Practicum Essays (Examples)

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Practicum Goal
Pages: 5 Words: 1591

Practicum Goal
Practicum eport on the Current Practices and Educational Needs on the Use of Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)

This practicum focused on analysing the current practice of a nursing home care setting by analyzing the current practice and educational needs of nurses at the initial use of the Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE), in addition to developing, implementing and evaluating evidence-based practice for staff development. The main participants in the program were nurses with BSN who were using the technology for the first time. The core principle used during the six months training program was the change theory formulated by Kurtz Lewin.

The main activities during the program constituted evaluation of the knowledge level of the nurses with regards to health informatics, their capacity to use the technology in a home setting and the education need in enhancing their capacity for handling the CPOE capabilities. In accordance with the Lewin's Model…...



Kawamoto, K et al. (2005). Improving Clinical Practice Using Clinical Decision Making Support System: A Systematic Review of Trials to Identify Features Critical to Success, British Medical Journal, Vol 330 (7494)

Miner, J .(2005) .Organizational Behaviour: Behaviour 1: Essential Theories of Motivation and Leadership. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe.

Parker, A (2010) Health Education in Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM, Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, retrieved from:

RAND Health care: Health Information Technology: Can HIT Lower Costs and Improve Quality?, Reterieved From:

Practicum Goal 1c Evidence of Accomplishments A
Pages: 1 Words: 361

Practicum Goal
1c) Evidence of Accomplishments: A multi-page literature review is a written text that serves as evidence of completion of the literature review. This will outline the work reviewed, where it was published, who wrote it, what the contents of this work were, and how they were relevant to this study. The literature review will be presented as part of the practicum journal. There should be evidence that the literature review was thorough, covering the current academic thought on the subject.

2c) Evidence of Accomplishments: There should be a copy of the interview texts, in full, providing evidence that the interview was conducted. There may also be notes that accompany the interview to provide some context and understanding of the interview itself. Further, this learning objective highlighted the need to gather admissions records from the triage nurse. If that is possible, then that should also be submitted here as evidence. If…...

Practicum Objectives Project Achievement Audience
Pages: 6 Words: 1842

I had to roaden my understanding on medication and diagnostics test in order to treat and diagnose patient with CHF. This insight not only helped me etter design my EBP clinical pathway, ut taught me much in the way of pedagogical instruction vis-a-vis other RNS, and will help me listen etter to patients/family memers who have questions.
I gained valuale knowledge as I met my intended accomplishments y learning a variety of strategies for planning and reviewing my work. I learned that you are your greatest critic.

My research and preparation also infused me with the knowledge and understanding that optimal patient care requires the nurses to understand the importance of proper documentation. I learned that well-documented discharge instructions that meet all CHF core measures could ensure the hospital's crediility, as well as, providing patients with asic quality care.

Based on the diversity of nurses' skills, I concluded that an evidence-ased CHF…...

Terminal Objective for Nursing Practicum
Pages: 6 Words: 1964

We also learned that as managers, one shoulder's particular moral tasks that are dependant on the anticipation of current or potential clients. The nurse manager has to aim to guarantee that the capabilities of employees are utilized ably. Functioning with the accessible assets, the manager should aim to guarantee the well-being of clients. When capable care is endangered because of insufficient assets, the manager should perform to lessen the present danger and to prevent future harm (ickel 1991).

Another aspect of nursing that was brought to our attention during MSN was the undergraduate -- customer interactions. This interaction, we were told, has to be performed in harmony with moral nursing traditions, with particular concentration given to the self-esteem of the consumer. The nurse-teachers had been compelled to guarantee that nursing undergraduates (we the students) are familiar with and obey the requirements of the Code (ickel 1991).

We, in addition were also taught…...



Andrews, M.M. (1992). Cultural perspectives on nursing in the 21st century. Journal of Professional Nursing, 8(1), 7-15.

Beardsley, L.M. (1994). Cross-cultural concepts training for medical students and acculturation training for residents. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, April 4-8, 1994).

Bickel, J. (1991). Medical students' professional ethics: Defining the problems and developing resources. Academic Medicine, 66(12), 726-729.

Fowkes, V.K., & Others. (1990). Factors influencing the development of area health education centers with Texas-Mexico border populations. Academic Medicine, 65(12), 762-768.

Nursing Practicum Summary of Evidence Based on
Pages: 3 Words: 967

Nursing Practicum
Summary of evidence based on nursing seizure disorder assessment skills

Murray, J. (1996). The enevolent Overreaction. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 28 (4), 252 -- 258.

The article from Murray (1996), discusses how many family members of epileptics will often engage in overreactions to patients suffering from the disease (the benevolent overreaction). This is when the family will try to show increased amounts of sympathy for the patient (which could affect their ability to function). Where, they are no longer responsible for many different daily activities because of the illness. In this case, the nurse must be able to intervene and encourage family members to push epileptics to try to live normal lives. This is information is important, because it shows how the trained nurse must be able to identify the symptoms and reactions that family members could have towards the patients. As they want to ensure, that they are allowing this…...



Au, A. (2003). Cognitive Behavioral Group Treatment. Epilepsy & Behavior 4 (4), 441 -- 446.

Davis, G. (1984). Cognitive Behavioral Treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychology 40 (4), 930 -- 935.

Dekker, J. (1990). Neuropsychological Aspect of Learning Disabilities in Epilepsy. Epliepsia 31 (S4), S9 -- S 20.

Fraser, R. (1983). Program Evaluation in Epilepsy Rehabilitation. Epliepsia 24 (6), 734 -- 746.

Nursing Practicum What if Scenarios
Pages: 3 Words: 841

Under this standard, looking inside the medical record without a legitimate healthcare need, as determined by my supervisor, would be illegal (HHS, 2003). If I'm so concerned about my neighbor's health, I should just knock on their door and express my concern.
5. Patient's rights invariably come before my right as a student to observe and participate in any medical procedures being performed (Austin, 2012). The procedure being performed could be personally embarrassing or traumatic for the patient, especially in front of other care providers whose presence is not required. The patient may have an established long-term trusting relationship with their doctor, which does not extend to other personnel at the healthcare facility. Even if there is the chance that the patient will not remember the procedure or my presence in the room, the patient should have ultimate control over their personal privacy even when under general anesthesia.

6. Taking advantage…...



Austin, Vanessa J. (2012). Chapter 7: The Practicum Experience. In S. Makely (Ed.) Professionalism in Health Care: A Primer for Career Success, 4th Edition (pp. 151-171). Lebanon, in: Prentice Hall.

HHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). (2003). Health Information Privacy: Minimum necessary requirement. Retrieved 26 Mar. 2013 from .

Leadership Practicum
Pages: 4 Words: 1350

DRNC Leadership Practicum
One of the most controversial political conventions is coming to the streets of Miami. The Democratic Republican Convention will surely bring its fair share of political controversy, including clear public protests and signs of civil dissatisfaction with the very politicians that the convention are honoring. As the Incident Commander, it is my job to take a long, reflective look at the capacities of the City of Miami and improve how it deals with security issues based on comparisons of past security issues.

Miami has long been a hotbed for civil concerns to breach the forefront. When politics comes to the Miami Dade area, there are often a number of citizens who are right there to show their own opinion on the matter, and often times that can lead to a potential security situation. Throughout the past few decades, the City of Miami has had to deal with a number…...

Hand Hygiene and Alcohol
Pages: 7 Words: 2315

Practicum Project
According to Ho et al. (2015), statistics indicate that approximately 20% to 40% of health care associated infections have been linked to cross-infection through the hands of health care workers. Efficacious hand hygiene is imperative to prevent communication of healthcare associated pathogens. A great deal of hand hygiene programs in healthcare settings lay emphasis on compliance of healthcare personnel, for the reason that transitory contamination of their hands is deemed to be the key basis for transmission of pathogens (Kundrapu et al., 2014). The use of alcohol-founded hand sanitizers in health units has become prevalent since their recommendation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during 2002. This was acclaimed due to patient interaction especially in case hands are soiled, physically. However, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are not efficacious against some classifications of pathogens (Carter, 2013). The problem identified is in healthcare settings; are the use of alcohol…...



Bhatti, N., Maitlo, G. M., Shaikh, N., Hashmi, M. A., & Shaikh, F. M. (2012). The impact of autocratic and democratic leadership style on job satisfaction. International Business Research, 5(2), 192.

Carter, D. (2013). The Right Balance Between Hand Sanitizers and Handwashing. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 113(7), 13.

Current Nursing. (2012). Models of Nursing Care Delivery. Retrieved from: 

Edmonds, S. L., Zapka, C., Kasper, D., Gerber, R., Mccormack, R., Macinga, D.,...& Gerding, D. N. (2013). Effectiveness of hand hygiene for removal of Clostridium difficile spores from hands. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 34(03), 302-305.

Assessment Tool and Environment
Pages: 4 Words: 1062

Practicum Critique
Nursing Checklist Assessment Tool -- by Ivy Amoranto

Did They Include?

Pros and Cons: No -- not explicitly.

Feasibility of the project: No -- not explicitly

Viability of Implementation in Another Environment: No


Pros and cons: No explicit pros and cons present

Feasibility of the project: No explicit feasibility items mentioned

Viability of implementation in another environment: Not explicity covered but the totality of the data reflects an assessment tool and a covering thereof that is rather solid.

Three Questions: 1) Will you revisit and revise the tool as needed if it becomes apparent that something is missing, not needed or perhaps worded/displayed wrongly? 2) Do you think any single assessment tool can be properly exhaustive without being too verbose, wordy or long. 3) Are you concerned that some of the symptoms to check off are up to the subjectivity or objectivity of the patient that is being seen and/or whether the patient is unconscious and thus…...

Nsg Practicum
Pages: 4 Words: 1139

Advance Practice Nursing
Advance Practice Nurses Defined

Throughout history nursing has been defined in many ways. In recent years the field of advance practice nursing has emerged as nurses are taking on more challenging and comprehensive roles within the health care field. One may define an advance practice nurse in many ways. According to the Department of egulation and Licensing in Wisconsin, and advanced practice nurse is a registered nurse with the following credentials: (1) holds a professional nursing license within the state, (2) is certified by a national certifying authority as a nurse practitioners, registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist or other nursing specialist and (3) a registered nurse who holds a graduate degree by an accredited university (DL, 2004). This definition is fairly standard among most other nursing institutions.

In most cases advanced practice nurses may not prescribe medications, though there is now a certification APN's can get that allow…...



ANA. "Advanced practice nursing: A new age in health care." 1997 American Nurses

Association. 23 Sept 2005: 

DRL. (2004 -- Jan). "DRL -- Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber." January 8, 2004.

Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing. 24, Sept 2005:

Practicum Time Log and Journal
Pages: 3 Words: 970

JOUNAL AND PACTICUM TIME LOG Clinical Time Log and JournalStudent Name:E-mail Address:Practicum Placement Agency\\\'s Name:Preceptors Name:Preceptors Telephone:Preceptors E-mail Address:Time LogNote: Add rows as needed.Total: Weeks 1-3Total Weeks 4-7Total: Weeks 8-11Total Practicum Hours Completed for CourseWKDateTime# of hourLearner Objective *Blooms TaxonomyCourse Objective(Walden)AACN Essential**Projected GoalActivities CompletedStatus of completion1 and 2To (understand) - construct meaning from patients subjective and objective information to develop an evidence-based patient care planTo define emerging and actual problems related to aggregate systems and students specializationsDNP graduates engage in faculty-designed learning experiences that involve both indirect and direct care experiences (AACN, 2021).To be able to develop effective treatment plans from patients subjective and objective informationAssessing, diagnosing, and prescribing medication or therapy to address patients mental health needsComplete3 and 4To (Apply) - using procedures learned theoretically to address a situation in a practical setting.To acquire healthcare management skills at the aggregate, organizational, and systems levelStudents are molded to demonstrate effective…...


References Abukhader, I., & Abukhader, K. (2020). Effect of medication safety education program on intensive care nurses’ knowledge regarding medication errors. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 8(6), Doi: 10.4236/jbm.2020.86013.Bourne, R. S., Jennings, J. K., Panagioti, M., Hodkinson, A., Sutton A., & Ashcroft, D. (2022), Medication-related interventions to improve medication safety and patient outcomes on transition from adult intensive care settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Quality and Safety, 31(8), 609-22.Farzi, K., Mahammdipuour, F., Toulabi, T., Haidarizadeh, K., & Heydari, F. (2020). The effect of blended learning on the rate ofmedication administration errors of nurses in medical wards. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 25(6), 527-32.Tariq, R. A., Vashisht, R., Sinha, A., & Scherbak, Y. (2022). Medication dispensing errors andprevention. treasure island. StatPearls Publishing. 2

Anne Arundel County Community Action Agency Final Practicum Report
Pages: 10 Words: 2865

Final Practicum ReportNameInstitutionCourse Code: TitleNovember 30, 2023.Final Practicum ReportIntroductionThe practicum site was the Anne Arundel County Community Action Agency (AACCAA), which is the primary anti-poverty agency in the county. Created in 1965 as a result of Congress passage of the Economic Opportunity Act, the AACCAA is tasked with funding local communities to address disparities in healthcare, childcare, employment, and education. The agencys primary purpose is to design and implement interventions to assist low-income residents to become self-sufficient (AACCAA Needs Assessment, 2021). The AACCAA envisions to become the recognized leader in addressing poverty and improving the quality of life in the communities of Anne Arundel County (AACCAA Needs Assessment, 2021, p.6). The agency serves the Anne Arundel community through six programs:i) Youth Development Services serves children and young people aged between 5 and 24 through educational, preventive and therapeutic services, workforce training, and behavioral health program (AACCAA Needs Assessment, 2021).ii)…...

Fair Housing Act
Pages: 11 Words: 3288

Practicum Report: Assessment of Fair Housing Act using a Normative Policy Evaluation Method Summary
I considered this as a great opportunity for exploring the role played by the public policy practitioner in the Public Housing sector. I got to assess the Fair Housing Act, via a normative policy evaluation methodology. Collection of data was achieved through observation and literature review of materials that included policy guidelines as well as records for the housing agency. It is clear from the assessment of programs and processes that XXXX Housing Agency obeys all the state and federal conditions on housing, such as the Fair Housing Act. Nonetheless, in order to improve the Act and make it even more accommodating for the smaller groups, the following recommendations are suggested; (1) HUD should supervise and impose grantee’s jurisdiction-wide favorable fair housing responsibilities via a reviewed Analysis of Impediments procedure. (2) The HUD needs fund beneficiaries to carry…...

Private Sector and Healthcare
Pages: 2 Words: 715

Practicum Synthesis
Describe how health care is organized and financed, including the implications of business principles, such as patient and systems cost factor while examining the roles and responsibilities of regulatory agencies and their effect on patient care, workplace safety, and the scope of practice.

egardless of the country or situation, healthcare is generally some sort of blend of public and private sourcing and personnel. Depending on who is asking or answering the question, one or both can be seen as a pariah and one or both can be seen as saint. Publicly funded healthcare is financed by taxpayer dollars in large part (if not entirely) and thus is subject to oversight and regulation on a level that is much higher than in the private sector. Even so, government agencies and groups are often seen as being inept and lumbering and funding cuts and mismanagement are often seen as issues to be…...



Basu, S., Andrews, J., Kishore, S., Panjabi, R., & Stuckler, D. (2012). Comparative Performance of Private

and Public Healthcare Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. PLOS Medicine, 9(6), e1001244.

Patient Outcomes and Theory
Pages: 2 Words: 657

Practicum Objective
There is a high degree of interrelation between theory, practice and research. esearch is the starting point. It involves the gathering of knowledge, and then this knowledge is used to build theories. The theories are then put to the test, first in the research process and then if that is successful theories are put into practice in the real world. eal world practice then becomes the basis for the next round of observation, theory development and is also utilized for research. The three end up being something of a cycle, where each of the three elements supports the others, in the next iteration of the cycle. The relationship is not linear, but more circular, and the different elements feed back into each other, and can do so at any time. Practice can reference research, which turns into theory, and that theory can be tested either with practice or research.…...



Dhillon, B. (2008) Reliability technology, human error and quality in health care. CRC Press.

NATRI (2006) The role of theory and research in practice. NATRI. Retrieved December 6, 2016 from

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