Presidential Debate Essays (Examples)

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Going to the issue of the presidential debate itself, the ABC News report quotes representatives of the Republican and Democratic parties, where the latter calls Bush "...' great debater'... But wins match-ups on 'style not substance'..." The Republicans, on the other hand, considers Kerry a "seasoned debater" but tends to 'take' "more than one position on foreign policy issues."
Drawing from these observations from the ABC News report, both news coverage by the CNN and NY Times contain statistics from various polling agencies, which reflects the public's sentiment regarding the recently concluded first presidential debate. The CNN report cites the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll of 615 registered American voters as its primary reference to statistics drawn from questions about the Presidential candidates' chance of winning the election after the first debate (, 2004). The special report states that 53% of the voters consider Kerry's debate as better than Bush's, although 54%….

I find it interesting that human beings react so strongly to a person's physical appearance and wonder how many other important decisions are based on looks. Even if Nixon did eventually get elected to the office of the presidency, this debate made him lose the 1960 election.
The Kennedy-Nixon debates were only the first of many that would be televised. Using television as a way to gain votes has been a key political tactic since the Kennedy-Nixon debates. As Morton (2005) points out, Al Gore sighed while George W. Bush was speaking, which made him come across as being pompous. I found it fascinating that candidates need to be almost like television stars in order for them to become elected. Politics is not only about how intelligent a candidate is or even their credentials. American voters appreciate style as much as substance.


Morton, B. (2005). "Kennedy-Nixon debate changed politics for good."….

Another Wall Street Journal article (April 2, 2007) explains that Senator Hillary Clinton is the current top fundraiser among Democratic candidates for president.
n the Washington Post (March 29, 2007), former presidential candidate Steve Forbes has decided not to run again, but he threw his endorsement over to Republican Rudy Giuliani. Senator Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, picked up the endorsement of owa Governor Tom Vilsack, according to the New York Times (March 24, 2007). n the March 19, 2007 edition of the Washington Post, it is reported that presidential candidates will continue to receive Secret Service security protection. The Los Angeles Times (March 18, 2007) reports that Senator Clinton is running as "the female-warrior" candidate and Barak Obama is running as the "black-white-immigrant" candidate. And the Washington Post reports on March 18, 2007 that the excellence of the speechwriters for Democratic Senator Chris….

S. interests in that part of the world. Then, on January 17, 1991, the U.S. launched the first attack, with more than 4,000 bombing runs. After 100 hours, Bush called off the offensive, saying he wanted to minimize U.S. casualties.
Though Bush was criticized for this withdrawal being premature, the U.S. made a retreat from Kuwait after the successful offensive, and Bush's approval ratings reached new highs.

Bush announced in early 1992, that he would run again for President, and his reelection looked probable. However, higher taxes and uncontrolled economic problems brought his term to an end in 1992, and Bush lost to Bill Clinton. Bush was running as a conservative, but so were oss Perot and Pat Buchanan (who ran against him for the epublican nomination).

In order to defeat Pat Buchanan's bid for the epublican nomination, Bush declared even more conservative stances. Though he defeated Pat Buchanan, oss Perot eroded much….

Governor Romney's public speaking style was somewhat less poised, but was again immediately observable in his first response. After also thanking everyone and even joking wth the President about his anniversary, he launched into a somewhat hesitant series of brief anecdotes about people wanting help. His posture shifted more frequently, his speech contained more hesitations and pauses, and his gaze wavered from the camera to the moderator to the audience present at the University of Denver, and his words were equally as evasive as the President's but without the confidence or comfort. Again, this appeared to continue throughout the debate, though Romeny did appear to gain some confidence as the debate wore on and his comfort in the setting grew..

Presidential Speech
The Presidents accused of scandals in the history of American politics have been known to make memorable apology speeches. Even though, the speech that the Presidents made were done by different people and in different times, marked similarities and patterns have been noted. The Lewinsky scandal was basically a political sex scandal that occurred in 1999. This scandal came out because the President was accused of having a sexual relationship with an intern in the White House, Monica Lewinsky. The Watergate scandal occurred in 1970 because five men were caught at the Democratic National Committee and further investigations led to President Nixon being found guilty of committing fraud. Another fraud that highlighted a President as the causative agent was the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy. This scandal occurred when President Reagan was in the administration and the officials in charge were accused of selling arms to Iran secretly.….

Domestic Policy

Presidential Debate
Domestic Policy Presidential Debate 2012

The two presidential candidates, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt omney, held a debate regarding domestic policy issues in Denver, CO. The main focus of the debate was the state of the United States economy, but other issues were discussed as well. Of course, the economy was the most prevalent because most of the other issues related to it in some way. This paper will look at the debate from a personal perspective and examine not only the topics, but how the moderator did and whether the candidates should have examined other topics.

The debate opened with the President committing to a talking point related to the economy that discussed taxation policy and its relation to providing robustness. The basic difference between epublicans, whose base holds to a conservative economic stance, and the Democrats, whose base promotes a Keynesian stance, is where revenue should come from….

The coming presidential elections in the United States will be conducted on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and will be America's 57th quadrennial presidential election. As the election approaches, various initiatives and measures have been taken to educate and empower America's voting public and create an increasingly responsible government. These efforts have primarily involved the provision of comprehensive, non-partisan information that relate to presidential candidates, news, issues, and political parties. These initiatives are mainly geared towards providing a platform for voters and non-voters to regularly obtain useful, straightforward, and impartial information linked to politics and issues. However, the major issue revolving around these elections is how the election results will be determined by current and previous decisions of the court. This is mainly because of the increased expectation that the coming presidential election may be a close election.

Presidential Election Laws:

The United States presidential elections are guided by constitutional provisions that….

Presidential Election

Donald Trump is flying high in the 2016 presidential election campaigns. Besides crushing his epublican opponents in national polls, Trump's critics have thrown in the towel (McCutcheon & Mark, 2016). Having underrated his candidature and accused of a racist and sexist huckster, Trump is now receiving the ultimate compliment and being taken seriously. This essay attempts to discuss the mystery of Donald Tramp's appeal. His opponents have to deal with his demeanor, his disdain for intellectual and party elites, as well as his talent for drawing media coverage. How is Trump achieving all these successes? Whichever the case, Trump's current position and his ultimate fate warrant a theoretical explanation. George Lakoff's linguistic theory is used to understand Trump's success. In this sense, the essay will focus on three major linguistic aspects of how Trump wants us to see him: insulting, big words and….

S. such as providing affordable healthcare for all, paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy; making a sincere effort for energy independence, and generating more jobs while investing in renewable energy and conservation (Borosage and Heuvel).
America, after decades of its love relationship with Conservatism, topped by eight years of the disastrous Bush presidency that has left the country on the brink of financial collapse and almost universal dislike, was indeed ready for change. it, therefore, decisively rejected the candidate -- McCain -- who promised more of the same and chose the candidate for change.

as the U.S. In Need for Change?

That there was a need for change in the U.S. is a no-brainer. On the domestic front, the U.S. is facing perhaps the most formidable economic meltdown since the Great Depression of the 1930s. In eight short years, the Bush administration has managed to turn a huge federal budget surplus….

agenda-setting function mass media work current presidential election. Consider essay: a) What issue(s) highlighted media ( candidates ) effect voters year? b) There emphasis independent voters swing states Ohio.
The role of the media in today's society is considered of utmost importance. It shapes opinions, if creates opinions, but most importantly it influences the way in which perceptions are created and decisions taken. This is why the media is viewed in a democratic society to be the fourth power in the state, after the executive, legislative, and judicial ones. This role is most obvious perhaps during election years and periods, regardless of the type of voting action. This is largely due to the fact that the media usually influences the agenda of the elections to take place.

The importance of the presidential elections is without any doubt. These are the times when the media exercises its biggest influence. The Watergate scandal….

In what is shaping up to be the strangest election in United States history, the contest between the Democratic nominee, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Republican nominee, billionaire real estate developer Donald J. Trump is being closely monitored by U.S. voters and an increasingly concerned international community. The Democratic nominee has most recently been charged with several abuses of classified information during her tenure as secretary of state, perjury before the U.S. Congress and illicit dealings with foreign interests buying favors from the State Department through donations to the Clinton Foundation. Conversely, the Republic nominee has been labeled alternatively as “crazy,” “insane,” and “deranged” by a growing number of observers based on his erratic and hate-filled speeches. This essay on the 2016 U.S. Presidential election reviews the literature to provide brief biographies of these presidential candidates followed by an analysis of recent trends that have influenced….

Armentrout, Jeff. "Lincoln-Douglas Debates in 1858." lecture., Newton Local School, 2012. Newton Local School Debates PP.pdfPlugin=Loft.
he paper discusses the issues that were present in the U.S.A. At the time of the presidential elections in which Abraham Lincoln took part. It also describes the position of both the parties especially Douglas and Abraham. he paper then discusses the problems in the Democrat and the Republican parties. hen, after careful evaluation of all the contenders and their respective parties, the paper gives the results of the elections.

Chicago: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, 2003. "MEE MARY LINCOLN BIOGRAPHICAL NARRAIVE & CHRONOLOGY." (accessed April 13, 2013).

his source contains complete information about Mary odd Lincoln. It discusses in detail, Mary's early life, her schooling, character and looks and features as well. It also puts light on how Mary met Abraham Lincoln and how they got married. he transition of Mary from a….

Fred I. Greenstein, The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to Barack Obama, Third Edition. Princeton University Press, 2009.
Fred I. Greenstein's central point The Presidential Difference is that in the modern U.S. political system since the Great Depression and Second World War, the presidents are now they key actors, far more so than the pre-1933 period when Congress was the most important branch of government. Because the role of the executive expanded exponentially in both foreign and domestic affairs, the leadership style of the presidents became a crucial factor in policymaking and policy failures. He analyzes the leadership style of the thirteen presidents from Franklin Roosevelt to Barack Obama, including their communication abilities (or lack thereof), personality and emotional makeup, cognitive/intellectual abilities, and organizational talents. If Roosevelt set the pattern and served as the template for the modern chief executive -- and there seems to be little doubt that….

Meanwhile in the journal Du Bois Review (Parker, et al., 2009, p. 194) the authors point to racism and patriotism as key themes for the 2008 Democratic primary election. "Race was a consistent narrative" used by those opposed to Obama, Parker explains (p. 194). Both Clinton and the Republicans "used racial references" to attack Obama, including the attacks on Obama "for his perceived inability to connect to 'real working Americans'" (p. 194).
The Republican sideshow called "Joe the plumber" attacked Obama with the charge that Obama was "seeking to take money from hardworking 'real Americans' to give it to 'those people'" (p. 194). Clinton questioned Obama's patriotism suggesting that he was not a "real" American. Parker notes that when Governor Dukakis ran for president as a Democrat, he was attacked but no one questioned whether he was "a real American as they did with Obama" (p. 195).

The authors present two….

1. The impact of social media on presidential elections: How has social media changed the way candidates campaign and communicate with the public, and how might this affect the 2024 election?

2. The role of money in politics: How does campaign finance influence the outcome of presidential elections, and what reforms could be implemented to level the playing field for all candidates in 2024?

3. The importance of voter turnout: What factors contribute to low voter turnout in presidential elections, and how can efforts be made to increase participation in the 2024 election?

4. The influence of third party candidates: How have third....

2 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Presidential Debate Between George W

Words: 656
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Going to the issue of the presidential debate itself, the ABC News report quotes representatives of the Republican and Democratic parties, where the latter calls Bush "...' great…

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1 Pages


Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debates in 1960

Words: 358
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

I find it interesting that human beings react so strongly to a person's physical appearance and wonder how many other important decisions are based on looks. Even if…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Presidential Election of 2008 in

Words: 350
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another Wall Street Journal article (April 2, 2007) explains that Senator Hillary Clinton is the current top fundraiser among Democratic candidates for president. n the Washington Post (March 29,…

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8 Pages

American History

Presidential Studies the Transfer of

Words: 2836
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

S. interests in that part of the world. Then, on January 17, 1991, the U.S. launched the first attack, with more than 4,000 bombing runs. After 100 hours, Bush…

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1 Pages
Reaction Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Pres Debate the October 3rd

Words: 307
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Governor Romney's public speaking style was somewhat less poised, but was again immediately observable in his first response. After also thanking everyone and even joking wth the President about…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Persuasion Features of Presidential Scandal Speeches

Words: 2997
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Presidential Speech The Presidents accused of scandals in the history of American politics have been known to make memorable apology speeches. Even though, the speech that the Presidents made were…

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3 Pages


Domestic Policy

Words: 903
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Presidential Debate Domestic Policy Presidential Debate 2012 The two presidential candidates, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt omney, held a debate regarding domestic policy issues in Denver, CO. The main focus…

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4 Pages


Election The Coming Presidential Elections in the

Words: 1447
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Election: The coming presidential elections in the United States will be conducted on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and will be America's 57th quadrennial presidential election. As the election approaches,…

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5 Pages

Political Science - Campaigns

Understanding Trumps Way of Campaigning

Words: 1694
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Presidential Election CUENT COVEAGE OF THE 2016 PESIDENTIAL ELECTION Donald Trump is flying high in the 2016 presidential election campaigns. Besides crushing his epublican opponents in national polls, Trump's critics have…

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6 Pages

Black Studies

2008 Presidential Elections - Mccain

Words: 2256
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

S. such as providing affordable healthcare for all, paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy; making a sincere effort for energy independence, and generating more jobs while investing…

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3 Pages


Agenda-Setting Function Mass Media Work Current Presidential

Words: 1167
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

agenda-setting function mass media work current presidential election. Consider essay: a) What issue(s) highlighted media ( candidates ) effect voters year? b) There emphasis independent voters swing states…

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2016 Presidential Election Essay

Words: 2047
Length: Pages

Abstract In what is shaping up to be the strangest election in United States history, the contest between the Democratic nominee, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and…

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5 Pages

American History

Armentrout Jeff Lincoln-Douglas Debates in 1858 Lecture

Words: 1265
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Armentrout, Jeff. "Lincoln-Douglas Debates in 1858." lecture., Newton Local School, 2012. Newton Local School Debates PP.pdfPlugin=Loft. he paper discusses the issues that were present in the U.S.A. At the…

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5 Pages

American History

Fred I Greenstein the Presidential Difference Leadership

Words: 1598
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Fred I. Greenstein, The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to Barack Obama, Third Edition. Princeton University Press, 2009. Fred I. Greenstein's central point The Presidential Difference is that…

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21 Pages
Research Paper

Black Studies

2008 Democratic Presidential Primary --

Words: 7199
Length: 21 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Meanwhile in the journal Du Bois Review (Parker, et al., 2009, p. 194) the authors point to racism and patriotism as key themes for the 2008 Democratic primary…

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