Sane In A Insane Place Essay


Not only is this, but other members of the staff also had very bad behavior with the patients. The members of the staff were busy in their own issues mist of the time and no special attention and care was given to the patients. As compared with other patients like patients of cancer, tumor etc., psychiatric patients needs more attention and care because mental satisfaction and happiness is very essential for them. However, it seemed as if the psychiatric hospitals were unaware of this fact. The pseudo patients observed that the staff members had a frustrated attitude with them and they felt as if they have no value in the hospitals (Rosenhan, 1973). A feeling of living in a cave developed in them while living in the hospitals' ward. The pseudo patients reported that rather than being friendly with them, the staff sometimes did unethical activities in front of them. Beside this, the nurse, who came to wake up the psychiatric patients in the morning also had harsh attitude with them. Getting subject to such negative attitude, the pseudo patients noticed that patients become so dishearten. They need some motivation in preceding their therapy and taking their medicines regularly but the case is opposite. Rather than motivation, they are treated with harsh attitude and because of this fact the pseudo patients observed that many patients drain their tablets in the hospital toilets secretly. There is a possibility that some staff members are aware of this act of the patients but they did not take any action regarding it and left it unnoticed.

In addition to this, patients developed a feeling that in spite of the fact that they were brought over here for care, they have no value in the hospital. The conditions were so miserable that if a patient wants to discuss something with the doctor, he was...


Since the patient notice that no value is being given to him by the doctor, he feels shy in discussing his matters with the doctor.
Beside this, some studies even reported that the nurse slapped the patient for asking a question. This is the condition of every psychiatric hospital.

The main in the whole article is that psychiatric hospitals do not give proper attention to the patients. They even make matters worse by insulting the patients in front of other patients and giving no value to them. They just impose labels of mental illness on the patients without proper analyzing them and due to this reason, a person who is normal, and just visited the psychiatrist due to temporary stress is labeled as a patient of mental illness. After being labeled, the person actually starts feeling as a mentally ill human being. Not only is this, but the other members of the society also regard these labeled persons as mentally ill and due to these reasons such persons get deprived of some of their rights (Rosenhan, 1973).

After being admitted in the hospitals, they even become more ill due to the negative and harsh attitude of the staff members, and in this way a wrong label by a psychiatrist can completely spoil a life of anyone.


In my opinion the psychiatric hospitals themselves develop a surrounding in which distinguishing between a sane from an insane becomes difficult. If proper attention is given to each patient, they can easily recover and it is the duty of every psychiatrist to do a detail analysis of the patient before labeling him as schizophrenic or an insane.

Sources Used in Documents:


Rosenhan, D.L. (1973). On Being Sane in Insane Places. Science, 250-258.

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