Recycling Essays (Examples)

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Recycling Pros Cons

I support recycling. There are a number of arguments in favor of recycling and very few reasonable ones against. This paper will outline the balance of the arguments. ecycling in this context refers to materials such as glass, plastic and paper being sent to depots for gathering and subsequent processing. This processing essentially breaks down the material from its final consumer form to a more basic form. At that point, it is rebuilt back into consumer material and re-used.

Support for ecycling

One of the biggest arguments in favor of recycling is that materials typically sent out for recycling are finite. This is especially true of plastic, which is made from molecules found in hydrocarbons -- oil and gas, so non-renewable resources that are better used for energy than plastic bags anyway. ecycling allows us to use less of our finite resources, because every extraction contributes to multiple product life cycles, instead….

Recycling: How it Improves Our Environment
Most individuals in today's society know that recycling plays an important role in managing the waste generated in homes and businesses, and that it reduces the need for landfills and incinerators. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency reports, "in the year 2000, the United States recycled over 66,600,000 tons of materials" (USEPA, 2000). However, many people are not aware of all the materials that can be recycled, or of how the recycling of those materials aids in helping the environment. Recycling is far more than a local waste management strategy; it is also an important strategy for reducing the environmental impacts of industrial production.

There has been a problem of waste from man's earliest time. Even as far back as 1388, when the English Parliament banned dumping of waste in ditches and public waterways, there have been issues with how waste is removed, and how to….

ecycling and Trash Collection in Modern Countries
Garbage becomes a community problem in many countries. The household contributes a big part of the national municipal solid waste, but indeed the bigger part comes from the industry and business operations. For the U.S., this waste product has hit a very astonishing count. Goldstein, N. And Madtes, C. (2000) claimed that the states had produced around 409,029,000 tons of municipal solid waste in 2000.

Trash stacks travel through several paths, addressing mostly to their final destination in local landfills or recycling centers. Although there are different methods applied and researched properly, the field execution differs in each country. Many countries have implemented different policies depending on the amount of garbage piling in concentrated location, open landfill availability, and at the same time, they also work on developing certain infrastructures to suffice the landfill location shortage, environmental concern and also the applicable funding system for….

As of now, there are significant "barriers" in place preventing millions of Americans from having access to convenient recycling (American Beverage Association).
The warrants substantiating the claims are straightforward. For one, America is in the midst of an economic recession. Many Americans have lost their jobs and can barely afford to pay for their rent, food, and medical bills. If it will cost Americans money to recycle items like televisions, then Americans are simply going to rebel. Second, Americans cannot be expected to sort their garbage. The process is dirty, it takes up too much time out of the day, and it requires Americans to actually read the packages they are buying. Americans need a simpler solution, but none has been found yet. In one locality, a custodian was "left sifting through waste, trying to pull out recyclables and garbage mixed in the wrong bins," (Carberry). This shows that recycling….

The largest component of these appliances is white goods and that constitutes 43% of the total waste. (Electrical and electronic equipment recycling information sheet)
The next largest component is it equipment and that is 39% of the total. Most of the it equipment that is being discarded is computers which become obsolete vary rapidly. There are also a large number of TV sets which are thrown away every year and the annual figure is now around 2 million. As per the figures of 1998, there was a discard of 6 million tons of electrical equipment and along with this equipment there was a loss of 2.4 million tons of ferrous metal, 1.2 million tons of plastic; 652,000 tons of copper; 336,000 tons of aluminum and 336,000 tons of glass. (Electrical and electronic equipment recycling information sheet) the process of enforcement of the European Union rules has led to a situation….

Mobile phones, computers, and similar electronics are now recyclable and people need to find means of sending such materials to be recycled properly.
Batteries are among the most damaging materials for the environment as they are made out of metals, acids, and other materials which are very polluting. Most countries have recycling bins for objects with a high rate of pollution within the reach of mainly all of their people. Poorer countries however lack such means of recycling and very harmful waste is being produced in those areas. There are communities which refrain from collecting hard-to-recycle materials for the fact that they do not possess the appropriate methods of recycling such substances. There are frequent cases of materials being gathered for recycling to be eventually thrown away as waste.

Rubber from tires is being collected all around the world in large piles without anyone caring about the damage that those heaps….

(2010). Starbuck Everywhere. etrieved from http://www.

Why bamboo? (2010). EcoDesignz. etrieved from


ecycling & reducing waste. (2010). Starbucks Corporation. etrieved from / responsibility/environment/recycling.

Imhoff, D. (2002, Winter). Thinking outside of the box: A systems view of packaging. Whole Earth, p. 8.

ecycling. (2010). Starbucks Corporation. etrieved from

Imhoff, p. 9.

ecycling in New York City. (2010). New York City Department of Sanitation. etrieved from http://www.

Population. (2010). New York City Department of Planning. etrieved from / census/popcur.shtml.

Starbucks in New York City. (2010). Starbuck Everywhere. etrieved from / NewYorkCity.htm.

Santos, M.A. (2009). Achieving sustainable competitive advantage through the implementation of the societal marketing concept by a major retailer in South Africa. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 5(2), p. 39.

Why bamboo? (2010). EcoDesignz. etrieved from

Natural alternatives to cotton. (2007, April). New Internationalist, 399, p. 16.

Imhoff, p. 9.

Bamboo -- the perfect renewable resource. (2009). etrieved from http://green-ecoliving. com/bamboo-the-perfect-renewable-resource.

Belger, M. (2007, November….

The standards include recycling C & D. debris. The Chicago Center for Green Technology got an award for its building (Grzeskowiak, 2006). Our city could do the same. Tallahassee, Florida recently renovated their Solid Waste Administration building to conform to green standards (Grzeskowiak, 2006). A successful "green" building has been built in New York City -- the first green high-rise residential building in the United States. The designers set up a wastewater treatment system that sends flushwater to all the toilets in the building and to an adjacent building (Zavoda, 2006).
In all of this, the city makes the rules and sets the standards. Our city needs to require recycling of construction and demolition debris, too, and encourage green building.

Another thing the City could do -- a smaller, but effective and very visible program -- would be to place recycling bins on the street for pedestrian use. Presently, pedestrians have….

The list of questions I want to ask about the company's recycling program include the following:

What types of plastic (identifiable by numbers) are eligible for recycling on -- site?

For the types of plastic that are not eligible for recycling on-site, what alternative brands or products can be used so that the company does not generate any excess unnecessary waste?

What changes to the company's operations do you recommend, so that less waste is generated?

For recycling electronics, what are the best procedures and practices you recommend?

To answer these questions, I interviewed the waste management commissioner of the city. Commissioner Eleanor Tubman has been working in waste management services for fifteen years, and heads the city's recycling departments. Most of the recycling in the city is done by a private service.

First I asked Commissioner Tubman what she thought were the greatest steps our company could take to reducing the amount of waste we….

On December 14, 2004, Germany was told it must "introduce a system that allows drinks makers, including beer and soft drinks producers, to do business fairly across Europe. Germany must giver drinks makers a longer period to prepare their businesses for complying with the new system, and to make sure consumers can recover their deposits in a far wider variety of drop-off points (unknown)."

Recycling Around the orld

The United States is not the only country currently involved in recycling programs. The United Kingdom has a program known as "aste atch, which is the leading national organization promoting and encouraging action on the 3Rs - waste reduction, reuse and recycling. They work with community organizations, local and national government encouraging the environmental benefits of waste minimization and recycling, while also highlighting the positive impact on the economy and wider society

There is a recycling organization know as BIR, which is "an international trade….

Magnum's closed-loop recycling technology eliminates the greenhouse gases produced by old-fashioned recycling processes, removing the steel mesh and fiber from the scrap tires and converting them into purified high-grade tire crumb. The company has collaborated with Sekhar esearch Innovations that has granted it exclusive North American rights to a unique activation and devulcanization process that imparts to recycled rubber the same elasticity and resilience as virgin rubber and allows for the creation of new custom compounds.
The next step in the research process is to test the hypotheses. In this study independent test results validate that Magnum SI's rubber-activated compounds possess all the properties of natural rubber compounds, meeting all technical and performance parameters needed for value-added applications. Magnum's entry into the market comes at a time when rubber manufacturers have been squeezed between recessionary forces and higher fuel and operating costs, hurting margins and driving up product prices.

The data….

Meanwhile Porter points out that in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 2002, the city was collecting 11,586 tons of recyclables materials a year (roughly two-thirds of a pound per person per day) and those numbers added up to an impressive benefit: a savings to the city of $324,000 a year (143). Not only that, but costs of solid wastes are avoided, and Ann Arbor no longer operates its own landfill; instead it pays $28 a ton for non-recyclables to be hauled to a private landfill, Porter explains.

Like Porter, author Don Fullerton is not shy about exposing the fiscal reality of recycling from the market perspective; he even suggests that cities perhaps have launched curbside recycling programs with "incomplete information" (Fullerton, 2002, p. 161). Once local and state policy makers discover how expensive it is for a municipality to put a curbside recycling program in place, Fullerton suggests some city recycling programs….

recycling should be made mandatory. The first part of the paper presents a thesis statement after which three pieces of evidence have been provided to support my thesis statement. In conclusion, I have summarized my whole argument emphasizing on the thesis statement.
Yes, recycling should be made an obligation. ecycling is an imperative necessity of the time. In the modern-day, it has turned out to be a valuable and suggestive process as it ensures environmental benefits including landfill reduction, energy saving and conservation of natural resources ("ecycling").

For the past several years, the central form of recycling comprised of direct recycling by the producers or firms of excess, flawed or out of order materials. Throughout the 1990s, on the other hand, indirect recycling also turned out to be a main form of recycling. Indirect recycling is, in actual fact, the recycling of materials after their utilization by the consumers. It is….

The first citywide curbside recycling starts in University City, Missouri (for newspapers).

The esource Conservation and ecovery Act is created, which focuses on recycling.

The Comprehensive Environmental esponse Compensation and Liability Act (Superfund) was passed.

Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments passed.

Superfund Amendments and eauthorization Act passed. hode Island is the first state to pass mandatory recycling laws for cans, glass, newspapers and plastic.

Ocean Dumping Ban passed. The Plastic Bottle Institute develops a material identification code system for plastic bottle manufacturers (#1-6).

McDonalds stops using Styrofoam packaging due to protests. Coca-Cola and Pepsi announce they will use recycled PET bottles made of about 25% recycled plastic resin.

The federal recycling order is signed.

U.N. Earth Summit promotes sustainable development.


Those who are against the idea of recycling the products and resources being used cite several issues for the basis of their beliefs. The first issue is the belief that "recycling "squanders money and good will, and doesn't do…. 2011.
Some facts about the actual costs of recycling vs. traditional disposal expenses is presented by this article, and is certainly worthy of examination: a) a well-run curbside recycling program costs between $50 and $150 per ton; b) typically a trash collection and disposal program costs between $70 to $200 per ton. hen New York City discovered that it was losing money on its recycling program in 2002, it eliminated glass and plastic recycling. But then its landfills were full and closed, and out-of-state landfills raised prices so high it made sense for New York to begin recycling glass and plastic again, and today it is "an economically viable" alternative to hauling truckloads of plastic and glass to other states to ham their landfills.

EarthTalk. "hy Is Recycling Not Mandatory in All U.S. Cities?" Retrieved June

18, 2011, from 2011.

In answer to the above-referenced question from Vicki in Geneva New….

1. Should social media platforms be held responsible for monitoring and removing hate speech?
2. Is the death penalty an effective deterrent for violent crime?
3. Should college athletes be paid for their performance?
4. Are stricter gun control laws necessary to reduce gun violence?
5. Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?
6. Is climate change a result of human activity?
7. Should the minimum wage be increased to a livable wage?
8. Is affirmative action still necessary in today's society?
9. Should standardized testing be the primary measure of student achievement?
10. Is privacy in the digital age a fundamental human right?
11. Should the use....

1. The causes and effects of air pollution in urban areas
2. The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems
3. The role of industrial activities in water pollution
4. How deforestation contributes to environmental pollution
5. The health effects of pollution on human populations
6. The effectiveness of government policies in combating pollution
7. The role of technology in reducing pollution levels
8. The ethical implications of pollution on future generations
9. The connection between climate change and pollution
10. The importance of public awareness and education in addressing pollution issues
11. The link between pollution and wildlife extinction
12. Case studies of successful....

1. The importance of voting in local and national elections
2. Why recycling and reducing waste is crucial for the environment
3. The benefits of volunteering in your community
4. The negative effects of social media on mental health
5. The need for stricter gun control laws in the United States
6. The importance of implementing a minimum wage increase
7. Why animal testing should be banned
8. The benefits of practicing mindfulness and meditation
9. The necessity of providing free healthcare for all citizens
10. The importance of taking action against climate change.
11. The impact of fast fashion on the environment and why consumers....

Topic Ideas on the Impact of Technology

1. The Transformation of Work: How Technology Is Reshaping Labor Markets
- The automation of tasks and rise of artificial intelligence (AI)
- The impact on job displacement, creation, and wage inequality
- The need for reskilling and lifelong learning

2. The Power of Information: Technology's Role in Access and Control
- The democratisation of information through the internet and social media
- Issues of privacy, surveillance, and data ownership
- The potential for misinformation and disinformation

3. Ethical Considerations in Technological Advancement
- The use of AI in decision-making and its implications for bias and fairness
- Gene editing and the ethical implications....

2 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling Pros Cons

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ecycling I support recycling. There are a number of arguments in favor of recycling and very few reasonable ones against. This paper will outline the balance of the arguments. ecycling…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling How it Improves Our Environment Most

Words: 1657
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Recycling: How it Improves Our Environment Most individuals in today's society know that recycling plays an important role in managing the waste generated in homes and businesses, and that it…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling and Trash Collection

Words: 4159
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ecycling and Trash Collection in Modern Countries Garbage becomes a community problem in many countries. The household contributes a big part of the national municipal solid waste, but indeed the…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling Americans Work Too Hard

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As of now, there are significant "barriers" in place preventing millions of Americans from having access to convenient recycling (American Beverage Association). The warrants substantiating the claims are straightforward.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling of Electric and Electronic

Words: 4295
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The largest component of these appliances is white goods and that constitutes 43% of the total waste. (Electrical and electronic equipment recycling information sheet) The next largest component is…

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3 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling Mankind Is Rapidly Heading

Words: 953
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Mobile phones, computers, and similar electronics are now recyclable and people need to find means of sending such materials to be recycled properly. Batteries are among the most damaging…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling System of Reusable Cups

Words: 1755
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

(2010). Starbuck Everywhere. etrieved from http://www. Why bamboo? (2010). EcoDesignz. etrieved from CTGY/whybamboo/. ecycling & reducing waste. (2010). Starbucks Corporation. etrieved from / responsibility/environment/recycling. Imhoff, D. (2002, Winter). Thinking outside…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling City Recycling Programs Are

Words: 827
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The standards include recycling C & D. debris. The Chicago Center for Green Technology got an award for its building (Grzeskowiak, 2006). Our city could do the same.…

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2 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling the List of Questions I Want

Words: 523
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ecycling The list of questions I want to ask about the company's recycling program include the following: What types of plastic (identifiable by numbers) are eligible for recycling on -- site? For…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling and the Waste Management

Words: 1885
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

On December 14, 2004, Germany was told it must "introduce a system that allows drinks makers, including beer and soft drinks producers, to do business fairly across Europe. Germany…

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4 Pages
Article Critique

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling Sidebar Tire-To-Tire Recycling the

Words: 1287
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Magnum's closed-loop recycling technology eliminates the greenhouse gases produced by old-fashioned recycling processes, removing the steel mesh and fiber from the scrap tires and converting them into purified…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling Offers Many Benefits in

Words: 1344
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Meanwhile Porter points out that in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 2002, the city was collecting 11,586 tons of recyclables materials a year (roughly two-thirds of a pound per person…

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4 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling Should Be Made Mandatory The First

Words: 1407
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

recycling should be made mandatory. The first part of the paper presents a thesis statement after which three pieces of evidence have been provided to support my thesis…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling and Proposes That for

Words: 1941
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The first citywide curbside recycling starts in University City, Missouri (for newspapers). The esource Conservation and ecovery Act is created, which focuses on recycling. The Comprehensive Environmental esponse Compensation and Liability…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Recycling What Are the Tangible

Words: 3703
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper 2011. Some facts about the actual costs of recycling vs. traditional disposal expenses is presented by this article, and is certainly worthy of examination: a) a well-run curbside recycling…

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