Portrayal Essays (Examples)

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Hesse's Portrayal of Women Herman
Pages: 6 Words: 2856

He leaves his home regardless of the fact that she does not go, because "it is the road to life" (Hesse, 79) specifically because it is the road to further carnal adventures. He finds that all women are receptive to his advances (at first) and even approach him lustfully, which he understands as being due to his dedication to the Mother. Lydia's restraint, likewise, he sees as a form of the Madonna's nature. He believes the Mother to be natural and physical and therefore preverbal, and finds that "It was fortunate that love did not need words." (98) the Mother may be life-giving (as with the woman whose child he helps to birth) or proudly dedicated to death, as with Rebekkah and the abstracted Mother of whome he says "instead of death... It will be my mother..." (Hesse, 313) in all the women he sees and loves, he does…...



Baumann, Ganter. "It shakes you to the very core and is painful. But it helps: Hermann Hesse and the psychology of C.G. Jung." Paper given at the 9th International Hesse Colloquium in Calw, 1997.  http://www.hermann-hesse.de/eng/biographie/lebenskrise/lebenskrise.pdf .

Field, George Wallis. "Hermann Hesse," in Twayne's World Authors Series Online New York G.K. Hall & Co., 1999. [Online database]

Hesse, Herman. "Narcissus and Goldmund" Trans. Ursule Molinaro. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1983.

Knuth, Elizabeth. "Male Spirituality: A Feminist Evaluation"  http://www.users.csbsju.edu/~eknuth/xpxx/malespir.html

Perception and Portrayal of the
Pages: 8 Words: 2619

According to Berg, "Here we arrive at a piece of common ground occupied by historian of Islam and modernist Muslim alike. Both typically share a text-based positivism -- the truth of what once happened can be comprehended because it is preserved in books; put uncharitably, it is a 'fetish for facts' that is satisfied only by adducing textual evidence" (p. 116).
Consequently, much of the Western scholarship devoted to the study of the Prophet Muhammad over the years has also been sought to understand the Islamic faith by examining the historical accuracy of the fundamental traditions that have evolved over the centuries concerning the Prophet Muhammad and the first generations of Muslims. In this regard, Berg (2000) writes that, "The first specialists in the field showed much trust in the Muslim traditions but since the second half of the nineteenth century there has been increasing skepticism about the reliability of…...



Berg, Herbert. 2003. Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins. Boston: Brill.

Brown, L. Carl. 2000. Religion and State: The Muslim Approach to Politics. New York: Columbia University Press.

Cleary, Thomas. 2001. The Wisdom of the Prophet. Boston: Shambhala Books.

Hourani, Albert. 1991. "Islam in European Thought," in Islam in European Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

TV Movies & Criminal Justice Portrayal of
Pages: 2 Words: 573

TV, Movies & Criminal Justice
Portrayal of Criminal Justice in TV Programs and Movies

Mass media has been a major influence in shaping the nature and dynamics of popular culture in different societies and cultures today. Through popular mass media such as the television and film, entertainment through fictional and non-fictional portrayal of life (real or imagined) have manifested itself in the way people perceive specific aspects of their lives or particular individuals or groups in the communities or societies they live in.

Take as an example TV programs about criminal justice and forensics. Before, portrayals of characters and dynamics of the criminal justice system are only reflected through legal dram programs like Law & Order, Boston Legal, and The Practice, among many others. In the 21st century, forensics drama dominated the mass media and popular culture. TV programs like CSI, Criminal Minds, Bones, and NCIS have influenced the way people perceive not…...

Us Portrayals of Fascism
Pages: 3 Words: 1003

Charlie Chaplin and "The Great Dictator"
Although America has seemingly embraced a relatively unified ideology in contemporary society, the country was not always settled on the democratic form to the extent that it is today. Before the effects of the Cold ar manifested in the United States, there were many different political ideologies that were promoted among large segments of the population and at one time it was not uncommon for a U.S. citizen to identify with alternative political parties from both the far left and the far right, such as the Communist Party and various forms of Authoritarian ideas. At the time, the country was not only segregated by racial and religious affiliation (among other divisions), but there were also many different political groups that were vastly more polarized than the high levels of polarization in the political system that are present today.

It is difficult to imagine such a diversity…...


Works Cited

Guzman, R. (2006). Black Writing from Chicago (Literary Collection). SIU Press.

Lewis, S. (2014). It Can't Happen Here (Reprint). Signet

Schizophrenia and Its Portrayal in
Pages: 2 Words: 561

Third, schizophrenia is less commonly associated with extreme intellectual insights or accomplishments than other related psychological ailments such as manic depression. In the movie, Nash's intellectual accomplishments are tied directly to his schizophrenia; in reality, most of his mathematical insights for which he became renowned actually preceded the onset of his schizophrenia.

6. Would you trade your ability to distinguish reality from fantasy in order to envision things no one else can?

Probably not, although maybe with one exception. In general, being able to envision or understand things beyond the ability of others would not be worth the social alienation and interpersonal difficulties that are the flip side of that same coin. Except (possibly) for financial benefits, all of the positive consequences of being brilliant or particularly accomplished, knowledgeable, or insightful relate to the social elements and the manner and degree to which those accomplishments increase one's esteem in the eyes of…...

Yellow Peril Multimedia Portrayals of
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

S. Consequent to such episodes, many Americans came to think that Asians are directly destabilizing the American way of life by getting involved and by practically introducing their customs into the country rather than to accept assimilation (Crothers 71).
Although much has changed in recent years concerning how Asians Americans are perceived by the masses, one is still likely to observe numerous Americans having problems refraining from using stereotypes when coming across a person with Asian heritage. The media world is an essential device influencing the masses to adopt discriminatory attitudes toward Asian-Americans. The situation is more delicate in this discussion however, as "when protesting media, Asian-Americans must also challenge the model minority stereotype, both to educate the audience about the problematic nature of such events and simultaneously to break down the model minority stereotype, the submissive and quiet Asian, to mobilize other Asian-Americans" (Ono & Pham 110). Dissecting media stereotypes…...


For instance, throughout cinema and television history, Chinatown neighborhoods are often portrayed as places where drugs, gambling, and killings thrive. One needs only think of the film called Chinatown to realize this fact. This stereotyping about the whole community influences the masses to associate such behavior with Asian-Americans and to those think about the gangster stereotype when coming across a person from this community. Films are especially harmful to the Asian-American community when considering the way that most display Asians. "Asian men are seen as violent, inhuman, property destroyers, and kill mercilessly" (the Typical Asian-American Male). It practically appears that Asians portrayed in motion pictures are rarely honest individuals and that film producers have a tendency to respect generally accepted principles promoting the belief that it would only be natural for an Asian individual to be particularly different from other persons in their movies.

In many films protagonists are shown as white men being heroes while their counterparts are Asian women who are weak and who fall for them. The 1997 James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies is actually focused on a central character played by Pierce Brosnan, and Michelle Yeoh, an Asian female reporter who eventually falls in love with Brosnan after the two start to collaborate on a case. "This scene has been termed the "unmotivated white Asian romance" because the woman easily falls in love with a man because he is white" (the Female Asian-American Stereotype). The image of the female Asian as a reporter is widely promoted throughout the real world, not just in motion pictures. News companies apparently consider that it is profitable for them to provide audiences with a team involving a white male presenter and an Asian female presenter. It is actually very rare to see a news company showing an Asian male anchor and a white female anchor (the Female Asian-American Stereotype).

Even when Asians are portrayed as positive characters, they are mostly shown as nerds or as being proficient in kung

Treyvon Martin Discuss or Illustrate the Portrayal of Diversity in the Media
Pages: 4 Words: 1311

Treyvon Martin
Media has shifted from just being source of information and news to the general masses. It has gone to have an effect on the social, cultural, and psychological aspects on lives of people with them even realizing it. (Perse, 2000) There is a certain degree of stereotyping done by the media in the shows they put and the different proportions of races that they show. (Perse, 2000) The major focus is whether the media actively stereotypes a certain race or not. The shooting of an African-American boy named Trayvon Martin has been discussed in the media. The way different media sources represent this is analyzed and judged whether these sources discriminate the issue or the people involved in the scenario.

When the shooting of Treyvon Martin occurred, the shooter, George Zimmerman was reoffered to as a "white Latino" in the media. A lot of discussion and debate begin on the…...



Beaujon, A. (2012). Pew finds racial gap among those following Trayvon Martin story. Poynter, [online] 29 March. Retrieved from:   / [Accessed: January 21st 2012].http://www.poynter.org/latest-news/mediawire/168319/pew-finds-racial-gap-among-those-following-trayvon-martin-story 

Deggans, E. (2012). Why ethics and diversity matter: The case of Trayvon Martin coverage. Poynter, [online] October 23rd. Retrieved from:   / [Accessed: January 21st 2012].http://www.poynter.org/latest-news/everyday-ethics/192604/mostly-white-and-sometimes-brown-media-people-in-a-mostly-brown-and-sometimes-white-world 

Perse, E.M. (2000). Media effects and society. Mahwah, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates.

Sangha, S. (2012). Trayvon Martin: Latino Silence over Zimmerman Draws Fire. Fox News Latino, [online] March 30. Retrieved from:   / [Accessed: January 21st 2012].http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/03/30/trayvon-martin-latino-groups-under-fire-for-silence-over-zimmerman 

The Portrayal of Globalization in the Media
Pages: 8 Words: 2450


Media Coverage on Citizens' Understanding of the "Anti-Globalization" Movement

Media is a feature that is always with the people. The media has played a critical part in the shaping of almost everything in the world. The media has been a channel that has been used to get information to the recipient's right from the sources. The developments in the world have been advanced because of the presence of the media, which is a tool of the trade for almost every entity in the world. In fact, one sure way to access information and transmit it to the people is by use of the media. The media is significant in that it has the power to elevate downturn, influence, install, and initiate everything at any given time. One factor that has affected…...



Buckman, G. (2004). Globalization: Tame It Or Scrap It?: Mapping the Alternatives of the Anti-Globalization Movement. New York: Zed Books.

Fernandez, L. A. (2008). Policing Dissent: Social Control and the Anti-Globalization Movement. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press.

Peet, R. (2003). Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank, and WTO. New York: Zed Books

Rodrik, D. (2012). The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy. New York: W. W. Norton

Portrayal of Women in Music Tv Film
Pages: 4 Words: 1128

Portrayal of omen in Music, Tv, Film, Advertising, & Other Media Since 1990
This essay addresses how the portrayal of women has changed in one segment of the media (music, tv, film, advertising) from the early 1990's when the book here the Girls Are: Growing Up Female ith the Mass Media by Susan J. Douglas was completed. Discussed are the commonalties between women currently important to American pop culture and the women examined in the book, the differences or changes that have occurred, whether conditions have improved for women, and whether there has been a continued backlash against feminism in American popular culture over the last decade. Four sources are used. APA.

here the Girls Are: Growing Up Female ith the Mass Media

Susan J. Douglas in her book "here the Girls Are" examined the portrayal of women in the pop culture of the last part of the 20th century. She described the…...


Works Cited

Body as Commodity: Media Craze." Body icon. http://nm.server.jrn.columbia.edu/projects/masters/bodyimage/commodity/media_page1.html.(accessed08-12-2002).

Douglas, Susan J. Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female With the Mass

Media. Random House, Incorporated. March 1995.

The Representation of Women in Advertising.  http://www.albany.edu/~cc4176/ .

Portrayal of American Life Through
Pages: 7 Words: 1961

The death of their son is bearable only because they believe that justice will be served and Richard will be locked away forever. However, at the preliminary hearing, not only is Richard released on bail, but it looks as if the charges will be dropped to manslaughter. As the months go by, Ruth keeps seeing Richard around town and as her anger grows her grief snowballs. The thought of him serving only five or ten years becomes unbearable for her and Matt. Ever the devoted husband and father, Matt takes matters into his own hands.
Mendes portrays Ruth as a doting but critical mother, very much concerned with her own world, He sums her up in one sentence at the end of the movie when Matt returns home, she simply says, "Did you do it" and then goes cheerfully into the kitchen to make coffee without a thought to what…...


Works Cited

Benton, Robert. "Kramer vs. Kramer." RCA/Columbia Pictures. 1979.

Redford, Robert. "Ordinary People." Paramount Pictures. 1980.

Mendes, Sam. "American Beauty." DreamWorks SKG. 1999.

Field, Todd. "In the Bedroom." Good Machine;Greene Street Films, Inc.;

Portrayals of Females in Boyz
Pages: 4 Words: 1170

Their view of the women is shaped by their perceptions of what category of woman they represent.
Symptoms of a Much Larger Social Issue:

In many respects, the gender relations illustrated in Boyz 'N the Hood are merely symptoms of a much more general problem of misogyny and the general lack of mutual respect for females in many areas of American social culture, especially in the Hip-Hop community. Both Tre's early relationship with Brandi and Rickie's relationship with the mother of his baby illustrate the psychological distance that males maintain between themselves and their female partners, even within romantic and domestic relationships respectively. Neither woman is involved in her partner's life in the same way as the male friends. Instead, they remain within a highly compartmentalized role and kept almost completely separate without significant integration into their lives.

If anything, that dynamic is only a relatively mild version of the prevailing general…...

Portrayal of Religion in Film
Pages: 9 Words: 2476

religion is handled in the movies "Stigmata," "Dogma," and "Going My ay" Discussed: how each movie is different or similar in its portrayal of religion, what make each film good or bad portrayals and how each reflect America. Cite reviews of films.
Portrayal of Religion in Film

Religion in movies is usually portrayed, for better or worse, by the Catholic Church. Due to its global influence, its power and its ancient rituals, The Catholic Church is perfect for religious overtones, or the main subject in movies. Until, the last few decades, the Church was always depicted as all-knowing and all-loving. Given, the recent news articles concerning sexual abuse within the Church, it makes movies such as, "Going My ay" seem rather naive, and gives credence to the meanings in movies such as "Stigmata" and "Dogma."

Going My ay" was released in 1944. It is the story of a new younger priest named…...


Works Cited

Dogma." Columbia Tri Star. 1999.

Gillespie, Eleanor Ringel. "Stigmata: Sensation without the sense." The Atlanta

Journal and Constitution. September 10, 1999; pp P9.

Going My Way." Paramount Pictures. 1944.

Media's Stereotyical Portrayal of Blacks
Pages: 5 Words: 2333

But Martin Lawrence bugs out his eyes a little and he's a coon. It makes no sense.'7
The defense seems somewhat warranted. After all, if all characters in the sitcom Martin were white, and acted the same way, such behavior would be attributed to the standard stupidity showcased on television. Much like the quote earlier about sitcoms and stereotypes leveling things, television in general fails to showcase the brightest and most sublime of human endeavors.

Lawrence is not alone in criticisms aimed at contemporary black actors. In her essay, "Stereotypes of History: Reconstructing Truth and the Black Mammy," Jennifer Kowalski claims, "actors such as Martin Lawrence, Eddie Murphy, and Tyler Perry, have once again recycled the first existence of the Mammy/Aunt Jemima character." The "mammy" stereotype is "represented as full-figured women with strong and defensive attitudes, especially toward men who may bring harm to their loved ones." Lawrence recently starred in…...


Works Cited

Aristotle. "Poetics." The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B.

Leitch. New York. W.W. Norton and Company, 2001, 90-117.

"Blackboard Jungle Fever." Martin. By John Bowman. Martin Lawrence, Tisha

Campbell-Martin, Carl Anthony Payne II, Thomas Mikal Ford. The WB. January

SISTER 1999 a Portrayal of Mental
Pages: 3 Words: 926

Ebert's quibble was not with the portrayal of mental retardation per se as being inaccurate but was more in line with the fact that the film suggested that mental retardation was cute and charming, such as the scene where Carla's boyfriend gets drunk, or where Carla tries to figure out sex from reading The Joy of Sex. The real confusions and strains that can afflict a mentally retarded person, and the fact that a mentally retarded person is not necessarily morally saintly or quaint and childlike in the eyes of the world goes unheralded by the film, Ebert suggests.

Does this have any impact upon assessing the film from a clinician's perspective? To some extent it does, because the film suggests that retarded persons are 'just like other people' and families are to blame for any assessment of their children's limitations. The parents are seen as unfairly judgmental of their child's…...


Works Cited

DSMV. (2000). 4th Edition. APA.

Ebert, Roger. (1999). "The Other Sister." Film Review. Chicago Sun Times. Retrieved Dec 1006 at  http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19990226/REVIEWS/902260306/1023 

The Other Sister." (1999). Directed by Gary Marshall.

Media Portrayal of Sexes Babies When Born
Pages: 3 Words: 1054

Media Portrayal of Sexes
abies, when born, have no inherent knowledge about how girls and boys, men and women, are "supposed to act." They learn their cultural roles from the culture around them -- their adult and older-child role models, and more and more, through the media. As one writer quoted lum, "Nothing in biology labels behaviors as right or wrong, normal or abnormal. Any stereotypes we impose on children -- and by extension, adults -- are purely cultural, not biological" (Abels, 2002). Depiction of males and females in popular media is in a constant change of flux, partly based on inaccurate stereotype but partly reflecting the very real diversity seen in both sexes.

Experts in the field believe that children begin to learn what gender role is expected of them early in childhood, and that these expectations are communicated to them both purposefully and in unintended lessons. Part of this influence…...



Abels, Lori. 2002. "Sex-role stereotypes in TV Programs aimed at the preschool audience: an analysis of Teletubbies and Barney & Friends." Women and Language, Sept. 22.

Giuliano, Traci A. 2003. "Blood, sweat, and jeers: the impact of the media's heterosexist portrayals on perceptions of male and female athletes." Journal of Sport Behavior, Sept. 1.

MacKenzie, Nancy R. 1998. "Effects of television viewing on children's development." Pediatric Nursing, Sept.

Shugart, Helene A. 2003. "She shoots, she scores: mediated constructions of contemporary female athletes in coverage of the 1999 U.S. women's soccer team." Western Journal of Communication, Jan.

Need Help with a thesis statement on different portrayals of King Arthur in books, tv series, and movies?
Words: 318

King Arthur has been a steady feature in pop culture since the original stories of him were told hundreds of years ago.  In fact, he retains a mythical status because of the quasi-historical nature of the stories told about him, leading to many people wondering if King Arthur is actually a real person.  The consensus appears to be that he was not an actual person, but that there were real people whose stories contributed to the stories of King Arthur.  It is no surprise, then, that he continues to be a compelling character in books,....

What subtopics can I write about for serial killers being my main essay topic?
Words: 377

Serial killers are a topic that has fascinated people, beginning before the term was even coined.  They have been romanticized in pop culture, but their crimes seem to be rooted in a personality disorder that keeps them from empathizing with others.  They kill in a variety of ways and, when left unchecked, the number of people that they can kill can get into the 100s. 

Some subtopics to consider when writing about serial killers for your essay topic are:

  1. The role of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) in serial murders.
  2. Psychopath or sociopath?  Where on the spectrum of personality....

Please help me with essay titles and outline for forensic psychology paper?
Words: 471

Forensic psychology refers to applying psychology to legal issues.  Forensic psychology can be applied to civil and criminal legal cases but is most commonly associated with criminal cases.

Ten possible essay topics / titles for forensic psychology are:

  1. Future Dangerousness: Can Forensic Psychologists Assess Future Risk
  2. Beyond Criminal Profiling: How Forensic Psychologists Help Law Enforcement
  3. Legally Crazy Versus Mentally Ill
  4. Victim Profiling: What Makes Some People Targets
  5. The Psychology of Policing
  6. Best Interests of the Child: How Forensic Psychologists Can Help in Child Custody Cases
  7. Inherently Unreliable: The Problem with Eyewitness Testimony
  8. Undeveloped Brains: Why Juveniles Should Not Be in the....

Need Help with Essay Topics on Caged birds?
Words: 212

1. The symbolism of the caged bird in Maya Angelou's autobiographical work, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."
2. The theme of captivity and freedom in Harper Lee's novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird."
3. Analyzing the oppression and confinement of women in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper."
4. The symbolism of the birdcage in Henrik Ibsen's play, "A Doll's House," in relation to gender roles and societal expectations.
5. Comparing the experiences of the caged birds in Richard Wright's novel, "Native Son," and Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, "The Handmaid's Tale."
6. Exploring the theme of captivity and liberation in Jean Rhys's....

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