Ring Of Fire Essays (Examples)

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Ring of Fire
Pages: 2 Words: 597

Ring of Fire is a swampland in Northern Ontario. The area, found within an aboriginal area, consists of boreal forest, lakes, and rivers. This area is covered by a treaty and is protected under Canadian aboriginal law. In 2006, large deposits of minerals were uncovered leading mineralogists to reach the conclusion that there would be large, deep deposits of Chromite, a key ingredient in stainless steel. With this discovery, it was established that the area would be mined for this valuable mineral. The issue, however, is that there is also evidence of environmental impact issues, which may not be reversible. This paper will discuss these issues and recommend the best means of conducting an environmental impact analysis.
The first issue that must be studied is the water-table system in the area. It is well established that mining typically impacts water-tables for hundreds of hectacres surrounding the entire site. The water-table in…...

Fire Hazards of Trusses
Pages: 8 Words: 2599

Fire Hazards of Trusses: Sample Report
Structures often play the important role when a building is on fire. Upon many reviews, there are a lot of fires claiming for lives of the inhabitants of the building, but there are also some cases, which had taken the firefighters' lives as well. Such cases should not have happened, but limited information of the building's structures and length of fire could have caused it.

Chesapeake automobile warehouse happened to be a fatal case of fire (NFPA, 2002). The 12-year-old building was constructed under lightweight wood trusses. There were two steel frames and another brick construction located at the building. The trusses were built using the combination of wood and metal plates that joined them altogether.

On Monday morning, March 18, 1996, the repair shop operated as usual. The employees were coming along to start their first day of the week, taking up service works along the…...



A&R Truss Company. Mar 2001. Frequently Asked Questions About Roof Trusses. A&R Truss Company. November 20, 2002. http://www.artruss.com/faqroof.htm

Brannigan, Francis. Brannigan on Building Construction. Dec, 2001. Know Your Enemy #17. Firehouse.com. November 20, 2002.  http://www.firehouse.com/brannigan/2001/0712.html 

Federal Alliance for Safe Homes. Blueprint for Safety Glossary. 2001. Federal Alliance for Safe Homes. November 20, 2002.  http://www.blueprintforsafety.org/bluepages/glossary.html .

National Fire Protection Association. 2002. Truss Collapse. NFPA Homepage. November 20, 2002.  http://www.nfpa.org/Research/FireInvestigation/AlertBulletins/TrussCollapse/TrussCollapse.asp

Fire Service the Hackensack Fire
Pages: 4 Words: 1776

(The Hackensack Fire adio Communications Issue)
Although there was plenty of controversy surrounding the issue, wherein some stated that it was plain human error, and bad judgment, while some others stated that it was because of interference, or due to mechanical malfunction, the actual truth, as it was later discovered, was that the firefighters had been inadvertently transmitting their communications on a general channel, and since nobody listened to it, no one knew that they were all trapped upstairs, and therefore, no one could rescue them. Since the fact cannot be proved beyond reasonable doubt, and since not one of those firefighters in the incident came out alive, one must believe that a combination of different factors led to such grave fatalities in the firefighting department of Hackensack, in July 1, 1988, in New Jersey. (The Hackensack Fire adio Communications Issue)


Analysis report on Firefighter Fatalities. Fire Analysis and esearch Division:…...



Analysis report on Firefighter Fatalities. Fire Analysis and Research Division: National Fire

Protection Association. August, 1989. Retrieved From www.everyonegoeshome.com/PDF/Fatality%2520Reports_Studies/1988%2520Report.pdf+firefighter+fatalities+in+Hackensack+in+1988&hl=en" Accessed 23 October, 2005http://www.everyonegoeshome.com/PDF/Fatality%20Reports_Studies/1988%20Report.pdf.

History of the Hackensack Fire Department. Retrieved at   Accessed 23 October, 2005http://www.hackensack.org/content/49/142/229/default.aspx .

Preventing Injuries and Deaths of Fire Fighters due to Truss System Failures. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Publication. 2005. Retrieved at   23 October, 2005http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2005-132/#sumAccessed 

Fire Alarm Systems
Pages: 5 Words: 1430

Fire Alarm Systems
Every year, thousands of people die in home and commercial building fires, but far more are saved as a result of fire alarm systems that provide them with sufficient notice to evacuate the premises. In the distant past, fire alarm systems consisted of men and sometimes animals, but more recently, increasingly sophisticated systems have been developed that form an essential part of the concentric layers of building defense. To identify current trends in this field, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning automatic fire alarm systems in general, as well as their composition and working principle in particular, including their design, basic configuration, and the types of notification devices that are typically used, as well as the detectors and emergency voice and other alarm communication systems that are currently deployed with respect to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for…...



Fire alarm systems. (2012). Integrated Publishing. Retrieved from   / celec/91.htm.http://www.tpub.com 

Liston, D. (1999). Museum security and protection: A handbook for cultural heritage institutions.

New York: Routledge.

Moore, W.D. & Wilson, D.K. (2004, May). Lighting the way to fire integration. Security Management, 45(5), 91-93.

The Importance of Social Media and the Fire Department
Pages: 4 Words: 1363

The one-size-fits-all approach is not applicable in the context of social networking in corporate firms and workplaces. The advantages of social media are contingent on the type of networking platform, its features, and the organization itself. Since their inception, social networking sites have been known to play a critical role in improving the communication and productivity of compliant firms. In the contemporary society, the fire service also uses mainstream social networking platforms for receiving and disseminating information. The traditional reliance on print media as a source of information has faded away as social media provides an unlimited amount of data at a mere keystroke. With the help of media sources, firefighters are linked to the outside world and their communication is not limited to scanners and radios. Social media has transformed the manner in which people operate, and the fire department has stay attuned to the trends. Therefore, the fire…...

Landforms Barrier Island Beaches Generally Develop Where
Pages: 7 Words: 2371

Barrier island beaches generally develop where:

a The coast is composed of hard rock b the nearby land has a rugged topography of hills and mountains c the sea floor deepens rapidly offshore d The sea floor remains shallow for a long distance offshore

During storms in winter:

a There is a higher percentage of fine-grained sand on beaches

b More erosion occurs in bays than on headlands

c Beaches are eroded d Beaches are built up e Offshore sand bars are destroyed

Along the Midocean ridge

a earthquakes occur b sea floor spreading occurs c volcanism occurs d all the above occur

Where would you find examples of barrier island coasts?

a Oregon

b California

c British Columbia and Alaska

d Texas and the Gulf Coast

e Hawaii

Which of the following boundaries characterize the San Andreas Fault?

a Spreading

b Convergent

c Transform

d None of the above

Construction of dams upstream on rivers may lead to:

a Narrower beaches b Wider beaches c The filling in of…...

Plate Tectonics Evolution & Expansion
Pages: 5 Words: 1521


Kious and Tilling, 1996, This Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate Tectonics: USGS Special Interest Publication in: Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at: http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/PlateTectonics/description_plate_tectonics.html

Mian, Z. (1993) Understanding Why the Earth is a Planet with Plate Tectonics. R.A.S. Quarterly Journal Vol.34 No.4 Dec 1993. Online available at Harvard at: http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1993QJRAS..34..441M/0000443.000.html

Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at: http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/PlateTectonics/description_plate_tectonics.html

Scientists Watch Deepest Undersea Volcano for First Time (2009) Fox News, Science & Technology. Planet Earth. 17 Dec 2009. Online available at: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2009/12/17/scientists-watch-deep-sea-volcano-time/

Tilling, Heliker, and Wright, 1987, Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes: Past, Present, and Future: Department of the Interior/U.S. Geological Survey Publication in: Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at: http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/PlateTectonics/description_plate_tectonics.html...



Kious and Tilling, 1996, This Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate Tectonics: USGS Special Interest Publication in: Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at:  http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/PlateTectonics/description_plate_tectonics.html 

Mian, Z. (1993) Understanding Why the Earth is a Planet with Plate Tectonics. R.A.S. Quarterly Journal Vol.34 No.4 Dec 1993. Online available at Harvard at:  http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1993QJRAS..34..441M/0000443.000.html 

Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at:

Richard Davis Trophies of War
Pages: 6 Words: 1815

While I agree with all of the points that Kaimal makes, I was most interested in her examination of the way in which a single writer -- indeed, a single essay -- can have such a dramatic influence on the way in which art is seen. Coomaraswamy's writing seems to me -- admittedly many generations after he wrote it -- to be rather underwhelming, short on substance and long on rather overly elaborate style. His vision of India is startlingly -- given his own biography -- Orientalist and certainly Romantic. His vision of Shiva (and therefore one might guess of India) is in some ways an overly subtle one: By emphasizing the way in which Hindu thought and iconography posits the constant and simultaneous creation-destruction-recreation of the universe, Coomaraswamy is emphasizing the most metaphysical aspects of Hinduism. This is not surprising, not because Hinduism is metaphysical (of course it is…...

Gender and Identity Formation in
Pages: 10 Words: 3201

62), a society with "shallow-rooted" norms (p. 177), a "meager and difficult place" as opposed to the expansive way Ruth wishes to grow as a woman. (p. 178) Helen's storm inside, this mother's crisis of identity, has parallels not with Baldwin's women, but with characters such as the Reverend Henry, whose anger at hite society can only be expressed in a eulogy over his beloved son's casket. Extremity in both the apparently placid Henry and Helen brings forth rage and despair, but while at least Henry's male rage is life-affirming, urging his community to go on in the face of the death of a young person, Helen's actions are regressive, infantile, returning to her father, and do not occur as an act of social protest.
The gendered constructions of mourning and identity formulation for Helen's daughters Ruth and Lucille also indicate the limited repertoire the Housekeeping society provides for women…...


Works Cited

Baldwin, James. "Blues for Mister Charlie." New York: Vintage, 2001.

Robinson, Marilynn. Housekeeping. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1981.

Session Long Project Involve Developing a Disaster
Pages: 3 Words: 1156

Session Long Project involve developing a disaster management program a specific country include hazard analysis, prevention, preparedness, response, recovery plans. Epidemiology Disasters espond: 1.
In 2011, Japan was shook by a devastating earthquake which claimed thousands of deaths and led to serious economic casualties. Since then, a number of concerns have been raised in regards to expectations of an even vengeful one in the near future. In fact, Japan has had a history of damaging quakes throughout the years. In 2004, the Ch-etsu Earthquakes, although less serious as to the number of human lives, forced many people to leave homes and injured thousands. It was considered the most vengeful quake since 1995 when thousands were killed in the Great Hanshin Earthquake, hundreds of thousands more were affected one way or another and substantial economical damage was registered. As such, Japanese have become more vigilant in regards to their safety and are…...


Reference List

Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (2013, January 2013). Disaster Data: A Balanced Perspective. Issue No. 30. Retrieved from http://cred01.epid.ucl.ac.be/f/CredCrunch30.pdf

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (2012). World Disasters Report. Retrieved from  http://www.ifrcmedia.org/assets/pages/wdr2012/resources/1216800-WDR-2012-EN-FULL.pdf 

Jamil, S., & Kuntjoro I.A. (2009). Managing Double Trouble: Indonesia's earthquakes and the Philippines' typhoons. paper presented at the Third Annual Convention of the Consortium of Non-Traditional Security Studies in Asia, November 3-4, 2009. Retrieved from  http://www.rsis-ntsasia.org/activities/conventions/2009-singapore/Sofiah%20Jamil.pdf 

Leonard, H.B. (2011). Preliminary observations on the Japanese 3/11 earthquake and tsunami. John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (HKS). Retrieved from  http://www.ash.harvard.edu/extension/ash/docs/earthquake.pdf

Small Pieces of Glass The
Pages: 4 Words: 1209

The Ptolemaic model was accepted by most philosophers of note until it was radically challenged by the Polish astronomer Copernicus in 1530. The Catholic church condemned the Copernican System in 1616 and forbade holding, defending, or even teaching alternatives to the Ptolemaic conception of the universe endorsed by the Church (Fowler 2008:10). But both theories were mere conjecture until the development of the Galilean telescope. Galileo's telescope was a modification of the currently existing lenses used for reading by the long -- and short-sighted. Galileo did not invent corrective lenses or even the telescope, but he did substantially improve them. By making use of both convex and concave lenses, Galileo was able to expand the magnification power and distance vision of ordinary gazers, enabling to look wide into the heavens (Fowler 2008:10).
"Galileo's belief that his discoveries with the telescope strongly favored the Copernican world view meant he was headed…...



Fowler, Michael. (2008, August 23). Galileo & Einstein. University of Virginia Physics.

Retrieved February 11, 2011 at  http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virginia.edu/lectures/lecturelist.html 

Galileo: The telescope and laws of dynamics. (2010). Astronomy 161.

Retrieved February 11, 2011 at  http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/history/galileo.html

Films Cinema Is a Cyclical Phenomenon of
Pages: 3 Words: 1014

Cinema is a cyclical phenomenon of images, themes, stories, and visions yet each interpretation presented to viewers is unique and connects with them in a different manner. By studying the foundations of cinema, one can trace the influences of directors in modern cinema. Quentin Tarantino's most recent film, Django Unchained, is not only a postmodern film that draws influences from Fritz Lang's Die Nibelungen: Siegfried, an Expressionist film, and seamlessly intertwines the German legend with the estern genre. Through the film's narrative, structure, and mise-en-scene, one can see how early films and directors like Lang and Die Nibelungen: Siegfried have influenced contemporary directors like Tarantino and his film, Django Unchained.

Die Nibelungen: Siegfried is a 1924 silent fantasy film of the German Expressionist era. The film is based on the German legend of Siegfried who risks his life to help win Brunhilde's hand in marriage. Lang's film traces Siegfried's journey…...


Works Cited

Ahearn, William. "Die Nibelungen, Part I: Siegfried and Part II: Kriemhild's Revenge (1924)."

2012. Web. 6 May 2013.

Die Nibelungen: Siegfried. Directed by Fritz Lang. Germany: UFA, 1924. Netflix Instant

Streaming. 6 May 2013.

Traditional Cuisine in the Philippines
Pages: 2 Words: 646

Philippines Culture
The Philippines existed as a loose body of island tribes until the nation was settled by the Spanish in the 16th century following Magellan's arrival. For 300 years the Philippines was part of the Spanish Empire (indeed, its name Philippines is in honor of Spain's Philip II, who reigned during Villalobos's exploration of the islands in the mid-16th century). The U.S. became involved in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War and their presence there prompted the Philippine-American War (Constantino, 1975). The U.S. maintained control of the islands until after WW2 when the Philippines became independent.

The geography of the Philippines consists of a vast archipelago of more than 7000 islands. In all, the islands equate to 115,000 square miles of land, with about a third of that land mass being coastal (CIA, 2009). The islands sit on the famous Ring of Fire, a string of volcanoes in the Pacific and…...

Night of the Living Dead
Pages: 9 Words: 3547

Even in shots that might be steady, such as the sheriff is standing and talking to his men, frequent cuts are used in place of slow zooms or pans to shift the eye's focus.
Ramero uses scale to great advantage in this sequence to help build a sense of detachment from all the humans character. his detachment of course feeds into the audience's ability to accept the lesson that "we're them." his sense of scale begins with the very distant helicopter, which is so small and isolated on the screen. his proceeds to showing the hunters as tiny, wrong-ways-up specks on the ground. It is impossible to tell from the air whether the hunters are men or zombies, because they are so distant. his distant scale cuts into a close shot of the hunters walking, with the helicopter in the background. At this point the shots begin to become more…...


This is the moment at which the audience is most strongly drawn in as a force to observe the historical horror and recognize that "we're them." Not only has the audience's favorite character been killed by humans instead of by zombies, but additionally he is being treated like "meat" even by the humans. This is the deep significance of the hunters carrying meat hooks rather than (for example) crowbars: humans just like zombies consider those they have destroyed to be nothing more than meat. Humans, like zombies, kill and eat living beings, and the meat hooks which pull out Ben would otherwise be used for other carcasses of other beings humans had killed. Of course, this is not just a message about vegetarianism. It is a message about the way in which humans objectify each other and this leads to racial violence and holocausts.

This movie very bravely dares to go against the racial conventions of its day in casting a black lead, and dealing subtly and metaphorically with the damage done to him. This sequence in particular, which shows white men dragging a brave and noble black man through the fields to be burned surely had strong connotations in 1968 in the middle of civil rights battles and race riots. That George Ramero claims the casting was totally color-blind may indicate either that this subtext was created after the casting, or that somehow evolved unnoticed by the director himself. However, it is certainly present for the audience in this scene. If nothing else, the audience must face its own racial position in its feelings regarding the life and death of Ben, and the very recognition of such human violence reinforced the central message that zombies and humans are more alike than they are different.

In conclusion, this sequence is probably the single most important one in the movie, though of course it cannot stand alone without all the foreshadowing and characterization that proceeds it. In this scene, through plot and genre twists, through tricks of technique and lighting, and through the careful manipulation of the audience, Ramero creates what is probably the single most memorable and influential sequence in zombie film history.

Wording in J R R Tolkien's the
Pages: 5 Words: 1758

Had Tolkien been an American (shudder), it is likely that the trilogy would have assumed some gangster or other bad-guy qualities that would belie its roots in mythology and legend. Fortunately for generations of avid readers and now a motion picture-going audience, the world continues to delight in the writings of Tolkien precisely because he sends his modern readers to the dictionary once in awhile just to see what he is talking about. The precision of Tolkien's use of words and phrases in the books that comprise the trilogy are noteworthy if for no other reason than their ability to communicate exactly what the author intended, but the use of the right word in the right place has also contributed to the work's enduring popularity among readers who might not otherwise ever learn that a "coney" was something besides a hot dog with chili and cheese.
orks Cited

Black's Law Dictionary.…...


Works Cited

Black's Law Dictionary. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1991.

Clark, George and Daniel Timmons. J.R.R. Tolkien and His Literary Resonances: Views of Middle-Earth. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000.

J.R.R. Tolkien Glossary. 4 Dec 2009 .

Regehr, Rudy. 2006, "Following Gandalf: Epic Battles and Moral Victory in the Lord of the Rings," Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 12, 37.

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