Principal Effectiveness Essays (Examples)

509+ documents containing “principal effectiveness”.

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This points us toward the concept of distributed leadership, which is increasingly cited as a mode to effective principalship. In many ways, the emergence of distributed leadership represents a paradigm shift in the way that school improvements are sought. To this extent, Gronn (2002) sites as crucial to the process "concertive action in which a key defining criterion is conjoint agency." (Gronn, 2002; p. 423) the author cites a support for leadership which is highly dependent upon the interactive compatibility of such participants as teacher groups, principals and administrative personnel. This is a system of leadership distribution that bypasses hierarchy in favor of delegation of responsibilities.

Support for meaningful principal leadership is frequently understood in this way, with the willing participation and enthusiasm of members of the educational community underscoring the principal's relative authority. Still, the fact that so many of the studies which endorse and praise the impact of more….

This points to the relevance of the principal's role as an organizational leader with responsibilities to orienting with enthusiasm and effectiveness a staff of qualified and capable individuals. Especially in the inclusion context, where staff members will have particular insight as well as a particular opportunity where given proper academic and creative freedom, Principal Skinner indicates that this mode of distributed leadership is necessary. Indeed, Principal Skinner makes the case that one would have to be particularly attuned to the practices and conventions of special education in order to effectively delegate charges to educators and advocates.
This is also the case where English Language Learner (ELL) students are present in a school. Including these learners who have a particular and specialized set of needs requires the principal to preside over a certain cultural tenor at a school. Indeed, one of the more complex snares of bridging the language gap through….

Principal-Agent Model in Economics and Political Science
The international political perspectives of free trade

A Global Analysis

International Trade Impact on Tunisia

The Export of agricultural products

International trade and development of Tunisia

Balance in the Trade egime

Imports and exports of Tunisia



Coping With External and Internal Pressures

The Common External Tariff (CET)

Safeguard Measures

Anti-Dumping Duties (ADDs) and Countervailing Duties (CVDs)

ules of origin

The New Commercial Policy Instrument

Sector Based Aspects

GATT/WTO's Main Principles

Non-discriminatory trade

Multilateral negotiation and free trade

The Trading Policies of European Union

Critical Political Economy


The Gross Domestic Product of Tunisia

The eal Data Analysis of Import Export Companies in Tunisia

The Smith Co Company

The Softkim and Lovers Limited

The Impact of Free Trade on Tunisia Trading 43

Findings 44

Conclusion 44

eferences 46



Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific


Alternative Mediterranean Conference


Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference


Association of South-East Asian Nations


Confidence-building measures


Central and Eastern European countries


Common Foreign and Security Policy


Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe


European Community


European Environmental Bureau


European Economic Community


European Investment Bank


Euro-Mediterranean Human ights Network


Euro-Mediterranean Partnership


European Parliament


European Political Cooperation



Strengths and Weaknesses of Curriculum Evaluation Models: Views from an Elementary School PrincipalAs the principal of an elementary school, I am tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that our curriculum meets our states educational standards and enriches the lives of our young learners. In this task, evaluating and refining our curriculum is of utmost importance. This essay reviews five curriculum evaluation models, compares their strengths and weaknesses, and selects the most suitable model for our school. In the following sections, I give a detailed analysis of Tylers Objective Model, Stufflebeams CIPP Model, Stakes esponsive Model, Scrivens Goal-Free Model, and Kirkpatricks Hierarchy of Evaluation. Each of these models has its own approaches and perspectives on curriculum evaluation, and it is helpful for me as a principal to understand their implications in the context of an elementary school setting. After this, I discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each model, considering factors….

As Principal, I would certainly notify Ms. Paulson immediately regarding this issue. This initial action would be specifically in accordance with her individual rights. Additionally, this preliminary notification would provide her with an opportunity to confess to any wrongful action or provide other information that could be potentially helpful to (or even negate) any further investigation. Hopefully, some useful data leading to appropriate routes for corrective actions will be birthed from this interaction. Though even if no help comes of this tactic, it is nevertheless clear that many core principles of teacher supervision, evaluation and even educational law are relevant in this case.

Supervisory issues with reference to this matter would unquestionably rest on the shoulders of Ms. Paulson. As a primary educational advocate in the classroom, she is ultimately responsible for creating and maintaining an effective means of supervising her students. If for any reason she feels unable to….

Human relations are vital. Teachers must trust each other, there must be norms that support productive criticism, and there must be techniques in place for combining and resolving disputes. Arrangements need to be in place that generates discussion for problem identification and decision making. These arrangements could be things such as normal team meetings amid teachers at the same grade level or department meetings within high schools and middle schools. Frequently useful are school connections to inside and outside sources of knowledge and scrutiny coupled to a readiness to learn from such sources. Also, schools must work to secure the power to proceed with actions that might go against existing policies and practices. By doing this they master the micro-politics of their districts and their communities.
In schools where circumstances to maintain collaborative problem solving are not in place, leaders must expertly manage two plans at the same time. They….

Intervention Effectiveness
esponse to instruction and intervention TI2 is reported as a general approach in education to closing the gap in achievement. TI2 methods are constructed upon the esponse to Intervention (TI) model that was an option for schools under the 'Building the Legacy, Idea 2004 reauthorization of the individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA. (California Department of Education, 2011) TI and the expanded TI2 are reported as being based upon "17 years of practice that has refined continuous progress monitoring as a strategy for keeping students on a path toward success." (California Department of Education, 2011) TI is reported as a strategy that moves all students through the steps set out in the learning standards and is further more stated to be an approach that views both academic and behavioral achievement of students.

Tier 1-3

Tier 1 included the 'Universal Interventions' which include "preventive, proactive, universal intervention in all subjects and….

Money Hurts Economy Analyze compare effectiveness (A) thesis statements (B) evidence, (C) rhetorical strategies (logos, ethos, pathos) dentify essay thought effective explain .
Rick Rilley's essay "Nothing but Nets," Stanley Fish's essay "But Didn't Do t" and David Wolman's essay "Time to Cash Out: Why Paper Money Hurts the Economy" all address contemporary issues and are all meant to emphasize how apparently simple ideas can bring reform to society. All of these essays are directed at raising public awareness concerning concepts that many people today currently believe to be insignificant when compared to the world's greater goal to experience progress through technology and finances.

Rilley's thesis deals with making it possible for the masses to understand how some small interventions can save lives and can help individuals combat maladies that claim thousands of lives every year. The writer concentrates on producing solid evidence with regard to how a sum as….

Leadership Styles Among Male and Female Principal
It is the intention of this research to study the leadership and cognitive styles of teachers and instructors of both genders within the educational system and their preference for types of leadership in a principal of that institution.

The research will include teachers and educators from all levels of the educational system from grade school to high school. The study will also include teachers and instructors from all major academic fields of study offered in public and private schools. The studies conducted thus far in the educational arena indicate that teachers are equally inclined towards different cognitive styles.

Teachers prefer a mix of idealist, analytical and realistic cognitive styles of leadership in their Principals. Studies have also indicated that teachers prefer that principals are people oriented and task oriented in their approach to running the school or institution. In addition, teachers also prefer that the Principal….

Leading and Effectiveness

Transformational Leadership
The roles of any organization need to be firmly defined and adequately expressed in order for that organization to reach its highest potential. Within the organization there are different levels of leadership that dictate the flow and style of how those quality inherently resonate within each and every individual within that organization.

The educational system is an adequate if not superior means to test the effects of transformational leadership on the overall performance levels of an any given educational institution. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of transformational and shared instructional leadership on school performance as measured by the quality of pedagogy and the achievement of the students.

In order to accomplish this, this essay will first give background information on the subject of transformational leadership and define key terms that will serve as a basis for the argument. The next section of this writing will be….

Quality Management System and Continuous Improvement
Six Sigma Strategy for Continuous Improvement

Implementing Six Sigma

Lean Strategy for Continuous Improvement

Lean and Sig Sigma Interrelated

Industrial application of lean / six sigma

Lean / Six Sigma in Service Industry

Lean / Six Sigma in Manufacturing Industry

Lean / Six Sigma in Construction Industry

Lean / Six Sigma in Mining Industry

Effectiveness of the Lean / Six Sigma in the Industry

Population and Sampling

In the business management strategy, quality plays a major role for global organizations that seeks market competitive position through achieving customer satisfaction more successfully, advancing on internal business processes and reducing cost. The process of globalization is shrinking the market place, creating new avenues for business and confronting them with more challenges and international competition. Under such scenario customer expectations are growing as they can find variety and easy substitute of product and service whereas the products are getting complex day by day. Companies who doesn't prepare themselves for….

In fact, as early as the 1989-1990 school years, school-based decision making was implemented in three elementary schools in the Memphis City School System (Smith, Valesky & Horgan, 1991). Based on this seminal initiative, improvements were cited in: (a) the coordination provided by the school councils; (b) school-based staff development activities; (c) support and services provided by the district central office; (d) data and reports provided to the individual schools; and (e) the value of the school improvement plans (Smith et al., 1991).
A relevant study of the school-based decision-making process in the State of Tennessee by Etheridge (1990) evaluated the impact of different leadership styles used by school principals on the effectiveness of the school-based decision-making process in seven local school councils in Memphis including their elementary schools following their first 15 months of operation. According to Etheridge, the composition of SBDM councils in Tennessee largely reflects those being….

Surveys More on Scaling

Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers
In this study by Ohanian, a scale used in measuring celebrity endorsers' expertise, trustworthiness as well as attractiveness is developed. Psychometric scale development protocols are followed for testing the data reliability and validity as well. In addition, this study uses two exploratory and confirmatory samples to initiate a 15-item scale measuring the celebrity endorsers' characteristics. This article complies fully with Churchill's recommendations in several fronts as outlined below.

Several sources are researched on to identify words, phrases, and adjectives to use for this research's questionnaire; this results in the development of several adjectives describing personality traits. During the construction of the scale, 182 adjectives are identified of which some were eliminated to about 139 adjectives. Additionally, the 139 descriptors were further trimmed by a group of 38 college students; the researcher believed the words were unfamiliar with respondents, to 104.

For the identification of celebrities for the study,….

Regional Development

Regional Development
The differences in the level of development in the world regions emanates from the regional disparities in the individual country economies. This result in regional inequality within that country; therefore, regional inequality with respect to a country is the eminent disparity between the living standards that apply in that country. It is a hard task to quantify the level of development, prosperity or poverty in a country or region. However, some indicators show the level of development. Across the world, every nation has a challenge in achieving regional development equality, the difference coming in through the degrees of underdevelopment. The most affected nations by the inequality balance rank are the developing third world nations, Nigeria being among them. Nigeria has a rich endowment of natural resources, minerals and able population. However, the country faces a challenge in establishing itself as an economic superpower in Africa and the world at….

Leadeship Skills Impact Intenational Education

Pactical Cicumstances of Intenational schools


What is Effective Leadeship fo Today's Schools?

Challenges of Intecultual Communication

Challenges of Diffeing Cultual Values

Impotance of the Team

Leadeship Style


Cuent Leadeship Reseach

Tansfomational Leadeship


Contingency Theoies


Wagne's "Buy-in" vs. Owneship

Undestanding the Ugent Need fo Change

Reseach confims what teaches, students, paents and supeintendents have long known: the individual school is the key unit fo educational impovement, and within the school the pincipal has a stong influence upon the natue of the school, the conditions unde which students lean, and upon what and how much they lean. Despite this ageement about the cental ole of the pincipal, thee is little eseach concening the chaacteistics of pincipals associated with effective leadeship and with pupil accomplishment, and even less insight about how these chaacteistics might be developed and by what means, paticulaly fo intenational school settings.….

7 Pages


Principal Effectiveness Serving as an

Words: 2044
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

This points us toward the concept of distributed leadership, which is increasingly cited as a mode to effective principalship. In many ways, the emergence of distributed leadership represents a…

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3 Pages


Principal Leadership in Instruction the

Words: 867
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This points to the relevance of the principal's role as an organizational leader with responsibilities to orienting with enthusiasm and effectiveness a staff of qualified and capable individuals.…

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45 Pages


Principal-Agent Model in Economics and Political Science

Words: 12148
Length: 45 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Principal-Agent Model in Economics and Political Science The international political perspectives of free trade A Global Analysis International Trade Impact on Tunisia The Export of agricultural products International trade and development of Tunisia Balance…

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10 Pages


Principal's Perspective on Curriculum Evaluation

Words: 3078
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Strengths and Weaknesses of Curriculum Evaluation Models: Views from an Elementary School PrincipalAs the principal of an elementary school, I am tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that our…

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6 Pages


Action as Principal I Would Certainly Notify

Words: 1901
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Action As Principal, I would certainly notify Ms. Paulson immediately regarding this issue. This initial action would be specifically in accordance with her individual rights. Additionally, this preliminary notification…

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30 Pages
Literature Review


Curriculum the Principals Role in

Words: 9119
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Human relations are vital. Teachers must trust each other, there must be norms that support productive criticism, and there must be techniques in place for combining and resolving…

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10 Pages
Literature Review Chapter


Response to Intervention Effectiveness

Words: 3002
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Literature Review Chapter

Intervention Effectiveness esponse to instruction and intervention TI2 is reported as a general approach in education to closing the gap in achievement. TI2 methods are constructed upon the esponse…

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4 Pages


Money Hurts Economy Analyze Compare Effectiveness A

Words: 1178
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Money Hurts Economy Analyze compare effectiveness (A) thesis statements (B) evidence, (C) rhetorical strategies (logos, ethos, pathos) dentify essay thought effective explain . Rick Rilley's essay "Nothing but Nets,"…

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50 Pages
Term Paper


Leadership Styles Among Male and Female Principal and How Teachers Rate Their Principals

Words: 14019
Length: 50 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership Styles Among Male and Female Principal It is the intention of this research to study the leadership and cognitive styles of teachers and instructors of both genders within the…

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15 Pages
Research Proposal


Leading and Effectiveness

Words: 3836
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Transformational Leadership The roles of any organization need to be firmly defined and adequately expressed in order for that organization to reach its highest potential. Within the organization there are…

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20 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Generic Application and Effectiveness of Lean Six Sigma Practices Across Diverse Industry Types

Words: 5903
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Quality Management System and Continuous Improvement Six Sigma Strategy for Continuous Improvement Implementing Six Sigma Lean Strategy for Continuous Improvement Lean and Sig Sigma Interrelated Industrial application of lean / six sigma Lean / Six…

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20 Pages
Literature Review


Perceptions of Elementary Teachers in

Words: 5192
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Literature Review

In fact, as early as the 1989-1990 school years, school-based decision making was implemented in three elementary schools in the Memphis City School System (Smith, Valesky & Horgan,…

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5 Pages


Surveys More on Scaling

Words: 1516
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers In this study by Ohanian, a scale used in measuring celebrity endorsers' expertise, trustworthiness as well as attractiveness is developed. Psychometric scale development protocols are…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Regional Development

Words: 3041
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Regional Development The differences in the level of development in the world regions emanates from the regional disparities in the individual country economies. This result in regional inequality within that…

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108 Pages
Term Paper


Leadership in International Schools

Words: 29649
Length: 108 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadeship Skills Impact Intenational Education CHALLENGES OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Pactical Cicumstances of Intenational schools THE IMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION What is Effective Leadeship fo Today's Schools? Challenges of Intecultual Communication Challenges of Diffeing…

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