graduate experience thus far has exceeded my expectations. I was prepared to do a considerable amount of reading and feared that I might find too much of it to be overly theoretical and dry. I was surprised and pleased to find that much of the reading will apply directly to my work in the field of teaching. The most enjoyable aspect of the graduate experience has been the discussion and collaboration with other students. People vary in age and with respect to personal and professional experience. Everyone brings a unique view to the course work and we are all in pursuit of a common goal. It has been helpful to see other perspectives besides my own.
The lesson planning activities have been rewarding, as well as a tremendous amount of work. I have gained greater insight into the process because of the detail with which we approached the task. I…...
Vacca, R.T., Vacca, J.L., and Mraz, M. (2011). Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum. 10th ed. Boston: Pearson.
There is also the question of what approach should be used in a given setting. For instance, Lewis-Moreno points out that, "A great deal of energy is expended selecting and defending the model used: Should it be late- or early-exit bilingual, dual language, or English immersion?" (2007, p. 773). Although complex problems require complex solutions, a common theme that runs through the relevant literature concerns the need to use what resources are available to their maximum advantage. As Lewis-Moreno points out, "Often, too little attention is paid to improving the quality of what is available: Are personnel, resources, and facilities used in the best possible way? If not, what can be done differently?" (2007, p. 773)
The importance of using learning strategies, or the moment-by-moment techniques that we employ to solve problems posed by second language input and output, in order to become a successful English language learner cannot be…...
American Educational Research Association. (2004). English language learners: Boosting academic achievement. Research Points, 2(1), 14. Retrieved from / uploadedFiles/Journals_and_Publications/.
Batagiannis, S.C. (2011). Promise and possibility for aspiring principals: an emerging leadership identity through learning to do action research. The Qualitative Report, 16(5),
Bird, L. (2009). Action research: A tool for enacting change at all levels. Advanced Leadership
accurately depicts all learning strategies?
Why not compose a song about how to plan accordingly?
Can you see a possible solution to decision making processes being simplified by prior proper planning?
If you had access to all resources how would you deal with explaining spatial intelligence ?
Why don't you devise your own way to deal with multiple intelligences ?
What would happen if short-term planning was ignored?
How many ways can you integrate long and short-term planning?
Can you create new and unusual uses for daily planning sessions?
Can you write a new recipe for a tasty dish?
Can you develop a proposal which would summarize goals and objective planning?
Is there a better solution to objective vs. subjective learning?
Judge the value of a student's aptitude requires deep insight
Can you defend your position about the subjective manner in which individuals learn and think?
Do you think a heavy emphasis on assessment is a good or a bad thing?
How would…...
Studying an individual child helped me to better understand some problems of the struggling reader because it allowed me to see a real world example of how difficult it can be for the learner and to see some of the unique obstacles to learning that the student encountered. It is one thing to read about it on paper, but it is quite another to actually experience it in real life. In real life, there is more than just the intellectual impact of having to deal with this issue, which is typically all that you experience in a case study in a book. In real life, there are other effects as well: there is an emotional effect, because you really feel for the child struggling; there is a self-doubt effect, because you begin to question yourself as a teacher, wondering if you are taking the right steps or if you are…...
Reschly, D. “Identification and assessment of students with disabilities.” Special Education for Students with Disabilities, 6, 1, 1996: 40-53.Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation. (2011). Paired Oral Reading Washington High School [Video file]. Retrieved from
AbstractMany if not most young people not only enjoy reading, they want to improve their skills so that they can read at higher and more interesting levels, especially with respect to topics that are personally relevant for them. While the process of improving reading skills seems to come naturally to some students while others may experience some specific challenges, the majority of students in American schools succeed in attaining grade-specific requirements through graduation. Some students, however, may have severe learning challenges such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that limit their ability to maintain pace with their classmates. Furthermore, some of these young students are English as second language (ESL) learners, thereby compounding the challenges they face when trying to become proficient readers in American classrooms today. To gain some insights into these challenges and how these can be overcome, this individualized reading intervention provides a review of the literature…...
mlaReferencesBaum, R. & Kowatch, R. A. (2014, July). An irritable, inattentive, and disruptive child: Is it ADHD or bipolar disorder: Clinical characteristics, rating scales, nomograms help guide diagnosis. Current Psychiatry, 13(7), 30-33.Brown, V. (2009, Fall). Individuals with ADHD lost in hyperspace. Childhood Education, 86(1), 45-51.Clarfield, J. & Stoner, G. (2009, Spring). The effects of computerized reading instruction on the academic performance of students identified with ADHD. School Psychology Review, 34(2), 246-251.Daly, W. C. (1998, Winter). ADHD - diagnostic decoy. Education, 117(2), 285-290.Hamilton, N. J. & Astramovich, R. L. (2016, Summer). Teaching strategies for students with ADHD: Findings from the field. Education, 136(4), 451-456.Henion, A. & Elder, R. (2015, June 17). Nearly one million children potentially misdiagnosed with ADHD. Michigan State University Today. Retrieved from, E. (2010, June). ESL Students: Learning through talking. Practical Literacy, 15(2), 13-16.Informal reading inventory. (2020). Alpine Schools. Retrieved from https://legacy.alpineschools. org/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2017/03/6-Informal-Reading-Inventory-for-Grades-1-6.pdf.Kim, O. H. & Kaiser, A. P. (2000, Spring). Language characteristics of children with ADHD. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 21(3),154.Kruger, A. (2000, Summer). A meaning-based ESL reading program. Reading Improvement, 37(2), 50.Lee, S. & Butler, M. B. (2007, Fall). A case study of an early childhood teacher\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s perspective on working with English language learners. Multicultural Education, 15(1), 43-45.Li, D. & Ness, S. (2010, Summer). Using paired reading to help ESL students become fluent and accurate readers. Reading Improvement, 38(2), 50-55.McLaughlin, J. E. (2008, July). Reducing diagnostic bias. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 24(3), 256-260.Mokhtari, K. & Sheorey, R. (2002, Spring). Measuring ESL students\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' awareness of reading strategies. Journal of Developmental Education, 25(3), 2-7.Sherman, J. & Rasmussen, C. (2006, Summer). Thinking positively: How some characteristics of ADHD can be adaptive and accepted in the classroom. Childhood Education, 82(4), 196-203.Teaching English to ADHD learners. (2020). English Club. Retrieved from https://www., L. D. & Myrick, R, D. (2013, December). A group counseling intervention for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Professional School Counseling, 7(2), 108-113.Williams, H. S. & Williams, P. N. (2008, Fall). Integrating reading and computers: An approach to improve ESL students reading skills. Reading Improvement, 37(3), 98-101.https://msutoday.
eading Comprehension: Strategies and ActivitiesIntroductionThe primary objective of reading is to comprehend and reconstruct the writers mental world. Skilled readers experience a sense of ease and natural flow in their comprehension, although this masks the underlying complexity of reading, even when the text is straightforward. Numerous cognitive and linguistic processes come into play, ranging from word identification to inferences about situations not fully described in the text. Consequently, finding a straightforward solution to questions like How does reading comprehension develop and Why does it sometimes fail becomes exceedingly challenging (Nation, 2019).Part 1: Strategies and SettingsFocus on overall language comprehension: ecent studies indicate that difficulties in reading comprehension may originate from an underlying weakness in oral language, which persists from early childhood, even before formal reading instruction. Students who struggle with reading comprehension also tend to comprehend fewer spoken words, have a limited grasp of auditory input, and exhibit weaker spoken…...
mlaReferencesElleman, A. M., & Oslund, E. L. (2019). Reading Comprehension Research: Implications for Practice and Policy. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6(1), 3–11.Parrish, N. (2020). 5 Ways to Support Students Who Struggle with Reading Comprehension. Literacy. Retrieved from K. (2019). Children’s reading difficulties, language, and reflections on the simple view of reading. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 24(1). Nation,
Integration of music and reading may help parents prepare their children for school. On the surface, music and literacy seem opposite of each other both in meaning and delivery. However, the two forms of learning go hand in hand. For example, lyrics and literacy are similar because lyrics are the words sung in a song. Often, they are poetic and can be understood as poetry that sometimes tells a story.
Many singer songwriters are also storytellers, weaving intricate and powerful stories into their songs. If one examines a music soundtrack and a story line/plot, one can see how music is used to help tell the story as much as the narrative itself. As technology advances, music is becoming readily interweaved with reading comprehension. One study examined the use of multimodal e-books that combined text with animation, images, and sounds. Children made academic gains in reading from using multimodal e-books (Morgan, 2013).
Cauchard, F., Cane, J. E., & Weger, U. W. (2011). Influence of Background Speech and Music in Interrupted Reading: An Eye-Tracking Study. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(3), 381-390. doi:10.1002/acp.1837
Chang, A. C., & Millett, S. (2015). Improving reading rates and comprehension through audio-assisted extensive reading for beginner learners. System, 52, 91-102. doi:10.1016/j.system.2015.05.003
Cogo-Moreira, H., Andriolo, R. B., Yazigi, L., Brandao de Avila, C. R., & Mari, J. (2012). Music education for improving reading skills in children and adolescents with dyslexia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd009133
Cohn, N., Jackendoff, R., Holcomb, P. J., & Kuperberg, G. R. (2014). The grammar of visual narrative: Neural evidence for constituent structure in sequential image comprehension. Neuropsychologia, 64, 63-70. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.09.018
One counterargument to the practice of teaching vocabulary is that children learn the meanings of many words by experiencing those words in the actual world and in text without explicit instruction. Unfortunately, such incidental learning is filled with possible problems. The definitions learned range from richly contextualized and more than sufficient, to incomplete to wrong. Children do develop knowledge of vocabulary through incidental contact with new words they read. This is one of the many reasons to challenge students to read incessantly.
World Knowledge
There is considerable evidence that readers who possess prior knowledge about the topic of a reading often comprehend the reading better than classmates with no, or lower prior knowledge. Nevertheless, even when students have knowledge relevant to the information they are reading they do not always relate their world knowledge to the content of a text. Unless inferences are absolutely necessary to make sense of the content they…...
Armbruster, B.B. & Osborn, J., (2001) Put reading first: The building blocks for teaching chilren to read. National Institute or Literacy, Retrieved May 20, 2010, from:
Beck, I.L., Perfetti, C.A., & McKeown, M.G., (1982) Effects of long-term vocabulary instruction on lexical access and reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology, 74, 506-521.
Cordon, L.A., & Day, J.D. (1996) Stategy use on standardized reading comprehension tests. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 288-521.
Nation, K. & Snowling, M.J., (1998) Individual differences in contextual facilitation: Evedence from dyslexia and poor reading comprehension. Child Development, V. 69 No. 4, p.996- 1011. Retrieved May 20, 2010, from: http://C:UsersOwnerDesktop
eading is a fundamental part of a child's education. Many techniques have been utilized in an effort to make learning to read and reading comprehension easier for students (McCray 2001). One such technique is Sustained Silent eading (SS). The purpose of this discussion is to investigate Sustained Silent eading as it relates to reluctant middle school aged children. Let us begin our investigation by discussing the theoretical framework of Sustained Silent eading.
Sustained Silent eading (SS)
Jenson & Jenson (2002) report that The Uninterrupted Sustained Silent eading program (USS) was first implemented by Lyman Hunt at the University of Vermont during the 1960's (Jensen & Jensen 2002). By the 1970's the program was implemented into the American public school system (Jensen & Jensen 2002). Forty years after its initial inception this same program has an array of aliases including: Motivation in Middle Schools (MIMS), High Intensity Practice (HIP), Free Voluntary eading (FV),…...
Broughton, M.A., & Fairbanks, C.M. (2003). In the Middle of the Middle: Seventh-Grade Girls' Literacy and Identity Development Here Is a Look at the Ways in Which a Group of Girls Perceived Themselves and How Their Perceptions and Behaviors Changed as They Moved from the Sixth Grade to the Seventh Grade: The Middle of Middle School. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 46(5), 426
Brozo, W.G., & Hargis, C.H. (2003). Taking Seriously the Idea of Reform: One High School's Efforts to Make Reading More Responsive to All Students. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 47(1), 14
Crawford P.C.2004. Using Graphic Novels to Attract Reluctant Readers. Library Media Connection
Graham, S., & Taylor, A.Z. (1998). Exploring Achievement Values Among Ethnic Minority Early Adolescents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(4), 606-620.
That can get them into a lot of trouble.
In short, uncertainty is always going to be there in the business world. Nothing is one hundred percent certain when a person is owning and operating a business. During a time when economic uncertainty is higher than normal, there is even more uncertainty that has to be addressed. Overall, though, most uncertainty falls into levels one and two. By the time it has gotten to level three the economy and industry are both struggling and it may be better not to make any exotic or unexpected changes during that time. In level four, there is no need to start creating strategy. It is simply too dangerous to consider, because it offers too large of a range of choices to be seen. When it is completely impossible to address or even determine ever reasonable option or outcome that could occur, it is…...
Strategy Management
Current Situation
Home Depot is a "category killer" retailer, selling supplies for home and garden. Home Depot operates with a cost leadership strategy, as it seeks to use its buying power in particular to offer customers a low price. Home Depot also incorporates a service element to its business model, something it hopes will give it a competitive advantage. Home Depot is currently undergoing a change in terms of its structure and culture, and this has caused some disruption. That said, Home Depot is the second-largest retailer in America behind Wal-Mart and has experienced strong sales improvements during the Nardelli years.
The competitive situation is intense. Home Depot is a dominant competitor in the industry, but faces strong competition from Lowe's, which is almost the same size. These two competitors operate as something of a duopoly, although in other businesses there are specialist firms that are strong competitors. Home Depot believes…...
Strategy Mapping
Please title Case 4 I attached Previous 3 Papers (Case1-3) Explain process strategy mapping relates performance management establishing propositions. You discuss theoretically Glacier Inn case study presented Armitage Scholey (2009) document readings serve integrating ideas.
Strategy mapping, performance management and establishing value propositions
Virtually all organizations today have some sort of defined 'strategy' which they are ostensibly attempting to put into action -- but merely articulating strategy is not enough. Executing the strategy is the critical often-forgotten element. Following through, organizations often face roadblocks, both internal and external. A strategy map sets "appropriate overriding objectives in a corporate setting" and is intent upon "establishing a dominant value proposition that will set the direction for achieving those objectives, and "using that proposition to guide the selection of critical financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth strategies" (Armitage & Scholey 2006: 4).
Although strategy mapping shares many similarities with a traditional Balanced Scorecard…...
Armitage, H., Scholey, C., (2006). Using strategy maps to drive performance. Society of Mgt.
Accountants of Canada. Retrieved from:
Goal-based diagnosis
In addition to the need to have organizational structures that are agile enough to quickly form interrelationships to solve emerging customer problems there is a corresponding need to also have a goal-based diagnosis methodology in place. According to the Criteria for Performance Excellence (2007) there are seven categories that form the basis for 18 criteria items, distributed throughout the areas of Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer and Market Focus, Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management, Workforce Focus, Process Management, and esults. While the point has been made earlier that an entirely new approach to managing the tracking of these variables requires high degrees of process and system integration, there is also the need to completely modify how the universities operate in response to the demands placed on their it departments. It is not simply a strategy of selecting these 18 specific criteria and working to create high scores on each. ather…...
Alstyne, Marshall van, Erik Brynjolfsson, and Stuart Madnick (1997). "The Matrix of Change: A Tool for Business Process Reengineering." MIT Sloan School Working Papers available on the Internet, accessed on March 29, 2007:
Criteria for Performance Excellence (2007) - Baldrige national Quality Program. NIST. Published January 2007. Guidelines for Baldrige National Quality program.
Managing Change is it Directors' Toughest Job (2002) - Computer Weekly Magazine. Page 8. June 27, 2002
Strategy Mapping & the Learning and Growth Perspective
Learning and growth is the fourth category of the balanced scorecard, which makes up the basis of any strategy. In this perspective, there is establishment of the employee capabilities, skills, technology, and a corporate environment to support a strategy. There are several objectives identified by Cattaraugus ehabilitation Center Mission (CCM) in an attempt to improve their learning and growth. These include (i) recruit, orient, manage, develop and retain personnel, (ii) Utilize technology to progress the organization's information systems and (iii) Promote, train and practice the organization's culture (Kaplan and Norton, 1992).
ecruit, orient, manage, develop and retain personnel
The turnover rates
Attract the best employees in an attempt to achieve sustainability
Develop a motivated and satisfied employee
Utilize technology to improve and progress the organization's information systems
The number of staff who successfully complete training
Incorporation of technology in the organization will show the will to change
Employ the various technologies
Kaplan, R., & Norton, D. (1992). The balanced scorecard: Measures that drive performance.
Harvard Business Review, 70(1), 71-79.
Martello, M., Watson, G.J., & Fischer, J.M. (2008). Implementing a balanced scorecard in a not-for-profit organization. Journal of business & economics research, 6(9), 67-80.
In 2004, it established its operations in Mexico to cash in on the high rate of diabetes in this country. Diabetes is responsible for 13 out of every 100 deaths in Mexico and Novo Nordisk expanded into this Latin American market. It also encompassed Mexico as part of its global campaign and its representatives went to schools and villages to spread awareness about the disease and the ways and means to cope with it.
The H system that was implemented in Mexico was different from the one that existed in Denmark and this was mainly due to the differences in culture, work attitude of the people and national factors that have a profound impact on the employment benefits of the workers. For example, in Denmark, every worker gets to participate in the decision making process. This is a part of the Danish culture and comes from the long-standing democracy and…...
Shields, John. 2007. Managing employee performance and reward: concepts, practices and strategies. Boston: Cambridge University Press.
Bratton, John. 2001. Strategic Human Resource Management. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan .
Bamberger, Peter; Meshoulam, Ilan. 2000. Human Resource Strategy: Formulation, Implementation and Impact. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
No Author. No date. Human Resources UC Berkeley. UC Berkeley. [Online]. Available at:
Demonstrating Love to Struggling Readers While Addressing Reading and Language Deficits
1. Establish a Supportive and Encouraging Environment
Create a classroom atmosphere where students feel safe, respected, and accepted.
Use positive language and praise students for their efforts, regardless of their skill level.
Provide opportunities for students to share their thoughts and ideas, and to learn from their peers.
2. Adapt Instruction to Meet Individual Needs
Use a variety of teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles.
Provide scaffolding and support through small group instruction, peer tutoring, and technology-based interventions.
Modify assignments and assessments to make them accessible for struggling readers.
3. Focus....
My Approach to Course Readings and Information
Throughout this course, I have approached the readings and course materials with a proactive and critical mindset, engaging with the content in a manner that has fostered my understanding and enriched my learning experience.
1. Active Reading and Annotation:
I have adopted an active reading approach, engaging with the texts attentively and critically. I underlined, highlighted, and made marginal notes to identify key concepts, arguments, and supporting evidence. This active engagement forced me to grapple with the material, extracting its essential elements and facilitating my recall.
2. Contextualization and Synthesis:
I have sought to contextualize the readings within....
I. Introduction
A. Definition of reading comprehension
B. Importance of reading comprehension in education
II. Theoretical Framework
A. Theoretical models of reading comprehension
B. Factors influencing reading comprehension
III. Strategies for Teach Reading Comprehension
A. Pre-reading strategies
B. During reading strategies
C. Post-reading strategies
IV. Assessing Reading Comprehension
A. Types of reading comprehension assessment
B. Importance of ongoing assessment
V. Common Challenges in Teaching Reading Comprehension
A. Students with reading difficulties
B. Lack of resources or support
VI. Professional Development for Teachers
A. Training in effective reading comprehension strategies
B. Collaboration with colleagues
VII. Conclusion
A. Recap of key points
B. Importance of continuous improvement in....
Key Elements of an Effective Reading Comprehension Outline
Developing a comprehensive outline is crucial for improving reading comprehension, as it assists readers in organizing, analyzing, and synthesizing information from a text. An effective reading comprehension outline should include the following key elements:
1. Heading/Thesis Statement:
Clearly state the main idea or argument presented in the text.
This serves as the central focus and guide for the outline.
2. Supporting Points:
Identify the key points that support the thesis statement.
These should be logical and interconnected.
Organize them hierarchically, from primary to secondary points.
3. Sub-Points (Evidence):
Provide specific details, examples, or evidence from the....
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