Prophet Muhammad Essays (Examples)

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Muhammad and Islam
The Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah, a city in the present-day Saudi Arabia in 570 C.E. Muhammad received divine revelations (The Holy Quran) over a period of 23 years in the seventh century of the Christian Era and he developed the five pillars of Islam: the testimony of faith, which says there is no deity but God (Allah) and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God; daily prayer at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and night; an annual payment of 2.5% of a Muslim's wealth which is distributed among the needy; fasting from dawn to sunset during the month of amadan; and Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are physically and financially able. Muslims believe that he is the last Messenger sent by God for the guidance of mankind until the Day of Judgment.

Known records of Muhammad's spiritual life begin when he was thirty-five years….

The Shi'is also believe in martyrdom, Hussayn's intended and benevolent sacrifice being their way to salvation just as Jesus' is for the Christians. The Shi'is believe that God's words were brought to the world only by means of the Prophet and his inheritors, the twelve divinely inspired Imams, starting with Ali. The last one will reveal himself at the end of the world to bring justice in a world that is unjust starting with the appointment of the first of Muhammad's successors and relieve its people from oppression and suffering.
So, the differences and the similarities between the Shi'is and the Sunnis rely on the issue of succession at the leadership of the ummah after Mohammned's death. Mohammed's life accounts and his words are not contested by the shi'is, they are putting under discussion the rightfulness of the decision in flavor of one leader or another to follow Mohammed. The….

Life of Muhammad and Islam History: Medina and the Emergence as the Prophet of Allah
Muhammad, the prophet of Allah, is considered the Muslims' direct link to the god of Islam. orn from the Quraysh tribe of Mecca and orphaned at an early age, Muhammad lived a life of comfort for the first 40 years of his life. However, at the age 40, it was indoctrinated that Muhammad had "experienced" Islam when angel Gabriel informed him that he was Allah's "chosen messenger" (Dallal, 2002). Indeed, with this new revelation sent to him, Muhammad had started preaching the news of Allah and Islam, spreading the new religion to lands and nations that will become the cradle of Islam nations (the present Middle Eastern Islamic nations).

One of the earliest followers of Muhammad to spread the new religion of Islam was his wife, Khadija, who was 15 years Muhammad's senior. However, Muhammad's task….

Medina Charter" Prophet Muhammed's reign 1948 "International Declaration Human Rights" in terms similarities differences. (Please essay simple eyes). Font: 14 times roman
Even with the fact that the masses have been accustomed to considering that human rights have not been a priority for most major powers from around the world until the second half of the twentieth century, the truth is that humanity has expressed great interest in the concept centuries before this moment. Muhammad founded the Medina Constitution in 622 A.D. with the purpose of having a complex community of Muslims, Jewish individuals, and pagans living together in harmony. It is very intriguing that this Charter was issued thirteen centuries earlier than the Universal Declaration of Human Rights when taking account that the latter contains a great deal of ideas present in the former.

hile the Medina Charter can be perceived as a rough and faulty draft of the Universal….

Mohammed Professional Values
In Hey. I a research paper "Professional Work Values life Prophet Mohammad" Your research answer questions 1.What values? 2.What impact values? Use business corporate evidence prove argument. 3.How values a foundation organizational culture unifies Human Capital a diverse nature a contemporary organization?.

Professional work values and leadership: The life of the prophet Mohammed

The founder of Islam, the prophet Mohammed, is mainly known as a spiritual leader. But many of the values he embodied in his life would also be instructive for the world of business. Mohammed was a man committed his vision and values, just like all business leaders must be, to ensure that their followers believe that the organization is delivering something unique to consumers. Mohammed's life as well as his words continues to inspire people of all faiths.

Even before he became a religious figure, Mohammed was famous for his honesty and trustworthiness. "When young boy, Muhammad worked….

Jesus and Mohammed -- Their Lives & Legacies
Jesus Christ and Mohammed are thought of historically -- and today as well -- as the two individuals that have probably had the greatest impact on the world in a spiritual and religious context. hile other iconic spiritual and religious leaders have made their mark on history and society, Jesus (who founded Christianity; today there are an estimated 2.8 billion followers) and Mohammed (Islam's most holy figure; there are an estimated 2.2 billion Muslims), Jesus was believed to be the Son of God, who came to earth to offer humans an opportunity to have everlasting life. Mohammed, on the other hand, is believed to be the prophet who received the text of Islam from God and led the growth of Islam.

This paper traces the lives of Jesus and Mohammed, compares the impact that their deaths had on society, describes the way in which….

lives Jesus Mohammed relation respective religion. The paper formatted APA guidelines, include research sources. Be complete steps paper: 1. Trace lives Jesus Mohammed historically.
Jesus and Mohammed

Standing as the two principal religions on the planet, Christianity and Islam are most recognized for the individuals who made it possible for them to exist. Jesus is the major figure in the world of Christianity while Mohamed is the central figure in the Islamic world. Given religion is presently one of the most debated topics, one of the best methods of understanding each of the two religious faiths would be to analyze the characters that stand at the base of each of them.

Although there is no exact evidence to demonstrate when Jesus was born, most sources point toward the belief that the act occurred somewhere before the death of King Herod the Great. There are a series of scholarly accounts meant to discuss….

The impact each has had on their respective followers, as well as the millions of other individuals who choose not to follow their teachings is overwhelming in nature. For two individuals who lived so many centuries ago to still hold sway over such a large portion of the population is a testament to their influence. Currently both Mohammed and Jesus are honored on special days throughout the year, and more than that they are also venerated and revered every single day by millions of faithful followers of their respective teachings.

The teachings of Jesus are currently being presented through the Christian Bible and primarily through the four gospels of the New Testament. These four books were written approximately forty to sixty years after the death of Jesus and relate the stories of his life and times. "hat Christians believe about Jesus' life and teachings is based largely on biblical texts, primarily….

As an adolescent, Mohamed managed to make use of his businessman nature and his remarkable communicational skills. At the age of twenty five he was entrusted with taking care of the caravans of a rich widow which he later married. Being very fond of religion, Mohamed paid a great interest to udaism and Christianity, but was quick to dispose of both of them as he didn't share the principles of the two. He often visited a temple in Mecca where people were worshiping three hundred and sixty Gods. Mohamed felt attracted by Allah, the moon God, and began to claim that the moon God had been the one true God people should worship. As a very religious man that he had been, Mohamed was known to dedicate several weeks to the divinity by praying in a cave near Mecca where he allegedly had numerous visions of God and of….

Mohammedan Times
The Diet and Lifestyle of the Followers of Mohammed

People who lived during the time of Mohammed followed a specific dietary system and lifestyle which was modeled on that of the prophet. The diet was natural and holistic and the lifestyle was as well. For example, after morning prayers, the prophet would dissolve a spoonful of honey in water and drink this, and his followers would do the same. The purpose of this was that not only would the honey sweeten the water but also it would prepare the digestive tract for the breakfast that was soon to follow (Abdalshafy, 2014). This honey juice was especially important in the life of Mohammed and his followers in maintaining a healthy, regimental lifestyle. This paper shall discuss other aspects of the lifestyle and dietary system of the followers of Mohammed at this point in time.

Breakfast for the followers of Mohammed consisted of….

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
The film, documentaries and the last docudrama are exceptional production pieces by notable directors and producers. Crouching tiger-hidden dragon defies the usual mantra of strength only attributed to men. Jen effectively acts as person having higher morals. The martial arts performance was exceptional, an unusual feature in Hollywood. Islam, the empire of faith is another documentary made on the rise of Islamic empire and the life of Prophet Mohammad having a great impact on establishment of religion. 'Gandhi' also remains an unquestioned production classic that eloquently portrays Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the unquestioned leader of India. The film sheds light on Hinduism as a religion and its faith and dogmas. Lastly, Kundan is a docudrama based on life of Dalai Lama. 'Kundan' might not have justified the stature of Buddhism in history of mankind but the piece of production remains an earnest effort on part of Martin Scorcese….

The association drawn between the leader's teachings and the principled disposition of his followers appeals to a modern Judeo-Christian vantage as well. As the documentary proceeds to its discussion on figures such as Jesus and Mohammed, the constancy of world religion becomes that much clearer. In many ways, Jesus and Muhammed may be perceived as twin pillars on a single continuum. Indeed, "Muhammed regarded himself as the last prophet of the Judaic-Christian tradition. He adopted aspects of these older religion's theologies while introducing new doctrines." (Katz, 1) Thus, it is not surprising that upon its inception into the world at around 570 CE, the Islamic religion produced a legal code which was monotheistic, centered on the prescription of ethical law and applicable in both the theocratic and civil arenas.

This law would likewise predispose the Muslim people to many rituals which echoed those of the Judeo Christian ethic. Like Jesus Christ….

Women and Islam the Western

Esposito finds that the premodernist revival movements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries contributed to the pattern of Islamic politics that developed and left a legacy for the twentieth century. These movements were motivated primarily in response to internal decay rather than external, colonial threat (Esposito 40-41).
At the same time, many areas of the Islamic world experienced the impact of the economic and military challenge of an emerging and modernizing est beginning in the eighteenth century. Declining Muslim fortunes also reversed the relationship of the Islamic world to the est, from that of an expanding offensive movement to a defensive posture. Muslim responses to these changes ranged from rejection to adaptation, from Islamic withdrawal to acculturation and reform. Some responded by secular reform, and by the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Islamic modernist movements had also developed in an attempt to bridge the gap between tradition and modernity….

The poems Catullus wrote to the woman Lesbia are among his best known. How would you characterize their affair?

Catallus describes a conflicted and stormy affair with the women of Lesbia. Sexual tension is evident in his poems, which have a strong erotic content. Therefore, his affairs were passionate and physical.

If the gender roles were reversed and the woman were the narrator, do you think this series of poems would read differently? Explain.

The poems would read differently not because their content would have changed but because they would subvert social norms. As a male, Catallus is allowed, almost expected to write such explicit details about his physical affairs including references to love and hatred. Females would have been more subtle because of the widespread social persecution they might suffer if they admitted to promiscuity or tumultuous romantic interludes especially with married people.

Catullus ends up calling his lady a whore. Would you….

Empires in Early Centuries

Byzantine Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean that extended from Syria, Egypt up to and across North Africa is seen to have made significant contact with the emerging Islamic world in the period from seventh and ninth Centuries. The seventh century saw the vast territories in these regions being ruled by the Byzantine Empire from Constantinople, the now Istanbul. These Southern provinces or territories were greatly influenced by the Greco-oman traditions and formed the home of Coptic, Orthodox and Syriac Christians and Jewish communities. These regions were critical to the wealth and the power of the empire. Great centers for pilgrimage saw large numbers of faithful visit the place coming from as far off as Yemen towards the East and Scandinavia towards the West. There were also major trade routes that extended all the way to India in the South that saw ferrying of silk and ivories into the region, commerce….

## Islam's Promotion of Equality

Islam, as a comprehensive religion, places great emphasis on fostering equality and inclusivity among its followers, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. This principle of equality is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran, the sacred text of Islam, and the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

### Quranic Teachings on Equality

The Quran repeatedly emphasizes that all human beings are created equal in the eyes of God. In Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 13, it states: "O mankind! We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and....

Women's Rights and Roles in Islam: A Comparison with Other Religious Traditions

Throughout history, women's rights and roles have been shaped by religious and cultural beliefs. Islam, like other major religions, has its own set of teachings that define women's status and responsibilities within society. While there are similarities among different religious traditions, there are also significant variations.


Islam: Islam strongly emphasizes the importance of education for both men and women. The Quran encourages Muslims to seek knowledge and wisdom, and it specifically mentions the right of women to education.

Christianity: Christianity also values education, but the role of women in formal education....

1 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Muhammad and Islam the Prophet Muhammad Was

Words: 410
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Muhammad and Islam The Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah, a city in the present-day Saudi Arabia in 570 C.E. Muhammad received divine revelations (The Holy Quran) over a period…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Islam the Prophet Muhammad Brought

Words: 1451
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Shi'is also believe in martyrdom, Hussayn's intended and benevolent sacrifice being their way to salvation just as Jesus' is for the Christians. The Shi'is believe that God's…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Islam and the Prophet Muhammad

Words: 1015
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Life of Muhammad and Islam History: Medina and the Emergence as the Prophet of Allah Muhammad, the prophet of Allah, is considered the Muslims' direct link to the god…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Medina Charter Prophet Muhammed's Reign 1948 International

Words: 1250
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Medina Charter" Prophet Muhammed's reign 1948 "International Declaration Human Rights" in terms similarities differences. (Please essay simple eyes). Font: 14 times roman Even with the fact that the masses…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Mohammed Professional Values in Hey I A

Words: 1271
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Mohammed Professional Values In Hey. I a research paper "Professional Work Values life Prophet Mohammad" Your research answer questions 1.What values? 2.What impact values? Use business corporate evidence prove argument.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Lives of Jesus and Mohammed in Relation to Each Respective Religion

Words: 1416
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Jesus and Mohammed -- Their Lives & Legacies Jesus Christ and Mohammed are thought of historically -- and today as well -- as the two individuals that have probably had…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Lives Jesus Mohammed Relation Respective Religion The

Words: 1353
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

lives Jesus Mohammed relation respective religion. The paper formatted APA guidelines, include research sources. Be complete steps paper: 1. Trace lives Jesus Mohammed historically. Jesus and Mohammed Standing as the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Jesus Mohammed Both Jesus and Mohammed

Words: 1063
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The impact each has had on their respective followers, as well as the millions of other individuals who choose not to follow their teachings is overwhelming in nature. For…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Jesus and Mohammed Since the

Words: 1074
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

As an adolescent, Mohamed managed to make use of his businessman nature and his remarkable communicational skills. At the age of twenty five he was entrusted with taking…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

What the Followers of Mohammed Did to Eat and Live

Words: 1034
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Mohammedan Times The Diet and Lifestyle of the Followers of Mohammed People who lived during the time of Mohammed followed a specific dietary system and lifestyle which was modeled on that…

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7 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon the Film Documentaries

Words: 2317
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon The film, documentaries and the last docudrama are exceptional production pieces by notable directors and producers. Crouching tiger-hidden dragon defies the usual mantra of strength only…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Pillars The Religious Common Thread

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

The association drawn between the leader's teachings and the principled disposition of his followers appeals to a modern Judeo-Christian vantage as well. As the documentary proceeds to its discussion…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Women and Islam the Western

Words: 4510
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Esposito finds that the premodernist revival movements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries contributed to the pattern of Islamic politics that developed and left a legacy for the…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Throned in Splendor Deathless O

Words: 1437
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

The poems Catullus wrote to the woman Lesbia are among his best known. How would you characterize their affair? Catallus describes a conflicted and stormy affair with the women of…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Empires in Early Centuries

Words: 1549
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Byzantine Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean that extended from Syria, Egypt up to and across North Africa is seen to have made significant contact with the emerging Islamic world…

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