Reproduction Essays (Examples)

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Reproduction of Art in the

One of the main facts mentioned is the meaning and an interpretation of the work of art is more dependent on the owners, who more influence the meaning. From here, the fact presented by Benjamin of influence of capitalism on art is being reasserted (Sturken, Douglas and Cartwright, 75).
2. Lawrence Levine's "illiam Shakespeare and the American People"

Art is not reflected in the form of painting or films, but writers and literary authors also reflect art. Lawerence Levine has highlighted that the true nature of art that was represented by Shakespeare in his plays continued to dilute since the late nineteenth century. The main roles in this case are played by the changes in the American theatre based on social changes (Mukerji and Schudson 160).

Mass production is the second fact highlighted by both the authors. In the past, the art was unique and the amount of art being produced was….

" If we take this to its logical conclusion, it would seem that eventually music "piracy" will outstrip the ability for record companies to make a profit and the flow of music will stop. At least that is the argument apparently put forth by those companies who seek to prevent music from being copied and shared on the Internet for free. The actual result, which the article does not seem to consider, could be that technology makes record companies completely obsolete as a means to find, record, and distribute talent. In fact, as the article notes, technology has made it possible for people to record their own music, and edit it with almost professional quality. People are already doing this, and they are placing their music directly to the public on social networking sites like "My Space." The article claims though, that the record company will still be needed to….

Cellular Reproduction

Cellular Reproduction, as we all know, has become a very controversial subject.
Scientists believe cell reproduction can enhance a human's life by curing certain disease's, such as Multiple Sclerosis. Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Society, on the other hand is stating it is immoral and inhuman by "Playing God," and leading us to a path of destruction.

With the opposition, our government is torn and has restricted funding for cell reproduction. Only twenty-two embryonic stem cell lines are now available for federal research funds and they can only be adult cells.

he greatest concern is what kind of human cells are going to be reproduced?

Somatic Cells, blood cells that already exist in us, has made great progress. By transforming our blood cells we can produce a new liver and kidneys. Which is in high demand for transplants. hen there is the embryonic cell, which comes from a human embryo. hey can….

A woman who willingly becomes pregnant as in the case of a married woman may be thought of as a person who has voluntarily contracted an obligation with her spouse to see through the birth and preserve the fetus. What happens when the woman was raped? The actions of another individual by force would not create consent for the pregnancy and hence the obligation to preserve life cannot be read into it. (Beauchamp; Walters, 2003)
If destroying the fetus is found to be right in saving the mother's life, it is also assumed that the mothers life somehow is paramount than that of the child in the womb. There cannot be exceptions for situations for one set of events merely because the people or religious percepts believe it to be right.

3. Some people argue that a fetus is a human being because it has the unique DNA of a human….

Art in the Age of Mechanical eproduction," Walter Benjamin attempts to describe how the advent of industrialization has changed the way art is produced, transmitted, and received, and the effect these changes have had on the notion of art itself. Benjamin's argument centers around the notion of a work's "aura," or "the unique appearance of a distance," meaning the unique, individual experience of a work in time and space that cannot be reproduced in the same way that the work itself can (Benjamin 2004: 795). In order to better understand Benjamin's notion of aura and the way photography, film, and other reproduced images contribute to its decay, one may consider an image of Benjamin himself as a case study in changes produced by the mechanical reproduction of art.
When Benjamin talks about "distance," he is referring to distance not only in terms of space, but also time, because the particular….

Evolutionary biologists have agreed that sex is essential to evolutionary longevity, however they cannot agree why (Milius, 2000). otifers seem to be another fly in their ointment.
In the end, researchers have found that nearly identical pairs of genes were found in rotifers that reproduced sexually (nonbdelloid). This result was expected for sexually reproducing diploids. However, these identical genes were not found in bdelloids. "Even the most similar copies found in any bdelloid genome are more divergent than the most divergent pair found in any other rotifer" (Welch & Meselson, 2000).

ecommendations for Specific esearch to Answer the Question:

Additional research certainly needs to be performed on bdelloid rotifers to determine exactly why and how they are able to be so evolutionarily successful without sexual reproduction. To date, the fossil record has not found any male bdelloid rotifers, however, the search has been less than exhaustive and must continue, to rule out….

Their cool colors make a striking contrast with the hotter, fiery sun-like stars.
The work does not depict the human form or an emotional scene, but the artist's emotion is palpably present in the landscape. A desolate, lonely tree stands in the foreground. Although it is closest to the viewer it is the least distinct of all of the representational objects of the work. It seems to point like a finger to the sky. The human presence is everywhere in this work, even though the human form is absent, and every element of the sky is clearly from a particular point-of-view.

Paul Gauguin's "Manhana no Atua" does show the human form, most prominently three reclining women dangling their feet in the water. The lush nature of the tropics is shown by the unreal warmth of the colors. Pinks dominate the landscape, making the colors of the women's tanned flesh even starker.….

Performance Art
hile some may believe we are close to achieving the purest art form that technology has to offer, I see it another way. Understanding the differences between live performance and a recorded performance are often difficult due to the relative appreciation of every individual. Consensus in the arts is very hard to come by, but when it does, it is obvious. The digital age has allowed for the consumer of music, movies, Internet video sensations and various other forms of performance art in our times. It is important to analyze both the benefits and the negative impacts this technology has brought while forcing the artistic world to conform to its principles. The purpose of this essay is to examine the effect that technology has had on performance art within the last decade highlighted by the computer medium as a primary source of entertainment.

The most beneficial impact of digital music,….

Art Form and Art

Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," addresses changing views and its impact following photography and film's emergence in the previous century. The author addresses sense changes in mankind's overall way of life, how humans view and understand visual artworks differently now as compared to before, and its effect (which is yet to be identified). Further, he addresses the lost authentic aura, owing to artworks' mechanical reproduction. This aura denotes the genuineness and originality of an artwork which hasn't been reproduced. Painted pictures possess an aura photos lack because photos are simply images of other images whereas paintings are absolutely original creations (enjamin, 1936).
Traditionally, the greatest challenge encountered in the field of photography is, possibly, people's inability to seriously regard it as a type of art. Films fail to bring with them a sense of authentic aura. Reproducible images themselves reflect a historic move that needs to be taken….

Genetics and Reproduction

Female copperhead snakes are capable of both asexual and sexual reproduction. In essence, sexual reproduction has got to do with the development of a new organism via “the fusion of two sex cells, the male and female gametes” (Smith and Smith, 2015, p. 198). Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, “is the ability of an organism to produce an offspring without the union of sex cells (i.e. gamates)” (Smith and Smith, 2015, p. 199). It is important to note that in terms of genetic diversity, sexual reproduction is of greater relevance than asexual reproduction. This is more so the case given that in comparison to the parent organisms, the egg and sperm produced have different gene combinations. Meiosis is, according to Smith and Smith (2015), involved sexual reproduction. In basic terms, meiosis involves not only the cell DNA doubling, but also the rearrangement of genes, and the division of the….

......paraphilias & fetishes; (Do not engage in any contact or activity that would be considered inappropriate!) In your reflection discuss: What was the site? To whom did it apply? What were the sexuality issues? Specifics? Include the content & resources found there.

Salirophilia is defined as a "parphilic" sexual fetish in which individuals sexual arosal is obtained by basically getting really dirty -- in the literal sense. Individuals will use dirt, mud, or other soiling techniques to make the other person look dirty. This paraphilias does not involve any physical harm however, rather the only harm is done to the person's appearances. There are some reports where some deviations include the use of bodily fluids in some deviations. Treatment is only sought when this practice becomes problematic in some manner.

Part B

1) Watch and reflect on a movie containing material related to class topics: alternative sexual behaviors as covered in the chapters….

This is called "reproduction worship." According to this belief the world originated from Yin and Yang life force. This has had a great impact on Chinese culture and its view of reproduction. Yin is considered a male life force with many powerful positive attributes while Yang is assigned mainly weaker attributes. eproduction is given much importance because of its power to move the universe ahead and to expand the same. The forces of Yin and Yang are both needed for actions to have impact. There are other beliefs that seem to have an impact on reproductive behavior among Chinese couples. (Tang, 1995)
Since Confucianism advocates sexual restraint and asceticism, marriage is seen as a vehicle for reproduction rather than a means of enjoying sex. Secondly families are considered very significant because of ancestor worship. Since ancestors are revered in Chinese culture, having a family is always the motivating force behind….

Art in the Age of

imilarly, the phases of the image evolves from art reflecting basic reality, through three progressive stages that culminate in art that has no relation to reality at all. The same happens with utopian and science fiction writing. The first stage requires no such writing, as the world is viewed as utopian in its current state. The second stage recognizes the world as imperfect, and compensates for this by means of romantic dreams (Mann). The third stage revolves around technological dreams such as robots and machines, while the final stage once again culminates in an end to science fiction: the hyperreal absorbs science fiction into a new genre related to the Internet and other types of mass media.

There are many examples of the hyperreal in the modern media. Perhaps the most striking of these is entertainment centers such as Disney World. These worlds are presented as reality to visitors, who willingly….

red wolf and different aspects related to this species. I have included information about its taxonomy, morphology & anatomy, distribution, habitat, feeding, predators, behavior, reproduction, development and economic value. Over all, I have given thorough information regarding the life and habits of the red wolf that is now an endangered animal.

The red wolf is a species of wolf that is smaller in size and its color varies from reddish gray to almost black. It is commonly known as red wolf. The red wolf is considered as the most beautiful of all the wolves on the planet (Sutton, 1998). However, it has been given the scientific name of Canis rufus. It belongs to the Family Canidae and Order Carnivora (Kelly & Phillips, 2000, p. 247). As far as the status of red wolf is concerned, it has been categorized as an endangered living creature as this species of wolf has….

science marches forward, reproductive cloning of humans will likely become a reality. It has already been accomplished with dogs, cats, cows and monkeys. This means that one day a person will be able to have a child with his/her own cells. hat do you think some of the family law issues will be as this form of alternative reproduction becomes a reality?
As soon as Dr. Ian ilmut made a breakthrough announcement that he, and his team, had successfully cloned an adult sheep in 1997, the salience of the controversy about cloning humans and genetic modifications in the human genome virtually erupted (Rose, 1999). It became clear at this point that it was feasibly possible to conduct a range of scientifically assisted reproduction such as human cloning for example. There could also be a mix of genetic information bestowed on a child. For example, family planning could resemble something along….

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the topic you are considering.  That is because you are asked to take a position in an argumentative essay and support that position, while also being ready to meet challenges that would come from people taking a different position.  Sex education is a surprisingly divisive topic given the evidence that supports sex education as being a positive for students.  Much of this division is based in religious and moral objections to sex education, and, while it....

Observational learning is a type of learning that occurs as a result of observing the behaviors of others. This process involves paying attention to the actions and outcomes of those around us, and then using those observations to guide our own behavior.

Observational learning can take place in a variety of contexts, such as in the classroom, at work, or even at home. It is often referred to as social learning, as it involves learning from the social interactions and experiences of others.

One of the key components of observational learning is the idea of modeling. This involves mimicking the....

Original Thesis Statement:

My The Advantages and Disadvantages of Fertility Treatment thesis statement feels weak.

Evaluation of the Original Thesis Statement:

The original thesis statement is weak for several reasons:

Vague: It does not specify which advantages and disadvantages will be discussed.
Redundant: The phrase "advantages and disadvantages" is repetitive.
Lack of Focus: It does not clearly state the main argument or perspective on fertility treatment.

Strengthened Thesis Statement:

The Impact of Fertility Treatment on Individuals and Society: Exploring the Potential Benefits and Risks

Explanation of the Strengthened Thesis Statement:

Specific: It specifies that the focus is on the impact of fertility treatment on individuals and....

The Study of Human Pregnancy: Advancing Our Understanding of Heredity and Genetics

The study of human pregnancy offers a unique window into the fundamental principles of genetics and heredity. By examining the patterns of inheritance and variation in traits exhibited by parents and their offspring, scientists have gained invaluable insights into the mechanisms that govern human reproduction.

1. Role of Genes and Chromosomes

Pregnancy involves the fusion of a sperm cell and an egg cell, each carrying half of the genetic material necessary to create a new individual. These genetic instructions are encoded within chromosomes, structures found in the nucleus of every cell.


4 Pages

Art  (general)

Reproduction of Art in the

Words: 1301
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

One of the main facts mentioned is the meaning and an interpretation of the work of art is more dependent on the owners, who more influence the meaning.…

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3 Pages


Media Reproduction and Distribution as

Words: 1153
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article

" If we take this to its logical conclusion, it would seem that eventually music "piracy" will outstrip the ability for record companies to make a profit and the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Cellular Reproduction

Words: 305
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cellular Reproduction, as we all know, has become a very controversial subject. Scientists believe cell reproduction can enhance a human's life by curing certain disease's, such as Multiple Sclerosis. Parkinson's…

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3 Pages

Women's Issues - Abortion

Ethics of Reproduction of the

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

A woman who willingly becomes pregnant as in the case of a married woman may be thought of as a person who has voluntarily contracted an obligation with…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Words: 1140
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Art in the Age of Mechanical eproduction," Walter Benjamin attempts to describe how the advent of industrialization has changed the way art is produced, transmitted, and received, and…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Bdelloid Rotifer Reproduction Rotifers Are

Words: 2090
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Evolutionary biologists have agreed that sex is essential to evolutionary longevity, however they cannot agree why (Milius, 2000). otifers seem to be another fly in their ointment. In the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Expressionism in Art Reproductions of

Words: 675
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Their cool colors make a striking contrast with the hotter, fiery sun-like stars. The work does not depict the human form or an emotional scene, but the artist's emotion…

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3 Pages


Performing Arts in the Age of Digital Reproduction

Words: 882
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Art hile some may believe we are close to achieving the purest art form that technology has to offer, I see it another way. Understanding the differences between live…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Art Form and Art

Words: 679
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," addresses changing views and its impact following photography and film's emergence in the previous century. The author addresses sense changes in…

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1 Pages


Genetics and Reproduction

Words: 366
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Female copperhead snakes are capable of both asexual and sexual reproduction. In essence, sexual reproduction has got to do with the development of a new organism via “the fusion…

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2 Pages

Recreation and Leisure

reproduction in the new age

Words: 778
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

......paraphilias & fetishes; (Do not engage in any contact or activity that would be considered inappropriate!) In your reflection discuss: What was the site? To whom did it apply?…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

China's Reproductive Behavior and Culture

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This is called "reproduction worship." According to this belief the world originated from Yin and Yang life force. This has had a great impact on Chinese culture and…

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6 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Art in the Age of

Words: 2001
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

imilarly, the phases of the image evolves from art reflecting basic reality, through three progressive stages that culminate in art that has no relation to reality at all. The…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Red Wolf and Different Aspects Related to

Words: 1943
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

red wolf and different aspects related to this species. I have included information about its taxonomy, morphology & anatomy, distribution, habitat, feeding, predators, behavior, reproduction, development and economic…

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4 Pages

Business - Law

Science Marches Forward Reproductive Cloning of Humans

Words: 1138
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

science marches forward, reproductive cloning of humans will likely become a reality. It has already been accomplished with dogs, cats, cows and monkeys. This means that one day…

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