Public Administration Essays (Examples)

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Public Administration
The ultimate aim of a public administrator is the provision of best facilities to the public and to make decisions in a way that have a positive influence on interest of the public. It is important for a public administrator to identify the problems that are being faced by the local people and then to devise strategies that are helpful in solving that problem. In this paper we will look at some of the basics of public administration for the best interest of the public.

Public administration can rightly be defined as the implementation of the policies made by the government in accordance with the academic discipline of the implementation of government policies as prepared by the civil servants (andom House Unabridged Dictionary).

The main goal of public administration is to enhance the management of the government and supervise the implementation of the policies so that the government can function in….

A great coalition of smaller firms aimed to defeat patronage and create an acceptable, predictable, regulatory environment; in other words, a credible commitment mechanism was needed, and politicians could supply this. This confluence of monitoring problem, change in political parties, and demand for security led to demand for a merit system that would offer legal security via impartial public agents, and that was less vulnerable to political manipulation (Shepherd, 2003).
Public administration is made up of two levels. One level consists of the political directorates like cabinets, councils and advisory bodies. Members of the political directorate may be elected, co-opted, nominated by interested groups or selected by some other means. The political directorate may also include members from the military or civil services. The other level comprises permanent career officials and bureaucratic organizations. Civil servants are supposed to be selected on merit, and spend their whole careers in the civil….

This is what is affectionately known as cutting through the red tape.
Politics and Administration

2. Whether or not administration should be separate from politics is one of the abiding controversies of our field. Describe Woodrow Wilson's and Frank Goodnow's positions (and why they argue what they do) on the matter. Then compare and contrast their ideas with those of Luther Gulick and Leonard White. How does Jane Addams conceive the issue of "separation" in rather different terms? Where do you stand on this issue?

The idea that public administration should be separate from politics has been around for years. This idea has been argued and debated between many theorists. Some believe that they should be separate. While others feel that it is impossible to separate them. What is right or wrong is up to each individual as well as society as a whole to determine.

Woodrow Wilson is often considered to be….

Public Administration
Woodrow's public administration and politics dichotomy is not workable. Politics cannot be practically divorced from public administration. In fact, there cannot be effective public administration without politics. Political institutions like the parliament engages in policy formulation while the public administrators' primary responsibility is to implement the policies that have been instituted hence the perception that public administration is a detailed and systematic execution of public law. Public institutions cannot be devoid of politics hence Woodrow's assertion that administration lies outside the proper spheres of politics is misleading. He is right in asserting that administrative questions are not political questions. However, it is difficult to find that politics doesn't interfere with public administrator's functions. He is spot on in his observation that public administration is part of political life. I find his assertion that politics is the province of a statesman and public administration the preserve of the technocrats somehow….

Public Administration in Brazil

The grassroots and rural development happen to be the main concern and responsibility of any responsive government in a political system. This because the power of political participation is significant in any developmental process of a country which has persistently eluded many people at the grassroots level. Brazil as a developing country needs to take into consideration the significant of efficient administrative responsibilities in all aspects of development. The local governments act a vital tool in promoting development and bringing positive change to the people. Presently the local governments have been mirrored with challenges that have made the entity inefficient to the local people. Development process is insignificant in instances that it does not impact the lives of the people positively in relation to the decision making process.

Public administration in Brazil

The Brazilian government, therefore, main objective of creating the local government was to deal….

Public administration conveys activities concerned with public service (what government can give to people). Therefore, I believe that the primary objective of a public administrator should be to strive to work for all citizens regardless of their income, race, gender, creed or physical ability to ensure that they are treated justly, impartially and fairly. In order to accomplish this objective, public administration must continuously strike a balance for values that have to do with power and equity.
I am not a believer in laissez-faire capitalism, the notion that an economic system functions best when there is no interference by government. Instead, I see public administration as a necessity for maximizing the well being of individuals and the community. Therefore, I would like to pursue a Master's in Public Administration because of my strong desire to help build a better society by becoming part of a government agency that is designed to….

Public Administration Budgeting
PA Budgeting

Budgeting for Public Administration

Budgets are used in addressing various purposes including management and control as well as communication of goals, successes, the public entity's philosophy and explain the various departmental functions. Public administration professionals must be able to analyze the financial health of an entity by examining the budget. This work will assess how well available budget documents and auxiliary information address each of these functions on the municipal budget as chosen by the writer which will be supported with examples and information for the documents studied. The questions that this study will answer include those as follows: (1) Did the budget message present an adequate overview of the entity and its financial position? Why or why not? (2) What service area (or program) accounts for the greatest percentage of the operating budget? Does the budget provide any information suggesting why this service area is the largest?….

Public Administration

On the most basic level, implementation is the action of putting a theory or concept into motion. Implementation involves many elements, including decision-making, communications, politics, budgeting, intergovernmental relations, public administrator's professional expertise, ethics and the general environment. This essay will explore two of these elements, ethics and communications. After some brief comments on the precise definition of "implementation," we will look at the Challenger case in relation to ethics, and we will look at the Bakersfield case in relation to communications.

Defining Implementation

The term implementation is often used to describe activities involved in making theories and concepts into realities. Several steps must be taken before a concept becomes an actuality. First of all, the concept or theory must be approved at the governmental level. Once approval is complete, the concept moves into an authoritative public policy directive. These directives, or mandates, can include statutes, executive orders, and judicial orders. Many….

The inability of the local government to evacuate the city days before the storm arrived and then heed warnings from various federal officials underscores his complacency. As the largest part of Mayor Nagin's evacuation plan was to go to the Superdome or the Convention Center. Once at these locations, the overall amounts of suffering would continue as the break down in communication, would mean that supplies and first responders are unable to go to those areas most affected. Once this took place, it meant that the overall situation in the city would become more desperate as the hours would turn into days, with no help from anyone. At which point, it was only a matter of time unit looting and lawlessness would grip the city. This is because of the lack of response from the different levels of government, would make the situation more precarious for the residents of….

States reported over seventeen billion in DSH payments and just over fourteen billion in non-DSH supplemental payments during fiscal year 2010, but state reporting of non-DSH supplemental payments separately from regular payments was incomplete, so the exact amount of non-DSH supplemental payments is unknown. There were no formal recommendations made in this report but there was an observation made that ongoing federal efforts to improve the completeness of reporting of Medicaid supplemental payments is important for effective oversight and to better understand their role in financing Medicaid services.
The overt goal of this report was for the GOA to provide information on the transparency of supplemental Medicaid payments that are made by states. They accomplished this goal in the fact that they could not truly determine the amount of the total Medicaid payments made by the states since state reporting of non-DSH supplemental payments separately from regular payments was incomplete.….

Government plays a considerable role in creating feelings of shared obligation and respect in society. People must have confidence that it will defend the public interest, since representative democracy rests on officials and the trust they provoke (Bowman, 1990).
To act morally in the public service environment means making sure that the consequences of the public services are not harmful to others, or to put it more optimistically, making sure that public service activities add to the individual well being of others and of societies overall. This entire concept though depends on the slow creation of a political and public climate favoring fairness, honesty, a sense of accountability and responsibility, and the preservation of a high degree of ethical and moral standards in the public sector. Since we live in a world in which there is a great deal of gray areas surrounding basic norms and values, a lot of….

A company does not have to advertise a specific job. Instead, they have the flexibility in determining how they will promote the position. (Taylor 132) (Brandenberg)
hen it comes to the interview what can the interviewer ask and what questions can't be asked?

During the interview process, there will be a focus on specific questions that are relevant to a candidates experience and ability to do their jobs. This means that they will concentrate on a number of topics to include: work history, questions about the individual and understanding the opinions of the person about the company. Below are some examples of questions that will be asked which fall into any one of these categories.

hat were your responsibilities with the previous employer?

hat major challenges or problems were encountered in the last job?

How would you describe yourself?

hat interests you about this job?

The combination of these factors will help administrators to determine the….

Non-profits may make greater use of interns and volunteers for administrative work who wish to bolster their resume and also to 'do good.'
ecruitment can begin internally; externally using the organization's website or more generic 'job boards,' or through specific industry publications. Most administrative positions require the candidate to submit a resume and cover letter for initial consideration. Other possible requirements include a statement of intent, writing samples, or tests of key competencies (such as fluency in a language or proficiency with software). Job interviews (either one-on-one or before a panel) may be demanded, particularly if the job requires a great deal of contact with the public. External recruitment often requires a more extensive process than internal recruitment, to 'vet' candidates.

Performance reviews are also a key part of the process. Performance reviews often take the form of annual or more frequent discussions with the employee about his or her measurable….

The opening of the public administration that the function is social control, it means establishing access channels and regular exchanges with the interests at stake in the various fields of intervention. However, this operation is compromised the claim of neutrality and even exteriorly of administrative action, not being equal, or ability to access or capability organization of interests (White, 1994).
The extension of areas of intervention, the profound transformation of the instruments and forms of administrative action does not contradict the public administration's crisis in a shed specific: the inability of centralized, bureaucratic model to effectively manage corporate postindustrial (Norma, 2010). These qualities seem particularly adapted to changing conditions and complex of modern societies. Specifically, it accuses the administration of waste, rigidity, slowness and lack efficiency, and a growing divorce society.

Two movements, especially, have tried to give a satisfactory solution to this mismatch between public administrations: The decentralized power that….

enchmarking occurs in a cycle with the first step stated as crucial and involving "planning and target setting." (cited in Rondo-rovetto and Saliterer, 2007) the second step is stated as comparison and analysis with the third step being 'action' followed by the fourth step of 'evaluation'. The benchmarking cycle then repeats itself. (Rondo-rovetto and Saliterer, 2007)

III. Preferred type of Leader & When the Autocratic Leader is preferable and more Efficient

The work of Kurt Lewin and colleagues in 1939 resulted in the identification of three leadership styles which are specifically regarding decision-making on the part of those in the role of leadership. Those three styles are stated as:

(1) autocratic;

(2) democratic; and (3) laissez-faire. (Lewin, Lippet, and White, 1939)

The autocratic style is one in which the decisions of the leader is made without consultation of others while the democratic style of leadership is one that involves others in decision-making. Finally the laissez-faire….

There is currently a growing concern about the misuse of funds by local governments, which could be a potentially interesting and relevant essay subject. One example of this is the recent scandal in a small town where the local government officials were found to have misappropriated funds meant for community development projects. This could be explored in an essay focusing on the impact of corruption on local communities and the need for better accountability and transparency in government spending. Additionally, discussing potential solutions and ways to prevent such misuse of funds in the future could also be a worthwhile topic....

Policy Analysis and Evaluation

The effectiveness of different policy interventions in addressing social issues (e.g., poverty, healthcare, education)
The impact of policy changes on specific populations or industries
The role of evidence-based policymaking in improving policy outcomes
The challenges and opportunities of implementing and enforcing policy
The ethical implications of policy decisions

Policy Design and Development

Innovative approaches to policy design (e.g., behavioral economics, collaborative governance)
The factors that influence policy adoption and implementation
The role of stakeholders in policy development and evaluation
The impact of technology on policy design and implementation
The challenges of balancing competing interests in policymaking

Policy Implementation....

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of New Public Management (NPM)
B. Overview of Canadian governments' adoption of NPM principles
II. Influence of NPM on Canadian governments
A. Shift towards results-based management
1. Implementation of performance measurement systems
2. Focus on achieving measurable outcomes
B. Decentralization of decision-making
1. Empowerment of front-line employees
2. Devolution of authority to lower levels of government
C. Privatization and contracting out of government services
1. Growing reliance on external service providers
2. Increased competition in service delivery
III. Impacts of NPM on Canadian governments
A. Improved efficiency and effectiveness
1. Streamlining of processes
2. Better use of resources

1. "Efficiency and Effectiveness in Public Administration: Balancing the Balance"
2. "The Role of Technology in Modern Public Administration"
3. "Ethical Dilemmas and Challenges in Public Administration"
4. "Accountability and Transparency in Public Administration"
5. "Public-Private Partnerships in Public Administration: A Win-Win Solution"
6. "Ensuring Equity and Social Justice in Public Administration"
7. "The Role of Leadership in Transforming Public Administration"
8. "Environmental Sustainability and Public Administration: A Call to Action"
9. "Managing Crisis and Disaster Response in Public Administration"
10. "The Future of Public Administration: Trends and Innovations"
11. "Governance and Public Administration: Navigating the Complex Relationship"
12. "Budgeting and Financial Management in Public Administration"
13. "The Impact of Globalization on....

10 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Public Administration the Ultimate Aim of a

Words: 3062
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Public Administration The ultimate aim of a public administrator is the provision of best facilities to the public and to make decisions in a way that have a positive influence…

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3 Pages


Public Administration Public Personnel Administration

Words: 1043
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

A great coalition of smaller firms aimed to defeat patronage and create an acceptable, predictable, regulatory environment; in other words, a credible commitment mechanism was needed, and politicians…

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15 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Public Administration Core Competency Final

Words: 4914
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This is what is affectionately known as cutting through the red tape. Politics and Administration 2. Whether or not administration should be separate from politics is one of the abiding…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Public Administration Woodrow's Public Administration and Politics

Words: 589
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Public Administration Woodrow's public administration and politics dichotomy is not workable. Politics cannot be practically divorced from public administration. In fact, there cannot be effective public administration without politics. Political…

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15 Pages


Public Administration in Brazil Public Adminstration in

Words: 4752
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Public Administration in Brazil PUBLIC ADMINSTATION IN BAZIL The grassroots and rural development happen to be the main concern and responsibility of any responsive government in a political system. This because…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Public Administration Conveys Activities Concerned With Public

Words: 490
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Public administration conveys activities concerned with public service (what government can give to people). Therefore, I believe that the primary objective of a public administrator should be to strive…

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6 Pages


Public Administration Budgeting PA Budgeting for Public

Words: 1677
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Public Administration Budgeting PA Budgeting Budgeting for Public Administration Budgets are used in addressing various purposes including management and control as well as communication of goals, successes, the public entity's philosophy and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Public Administration Implementation on the Most Basic

Words: 1031
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Public Administration Implementation On the most basic level, implementation is the action of putting a theory or concept into motion. Implementation involves many elements, including decision-making, communications, politics, budgeting, intergovernmental relations,…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Public Administration the Field of

Words: 1871
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The inability of the local government to evacuate the city days before the storm arrived and then heed warnings from various federal officials underscores his complacency. As the…

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2 Pages
Article Critique


Public Administration Audit Critique in

Words: 652
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Critique

States reported over seventeen billion in DSH payments and just over fourteen billion in non-DSH supplemental payments during fiscal year 2010, but state reporting of non-DSH supplemental payments…

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2 Pages


Public Administration Ethics in Public

Words: 728
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Government plays a considerable role in creating feelings of shared obligation and respect in society. People must have confidence that it will defend the public interest, since representative…

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2 Pages


Public Administration What Are Some

Words: 569
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

A company does not have to advertise a specific job. Instead, they have the flexibility in determining how they will promote the position. (Taylor 132) (Brandenberg) hen it comes…

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2 Pages


Public Administration Strategic Job Analysis

Words: 675
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Non-profits may make greater use of interns and volunteers for administrative work who wish to bolster their resume and also to 'do good.' ecruitment can begin internally; externally using…

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4 Pages


Public Administration Issues and Dilemmas

Words: 1174
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The opening of the public administration that the function is social control, it means establishing access channels and regular exchanges with the interests at stake in the various…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Public Administration and Administration of

Words: 964
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

enchmarking occurs in a cycle with the first step stated as crucial and involving "planning and target setting." (cited in Rondo-rovetto and Saliterer, 2007) the second step is stated…

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