Promoting Health Essays (Examples)

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Health Status
Health promotion among diverse populations

Health status of a minority group: African-Americans

As is the case with all precious commodities, good health is not distributed equally throughout the population. Profound disparities exist between genders, ethnic groups, religious groups, and also between races. While some of these differences may be attributed to genetics, environmental and social trends as well as epigenetic factors (the interaction between environment and one's genetic makeup) are also factors. This paper will specifically focus on the current health status of African-Americans as relative to whites and to the American population at large and suggest interventions to improve that status.

African-Americans: Current health status

Overall, the health status of African-Americans as a group is considerably worse than that of the general population based upon a wide array of health indicators. African-Americans are disproportionately more likely to suffer from and die from chronic illnesses like heart disease and high blood pressure.: African-Americans….

There are many instances however, including several ongoing issues, that suggest the EPA serves certain political, economic, and even corporate interests receive disproportionate attention and perhaps concessions form the EPA (Peterson 2009; UCS 2009). In general, though, the EPA is concerned with large-scale environmental public health concerns for all (EPA 2009).
The EPA's structure is relatively simple, especially compared with many other governmental agencies. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and has ten regional offices throughout the United States (EPA 2009). In addition, the EPA has over a dozen independent laboratories used to analyze environmental pollutants and their spread and effect, providing many sources of ultimately highly centralized information (EPA 2009). The internal organization of the EPA is slightly more complex, with several administrative, scientific, and practical offices working as discrete units within the cohesive whole of the federal EPA (EPA 2009). Each of these separate offices and departments work….

Health Structures in Government Levels
Health at different Government Levels

Health Structures at Government Levels

Health at Government Levels

A national government has a task in ensuring quality health assurance standards across its region are up-to-date. Similarly, increased rates of unexpected epidemics have put governments under the surge of dealing accordingly with factors that can affect the nation directly and indirectly. Different governmental levels of health are identified and objectified in various agency websites. In this context, I have identified with a state level website; Illinois Public Health Institute website. Information presented to the website articles prioritizes in reducing and preventive, curative diseases, complementing health policies and championing for environmental changes.

Website Article eview

The Illinois Public Health institute articulates its review and implication to health quality through partnership programs. The website has supported state-oriented health involvement in ameliorating health levels, in Illinois. The institution has show-cased partnering programs with the Illinois State Board of Health,….

Healthcare Inequalities
Are healthcare inequalities UK

Defining Health Inequality

The term healthcare disparity or healthcare differences have been defined in a number of ways. Healthcare inequality can be defined as the difference of the health levels of any tow comparable demographic groups within a certain country or a region even when proper healthcare facilities are available. The inclusive incidences include higher rates of mortality as well as morbidity within the people who belong to lower occupational classes and are poorer. These rates are higher as compared to the mortality rates in the people who belong to better occupational classes being richer and more privileged. Second important aspect that has been highlighted in the definitions of healthcare inequality includes increased rates of occurrence of mental healthcare-based issues in people from poor classes.

A number of countries have been highlighted with healthcare inequalities including Canada and UK. Since 1980, the documentation of healthcare inequality in UK….

Why access to healthcare has become an issue in the U.S.

According to a 2010 Gallup Poll, Americans named access to services the "top issue" in health care ("Americans Name Healthcare Access Top U.S. Health Issue," 2010). Empirical research also reveals that access is the top problem in the American health care system at the moment, as "tens of millions of adults under age 65 -- both those with insurance and those without -- saw their access to health care worsen dramatically over the past decade," (Galewitz, 2012). The reasons for the problems related to access stem from social justice and cost barriers (Galewitz, 2012). Health care is simply too expensive for most Americans. As a result, many are delaying seeking treatment. The situation is as true for the insured as the uninsured, showing that health care access is a systemic problem (Young, 2012, p. 1). The 2010 Patient Protection and….

Figure 1 portrays the state of Maryland, the location for the focus of this DR.

Figure 1: Map of Maryland, the State (Google Maps, 2009)

1.3 Study Structure

Organization of the Study

The following five chapters constitute the body of Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter II: Review of the Literature

Chapter III: Methods and Results

Chapter IV: Chapter V: Conclusions, Recommendations, and Implications

Chapter I: Introduction

During Chapter I, the researcher presents this study's focus, as it relates to the background of the study's focus, the area of study, the four research questions, the significance of the study, and the research methodology the researcher utilized to complete this study.

Chapter II: Review of the Literature in Chapter II, the researcher explores information accessed from researched Web sites; articles; books; newspaper excerpts; etc., relevant to considerations of the disparity in access to health care services between rural and urban residence in Maryland and the impact of the lack of financial resources. The….

Promoting Physical Activity and Active Communities
In recent years, obesity has become a major global problem that is associated with a wide range of adverse physical and psychosocial healthcare outcomes. In developed nations such as Australia, childhood and adolescent obesity has assumed near-epidemic levels as a result of poor nutritional habits and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, but other socioeconomic factors have been shown to play a role in the prevalence of obesity as well. Therefore, identifying current trends and best practices represents a timely and valuable enterprise, the significance of which is discussed further below.

Significance of the Health Issue in Australia

Because the healthcare needs of populations change over time, formulating effective health promotion interventions is a challenging endeavor, but such interventions are needed to help contribute to a framework in which a wide range of individuals, groups and sectors of society can receive the social support services they need (Developing a….

The article states, "The enormous human and economic costs associated with occupational stress suggest that initiatives designed to prevent and/or reduce employee stress should be high on the agenda of workplace health promotion (HP) programs" (Noblet, LaMontagne, 2006, p. 346).
Along with the article's assertion that reducing employee stress should be beneficial to both the individual and the company, the article also documents the many problems that can occur due to stress in the workplace. The article espouses, "For employees, chronic exposure to stressful situations such as work overload, poor supervisory support and low input into decision-making have been cross-sectionally and prospectively linked to a range of debilitating health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, emotional exhaustion, immune deficiency disorders and cardiovascular disease" (Noblet, p. 347). Many of these illnesses are debilitating and can be long-term which adds to the company's cost due to employee absence(s) directly affecting the company's bottom line.


Health and Socio-Cultual Factors
Health and Socio-Cultural Factors

Health and Socio cultural Factors

Health and Socio-Cultural Factors

Health and Socio-Cultural Factors

The value of health being wealth is as old as the history of mankind. People of all times have their philosophies related to healthcare and they developed the precautions and treatment according to their specified theories. As the changes take place in every aspect of life, the theories of healthcare and causes of diseases were also developed and the new concepts were promoted to replace the old concepts and practices.

This paper casts light upon causes of disease and illness with regard to classical and modern concepts. The paper explains the differences between the two concepts and elaborates how the new concepts are better than the classical ones.

Classical Concepts about Health

The classical statement about health was 'Illness is simply a matter of bad luck, bad judgment, or bad genetics'. This concept was based on biological….

Health Care -- Ethical Issues in Evaluation Research -- California Tobacco Control Program
The CTCP is a statewide program using a number of individuals and is, therefore, subject to a number of potential ethical problems. The number and scope of those potential ethical problems is limited only by the private agendas of these individuals, the parameters of the program, and safeguards used by program administrators/staff to counteract those potential problems. Given the "public health" nature and concerns of the CTCP, its adherence to the highest ethical standards is not only warranted but would also be beneficial for the CTCP's ongoing work in controlling tobacco use. In addition, the final evaluation plan for CTCP follows.


Identify and discuss potential ethical issues where your health/social program is concerned. How might these impact your evaluation? How might these be overcome?

Since human beings have their own agendas, and since the CTCP is a statewide program with….

Nursing Case Study and Theoretical Knowledge of Healthcare System
Significant evidence shows that the responsibilities of the primary and acute care nurses vary significantly. The variation creates differences in the scope of work for the nurses, as they are engaged in different job perspectives. Primary and acute care nurses provide an array of services that aim at promoting health, preventing the occurrence of diseases, treating the sick, and providing the e clients with services, meeting their needs alongside creating public awareness to issues that affect their health and well-being. The difference of the services provided by the two becomes evident by the fact that the acute care nurses provide their services to patients who are critically sick, creating continuum variation in the services provided. In addition, nurses involved in the provision of nursing care services in the acute setups require specialized knowledge, skills, and expertise that allows them to provide hope….

Community Teaching Proposal for Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
The objective of this study is to create a community teaching proposal for primary prevention and health promotion. The work of Kulbok, wet al (2012) reports that public health nursing practice is "population focused and requires unique knowledge, competencies, and skills." (p.1) Public health nursing makes the requirement of working with communities and populations "as equal partner and focusing on primary prevention and health promotion." (Kulbok, et al., 2012, p.1)

Community Teaching

Community teaching for primary prevention and health promotion involves educating community members about what is required to address primary prevention and promotion of health. This can be accomplished through community-wide meetings held at a central location in the community. As noted by Kulbok et al. (2012) "In the 21st century, public health nurses practice in diverse settings including, but not limited to, community nursing centers; home health agencies; housing developments; local and state health….

health care promotion in the field of Canadian nursing. he author draws from several sources to describe the history of health care promotion in Canada and how it has changed over the years. here were nine sources used to complete this paper.
he field of health care in Canada is an ever evolving industry. Over the past few decades there have been significant changes in the method of delivery as well as the parameters of the job description (Mustard, 1991). Nurses used to be charged with changing bed pans and taking temperatures but the field has evolved to the point that nursing is a demanding and respected profession. oday, nurses work closely with physicians, nutritionists, patients and their families to coordinate and deliver the most optimum health care possible. In keeping with the new more broadly defined role that nurses play in the field of health care the promotion of….

A Model Healthcare Delivery System Introduction
The healthcare delivery system also referred to in short as the HCDS is the most effective system that works for most healthcare organizations in all countries with fair, effective and efficient distribution of resources. It is a fast growing service that demands attention from various quarters and domains. At the optimal level, the service program presents relief and hope to the individual, and the general population. The system offers a balanced quality care service through efficiency and fairness. HCDS varies across the world but its focus is constantly on enhancing healthcare access, quality of service and coverage. The success of the program is dependent on the availability of certain basic resources (Kumar & Bano, 2017, p. 1).
HCDS is how the society has responded to the health determinants. The idea of a healthcare system contemplates involving the people that are likely to be served by such a….

Osteoporosis and the Health Belief Model
Discuss the Health Belief Model

The Health Belief Model was initially a systematic mode of predicating and thus preventing health behavior. By focusing on the relationship between the practices and the behaviors of health services it aimed to create a theoretical presentation of the same. Later it was revised to motivate the general health for the 'purpose of distinguishing illness and sick-role behavior from health behavior'. [Brown, 1999] The HBM is essentially a concept that integrates psychological motivators with physical and social settings. Its said to have been initiated in 1952 by three socio-psychologists, Godfrey Hochbaum, Stephen Kegels and Irwin osenstock. During the 1950's the society realized a need to prevent disease rather than cure it. The U.S. Public Health Service was more concerned with preventing outbreaks which would have a nationwide impact than with trying to solve and cure the symptoms that individuals came up….

1. The impact of marketing and advertising on children's food choices and their contribution to the rise in childhood obesity
2. The role of schools in combating childhood obesity through nutrition education and healthy meal options
3. The connection between socioeconomic status and childhood obesity rates
4. The importance of regular physical activity and its impact on reducing childhood obesity
5. The effects of digital devices and screen time on childhood obesity rates
6. The influence of parents and family habits on children's weight and eating habits
7. The challenges of addressing childhood obesity in minority and marginalized communities
8. The long-term health implications of childhood obesity....

Impact of Electronic Medical Records on Patient Care

The benefits and challenges of using electronic medical records (EMRs) in healthcare delivery
How EMRs have improved the accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of patient information
The role of EMRs in reducing medical errors and improving patient safety
The potential risks to patient privacy and security associated with EMRs
The impact of EMRs on the patient-physician relationship and trust

Technological Considerations for EMR Implementation

The key technological requirements and challenges for successful EMR implementation
The different types of EMR systems available and their respective strengths and weaknesses
The importance of data interoperability and standards....

1. The Impact of Substance Abuse on Families and Communities

Substance abuse has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the individual abuser. It can have a devastating impact on families and communities, leading to a range of social, economic, and health problems. This essay topic explores the ways in which substance abuse affects families and communities, including the increased risk of domestic violence, child abuse, and neglect, as well as the financial burden of substance abuse treatment and the strain on community resources. It also examines the role of nurses in addressing the impact of substance abuse on families and communities, through....

Title: The Opioid Epidemic: A Multifaceted Crisis with Profound Social, Economic, and Public Health Implications

The opioid epidemic has become a significant public health crisis in the United States, causing widespread devastation and claiming countless lives. This essay aims to explore the multifaceted nature of the opioid epidemic, delving into its social, economic, and public health implications. By analyzing the causes, consequences, and strategies for addressing this crisis, we can gain a deeper understanding of its impact on individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole.

1. Historical and Cultural Context:
The opioid epidemic has deep-rooted historical and cultural origins. Understanding the evolution....

4 Pages
Research Paper


Promoting Health Amongst African-Americans

Words: 1166
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Health Status Health promotion among diverse populations Health status of a minority group: African-Americans As is the case with all precious commodities, good health is not distributed equally throughout the population. Profound…

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5 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

EPA Health Promoting Health Through

Words: 1479
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

There are many instances however, including several ongoing issues, that suggest the EPA serves certain political, economic, and even corporate interests receive disproportionate attention and perhaps concessions form…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Health Structures in Government Levels Health at

Words: 1071
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Health Structures in Government Levels Health at different Government Levels Health Structures at Government Levels Health at Government Levels A national government has a task in ensuring quality health assurance standards across its…

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5 Pages


Healthcare Inequalities Are Healthcare Inequalities UK Defining

Words: 1638
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Inequalities Are healthcare inequalities UK Defining Health Inequality The term healthcare disparity or healthcare differences have been defined in a number of ways. Healthcare inequality can be defined as the difference…

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2 Pages


Healthcare Why Access to Healthcare Has Become

Words: 685
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Why access to healthcare has become an issue in the U.S. According to a 2010 Gallup Poll, Americans named access to services the "top issue" in health care ("Americans Name…

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67 Pages


Health Care Disparity in Maryland

Words: 18449
Length: 67 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Figure 1 portrays the state of Maryland, the location for the focus of this DR. Figure 1: Map of Maryland, the State (Google Maps, 2009) 1.3 Study Structure Organization of the Study The…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Promoting Physical Activity and Active Communities

Words: 1267
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Promoting Physical Activity and Active Communities In recent years, obesity has become a major global problem that is associated with a wide range of adverse physical and psychosocial healthcare outcomes.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care Zwetsloot G Pot

Words: 789
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The article states, "The enormous human and economic costs associated with occupational stress suggest that initiatives designed to prevent and/or reduce employee stress should be high on the…

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5 Pages

Not Specified

Health and Socio-Cultual Factors Health and Socio-Cultural

Words: 1535
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Health and Socio-Cultual Factors Health and Socio-Cultural Factors Health and Socio cultural Factors Health and Socio-Cultural Factors Health and Socio-Cultural Factors The value of health being wealth is as old as the history of…

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4 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Health Care -- Ethical Issues in Evaluation

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Care -- Ethical Issues in Evaluation Research -- California Tobacco Control Program The CTCP is a statewide program using a number of individuals and is, therefore, subject to a…

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6 Pages
Case Study


Health Promotion Strategies and Methods DQ

Words: 2450
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Nursing Case Study and Theoretical Knowledge of Healthcare System Significant evidence shows that the responsibilities of the primary and acute care nurses vary significantly. The variation creates differences in the…

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3 Pages


Health Promotion and Primary Prevention

Words: 808
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Community Teaching Proposal for Primary Prevention/Health Promotion The objective of this study is to create a community teaching proposal for primary prevention and health promotion. The work of Kulbok, wet…

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2 Pages


Health Care Promotion in the Field of

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

health care promotion in the field of Canadian nursing. he author draws from several sources to describe the history of health care promotion in Canada and how it…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare Delivery System Model

Words: 2778
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A Model Healthcare Delivery System Introduction The healthcare delivery system also referred to in short as the HCDS is the most effective system that works for most healthcare organizations in all…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Health Promotion Health Belief

Words: 1164
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Osteoporosis and the Health Belief Model Discuss the Health Belief Model The Health Belief Model was initially a systematic mode of predicating and thus preventing health behavior. By focusing on the…

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