operations and procedures. To be sure, not all people are religious and religious wishes and preferences, whatever they are, should be honored by a hospital caregiver irrespective of whether the beliefs of the hospital are different from the patient. However, for those where faith and healing working together are a mutual goal of the patient and the medical staff, scholarly research shows it can be embraced, if for no other reason that it keeps everyone positive and upbeat despite medical challenges. While there….

Sane in a Insane Place

Not only is this, but other members of the staff also had very bad behavior with the patients. The members of the staff were busy in their own issues mist of the time and no special attention and care was given to the patients. As compared with other patients like patients of cancer, tumor etc., psychiatric patients needs more attention and care because mental satisfaction and happiness is very essential for them. However, it seemed as if the psychiatric hospitals were unaware of this fact. The pseudo patients observed that the staff members had a frustrated attitude with them and they felt as if they have no value in the hospitals (osenhan, 1973).
A feeling of living in a cave developed in them while living in the hospitals' ward. The pseudo patients reported that rather than being friendly with them, the staff sometimes did unethical activities in front of them.….

Special Place When I Was

There were squirrels there that were not scared of us the way the squirrels were at home and they would come right over to us for chips or pretzels or whatever other snacks we had. My grandmother said that our snacks were bad for them and she always gave us a bag of trail mix that had different kinds of nuts and dried fruits to give the squirrels. There were also some birds that always came around. They would stop about ten feet away from us and look at us sideways the way birds do. Then, they would take a few hops until they were a little bit closer, stop, and look at us sideways again. When they got very close to the hammock, we gave them some of the nuts and fruits too, and they would grab them and fly away for a little while before coming back….

You sweep us away like a dream; we fade away suddenly like the grass" (4-5). Whites found comfort in God's sense of wrath, because they believed that God would protect them against potential slave insurrections, and act like a watch in the night, while slaves found comfort and protection in the night from God when they fled -- like the real Moses herself, Harriet Tubman. The mightiness and eternity of God dwarfed the created status of the slave-owner.
Status could be easily overturned, the Psalm warns, giving hope to slaves. Although whites might enjoy prosperity in the dwelling place of the plantation this was temporary: "In the morning it is green and flourishes; in the evening it is dried up and withered" (6). Those who show respect for God and who are truly pious will flourish in the long run, not simply Southerners who are cruel to their slaves and….

Carol Gillian's "omen's place in Man's Life Cycle" -- and Carol Gillian's place in modern feminism
Carol Gillian's text, "omen's place in Man's Life Cycle," excerpted from her book In a Different Voice, proposes a theory of female moral development in terms of what is often known that suggests that simply because women are different in their development from men does not mean that this uniquely female way of relating to the world in a moral fashion is lesser than the way that males have constructed the world. The interdependent way that women view the world, even if intrinsically different from men, does not mean that this aspect of female moral development should be viewed as a detriment -- this moral difference can be positive as well.

Too long, Gillian, women's sense of interdependence with others and moral sense of their duty to care can be a source of female strength, not….

Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it's probably only insomnia. Many must have it.
This shows that the older waiter also needs a place to get himself through the night and experiences similar feelings as the old man. It is more though, than just the loneliness of not having a wife and someone to go home to. It is something deeper that bothers both the old man and the older waiter.

This something that bothers both the old man and the older waiter is explained by the concept of nada. As Hoffman (91) explains, "Although the old waiter is the only one to articulate the fact, all three figures actually confront nothingness in the course of the tale." The concept of nada essentially refers to….

When Othello marries the white Desdemona, he presses his luck, and the tide of public favor turns against him. One of his most trusted friends turns against him and convinces him that Desdemona is having an affair with another of his friends. Othello is so blinded by jealousy and rage that he cannot see how his own band of men, his own "community" has turned against him and is pitting him against the people he used to trust the most. By the end of the play he is a beaten man, an outcast and a murderer, and his speech shows it. Shakespeare writes, "I am not valiant neither, / but every puny whipster gets my sword. / but why should honor outlive honesty? / Let it go all" (Shakespeare V, ii). Othello has been at the top, and he has reached the bottom, and the community no longer looks….

Brewster Place in these stories thus stands at a point when change is taking place but has not yet been as thorough as it would be later.
The African-Americans now living in Brewster Place have largely migrated from the South. Indeed, Mattie Michael and several other characters arrive in Brewster Place from her parents' home in the South. hen Mattie leaves her parents' home, she is pregnant by a disreputable man named Butch Fuller. Mattie is part of the move to the North known as the Great Migration. There is no doubt that having children out of wedlock is a major cause of problems for minority women, however, as can be seen in this reference from the omen of Brewster Place:

She had gone to school until her sophomore year, when she had her first baby. And in those days you had to leave high school if you were pregnant. (Naylor….

tourist attraction or a place of natural beauty: Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls is a strange, paradoxical place. On one hand, it is a famous tourist attraction for honeymooners. Upon first glance, it is immediately obvious that the location is marketed much like the Empire State Building, the Eifel Tower, or any other sort of man-made tourist attraction. There is a gift shop near the Falls where one can buy pens, pencils, and other souvenirs. Yet all of this does not detract from the awesome power and raw beauty of nature exhibited by the Falls itself. Although the Falls is marketed and positioned like any other place designed to attract revenue to the area from tourists, it is still a worthwhile attraction.

At first glance, Niagara Falls is a sheer, overwhelming sheet of water. Even on the driest day, a visitor can feel the mist of the water on his or her….

History has no place in the modern hospitality industry
Anachronistic Approaches to Modern Hospitality

The hospitality industry is a constantly growing and evolving trade. From one day to the next, minute changes to suit the needs of the patrons add up to become huge leaps and bounds from year to year. What was once commonplace may today be rare; what was once custom may now seem politically incorrect. The needs of the consumer change from day-to-day to reflect the fast-paced world, and if an establishment is to be successful it is vital that it grows and changes at the same pace as everyone else, if not one step ahead of the others. However, the question must be raised, does history have a place in the modern hospitality industry? Do the practices of days past have anything to offer today's managerial teams? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question.

There are….

Tablets Take Their Place in the PC Market
The invention of the personal computer (PC) has an impact on the technological progress of the world. The technology that came into force in the early 1980s began as bulky machines and has since evolved into light machines. Engineers have been trying to reshape and design personal computers to meet the needs of today's world. One has to realize that personal computers are there to stay as; long as humanity exists. The evolution of personal computers to other more powerful, lighter and potable machines relate to the evolution of the PC. Personal computers have been within the world for a long time. The very first type of PCs had their keyboards borrowed from typewriters.

However, individuals became inquisitive of the application of pens, which has been the most comfortable writing tool for long on PCs. Therefore, this led to the use of pen computing.….

Heaven Earth Changes Places (5full pages + cover + works cited) hat effect war Vietnamese society
The Vietnam ar produced a profound impact upon the world at large, and upon the countries of the United States and of Vietnam in particular. There are several reasons why the effects of this martial encounter have reverberated for these two nations as much as they have -- the war lasted for several decades and involved numerous participants from both sides. As such, the clashing of cultures and of values that took place in this armed conflict could not help but to change the respective people and processes in both nations. For the U.S., this affair will forever be recollected as one of the few (if not the only) prolonged act of belligerence which it could not 'win'. For Vietnam, the war started the inexorable process of modernizing this quaint, simple rustic country and….

Self' Related?
An individual's identity is largely shaped by the surroundings and the environment within which they were raised. It is the different aspects of an individual's surrounding that build up to determine their character. The fact that people are often raised in different places brings about some diversity in their identities. Towards this end, no two environments can be termed as being equal places, even if they are both within a single block. Lahiri (110) puts this aspect into perspective through her essay 'Rhode Island'. In her words, "the sense of environment radically shifting from mile to mile holds true throughout Rhode Island" - in which case she was making reference to the differences in social surroundings between Kingston (her family's initial place of residence) and Peace Deal (Lahiri 110). This text predominantly focuses on the relationship between 'place' and 'self', particularly the difference between space and place, the….

The greater the level of support and information a customer needs to make a decision on which product to buy, the more likely a retail channel will be the best approach. Conversely if a product is by nature highly commoditized or is so popular it has strong customer trust, digital channels are the best approach, as they will drop the cost per transaction (Edelman, 2010).
Companies who are excelling at bridging both strategies include Apple and BestBuy. Apple has both their walk-in stores for managing the demonstration of their latest products and also delivering excellent personalized service at their Genius Bars. They also have one of the best websites and digital channels for selling their products online as well. The balance of digital and retail or space and place, is excellent, and supports the Apple brand overall. BestBuy is another company who has successfully defined a strong mix of space….

Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....

Citing a web resource in MLA format requires you to provide specific information about the source you used. In some cases, you won't be able to locate all the information. When that happens, provide as much as you can. Overall, you should provide the name(s) of the author(s), the name of the article (in quotation marks), the title of the webpage, project, or book (in italics), the publisher information, the page numbers (if there are any), and publication medium, and the date accessed. As an example: Author, A. "Article about MLA style." The webpage where you found the article. The place....

Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Place Neighborhoods and Networks

Words: 1127
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Stress and Place in Medical Sociology Place, Neighborhoods & Networks Stress, Coping and social supports Stress is considered to be a health threatening circumstance that may arise from natural occurrences or the…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Place for Religion in Hospitals

Words: 1338
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healing Hospitals The United States is teeming with many people that are religious and/or spiritual in nature. In addition to that, many hospitals are owned and/or operated by religion-oriented groups…

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4 Pages


Sane in a Insane Place

Words: 1243
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Not only is this, but other members of the staff also had very bad behavior with the patients. The members of the staff were busy in their own…

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4 Pages
Creative Writing

Urban Studies

Special Place When I Was

Words: 1471
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

There were squirrels there that were not scared of us the way the squirrels were at home and they would come right over to us for chips or…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Dwelling Place A Plantation Epic

Words: 1080
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

You sweep us away like a dream; we fade away suddenly like the grass" (4-5). Whites found comfort in God's sense of wrath, because they believed that God…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Author Carol Gilligan Woman's Place in Man's Life Cycle

Words: 644
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Carol Gillian's "omen's place in Man's Life Cycle" -- and Carol Gillian's place in modern feminism Carol Gillian's text, "omen's place in Man's Life Cycle," excerpted from her book In…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Clean Well-Lighted Place by Ernest

Words: 1475
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Clean Well-Lighted Place by Ernest

Words: 1228
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

When Othello marries the white Desdemona, he presses his luck, and the tide of public favor turns against him. One of his most trusted friends turns against him…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Women of Brewster Place Gloria

Words: 4118
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Brewster Place in these stories thus stands at a point when change is taking place but has not yet been as thorough as it would be later. The African-Americans…

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2 Pages


Tourist Attraction or a Place of Natural

Words: 640
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

tourist attraction or a place of natural beauty: Niagara Falls Niagara Falls is a strange, paradoxical place. On one hand, it is a famous tourist attraction for honeymooners. Upon…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


History Has No Place in the Modern

Words: 830
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

History has no place in the modern hospitality industry Anachronistic Approaches to Modern Hospitality The hospitality industry is a constantly growing and evolving trade. From one day to the next,…

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6 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

Tablets Take Their Place in the PC Market

Words: 1830
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Tablets Take Their Place in the PC Market The invention of the personal computer (PC) has an impact on the technological progress of the world. The technology that came into…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Heaven Earth Changes Places 5FULL Pages

Words: 1572
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Heaven Earth Changes Places (5full pages + cover + works cited) hat effect war Vietnamese society The Vietnam ar produced a profound impact upon the world at large, and…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

How Are Place and the Self Related

Words: 1048
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Self' Related? An individual's identity is largely shaped by the surroundings and the environment within which they were raised. It is the different aspects of an individual's surrounding that…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Marketing Space and Place the

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The greater the level of support and information a customer needs to make a decision on which product to buy, the more likely a retail channel will be…

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