Religion And Theology Essays (Examples)

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It does not suggest that Scripture is infallible; merely that it is divinely inspired. It does not suggest that Scripture should be the controlling definer of Christian faith. It does not suggest that the New Testament should be treated in the same manner as the Old Testament, because Scripture referred solely to the Old Testament until well after the establishment of Christianity. What this means is that someone who uses a critical contextual perspective looks at the actual history behind the writings, places those writings within their historical, anthropological, and sociological settings, and uses those writing as a guidepost for understanding Christianity, rather than as an unwavering definition of Christianity.
ead the first two chapters of Genesis, and based on what you have studied about historical critical interpretation of the Bible, Why don't they (2 stories of creation) coincide? What do you think is the "truth," the message that God….

Spirituality, Religion, and Faith -- a (Diverse) Catholic Perspective
The words spirituality, religion, and faith, are often used interchangeably. hen they are used to connote or denote a specific form of theistic phenomenon, more often than not, the term 'spirituality' is usually used to suggest the more individualistic aspects of God-focused thoughts and actions, the word 'religion' is more often used when discussing the issues of a particular traditional strain of philosophy regarding the divine essence, (such as the phrase 'the Catholic religion') and the notion 'faith' is often referred to as a schema of belief that may or may not be communal or individual -- in other words, to say that one has faith in God means that one has a belief in God.

Given the modern focus on the individual as opposed to the communal experience -- in fact, one might even say, given modernity's self-centered and self-consumed times --….

Religion and Theology: Church GrowthProblem StatementIt has been observed that good pastoring is often absent in The Apostolic Church of West African diaspora in the United States. Without proper leadership, which is missing in the form of good pastoring, young people do not find a connection with the church, hence are hard to retain. The membership of young adults is witnessed to reduce hurting the church and the Church ministers.The PurposeThe research purpose would be to create awareness about good pastoring and its importance for retaining young church members, specifically The Apostolic Church of the West African diaspora. It would also teach moving the ministers to change themselves and bring good pastoring practices that infuse motivation in the youth during congregations. The purpose is also to test my assumptions about whether good pastoring is missing in the selected church and among its ministers or not.Research QuestionsKeeping the project aims in….

Paul’s writings are naturally cosmopolitan, his being influenced by Hellenistic culture and philosophy as well as Judaism. As a result, Paul’s contributions indelibly and significantly transformed the mode, meaning, and implications of Christ’s message. As Scholz (2013) points out, Paul penned almost half of all New Testament texts: thirteen books. Paul’s theology is “one of the cornerstones upon which the Christian Church is built,” (Zetterholm, 2009, p. 1). What also makes Pauline texts different is that unlike the synoptic gospels, Pauline letters reflect the author’s own theology. Reading and re-reading Pauline theology offers insight into how early Christian theology evolved and was influenced inevitably by historical, cultural, and contextual variables. Moreover, the Pauline letters show how later Christian theologians would revise and reinterpret the teachings of Jesus and his disciples.
Most likely, Paul viewed himself as a theologian, one who felt an intense personal responsibility to travel, preach, and teach to….

Qualifications of the divine and the nature of supreme reality are core concepts of any religious tradition. Hinduism and Buddhism conceptualize the divine and the nature of reality in complementary yet distinct ways. Buddhism emerged from Hinduism, in a manner not wholly unlike the way Christianity emerged from Judaism. Therefore, there are several core similarities in the cosmologies and the conceptualizations of divine reality between these two faiths. Moreover, the religious practices and philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism tend to be more similar than they are different. These similarities should not obscure the real and practical differences in the ways Hindus and Buddhists conceptualize and communicate matters related to the nature of the divine, and the nature of supreme reality. In particular, Buddhism avoids distinctions between a divine and a profane realm; there are no actual Buddhist deities or gods. Hinduism boasts a plethora of gods and goddesses, although the….

Both faiths ascribe to a heaven and a hell, belief in angels and the devil. Moreover, Islam and Christianity teach against crimes against humanity to include violence, gambling, adultery, lying, theft and murder. Both teach that children are to respect their parents and husbands and wives are to be respected. Both Islam and Christianity teach against same sex marriage, homosexuality, fornication, and vulgarism. Both teach of modesty in presentation to the rest of the world. Observation of societal laws is also important to believers in Islam and Christianity (Asad 60).

Islam and Christianity both believe in zakat or charity; extending one's self to those less fortunate. Both traditions teach fasting as a way of getting closer to God as well as enhancing each individual's God like qualities. Despite recent extremist practices by some Muslims, both Islam and Christianity are faiths based on a tradition of peace (Asad 103). Although some….

Religions of Rome

eligions of ome
Throughout history, religion has been having a major impact on the societies around the world. In the case of the omans, they had numerous religions that were practiced throughout the reign of the empire. To fully understand these ideas requires looking at the chapter titled Sol the Sun in the Art and eligions of ome. This will be accomplished by summarizing the various points and discussing a broad theme from the chapter. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to how specific practices from other cultures affected various oman religions.

In Sol the Sun in the Art and eligions of ome, it is talking about the worship of the sun god name Sol. He was a mythological figure that was considered to have the most power among the various oman pagan gods. This is because the omans believed that the sun was a vital source of….

Thus, Sam argues that although the world often seems unjust (and is filled with innumerable instances of evil), yet P. is solved through the belief that every condition (good, in this case) necessitates an equal and opposite condition (evil, as it were.) However, Gretchen counters by asking whether those who behave in an evil way are ever punished for their transgressions, and whether there is any motivation for people to not simply act in their own best interests, whether or not this involves behaving in an immoral manner. Sam's rejoinder appeals to the afterlife as the site in which the importance of morality becomes manifest: "But the doctrine of an afterlife, in whatever form, says that this isn't the whole story" (47). However, Sam disregards the fact that God is purported to pardon many sinners, which would ostensibly mean that he regularly pardons instances of injustice.

The dialogue between Sam and….

According to Bass, "Hinduism is the only major religion lacking an adequate explanation as to its origin," as no definitive Hindu text exist that that date before 1000 B.C. Indeed, because Hinduism is one of the religions that views time as cyclical rather than linear, what information is available about Hinduism does not give a very accurate picture of its history (Bass 5). hat can be gleaned from this history is the fact that Hinduism is one of the oldest religions with one of the oldest societies in the world. Just as their origins are difficult to define, the beliefs of Hinduism are varied depending on one's personal interpretation of the religion. However, one of the more important aspects of Hinduism is its social caste system. This belief states that there are four casts, and each "has its rules and obligation for living." The three castes are Brahman, priests,….

Religion Theology

Environment and Globalization

Christine Burke calls for a Christina response to the issue of environment and globalization in her essay entitled Globalization and Ecology. She sets forth her estimation of the steps that the Christian world needs to take to change the current affects of globalization on the earth and the societies that inhabit it. Burke calls for "active participation'42 by the Christian community in understanding, "ecological awareness'42 to shape that action, and a "new participation'42 by "creative leadership'42 to engage in action. The goal she stresses is to move from the "individualistic mindset'42 toward one that is "holistic and inclusive."

The Christian community needs to understand the narrow focus of the global community. It is a focus, according to Burke, which idealizes only income and wealth vs. social responsibility. In turn, individual societies suffer as global corporate interests destroy their ecologies. Because corporations operate in what seems to be a global….

Without an understanding of the Arian crisis, it is difficult to understand why later theological debates ensued and tore apart people who essentially believe in the same basic religion. Some Christians might take for granted that Christ is divine, whereas others view Jesus more as a human messenger of God. The Romans were debating this very issue several thousand years ago.
Second, the story of Arius and Athanasius shows that Christianity was not founded by Jesus Christ. Christianity was founded by those who came after Jesus. Christianity was also formed over time, and as the result of crises as bloody and violent as the one that Rubenstein describes in When Jesus Became God. Jesus set in motion a chain of events that would lead to the formation of a new religion, even though Jesus himself might only have been trying to reform Judaism. Jesus may have preached of a new….

In your view, how can Christians and Muslims work to understand one another better?

One of the first ways Christians and Muslims can work to understand one another is to recognize their shared heritage as "people of the book." Their religions are important to their identities and worldviews, and knowing this will also shed light on their common ground. Both Christians and Muslims believe in the veracity of the Hebrew Bible as the cornerstones of their religion. The common grounds between the two faiths, including the stories of the Old Testament, can be starting points for religious dialogue.

Once Christians and Muslims realize they are from a common background, they may be able to inspire compassion in one another. However, it is also important for Christians and Muslims to recognize and understand d their differences and more importantly, respect those differences. Valuing diversity, Christians and Muslims can appreciate that their world is….

Race factored in creates a shift in the view which can be correctly applied to that which affects voting and as well globalization has created its' own impact on voting choices made by the American individual.

Campbell, David E. (2004). Acts of Faith: Churches and Political Engagement. Political ehavior, 26 (2), 155-180.

Clawson, Rosalee a. And Clark, John a. (2003). The Attitudinal Structure of African

American Women Party Activists: The Impact of Race, Gender, and Religion. Political Research Quarterly, 56(2), 211-221.

Clinton and Giuliani Seen as Not Highly Religious; Romney's Religion Raises Concerns (2007) the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. 6 Sept. 2007. Online available at:

Kelly, Nathan J. And Kelly, Jana Morgan. (2005). Religion and Latino Partisanship in the United States. Political Research Quarterly, 58 (1), 87-95.

McClurg, Scott D. (2006). The Electoral Relevance of Political Talk: Examining

Disagreement and Expertise Effects in Social Networks on Political Participation. Journal of….

And maybe mass suicides are the old way's means of presenting their final argument. "Whether this is truly the case or not, suicides both individual and collective are only going to increase as frenetic technological changes tear apart tradition and destabilize cultures throughout the world."
4. Conclusion

Mass suicides are a form of protesting against the changing systems of beliefs; a means of escaping the unsatisfactory world around or pathways to heaven, conducted by weak and sometimes ill minds, led by a diabolic genius who has the capability of playing with others' minds. They exploit religious beliefs in order to make a less or more well founded statement.

And religious exploitation towards the advantage of an individual or group of individuals is not a procedure we are strange from. We should however bear in mind that we are beginning to demolish universal values. And after all, what will happen to humanity once….

It is because of this that Hinduism has become as powerful now as it has ever been (Hopfe and oodward 77-113).

Among the most powerful religions of the world, comes Buddhism. Its great history is one that makes this spiritual belief one that has withstood time. Not only is its origination in one of the most populated countries of the world, but the powerful influence that it has had on other religions and on the political institutions from which some nations base their governments, it has become clear that Buddhism, just as Christianity and Islam have become, is a great powerful influence on the insurgence of political atmospheres, and extremists views (Hopfe and oodward 134-155).

Buddhism is most closely associated with peaceful teachings and non-violent approaches to everyday issues. Because of this great belief in that everything can be resolved through peaceful means, governments have chosen to also adapt these religious….

3 Pages
Book Review

Mythology - Religion

Faith Religion and Theology While

Words: 952
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

It does not suggest that Scripture is infallible; merely that it is divinely inspired. It does not suggest that Scripture should be the controlling definer of Christian faith.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

What Is the Difference Between Spirituality Religion and Theology in the Catholic Faith

Words: 1666
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Spirituality, Religion, and Faith -- a (Diverse) Catholic Perspective The words spirituality, religion, and faith, are often used interchangeably. hen they are used to connote or denote a specific form…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Church Growth Religion and Theology

Words: 2022
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Religion and Theology: Church GrowthProblem StatementIt has been observed that good pastoring is often absent in The Apostolic Church of West African diaspora in the United States. Without proper…

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2 Pages


religion the theology and teachings of Paul

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Paul’s writings are naturally cosmopolitan, his being influenced by Hellenistic culture and philosophy as well as Judaism. As a result, Paul’s contributions indelibly and significantly transformed the mode, meaning,…

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8 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Religion Qualifications of the Divine and the

Words: 2413
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

eligion Qualifications of the divine and the nature of supreme reality are core concepts of any religious tradition. Hinduism and Buddhism conceptualize the divine and the nature of reality in…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Religion Christianity and Islam Religions

Words: 1093
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Both faiths ascribe to a heaven and a hell, belief in angels and the devil. Moreover, Islam and Christianity teach against crimes against humanity to include violence, gambling,…

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3 Pages
Book Review

Mythology - Religion

Religions of Rome

Words: 817
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

eligions of ome Throughout history, religion has been having a major impact on the societies around the world. In the case of the omans, they had numerous religions that were…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Religion Anselm Aquinas and Hume

Words: 2500
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Thus, Sam argues that although the world often seems unjust (and is filled with innumerable instances of evil), yet P. is solved through the belief that every condition (good,…

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7 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Religion Comparison Religions in Ancient

Words: 2389
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

According to Bass, "Hinduism is the only major religion lacking an adequate explanation as to its origin," as no definitive Hindu text exist that that date before 1000…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Religion Theology

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Religion/Theology Environment and Globalization Christine Burke calls for a Christina response to the issue of environment and globalization in her essay entitled Globalization and Ecology. She sets forth her estimation of…

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2 Pages
Book Report

Mythology - Religion

Religion the History of Religion

Words: 586
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Without an understanding of the Arian crisis, it is difficult to understand why later theological debates ensued and tore apart people who essentially believe in the same basic…

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1 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Religion in Your View How Can Christians

Words: 398
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Religion In your view, how can Christians and Muslims work to understand one another better? One of the first ways Christians and Muslims can work to understand one another is to…

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6 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Religion & Politics The Impact

Words: 1503
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Race factored in creates a shift in the view which can be correctly applied to that which affects voting and as well globalization has created its' own impact…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Religion in the News Religion

Words: 1559
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

And maybe mass suicides are the old way's means of presenting their final argument. "Whether this is truly the case or not, suicides both individual and collective are…

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6 Pages
Reaction Paper

Mythology - Religion

Religions of the World Islam

Words: 1825
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

It is because of this that Hinduism has become as powerful now as it has ever been (Hopfe and oodward 77-113). Buddhism Among the most powerful religions of the world,…

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