Rising Cost Of Health Care Essays (Examples)

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Healthcare: The Effects of Rising Costs on the Middle Class
The rising cost of healthcare and the effects on the middle class


Effects of Rising Costs on Middle Class

The purpose of this paper is to define the income and social levels of the middle class in the United States and to examine and determine the effects that the rising costs of healthcare have had on the middle class. Further this work will examine the hospital closures in the State of California in relation to the trending which appears to be lessening the availability of the individual in attaining care while at the same time increasing the costs and access to healthcare effectively barring many in the United States Middle Class from receiving proper care for their health.


Healthcare costs have inflated to the point that no longer can every individual feel that healthcare is available for them and their family because indeed….

Rising Health Costs
Perception or Deception: The public face of rising health care costs

The Obama administration worked its way through the political minefields and signed into law its healthcare reforms in 2010. Some of the changes are underway, bringing about systematic modifications and other changes said to directly impacts costs. The expected result is a system that serves more people at reduced costs. And yet, as recently September 2011, when the reforms were beginning to take hold, the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation was already projecting that consumers would begin paying at least 9% more in their premiums than in 2010 -- a tripling of the standard increase from the past. Various explanations were offered, including linking 1% to 2% of the rising cost to Obama reforms. But what of the other cost differences? Why were they going up so much more? Are these increased being added because of true system costs,….

(Menzel, 1990, p. 3) Fisher, Berwick, & Davis alude to the idea of integration in health care, with providers linking as well as creating networks of electronic medical records and other cost improvement tactics.
The United States and other nations over the last twenty or so years, have begun a sweeping change in health care delivery, regarding the manner in which health information is input, stored and accessed. Computer use in the medical industry has greatly increased over the last thirty years the culmination of this is fully networked electronic medical record keeping. (Berner, Detmer, & Simborg, 2005, p. 3) the electronic medical record trend began in the largest institutions first, as hospitals and large care organizations attempted to reduce waste and improve patient care, while the adoption has been much slower among physician's practices and smaller medical institutions. (Hillestad, et al., 2005, pp. 1103-1104) Prior to this time medical….

In fact Congress should pass a bill that gives that prescription drug benefit to Medicare patients.
QUESTION NINE: In the United States, healthcare is so expensive that over 45 million people are without health insurance. It is a broken system, leaving out many people, especially children. Recently the executive branch vetoed a bill that would have provided health insurance to millions of middle and low-income children, indicating a lack of government concern for the well being of the population. Bush said it was too expensive, yet it's not too expensive to continue spending billions on an unpopular war in Iraq. Meanwhile, for the past 45 years, Canada has had a "government-funded, national healthcare system..." based on these five principles, according to www.medhunters.com.One, it is universally available to permanent residents; two, it is comprehensive; three, it is available regardless of income; four, it is "portable within and outside" Canada; and five,….

Healthcare spending and GDP
With the renewed comprehensive healthcare system, the obvious challenge that came with it is how to finance it. The huge projections of the financial inputs needed to efficiently run the program portends a challenge to the government and is likely to spin out of control and be unaffordable in the long run after a few decades from now. This is informed by accompanying supplies and services increasing in cost like the essential original drugs that have been noted to have increased in prices among other services within the healthcare. In many countries people are expected to pay for their own health care. Therefore the ability of people to pay for their health care or the affordability of the healthcare has become a policy issue in many countries and especially an issue of urgency. The issue of healthcare spending has been a topic for debate over the past….

Why access to healthcare has become an issue in the U.S.

According to a 2010 Gallup Poll, Americans named access to services the "top issue" in health care ("Americans Name Healthcare Access Top U.S. Health Issue," 2010). Empirical research also reveals that access is the top problem in the American health care system at the moment, as "tens of millions of adults under age 65 -- both those with insurance and those without -- saw their access to health care worsen dramatically over the past decade," (Galewitz, 2012). The reasons for the problems related to access stem from social justice and cost barriers (Galewitz, 2012). Health care is simply too expensive for most Americans. As a result, many are delaying seeking treatment. The situation is as true for the insured as the uninsured, showing that health care access is a systemic problem (Young, 2012, p. 1). The 2010 Patient Protection and….

Health Care Debate as the

Drug costs have gone from 26% of health care spending by private insurance companies in 1990 to 44% in 2006 (Kaiser Foundation, 2008). This issue has not been adequately addressed by health care reform. Instead, a deal appears to be made for $80 billion in concessions from the pharmaceutical industry in exchange for its support of health care reform (Kirkpatrick, 2009).
The underlying trend in each of these major issues in health care reform is controlling the rising cost. Malpractice reform seeks to control the cost of insurance to health care providers, so that they can pass those savings along to consumers. The public option provides a plan for affordable health care coverage for uninsured and underinsured Americans. This is deemed necessary because private insurers will not offer insurance to those it feels will demand too much in terms of health care costs going forward. Reducing the cost of health….

Healthcare Costs
A number of factors have affected the costs of healthcare in the United States over the past 3 decades, and there has been a corresponding impact on the nursing field as a result. To determine the facts about these issues, this paper reviews the literature to identify those factors that have had an effect on increasing healthcare costs over the past 30 years following by an analysis concerning how nursing has been impacted by efforts to contain costs. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings concerning factors affecting healthcare costs and their impact on the nursing field are presented in the conclusion.

Factors Affecting Healthcare Costs in Past 30 Years

Although the $2.8 trillion healthcare industry in the United States has become more efficient over the past 30 years, there have been some forces at work that have continued to drive increases in the costs of the provision….

The topic on "Social Marketing in Healthcare" advances how social marketing tool predominantly used in marketing consumer items can be effectively applied in the healthcare field. In addition, the development of social marketing research is an effective means by which information can be collected from consumers. This adds weight on this subject. In today's age, all activities are caught up in the information technology web. This is possible through the creation of systems of collecting, analyzing, and sharing information. This opportunity is now available to the healthcare workers because they can conduct consumer research through social marketing avenues. The information collected will then be used to develop efficient healthcare programs for consumers (Aras, 2011).

The key Points

The key points in the article include the need for health workers to use social marketing tools in conducting consumer research prior to developing and implementing healthcare programs. In this case, the article advances that….

Health Care in Canada An

These needs are only beginning to be addressed in Canada and while there do not appear to be many well-established initiatives there is a growing recognition of the need for such if Canada's healthcare sector is to gain and retain the necessary workers to deliver optimal healthcare in Canada.

Polls & Research (2006) Health Care, Environment Top Issues in Canada. 1 Nov 2006. AngusReid Global Monitor. Online available at: http://www.angus-reid.com/polls/view/13653

ack, Chris (2008) Current and Emerging Trends: Occupational Health and Safety in the C Healthcare Sector. 19 Sept 2008. Prepared for the OHSAH Stakeholder Meeting. Online available at: http://www.ohsah.bc.ca/media/240-OHS-Current-and-Emerging-Trends-full.pdf

Canadian Institute for Health Information, Workforce Trends of Registered Nurses in Canada, 2006 (Ottawa: CIHI, 2007).

Canadian Nursing Advisory Committee, Full-time Equivalents and Financial Costs Associated with Absenteeism, Overtime, and Involuntary Part-time Employment in the Nursing Profession, February 15, 2002.

Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, What's Ailing our Nurses? A Discussion of the Major Issues….

reputed "health crisis" currently facing Americans. The author explores several aspects of the health care crisis and analyzes the validity of those claims. The author presents an argument that there really is not a health care crisis and it is a fallacy. There were six sources used to complete this paper.
Why do People Believe the Crisis is eal?

What Evidence is There That it is Not eal?

What are some of the things giving the appearance it is...shortage of students etc.

What are some of the ideas that can help the problem?

For several years now Americans have been inundated with information about the health care crisis. News channels cover the crisis and pipe it into living rooms. Magazines publish articles about the causes and history of the health care crisis and politicians use the health care crisis to sell their platform and garner votes. It seems that everywhere one turns one can….

Health Care and HR

Human esource Management in Heath Care
ole of HM in Health Care

Impact of Human esource Management in Health Care

HM and Strategic Plan of Organization

ole of HM in Health Care

The various types of staff I the clinical and non-clinical sections who are responsible for intervention in individual and public health is known as the human resources in health care system. The knowledge, skills and motivation of the employees and the staff of the health care system who deliver health services are responsible to a great extent for the performance and the benefits that people can derive from the health care system.

While the health care system is also dependent on various other forms of physical resources like medicines and machinery, there needs to be a balance between the physical and the human resources in the system. However, what is more important is the management of the human resources in the system in a….

At which point, the overall costs of care will be passed on to the tax payer in the form of higher taxes. This leads to a decrease in the overall quality of care and it will not slow the price increases, as the government seeks to restrict access to these services. Then, when the program becomes broken (such as: what is happening to Social Security) removing or reforming the bureaucracy is nearly impossible. (Messerili, 2010)
A second argument that many critics make about universal health care is: it will stifle innovation. Whenever, the government is running any kind of program, they will place a large number of restrictions and regulations on the industry. When this takes place, you are causing some of the best and brightest minds to seek careers in other fields, as the restrictions from the government are too cumbersome. A good example of this would be: the….

"Studies of the relationship between managed care penetration in the health care market and expenditures for Medicare fee-for-service enrollees have demonstrated the existence of these types of spill over effects" (Bundorf et al., 2004).
Managed care organizations generate these types of spillover effects by increasing competition in the health care market, altering the arrangement of the health care delivery system, and altering physician practice patterns. Studies have found that higher levels of managed care infiltration are linked with lower rates of hospital cost inflation and lower physician fees are consistent with competitive effects. "Other studies demonstrate the impact of managed care on delivery system structure including hospital capacity, hospital admission patterns, the size and composition of the physician workforce and the adoption and use of medical equipment and technologies. More recent evidence has linked market-level managed care activity to the process, but not the outcomes of care" (Bundorf et al.,….

Health Care Reform

Healthcare Economics
When considering the ever-changing and highly competitive economic landscape of the modern world; governments, businesses and institutions must remain diligent in their care and compassion for their citizens and staff members. With the current exponential growth and advancement of technology and the computerization of business and learning, voters, workers and consumers have become much more connected to the organizations they patronize (Kurzweil). Accordingly, these important groups are faced with the continuous task of finding new ways to understand and subsequently accommodate the needs of their followers, while simultaneously securing lucrative business models and job environments. One of the most important needs presented in all demographics is reliable healthcare. Thus, with the inelasticity in the demand for healthcare, countries need to determine an applicable system, whereby citizens can have access to the medical services they will inevitably need. Collective access to healthcare represents the main problem in field of healthcare….

6 Pages
Term Paper


Rising Cost of Healthcare and the Effects on the Middle Class

Words: 1973
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Healthcare: The Effects of Rising Costs on the Middle Class The rising cost of healthcare and the effects on the middle class Healthcare Effects of Rising Costs on Middle Class The purpose…

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2 Pages


Rising Cost of Health Care in America

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Rising Health Costs Perception or Deception: The public face of rising health care costs The Obama administration worked its way through the political minefields and signed into law its healthcare reforms…

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20 Pages
Literature Review


Healthcare Reform Review of Literature

Words: 6070
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Literature Review

(Menzel, 1990, p. 3) Fisher, Berwick, & Davis alude to the idea of integration in health care, with providers linking as well as creating networks of electronic medical…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Healthcare Policies Hospitals Should Not

Words: 2007
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In fact Congress should pass a bill that gives that prescription drug benefit to Medicare patients. QUESTION NINE: In the United States, healthcare is so expensive that over 45…

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2 Pages


Healthcare Spending and GDP With the Renewed

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare spending and GDP With the renewed comprehensive healthcare system, the obvious challenge that came with it is how to finance it. The huge projections of the financial inputs needed…

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2 Pages


Healthcare Why Access to Healthcare Has Become

Words: 685
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare Why access to healthcare has become an issue in the U.S. According to a 2010 Gallup Poll, Americans named access to services the "top issue" in health care ("Americans Name…

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4 Pages


Health Care Debate as the

Words: 1269
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Drug costs have gone from 26% of health care spending by private insurance companies in 1990 to 44% in 2006 (Kaiser Foundation, 2008). This issue has not been…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing

Health - Public Health Issues

Healthcare Costs and Healthcare

Words: 673
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Healthcare Costs A number of factors have affected the costs of healthcare in the United States over the past 3 decades, and there has been a corresponding impact on…

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4 Pages
Article Review


Healthcare Access Quality and Costs

Words: 1233
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

The topic on "Social Marketing in Healthcare" advances how social marketing tool predominantly used in marketing consumer items can be effectively applied in the healthcare field. In addition, the…

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5 Pages


Health Care in Canada An

Words: 1761
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

These needs are only beginning to be addressed in Canada and while there do not appear to be many well-established initiatives there is a growing recognition of the…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care Crisis Fact or Fiction

Words: 5227
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

reputed "health crisis" currently facing Americans. The author explores several aspects of the health care crisis and analyzes the validity of those claims. The author presents an argument…

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4 Pages


Health Care and HR

Words: 1234
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Human esource Management in Heath Care ole of HM in Health Care Impact of Human esource Management in Health Care HM and Strategic Plan of Organization ole of HM in Health Care The various…

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4 Pages


Health Care Debate Over the

Words: 1442
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

At which point, the overall costs of care will be passed on to the tax payer in the form of higher taxes. This leads to a decrease in…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


Healthcare the Impacts of Case

Words: 4123
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

"Studies of the relationship between managed care penetration in the health care market and expenditures for Medicare fee-for-service enrollees have demonstrated the existence of these types of spill…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Health Care Reform

Words: 1029
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Healthcare Economics When considering the ever-changing and highly competitive economic landscape of the modern world; governments, businesses and institutions must remain diligent in their care and compassion for their citizens…

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