Racial Bias Essays (Examples)

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Racial Bias in Sentencing Do
Pages: 14 Words: 3941

It is not known if the bias found among males also exists among women. This study will address both the gap in methodology and the lack of studies regarding women. It will contribute to the existing body of evidence by filling in these important gaps.

Valid research is based on consistency and a mutual understanding of the research parameters. Although, many of the terms used in this study will be familiar to the layperson, it is important to understand exactly what is meant so that precise understanding of the variables in the study can be understood. The following operational definitions will be used throughout this research project.

African-American - This term will refer to any person of African-American decent. It will be used to describe those that are of a high percentage of African-American ancestry, as well as those of low percentage or mixed ancestry, but who identify themselves as primarily…...



Hart, C. & Lopez, E. (2007). Evaluation of the Race Card Strategy: The Importance of Supporting Evidence. Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology. 8 (1): 1-9. Retrieved March 14, 2009 at  http://truth.boisestate.edu/jcaawp/2007_1_9/2007_1_9.pdf 

Hernandez-Julian, R. & Tomic, a. (2006). How Elected Judges Respond to the Racial Composition of their Constituencies. Retrieved March 14, 2009 at  http://ssrn.com/abstract=890738 

Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (2005). Answering the Call for a More Diverse Judiciary. Retrieved March 14, 2009 at  http://www.abanet.org/buslaw/2005minoritylawyer/materials/jdr.pdf 

Mitchell, T., Haw, R., & Pfeifer, J. (2005). Racial Bias in Mock Juror Decision-Making: A Meta- Analytic Review of Defendant Treatment. Law and Human Behavior. 29-96): 621-637. Retrieved March 14, 2009 at  http://digitalcommons.utep.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1016&context=christian_meissner

Racial Bias Stereotypes on Eyewitness Memory
Pages: 10 Words: 3215

am tone! And guess what he did this time? He asked to borrow my Barbie and when he was carrying her down the stairs, he accidentally tripped and fell and broke her arm" (570)) Following am's actual visit, an interview conducted in an informal style by eliciting a free narrative form each of the four different groups who had seen am tone revealed that the stereotype- fed group resulted in a modest number of false reports towards the stranger (10% insisted in maintaining that they saw him do something that he had never done) (although the suggestion-fed group resulted in a dramatically higher number of false reports). "As demonstrated by our control group," concluded the authors, "when the context of a child's reporting of an event is free of the strong stereotypes and repeated leading questions that may be introduced by adults, the odds are tilted in favor of…...



Allport, G. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.

Bargh, J.A. (1994). The four horsemen of automaticity: Awareness, intention, efficiency, and control in social cognition. In Robert S. Wyer, Jr. (Ed.), Handbook of social cognition (pp 675-694). Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.

Duckitt, R. (1992). Psychology and prejudice: A historical analysis and integrative framework. American Psychologist, 11, 1183-1193.

Fiske, S.T. (2002). What we know now about bias and intergroup conflict, the problem of the century. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 123-128.

Racial and Ethnic Differences National Contexts a
Pages: 7 Words: 1999

acial and Ethnic Differences National Contexts
A sociologist analyze racial ethnic differences national contexts. For, U.S., tend race a . In order develop skill, select analyze a society demonstrating ethnic stratification conflict, including evidence prejudice discrimination.

In sociology, the predominant line of thought has favored new prejudice interpretations, arguing for the continuing relevance of prejudice and discrimination in forming political opinions and in generating discrimination. New prejudice theories have argued that modern prejudice is multidimensional, combining racial and ostensibly nonracial beliefs. Little known to most sociologists, recent psychological research provides a new approach to understanding the sources of racial discrimination that compliments ideas from the new prejudice literature (Livingston, 2002).

esearch has demonstrated that implicit racial attitudes exist even for individuals who score low on measures of explicit racial prejudice and that these implicit beliefs influence judgments and perceptions. This literature provides one way to reconcile differences between continuing high rates of discrimination…...



Brockner, J., & Wiesenfeld, B. (2000). An integrative framework for explaining reactions to decisions: Interactive effects of outcomes and procedures. Psychological Bulletin, 120(1), 189-208.

Census Bureau U.S. (2001). (2001). The Hispanic population: 1990-2000 growth and change., . Washington DC:: Guzmin.

Feather, N.T. (2002). Values and value dilemmas in relation to judgments concerning outcomes of an industrial conflict. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,, 28(2), 446-459.

Issacharoff, S., Karlan, P.S., & Pildes, R.H. (2002). The law of democracy: Legal structure of the political process (Rev. 2nd ed.). . New York: Foundation Press.

Bias in the Curricula
Pages: 3 Words: 995

Bias in Curricula
Native American Bias in K-12 Literature

There are many artifacts used in curricula that illustrate a racial bias towards marginalized groups. American Indians are one such group adversely affected by stereotypical and offensive portrayals in educational material and literature. Native Americans are typically not even mentioned in American history textbooks past 6th grade curriculum. When they are referenced, it is often in terms of Pilgrims and Thanksgiving. Other times they are depicted as adversaries to be defeated in the "settling" of the West. As far as most Americans have been taught in the educational system, Native Americans virtually ceased to exist after 1890. In addition, there exists a very pervasive and subtle dehumanizing Native American stereotype that has become ingrained in American popular culture (i.e., sports teams, Halloween costumes, etc.). These misrepresentations -- and the misperceptions that follow - are commonly held by all Americans, and have the power…...



Banks, L.R. (2005). The Indian in the cupboard. New York: Random House/Listening Library.

Olson, H.A. (2001). Classification or organization: What's the difference? Knowledge

Organization 28(1), 1-3.

Phillips, W.S. (1963). Indian Campfire Tales: Legends about the Ways of Animals and Men. New York: Platt & Munk.

Bias among Law Enforcement Officers
Pages: 4 Words: 1074

Survey esearch DataThe research question for this survey is: What are the psychological biases and tendencies apparent within the law enforcement community that influence their decisions to engage in more aggressive behavior towards minorities, defined as arrest related deaths or death while in police custody, and less aggressive behavior towards those who are white or of similar race.The hypothesis is: Social dominance theory along with cognitive and behavior biases adversely contribute to police behavior towards minorities.The data table to be used is the arrest-related deaths program which is a national census of individuals who have died in the process of an arrest. The date also provides information related to those who have died in the custody of state and local law enforcement. The link to this data is: https://bjs.ojp.gov/data-collection/arrest-related-deaths-ard#methodology-0.The data tables show that from 2003 to 2009 a total of 4813 deaths were reported to the program. Of reported arrest-related…...


ReferencesBanks, D., Couzens, L., Blanton, C. & Cribb, D. (2015). Arrest-related deaths program assessment. Retrieved from   L. (2018). The Stability of Implicit Racial Bias in Police Officers. Police Quarterly, 21(1), 30-52.Morgan, P., Hatcher, S., & Maschi, T. (2009). Etiology of implicit driven bias shootings: Utilizing a purposive, non-impulsive model for social work practice. Journal of Behavior in the Social Environment, 19, 635-645. https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/ardpatr.pdf James,

Bias Intercultural Communication and Leadership
Pages: 4 Words: 1285

Q5. How will you deal with others in your workplace who feel they have no biases but you are aware that they do?

I think that sensitivity training and diversity education should be mandatory components of all workplaces. This type of training should include self-administered questionnaires like the HIAT to raise awareness about the commonness of prejudice and also role-playing and discussions about different assumptions and communication styles. I should note that I do not believe that explicitly 'calling someone out' on their prejudices and shaming them is particularly helpful; firmly presenting an alternative point-of-view or way of looking at the situation is much more effective. Organizations must also have strong and effective anti-discrimination policies to reduce bias. This can help all workers. "We have developed a "good person/bad person" paradigm of diversity. A more accurate depiction, however, is that we all have bias of one kind or another. It is…...



Best practices: Employers. (2013). Workplace Empathy. Retrieved:


FAQ. (2013). HIAT. Retrieved:


Racial Dynamics the Organization for
Pages: 3 Words: 983

Differences in achievement are often attributed to race, ethnicity, gender or social class, when in reality it is often these demographic considerations that impact the ways teachers, parents, and educational professionals treat students. Lowered expectations for African-American students or elevated expectations for upper-income whites are common symptoms of the current and outmoded ideology. All schools needed to examine the problem with such obviously biased assumptions and to reform school curricula based on a more democratic ideology. Furthermore, the schools had to reform the definition of intelligence in order for the reforms to take root. Redefining intelligence was in fact the largest obstacle in altering the racial dynamics in the public schools.
We will not face such serious ideological challenges, as our organization is fundamentally different from a school. However, we face our own outmoded beliefs and assumptions and must also learn to redefine some of the essential aspects of our…...

Biases in Decision-Making Biases Refer to Prejudices
Pages: 2 Words: 591

Biases in Decision-Making
Biases refer to prejudices or favors of or against an object, group, or individual in comparison to another (Moule, 2009). This aspect is normally unfair in relation to making critical as well as effective judgment or decisions. On the other hand, unconscious biases refer to our natural people preferences. Unconscious biases also relate to the concept of hidden biases in the process of making unfair decision. Unconscious biases have massive influence on the underpinnings with reference to the decision-making process. It is critical for individuals to overcome unconscious biases in order to make valuable and fair decisions in accordance with relevant activities.

Discuss how biases can affect our decision-making during the hiring process

Biases have massive influence on our decision-making in the process of hiring new employees in the context of an organization. Biases influence our decision-making when hiring new employees in several ways. One of the essential ways in…...



Messner, C., Wanke, M., & Weibel, C. (2011). Unconscious Personnel Selection. Social Cognition, 29(6), 699-710.

Moule, J. (2009). Understanding Unconscious Bias and Unintentional Racism. (Cover story).

Phi Delta Kappan, 90(5), 320-326.

Parloff, R., & Kaufman, S.M. (2007). The War Over Unconscious Bias. Fortune, 156(8), 90-

Bias and Colorblindness Effects of Implicit Bias
Pages: 2 Words: 611

Bias and Colorblindness
Effects of implicit bias in contemporary society

Implicit bias involves the stereotypical associations which are very subtle that those who hold them are not able to recognize them. Implicit bias has some effects on gender and race within the contemporary society. Implicit bias has an influence on people's behavior. Implicit bias is responsible for most of the racial disparities that continue to occur in the society today.it is also termed as a source of a lot of racial disparities when it comes to criminal justice system. It has been found out that most of the people including those who fully embrace norms of nondiscrimination hold implicit biases which make them treat black Americans in ways that are discriminatory. At the same time, implicit bias can also lead to gender-based discrimination. This is because there are some stereotypical associations made with reference to one gender being better than the other.…...

Racial Ideology of Latinas
Pages: 44 Words: 11967

The novel opens seven years after Gabo's mother, Ximena, was murdered by coyotes -- or paid traffickers -- during an attempt to cross the border. Her mutilated body was found, her organs gone -- sold most likely. Because of the fear surrounding this border town and the lure of the other side, all of the characters become consumed with finding afa. These people are neglected and abused. Like other fiction works on this topic (such as Cisneros's The House on Mango Street), The Guardians (2008) is rich in symbolism and flavored with Mexican aphorisms. The novel also shows the reader how complex and perilous border life is when you're living in between the United States and Mexico.

The book is important when attempting to understand the challenge of the border town life and it is, at the same time, a testament to faith, family bonds, cultural pride, and the human experience…...



Giroux, Henry A. (2001). Theory and resistance in education (Critical studies in education and culture series). Praeger; Rev Exp edition.

San Juan (2002) states that the racism of sex in the U.S. is another element of the unequal political and economic relations that exist between the races in the American democracy. Women of color may even be conceived as constituting "a different kind of racial formation" (2002), although the violence inflicted against them as well as with familial servitude and social inferiority, testifies more sharply to the sedimented structures of class and national oppression embedded in both state and civil society (2002).

San Juan (2002) goes on to explore the articulations between sexuality and nationalism. "What demands scrutiny is more precisely how the categories of patriarchy and ethnonationalism contour the parameters of discourse about citizen identities" (2002). How the idea of nation is sexualized and how sex is nationalized, according to San Juan (2002), are topics that may give clues as to how racial conflicts are circumscribed within the force field of national self-identification.

Sexuality, San Juan (2002) suggests, unlike racial judgment is not a pure self-evident category. He states that it manifests its semantic and ethical potency in the field of racial and gendered politics. In the layering and sedimentation of beliefs about sexual liberty and national belonging in the United States, one will see ambiguities and disjunctions analogous to those between sexuality and freedom as well as the persistence of racist ideology.

Criminal Justice Bias
Pages: 6 Words: 2131

The killing of the two black American young men Amadou Diallo and Louima were separated by about two years but Amadou's killing happened just before the trial of Louima's case. Amadou's killing drew a lot of public interest that was focused on the conduct of the New York Police. It was the only such heated debate since the Knapp commission of the 70s which disclosed corruption in the police department. Amadou was from a middle class family that migrated from Guinea. They were engaged in simple trade activities including selling items on the streets. Amadou was shot 41 times in his apartment house in Bronx. His life was brought to an end by a special crimes unit of a group of four policemen operating under cover. It is a New York born strategy for combating aggressive crime (Harring & Ray, 1999). There is no doubt that a crime was indeed…...

Explicit and Implicit Bias
Pages: 4 Words: 1416

humans unique is the combination of attitudes and opinions that make up perspective. Development of perspective determines how an individual lives, learns, and what decisions the individual makes. The attitude of a person has behavioral, affective, and cognitive components. Furthermore, it can exist in two different ways. The first is explicit attitudes. These attitudes manifest at a conscious level. They are intentionally formed and easy to identify (Wittenbrink & Schwarz, 2007). Implicit attitudes occur in an unconscious level, are not easy to identify, and are involuntarily formed. A brief example of this is a person meeting someone new.
The new person is wearing the shirt of the other person's favorite team. His name is Stu. Stu already likes the new person because he likes that team and they have something big, in common. Stu goes out a second night and has a bad interaction with a stranger. He doesn't know…...



Dragiewicz, M. (2012). Gender bias in the courts: Implications for battered mothers and their children.Family And Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 5(1), 13-35. Retrieved from  http://www.safetylit.org/citations/index.php?fuseaction=citations.viewdetails&citationIds%5B%5D=citjournalarticle_426721_38 

Rehavi, M. & Starr, S. (2012). Racial Disparity in Federal Criminal Charging and Its Sentencing Consequences. SSRN Electronic Journal.  http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1985377 

Ross, D. & Dove, T. (2014). Bias in the Box: For capital juries across America, race still plays a role in who gets to serve. Virginia Quarterly Review, 90(4), 178-201.

Wittenbrink, B. & Schwarz, N. (2007). Implicit measures of attitudes. New York: Guilford Press.

Personal Awareness of Cultural Bias in Social and Cultural Diversity
Pages: 7 Words: 2763

Cultural bias implies an emphasized distinction or preferential status that indicates a predilection for one culture, over another. It is often discriminative, and is characterized by an absence of integration in a group, in terms of social principles, codes of conduct, and beliefs. Cultural partisanship introduces the accepted behaviors of one group as superior, and more valued, than those of another lesser-respected cultural group. In my surroundings, most of the residents, and hence, patients are white, making us (Afro-Americans and Asians) minorities, feel different if not isolated. Such deferential factors are responsible for establishing where specific individuals live, and what opportunities are available to them, in the healthcare and educational context (Sue et al., 2009)
Question 2

The presence of cultural bias within the context of healthcare-related recommendations and decision-making gives rise to significant challenges. Well-documented inequalities in health status of different racial and ethnic communities, in addition to nationally-publicized research works…...


Resources and Services Administration (http://www.hrsa.gov/culturalcompetence/)

American Psychiatric Association's Steering Committee to Reduce Disparities in Access to Psychiatric Care (2004) (Natl. Assoc. Social Workers 2007).

These and many more substantive readings from research are listed by the author for assimilating culture-centric education. (Sue, Zane, Nagayama Hall, & Berger, 2009)

Question 7

As a Counselor, I will need to be aware that being culturally aware implies delivering services in a manner consistent with the recipient's culture, through regards to linguistic variation and cultural discussion. I would seek to be more sensitive to unaccultured ethnic minority clients. In addition, I would use discretion in cases where patients of a particular community or ethnicity are prone to certain clinical problems (for which I would study the ethnic group and its history in more depth) and if certain ethnic groups respond poorly to EBT (Evidence-based Treatment). (Sue et al., 2009)

Capital Punishment System Is Still Racially Biased
Pages: 2 Words: 819

Capital Punishment System is Still acially Biased" by David A. Love asserts that the times when the death penalty tends to be administered is based on generally arbitrary, unfair and racially biased factors, and is seldom based on the merits of the case. One example that Love offers is the acial Justice Act which is legislation in North Carolina that allows a death row prisoner to challenge their sentencing through the use of statistical evidence of racial prejudice in the nation. The very fact that such legislation exists in America is a shining piece of evidence for the fact that our nation is indeed a very skewed one when it comes to racial inequality, and that there is a long history of the legal and illegal persecution of others according to race. Love demonstrates compelling evidence to demonstrate how capital punishment has long been an issue of race, with…...



Walker, S., Spohn, C., & DeLone, M. (2007). The color of justice. Belmont: Thomson


African Studies Racial Policy The
Pages: 8 Words: 2852

Of course, a separation of the races meant really the preservation of white superiority at the expense of those formerly enslaved. The law mandated distinct facilities for hites and Blacks. Everything from schools, to transportation, movie theaters, hotels, and even public restrooms were carefully segregated. Few Black only facilities approached white ones in quality or amount of money expended on their upkeep. Black public schools were notoriously inferior as were hospitals and other essential services. As arguments about the disparities became more apparent toward the mid-Twentieth Century, the South sought to defend its segregationist policies by - in the case of medical schools - expanding and consolidating its physician training facilities so as to avoid providing more facilities for Blacks. A plan was actually floated, not to increase Black enrollment at the South's twenty-six medical colleges, but rather to consolidate all training of Black medical personnel at a single…...


Works Cited


Boskin, Joseph. Into Slavery: Racial Decisions in the Virginia Colony. Philadelphia J.B. Lippincott, 1976.

A www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=113156830

Louw, Eric P. The Rise, Fall, and Legacy of Apartheid. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Civil Rights and Criminal Justice ?
Words: 369

Essay Outline: Civil Rights and Criminal Justice

I. Introduction
- Thesis statement: The criminal justice system in the United States has a history of discrimination and disproportionately impacts minority communities, infringing upon their civil rights.
- Preview of main points:
- Historical context of racial bias in policing and sentencing
- Systemic racism within the criminal justice system
- The impact of mass incarceration on civil liberties

II. Historical Context of Racial Bias
- Roots of discrimination in policing from slavery and Jim Crow era
- Emergence of biased practices such as stop-and-frisk and racial profiling
- Historical over-sentencing of minority defendants


Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on social justice?
Words: 351

Understanding Social Injustice and Its Impact

The Perpetuation of Systemic Racism: Historical Roots and Contemporary Manifestations
The Intersectional Nature of Oppression: Examining the Overlap of Race, Gender, Class, and Other Axes
Inequality in Access to Essential Resources: Healthcare, Housing, and Education Disparities
The Criminal Justice System and Mass Incarceration: A Critique of Racial Bias
Environmental Justice and Climate Change: The Disproportionate Impacts on Marginalized Communities

Advocating for Social Justice and Change

Grassroots Movements and Advocacy Campaigns: Strategies for Empowering Communities
Policy Reforms and Legislative Advocacy: The Role of Government in Promoting Social Justice
Intersectionality and Coalition-Building: The Power of Collaboration in....

Can you provide a concise outline of the historical and ethical arguments for and against the death penalty?
Words: 474

Historical Arguments:

For the Death Penalty:

Ancient civilizations (e.g., Egypt, Greece, Rome) used capital punishment for severe crimes to deter crime and maintain societal order.
In the Middle Ages, the death penalty was commonly applied for a range of offenses, including treason, murder, and heresy.
Colonization and early American jurisprudence heavily influenced by European traditions, resulting in the adoption of capital punishment for various crimes.

Against the Death Penalty:

Enlightenment thinkers like Cesare Beccaria argued against capital punishment, emphasizing its potential for injustice and its ineffective deterrent value.
The 18th and 19th centuries witnessed a gradual decline in the use of the....

Can you outline the key factors contributing to the persistence of poverty in America?
Words: 688

Key Factors Contributing to the Persistence of Poverty in America

Poverty, a multifaceted issue that afflicts millions of Americans, is a persistent problem that has plagued the United States for decades. Understanding the complex interplay of factors that perpetuate poverty is essential for developing effective strategies to break its cycle. Here are some of the key factors contributing to the persistence of poverty in America:

1. Economic Inequality:

The gap between the wealthy and the poor has widened significantly over the past several decades. This growing inequality limits economic mobility and opportunity for low-income individuals, leaving them vulnerable to poverty.
Lack of....

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