Port Security Essays (Examples)

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Port Security Describe the Framework for Managing
Pages: 3 Words: 958

Port Security
"Describe the framework for Managing and Leading a Security Force."

Management is a "process of working with and through individuals and groups and other resources to accomplish organizational goals." ( Christopher, 2009 P. 180). The central challenges within the port security management is the ability to effectively manage changing worker's demand, government and legal requirement as well as managing the issue of workforce diversity. Thus, port security must develop a framework for effective security management to achieve these goals. The strategy to develop this framework and leading a security force is the responsibility of security manager. To manage and lead a security force, a security manager must be able to:

Plan, direct, organize and coordinate workforce,

Minimize conflict

Maintaining an effective interpersonal relationship,

esolve and identify supervisory problems,

Direct employees to meet the departmental objectives,

Be aware of employees' physical and mental health conditions,

Maintain employee demeanor and maintaining appropriate social standards,

Develop measurable and normative performance standards.




US Department of Homeland Security (2011). CSI In Brief. USA.

Christopher, K. (2009). Port Security Management. Auerbach Publishers Inc. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Port Security Collaborations Between Port Security and
Pages: 2 Words: 887

Port Security
Collaborations between port security and enforcement operations

Port security is the defense, law as well as treaty enforcement to counter terrorism activities that are within a port or even a maritime domain. This is inclusive of seaports protection, the inspection and protection of cargo that are moving through ports as well as maritime security. Enforcement operations on the other hand enforce immigrations laws within a nation in a manner that is fair and effective. It therefore identifies and goes ahead to apprehend aliens, detains them if need be and removes illegal aliens from the United States. This unit is mandated to apprehend arrest and repatriate criminals who have been convicted. Therefore the collaboration between port security and enforcement operations means that within the port it is ensured that the area is safe and secure and the enforcement operation take full course in case anyone is found to be posing as…...



Kapperman, R. (2012). Port and Maritime Security Special Report .Retrieved February 20, 2013 from http://www.safeports.org/port-and-maritime-security-special-report

Homeland security news.(2013). Dirty Bomb. Retrieved February 20, 2013 from  http://www.nationalterroralert.com/dirtybomb/

Port Security Jayetta Hecker the
Pages: 4 Words: 1044

Thirdly, it will be a challenge in ensuring that there is coordination and cooperation from all the stakeholders.
Hecter explains that achieving the much-needed cooperation is not easy as anticipated by many. There are many conflicts of interests deterring from working towards a common objective. There is no port in the United States that is similar to another in all regards. However, most of them have similarities that make them exposed to terrorism activities. These characteristics are concerning the functionality and the physical layout. For instance, most of the ports are large and can be easily accessed by land and water. The vast nature and easy accessibility makes it hard to realize security measures like those applied in airports (Vesky, 2008). The large amounts of materials that are transported via the ports provide an opportunity for more threats. Most ports are metropolitan areas with a combination of different modes of…...



Vesky, J.P. (2008). Port and maritime security. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Port Security and the Homeland
Pages: 1 Words: 352

Assessment, however, has proven far easier than implementation.
A large part of the problem in implementing security measures has been the conflicts and simple lack of organization that exist between the many different interests and operators involved in any given port. In the near-decade since the passage of the Homeland Security Act, port control for many ports has become more standardized both federally and internationally (Beisecker 2006). Perhaps this is the most prominent effect of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 on port security: it has established a codified system for assessing and implementing standardized security awareness and features.


Beisecker, . (2006). "DP world and U.S. port security." Monterey institute of international studies. Accessed 22 February 2010. http://www.nti.org/e_research/e3_75.html

HAS. (2002). homeland security act of 2002. Accessed 22 February 2010. http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/hr_5005_enr.pdf

Hecker, J. (2002). "Port security: Nation faces formidable challenges in making new initiatives successful." General accounting office. Accessed 22 February 2010. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d02993t.pdf...



Beisecker, R. (2006). "DP world and U.S. port security." Monterey institute of international studies. Accessed 22 February 2010.  http://www.nti.org/e_research/e3_75.html 

HAS. (2002). homeland security act of 2002. Accessed 22 February 2010. http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/hr_5005_enr.pdf

Hecker, J. (2002). "Port security: Nation faces formidable challenges in making new initiatives successful." General accounting office. Accessed 22 February 2010.  http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d02993t.pdf

Airport and Port Security the
Pages: 4 Words: 1208

Given the size of the industry, this would have devastating effects not only upon lives, but also upon the economy of the country. Because of its size, it would be very easy to hold a nuclear bomb in a container. Terrorists have several plausible avenues of obtaining bombs; they could approach Russia or Pakistan, or build their own.

Airport operators have a responsibility to maximize the security at their facilities. In order to do this effectively, they must be aware of changing security concerns, and have security and safety contingency measures in place that match these. They are also to liaise with security coordinators, planners and designers in an integrated manner to ensure that all the necessary security measures are in place.

Aviation Security Contingency Plans must be tailored according to the specific airport in question. This means that all the systems and procedures surrounding security should correspond to the specific…...

Airport and Port Security the
Pages: 3 Words: 823

This has considerably increased their operational costs (Gray, 2002).
Maritime trade is that trade which is conducted through shipping goods from a port in country or city to another. The goods which are usually conveyed by ships include crude oil, iron ore, grain and containers. Waterways have also permitted a great deal of the trade that has augmented America's economy and that of other nations which make up North America. Domestic and global trade has taken place along rivers and coasts from time immemorial. Vast cities have developed close to waterways, and maritime activity has stayed remained important to the economy of USA North America at large. In addition maritime trade has facilitated foreign exchange amongst the trading partners. Furthermore, the trade has facilitated the movement of goods amongst the trading partners and this has helped uplifted the well-being of the people of North America. The men and women of…...



Aviation Transportation System Security Plan. (2007, March). Supporting Plan to the National

Strategy for Aviation Security. Retrieved June 8, 2010 from http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/hspd16_transsystemsecurityplan.pdf

Gray, C.S. (2002). Thinking Asymmetrically in Times of Terror. USA: Spring

Grech, M., Horberry, T., & Koester, T. (2008). Human Factors in Maritime Domain. USA: CRC

Counterterrorism -- Port Security Vulnerabilities
Pages: 1 Words: 349

S. ports because of the sheer volume of cargo containers that make physical inspection of any substantial percentage of them impossible (Allison, 2004; Larsen, 2007).
Even more fundamentally, the increasing prospect of terrorists coming into possession of nuclear weapons (in particular) means that catastrophic attacks could be carried out long before cargo ships arrive at shore-based inspection stations (Allison, 2004; Larsen, 2007). Ultimately, the volume of shipping involved and the impracticalities of a weapons detection-based methodology demand that U.S. port security efforts emphasize intelligence and the prevention of the acquisition of WMDs at their source rather than their interdiction at U.S. shores (Larsen, 2007).


Allison G. (2004). Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe. New York: Henry Holt

Larsen . (2007). Our Own Worst Enemy: Asking the ight Questions About Security to Protect You, Your Family, and America. New York: Grand Central Publishing.

Maxwell C. And Blanda T. "Terror by sea: the unique challenges of…...



Allison G. (2004). Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe. New York: Henry Holt

Larsen R. (2007). Our Own Worst Enemy: Asking the Right Questions About Security to Protect You, Your Family, and America. New York: Grand Central Publishing.

Maxwell C. And Blanda T. "Terror by sea: the unique challenges of port security."

The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (September, 2005). Retrieved February 22,

Port Security Customs and Border Protection
Pages: 6 Words: 2032

Port Security The CBP (Customs and Border Protection) is a unit in the homeland security department and is the agency responsible for regulating, monitoring and facilitating flow of products at the points of entry. CBP policy formulation is done is such a way as to ensure that there is smooth movement of cargo through the border line. CBP enforces the customs and trade rules which are put in place with a view of protecting businesses and customers in the U.S. and collect revenue. CBP also enforces security laws for imports formulated with an objective of preventing illegal drugs, mass destruction weapons and contraband commodities from accessing the U.S.A. The U.S. congress is charged with the duty of defining and authorising the functions of international trade within CBP, allocation of funds for conducting program CBP oversight. The current laws authorising facilitation of trade and enforcing CBP functions are centred on a balance…...

Enhancing Ship and Port Security Globally
Pages: 19 Words: 5702

International Ship and Port Security (Isps) Code on Maritime Security
Impact of the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code on Maritime Security

The study will be based on the question that "What is the impact of the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code on Maritime Security." Answers will be sought to have this question addressed adequately.

The study feels that the ISPS Code has some impacts upon the Maritime Security in the world. Thus, the study seeks to uncover the various impacts that are realized by the Maritime Security as offered by the ISPS.


The influence and functionality of the existing ISPS Code run globally. Its effects, as part of its usefulness and importance, are felt by the Maritime Security among other agents of security in the world. Thus, the study will uncover the impacts caused by the ISPS Code on the Maritime Security in various parts of the world. The…...

Port of Baltimore Brief Over
Pages: 4 Words: 1354

The MdTA Police and the Office of Security (and thus the private security personnel under its supervision) are the extent of the state's commitment in terms of securing the port, aside from the Maryland Area Maritime Security Committee, which works to coordinate the efforts of the MdTA and Office of Security with the relevant federal agencies.
On the federal level, regular port security is handled by the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), while threat response and emergencies involves the U.S. Coast Guard. CBP is responsible for maintaining and disseminating examination standards and procedures, and in recent years has placed a special emphasis on cargo container examinations with its program the Container Security Initiative (CSI) (U.S. Customs and Border Protection 2012). The CSI program has three core elements geared towards identifying and stopping threats in cargo containers: "identify high-risk containers […] prescreen and evaluate containers before they are shipped…...



Department of homeland security. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm

Maryland department of transportation: Port administration. (2012). Retrieved from  http://mpa.maryland.gov/content/port-security.php 

United States coast guard. (2012). Retrieved from  http://www.uscg.mil/ 

US customs and border protection. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.cbp.gov/

Security Management and Management
Pages: 10 Words: 3236

Port Facilities Manager
Ports have historically played an instrumental role in driving the global economy by facilitating the movement of people and cargo from one part of the globe to another. Due to their phenomenal influence on the global economy, ports must be effectively managed. This is particularly true in terms of their facilities, equipment, and infrastructure. The port facilities manager is tasked with the responsibility of supporting the port in carrying out its day-to-day operations. Their work particularly involves managing and maintaining port facilities, equipment, and infrastructure; supervising and managing port personnel; and supporting the security management function in ensuring the safety of cargo, tenants, and port personnel. The port facilities manager is also involved in liaising with and engaging port users, assisting in the preparation of port facilities budgets, ensuring adherence to the relevant regulatory requirements, as well as coordinating special events held at the port. These roles…...



Alderton, Patrick. Port management and operations. 3rd ed. London: Informa, 2008.

Bichou, Khalid. Port operations, planning and logistics. New York: Informa Law, 2013.

Branch, Alan. Elements of port operation and management. 1st ed. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1986.

Brooks, Mary, and Thanos Pallis. Considering the perspectives of port users. Port Technology, n.d. Accessed 21 September 2016.   ort_usershttps://www.porttechnology.org/technical_papers/considering_the_perspectives_of_p 

Port of Baltimore Corporate Strategy
Pages: 5 Words: 1569

Port of Baltimore's Strategic Orientation
As the Case Review by Ross et al. (2005) shows, the Port of Baltimore finds itself almost perpetually in a highly challenging and precarious position where environmentalism is concerned. The demands of its industry, and particularly those relating to the highly competitive market driven by the leverage of the shipping sector, require the POB to seek a balance in the variant priorities of profitability, satisfaction of state interests, security and environmentalism. Often, when this last dimension of its operation is relegated behind other considerations, POB has been forced to confront the ire of environmental advocacy groups, lobbyists and public agencies.

One of the more complex issues surrounding its environmental position is that relating to dredging, which has a mix of negative and constructive implications to the ecology surrounding the port and the Chesapeake Bay. According to Ross et al., "dredging, which is the process of removing sediment…...


Works Cited:

Campbell, A.; Goold, M. & Alexander, M. (1995). Corporate Strategy: The Quest for Parenting Advantage. Harvard Business Review.

Hart, S.L. (1996). Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World. Harvard Business Review.

Ross, D.N.; Sanford, D.M. & Kucerova, R. (2005). Traditional Case 9: The Port of Baltimore: Stakeholder Management and Security. Towson University.

Stalk, G.; Evans, P. & Shulman, L.E. (1992). Competing on Capabilities: The Rules of Corporate Strategy. Harvard Business Review.

Security of Health Care Records
Pages: 2 Words: 620

" (Harman, Flite, and ond, 2012) the key to the preservation of confidentiality is "making sure that only authorized individuals have access to that information. The process of controlling access -- limiting who can see what -- begins with authorizing users." (Harman, Flite, and ond, 2012) Employers are held accountable under the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules for their employee's actions. The federal agency that holds responsibility for the development of information security guidelines is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST further defines information security as "the preservation of data confidentiality, integrity, availability" stated to be commonly referred to as "the CIA triad." (Harman, Flite, and ond, 2012)
III. Risk Reduction Strategies

Strategies for addressing barriers and overcoming these barriers are inclusive of keeping clear communication at all organizational levels throughout the process and acknowledging the impact of the organization's culture as well as capitalizing on all the organizational…...



Harman, LB, Flite, CA, and Bond, K. (2012) Electronic Health Records: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security. State of the Art and Science. Virtual Mentor. Sept. 2012, Vol. 14 No. 9. Retrieved from: http://virtualmentor.ama-assn.org/2012/09/stas1-1209.html

Kopala, B. And Mitchell, ME (2011) Use of Digital health Records Raises Ethical Concerns. JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation. Jul/Sep 2011. Lippincott's Nursing Center. Retrieved from:   P85 P86 P87http://www.nursingcenter.com/lnc/cearticle?tid=1238212#P77 

Security Policies Given the Highly
Pages: 2 Words: 749

If not, what other recommendations would you make to Harold? Explain your reasons for each of recommendations.
No, the actions that were taken by Harold are not adequate. The reason why, is because he has created an initial foundation for protecting sensitive information. However, over the course of time the nature of the threat will change. This could have an impact on his business, as these procedures will become ineffective. Once this occurs, it means that it is only a matter of time until Harold will see an increase in the number of cyber attacks. At first, these procedures will help to prevent hackers from accessing the company's files. Then, as time goes by they will be able to overcome his defenses. This increases the chances that he will see some kind of major disruptions because of these issues. ("Security Policies," n.d, pp. 281 -- 302) ("Computer-ased Espionage," n.d, pp.…...



Computer-Based Espionage. (n.d.). (365 -- 391).

Security Policies (n.d.). (281 -- 302).

Security Auditing Strategy for FX Hospital EHR EMR Website
Pages: 10 Words: 2990

Security Audit for FX Hospital EH/EM Systems
The study carries out the security audits for the FX Hospital EH/EM information systems to identify the vulnerabilities in the systems. The study uses the BackTrack as an auditing tool to penetrate the website, and outcomes of the auditing reveal that the website is not secure and can be subject to different vulnerabilities. After carrying out the auditing, the study is able to collect as much patients' data as possible revealing the website can be subject to vulnerable attacks. One of the vulnerabilities identified is that the website UL starts from HTTP showing that an attacker can easily break into the website and collect sensitive information. Moreover, all the data in the website are not encrypted making them easy for an attacker to collect patients' data.

By consequence, the FX Hospital can face lawsuits for failing to protect patients' data because if patients' data are…...



Abdel-Aziz, A. (2009). Intrusion Detection & Response - Leveraging Next Generation Firewall Technology. SANS Institute.

Burr, W. Ferraiolo, H. & Waltermire, D. (2014). IEEE Computer Society. NIST and Computer Security.

Chadwick, D. (2012). Network Firewall Technologies. IS Institute, University of Salford.

Mell, P.Bergeron, T. & Henning, D.(2005).Creating a Patch and Vulnerability Management Program. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

How can healthcare organizations ensure the security and privacy of patient data in the digital age?
Words: 537

## Ensuring Data Security and Privacy in Healthcare in the Digital Age

In the contemporary healthcare landscape, digital technologies play an indispensable role, facilitating the seamless exchange and storage of patient data. However, this reliance on digitization also necessitates robust measures to safeguard the security and privacy of sensitive health information. Healthcare organizations must prioritize the following strategies to effectively address these concerns:

1. Implementation of Comprehensive Security Measures:

Employ firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption technologies to protect data from unauthorized access.
Establish access controls and multi-factor authentication to limit data exposure to authorized personnel only.
Regularly update software, operating systems,....

How can hospitals prevent security breaches and protect patient data?
Words: 512

Preventing Security Breaches and Protecting Patient Data in Hospitals

1. Implement a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategy:

Conduct thorough risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities and prioritize mitigation efforts.
Establish clear policies and procedures for data handling, access control, and incident response.
Implement multi-factor authentication for user access to sensitive systems and data.

2. Enhance Network Security:

Install and maintain robust firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), and virtual private networks (VPNs) to protect hospital networks from unauthorized access.
Segment the network to isolate sensitive patient data and limit its exposure.
Regularly monitor network activity for suspicious behavior and take immediate action in case of security....

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