Red Scare Essays (Examples)

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Red Scare Both
Pages: 6 Words: 1892

U.S. (after 1865)
ed Scare

At the end of World War I, a fearful, anti-communist faction known as the First ed Scare started to extend throughout the United States of America. In 1917, ussia had gone through the Bolshevik evolution. The Bolsheviks set up a communist government that removed ussian troops from the war. Americans thought that ussia had let down its associates, comprising the United States, by leaving the war. Additionally, communism was, in theory, an expansionist philosophy, extended by way of revolution. It propagated that the working class would defeat the middle class (First ed Scare, 2011).

Once the United States no longer had to focus its labors on winning World War I, a lot of Americans became scared that communism might extend to the United States and pressure the nation's democratic ideals. Adding to this fright was the mass migration of Southern and Eastern Europeans to the United States as…...



Burnett, Paul. n.d. "The Red Scare." Accessed May 19, 2011. 

"Communism in Washington State." 2011. Accessed May 19, 2011.

Terrorism Nuclear Threat and the Red Scare
Pages: 2 Words: 718

Terrorism, Nuclear Threat, And the ed Scare
With the carnage of the Boston Marathon bombings still echoing in the minds of many Americans just weeks after the devastating terrorist attack took place, the residual fear and uncertainty that resulted from the September 11th attacks was brought the forefront of the national consciousness. After years of relative inactivity in terms of terror attacks launched on American soil, the public's sense of complacency and calm was shattered by a seemingly random event. This pattern repeats that which was experienced by an entire generation during the 1950's and 1960's, when the Cold War against the Soviet Union positioned the planet on the precipice of nuclear war and global annihilation. During this especially tense era in America's history, the general public was held hostage by the posturing and provocation of the U.S.S.. And its increasingly belligerent foreign policy maneuvers. Schoolchildren were taught to huddle under…...



Murrow, E.R. (Reporter) (1954). See it now - interview with senator joseph mccarthy [Web]. Retrieved from 

Shane, S. (2010, April 15). Cold war nuclear fears now apply to terrorists. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Red Balloon Le Balloon Rouge
Pages: 4 Words: 1081

This scene can easily be likened to the communist investigations of this era, when many writers, directors, actors, and numerous people in the entertainment business were blacklisted from working, many of whom were turned in by peers who had been "beaten down" by interrogations.
This film is really remarkable, considering that there is no dialogue. There are only sound effects, thus the actors must be given praise for their abilities to carry the film, especially Pascal. His portrayal of innocence and naivete comes across as truly genuine.

ithout dialogue, music and sound effects take on added importance to the film. Lamorisse chooses music and sound that is very appropriate for each scene. For example, when Pascal is trying to get the balloon down from the lamppost, the music in the background adds to the mischievous nature of the boy and the story. Moreover, the sound effects also help to enhance the…...


Works Cited

Albert Lamorisse. 

The Red Balloon. Director: Albert Lamorisse. 1956.

Salmonela and Tomato Scare if
Pages: 2 Words: 733

There are no more round red, Roma and plum tomatoes on the shelves or in the menus as Publix supermarkets decided to take them off the market regardless of their provenience. The measure was motivated by the fact that "it's not based on geography. We've chosen to pull them all, as a safety precaution" Reid pointed out (Gilbert, 2008).
Some of the major culinary attractions such as urger King, Subway, Taco ell and Chipotle Mexican Grill, or McDonald's chose to respect the FDA recommendations and take out tomatoes from their list of ingredients.

The most affected restaurants however are not those who can afford to leave out tomatoes, but rather those that largely depend on the fresh juice of the tomatoes such as Italian restaurants. Gainesville is on high alert as well. The concern of salmonella determined Pasquale's, one Italian restaurant to adapt to this situation and use tomato sauce packed…...



Gilbert. D. (2008) Salmonella scare takes tomatoes off some menus. Gainsville Times. [online] Accessed 12 Jun., 08, at 

Walker, E. & Paiva Cordle, I. (2008) Salmonella scare takes tomatoes off shelves, menus. The Miami Herald [online] Accessed 12 Jun., 08, at

California and the U S California
Pages: 4 Words: 1120

Murray, the first wave of ed Scare was characterized by "a nation-wide antiradical hysteria provoked by a mounting fear and anxiety that a Bolshevik revolution in America was imminent -- a revolution that would destroy property, church, home, marriage, civility, and the American way of life."[1] This time of massive scare also generated intense fear of foreigners as most aliens were seen as conspirators. Many alien related laws were passed and massive arrests were made during this time. It was not a good time for immigrants as "the federal government consistently targeted alien radicals, deporting them [...] for their speech or associations, making little effort to distinguish true threats from ideological dissidents."[2] series of bomb explosion targeting Attorney General Palmer led to the controversial Palmer raids in which tens of hundreds of aliens were arrested on one pretext or another. Initially the American public responded in a positive manner…...



1] Levin, Murray B. (1971). Political Hysteria in America: The Democratic Capacity for Repression. Basic Books, pg. 29.

2] Cole, David D. (2002). "Enemy Aliens." Stanford Law Review Vol. 54 (Issue: 5): pp 953+.

3] Farquhar, Michael (2003). A Treasury of Great American Scandals. Penguin Books, pg. 199

California." The Columbia Encyclopedia, (2004) Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press

Gravity's Rainbow and Other Cold War Literature and Film
Pages: 8 Words: 2703

Cold War dominated American culture, consciousness, politics and policy for most of the 20th century. Even after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which symbolized the fall of the Iron Curtain and therefore finale of the Cold War, Cold War rhetoric and politics continued especially in the War on Terror. Depictions of the Cold War in American literature and film parallel the changes that took place in American ways of thinking about its own domestic policies as well as American perceptions of the alien enemy or "Other." Tracing the evolution of American film and literature from the end of World War Two until the 1980s reveals trends in thought. Early depictions of the Cold War were modernist in their approach, with clear distinctions between good and evil and no moral ambiguity whatsoever. Clear delineations between right/wrong and good/evil prevailed, a form of political propaganda and even brainwashing that prepped…...



Booker, K.M. (2001). Monsters, Mushroom Clouds, and the Cold War. Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Comyn, J. (2014). "V2 to Bomarc: Reading Gravity's Rainbow in Context." Orbit 2(2). Retrieved online:

Hamill, J. (1999). Confronting the Monolith: Authority and the Cold War in Gravity's Rainbow. Journal of American Studies 33(3): 417-436.

Jarvis, C. (n.d.). The Vietnamization of World War II in Slaughterhouse Five and Gravity's Rainbow. Retrieved online:

Mccarthy and the Cold War One Aspect
Pages: 10 Words: 2922

McCarthy and the Cold War
One aspect of history is that a country's so-called "friend" one day, can be an enemy the next and visa versa. The United States and Soviet Union during World War II joined ranks against the real threat of Nazi Germany. However, it did not take long after the end of the war for ussia and the United States to once again bully each other. Even before the final surrender of Germany in 1945, the two super powers rapidly found themselves in a new military and diplomatic rivalry. Meanwhile, in the United States, the economy was taking time to build and unemployment was growing. Thoughts of the Depression loomed in people's minds. The friction with the ussians, which would receive the name of Cold War, did not help. Yet it did create a scapegoat for fears and feelings of paranoia. As the tensions between the U.S. And…...



Barson, M. Red Scared (2001). San Francisco: Chronicle.

Bennett, D. (1988). Party of Fear. New York: Random House.

Halberstam, D. (1993). The Fifties. New York: Villard.

Lewis, P. The Fifties (1978) New York:. J.B. Lippincott, 1978.

Reconstructing the Occurrence of the WW1 and the Great Depression
Pages: 4 Words: 1506

World War I and the Great Depression
World War I

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 sparked the occurrence of the First World War. A Serbian nationalist called Gavrilo Princip murdered him as the heir apparent to the throne of Austria. However, other underlying factors that contributed to the rivalry between the Great Powers include the system of alliances, nationalism, domestic political factors, militarism, the Eastern question (The Balkans), and the crises before 1914. The main powers of Europe before 1914 were: (i) the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (1882) and (ii) the Triple Entente of Britain, ussia and France (1907). In nature, the alliances were defensive, and this implied that major political disputes inevitably would lead to large and not small conflicts. Nationalism looked at eager people across the world who wanted to let the rest of the world know how strong and important their…...



Giangreco, D. M. & Griffin, R. E. (1988). Airbridge to Berlin -- The Berlin Crisis of 1948, Its Origins and Aftermath. Background on Conflict with USSR.

Hiebert, Ray, and Roselyn Hiebert. (1970). The Stock Market Crash, 1929. New York, NY: Franklin Watts.

McElvaine, R. S. (1993). The Great Depression: America, 1929-1941. New York, NY: Times Books.

Parrish, M. E. (1992). Anxious Decades: America in Prosperity and Depression, 1920-1941. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.

Alger Hiss There Have Been
Pages: 14 Words: 5142

On the other hand, hittaker Chambers was "a contributing editor of Time (...) from 1925 to April 1938, (he) had been a Communist, a writer of radical literature, an editor of the Communist Daily orker. He had also been what was then vaguely known as a Communist courier."

The major starting point of the case was Chambers' disappointment with the communist doctrine and the dual attitude Stalin had when signing the 1939 pact with the Nazi leadership. Therefore, according to Time Magazine, he "abandoned the party in revulsion and despair, and became a determined enemy of Communism." Consequently, outraged by the dramatic turn that the soviet politics had taken, he began expressing his views on the collaborators of the soviet regime in the U.S. It is in this way that Chambers contacted Berle, who, after the discussion he had with the former communist partisan, wrote in his notes from September 2,…...


Works Cited

Abrahamsen, David. Nixon vs. Nixon: An Emotional Tragedy. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1976

Adolf Berle's Notes on his Meeting with Whittaker Chambers. Responses, reflections, and occasional papers. Avaliable on Internet,   Accessed 15 October 2006 .

Crowell, William P. Remembrances of Venona. Available from Internet, Accessed 15 October 2006

Excerpts from Grand Jury Hearings Relating to the Alger Hiss Case December, 1948. Available from Internet, Accessed 15 October 2006.

1921 and 1927 the Trial and Appeals
Pages: 5 Words: 1690

1921 and 1927, the trial and appeals of two individuals, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti,, dominated the news and were the inspirational source for many political movements throughout the world (Frankfurter). The profound and wide ranging effect that these two Italian immigrants had on society in the 1920 is remarkable and provides an excellent topic for discussion.
The incident giving rise to the Sacco and Vanzetti controversy occurred on April 15, 1920. The payroll of a South Braintree, Massachusetts factory was being carried by the company's paymaster and a guard for disbursement when the two men were suddenly robbed and killed by two men who retrieved the payroll and escaped in a waiting automobile. At first, the crime received only minimal attention on the local level around Boston but this would soon change as the two Italian immigrants, Sacco and Vanzetti, were arrested for an unrelated crime and eventually charged…...


Works Cited

Alba, Richard. "Sacco and Vanzetti and the Immigrant Threat." Contexts (2011): 30-35.

Frankfurter, Felix. The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti: A Critical Analysis for Lawyers and Laymen. Buffalo: William S. Hein & Co., 2003.

McGirr, Lisa. "The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti: A Global History." The Journal of American History (2007): 1085-1115.

Roschwalb, Susanne A. "Litigation Public Relations." Communications and the Law (1992): 3-24.

American Fears and Bigotry Toward
Pages: 3 Words: 741

This sort of behavior and scapegoating was the intellectual and cultural "easy way out" for many Americans looking for solace from the events taking place thousands of miles away, affecting the entire country. In the fog of war, as writer Barbre (2000) puts it, mistakes are made and generalizations are easily placed into existence. hen Americans were confused and scared, they looked to the easiest form of comfort, the alienation of the outsider or the "other."

Sexual Projection and the Internment of the Japanese-Americans

riter Renteln (1995) explores the role that sexual projection had in the dealing with Japanese-Americans in internment camps during II. This can be directly related to the themes within the book Snow Falling of Cedars due to the fact that Americans used their fear of the outsider (Japanese and Japanese-Americans) to project their own fears and misgivings about their sexuality and feelings of inadequacy. As author Renteln (1995)…...


Works Cited

Barbre, C. (2000). "Review: Films: The Straight Story, Snow Falling on Cedars."

Journal of Religion and Health. Vol. 39, No. 4. pp. 383-385.

Renteln, A.D. (1995). "A Psychohistorical Analysis of the Japanese-American

Internment." Human Rights Quarterly. Vol. 17, No. 4 pp. 618-648.

Stepford Wives as Ideology Horror
Pages: 2 Words: 730

Could this movie possibly fall into the category of a conspiracy; that any fictional parody of male behavior (which this surely is, at least in part) becomes in fact a parody of female behavior as well? Is that what irks feminists about the Stepford Wives?

And no matter what the answer to that question is, the "horror" aspects of this 1975 film were balanced, and even matched, by the ideological aspects. Whether one views the film as a statement on that cadre of men who are control freaks, or that element of the female gender hopelessly submissive to the whims and demands of men, the film has a strong ideological theme.

And moreover since ideology is part of the political world, and the political issues of the day seem to always creep into film, the Stepford Wives, as a feminist-themed film, is ideological. Feminists always have a fierce political agenda, and part…...



Skal, David J. The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror. New York: W.W.

Norton and Company, 1993.

Threat China Poses to the
Pages: 7 Words: 2362

Of course, the 2007 pet food scandal is also a result of this same lack of regulation and inspection in China. Pet food manufactured here in the United States and in Canada contained melamine, an ingredient used in the manufacture of plastic dinnerware, but also a key ingredient in many fertilizers. It sickened thousands of dogs and cats, and hundreds died as a result of eating the tainted pet food. This incident helped bring the dangers of Chinese imported food and other products into focus, and made it much more real for many Americans. As a result, many people are becoming more vigilant about Chinese products, and some Congressmen have called for bans on all Chinese foods that are not inspected, but that has not occurred.
Clearly, this poses a danger to American consumers, and it is one reason that Chinese imports are the biggest threat to America.

However, Chinese foods…...



Comerford, Michael Sean. "Red Scare Fear Grows over the Quality, Inspection and Sheer Volume of Imports from China." Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), 15 July 2007, 1.

Elwell, Craig K., Marc Labonte and Wayne M. Morrison. Is China a Threat to the U.S. Economy? Federation of American Scientists. [online]. 2007. .

Hirsch, Steve. "Safety Warning Issued on Chinese ATV; Government Cites Lack of Front, Parking Brakes." The Washington Times, 6 June 2007, C08.

Murray, Geoffrey, and Ian G. Cook. Green China: Seeking Ecological Alternatives/. New York: Routledge, 2002.

19th and 20th Centuries Americans
Pages: 13 Words: 3665

In this regard, Frye notes that, "The social changes appeared most profoundly to the majority of citizens not in the statistics of gross national product or the growth of technological inventions but in the dramatic occupational changes that faced fathers and sons and mothers and daughters" (1999, p. 4).
The innovations in technology that followed the Industrial evolution also served to shift the emphasis on education for agricultural jobs to more skilled positions as demand for these workers increased (Frye, 1999). In other words, as American society changed, so too did the requirements for American education and the process can be seen to be mutually reinforcing and iterative by Frye's observations concerning the effects of these trends on U.S. society during this period in American history. In this regard, Frye notes that, "With the change in types and numbers of occupations and their focus in towns and cities, other elements…...



Coffey, a. (2001). Education and social change. Philadelphia: Open University Press.

Frye, J.H. (1999). The vision of the public junior college, 1900-1940: Professional goals and popular aspirations. New York: Greenwood Press.

Kaminsky, J.S. (1999). A new history of educational philosophy. Westport, CT: Greenwood


Progress of Women After 25
Pages: 4 Words: 1406

The "Highlander Center," a group advocating rights for African-Americans, "were labeled as subversive and subjected to investigation, and their members were harassed," which sounds a bit more like fascism than democracy.
But were the hearings fair? No, they were highly unfair; from the very beginning, the lack of fairness was obvious to any objective observer; they were called "Hearings egarding the Communist Infiltration of the Motion Picture Industry" (held October 20-30, 1947). The proof was in prior to any fair hearing of the issues or the accused, which is a denial of democratic justice to begin with.

And meantime, the witnesses were classified as "friendly" or "unfriendly." If you were "friendly," that meant you already had cooperated with the HUAC, and had indicated a willingness to point fingers, name names, of suspected "communists," so the members of the committee (which included Congressman ichard Nixon) would look like they were doing their…...



Wheels and Becker. "The Second Red Scare: HUAC vs. Hollywood, 1947."

McClellan, Jim R. "Women's Suffrage: The Nineteenth Amendment is Ratified." Historical

Moments: Changing Interpretations of America's Past, Vol. 2, the Civil War Through the 20th Century. Chapter 15. New York: Cushkin/McGraw-Hill, 2000.

McClellan, Jim R. "Prohibition: The Eighteenth Amendment Takes Effect." Historical Moments:

I\'m looking for an essay the lottery that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 536

Research-Based Essay on The Lottery


"The Lottery," Shirley Jackson's chilling short story, has captivated readers since its publication in 1948. This essay will delve into the story's historical and sociological context, examining how it reflects the fears and anxieties of post-World War II America. Through a research-based analysis, we will explore the various interpretations of the story and its enduring significance in contemporary literature.

Ritual and Tradition

"The Lottery" centers around a yearly ritual in an unnamed village, where the community participates in a seemingly harmless lottery drawing. However, as the story progresses, the horrific nature of the ritual is revealed: the winner....

Could you support me in crafting a thesis statement about the crucible?
Words: 125

Sure. Here is a possible thesis statement about "The Crucible":

In Arthur Miller's play, "The Crucible," the Salem witch trials serve as a metaphor for the hysteria and paranoia surrounding the Red Scare of the 1950s, highlighting the destructive power of fear and the importance of standing up against injustice.
This thesis statement effectively connects the historical context of both the Salem witch trials and the Red Scare, illustrating how fear and paranoia can lead to detrimental social consequences. It also hints at the overarching theme of standing up against injustice, which is a central component of the play's message. With this....

What is the central thesis of \'The Crucible\' regarding the Salem Witch Trial mania?
Words: 629

1. The central thesis of The Crucible regarding the Salem Witch Trial mania is that mass hysteria and fear can lead to irrational behavior and the scapegoating of innocent individuals.

2. Arthur Miller uses the Salem Witch Trials as a metaphor for the Red Scare and McCarthyism, highlighting how accusations of witchcraft mirror accusations of communism in 1950s America.

3. The play underscores the importance of individual integrity and standing up against false accusations, as seen through the character of John Proctor and his refusal to falsely confess to witchcraft.

4. The Crucible demonstrates how those in positions of power....

What is the central thesis of \'The Crucible\' regarding the Salem Witch Trial mania?
Words: 505

1. The Crucible effectively portrays the mass hysteria and fear that consumed Salem during the witch trials, highlighting the devastating consequences of unchecked accusations and the power of mob mentality.

2. Arthur Miller's The Crucible serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of intolerance, prejudice, and the erosion of individual rights during times of mass hysteria and fear.

3. The Salem Witch Trials, as depicted in The Crucible, underscore the importance of due process, the presumption of innocence, and the need to safeguard against the abuse of power.

4. The character of Abigail Williams in The Crucible embodies the destructive potential of....

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