Robotic Surgery Essays (Examples)

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Robotic Surgery
The 21st century can rightfully be considered as the era of technology when the new inventions and discoveries will most likely affect all the segments of human life. At this point, some of the breakthrough inventions of our times have been in the medical field. Robotic surgery has become an almost common practice in the advanced medical world and new uses for robotic assisted surgery are everyday set in place. However, such developments also attract different interests and implications.

Robotic surgery, also known as computer assisted surgery, is a technological development that uses robotic systems to aid physicians in surgery, particularly to overcome limitations in minimally-invasive surgery, micro surgery, or to enhance the surgeon's abilities in open surgery. Typically, the surgeon uses a telemanipulative device that mimics the motions of the human hand and arm. Different instruments are used to replace traditional tools that perform certain actions (e.g. rib-spreading, etc.)….

Safe Patient Positioning
It's all about safe positioning in robotic surgery: Protecting Patients, Promoting Safety.

D.Jacqueline Arroyo N, MIS / Cardiac obotic Specialist

Massachusetts General Hospital

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, more than 80,000 robotic surgery procedures have been performed since 2008[footnoteef:1]. As a result, health care institutions are increasingly opting to invest in robotic technologies which offer patience the best quality of care and attractiveness as innovative methods. Although current literature is limited, studies show that patients who undergo robotic-assisted procedures experience reduced surgical time, scarring, blood loss, pain, infection rates, and lengths of stay compared with patients who undergo open or physician led laparoscopic procedures[footnoteef:2]. Additionally, modern technology has been introduced to ensure three dimensional imaging for optimal patient monitoring and safety.[footnoteef:3] It is because of these findings that many surgeons and hospitals alike are starting to recognize that robotic assisted techniques have the potential to reduce the invasiveness….

speech: Robotics in medicine
In the 1950s, robots were envisioned as large, hulking devices with relatively limited capabilities. But "robot, taken from the Czech robota, meaning forced labor, has evolved in meaning from dumb machines that perform menial, repetitive tasks to the highly intelligent anthropomorphic robots of popular culture" (Lanfranco, "Robotics"). Similarly, in the 1980s, video games were primitive and allowed users to manipulate images on a screen with halting, sticky joysticks. Today, it is common to play relatively sophisticated video games via the Internet from around the world. Fusing the modern capabilities of robots and computers has yielded one of the most important developments in modern medicine in recent years: robotic surgery. Robotics can offer people potentially life-saving, less invasive surgery. One day, having surgery performed on you by a doctor in another country may become commonplace. The use of robotic surgery is likely to increase in the future….

robotic'surgery essay

The NIH (2014) defines robotic surgery as "a method to perform surgery using very small tools attached to a robotic arm", wherein the surgeon operates the robot.  Robotic surgery was developed to enable the performance of surgical procedures through smaller cuts than open surgery.  The robot is capable of smaller, more precise movements that would be possible with a human arm.  It is also much easier for the surgeon to work with the surgical tools than would be possible with, say, an endoscope.  The NIH notes that robotic surgery is used for an increasing range of procedures, including coronary artery bypass, cancer excision, gall bladder removal, hip replacement, hysterectomy, kidney transplants and pyloroplasty (NIH, 2014).  

The minimal invasiveness of robotic surgery means that there is lower risk to the patient during the course of the surgery, and that the post-surgery healing time is lower, and less risky as well. In….

Health Organization Case Study
The mission of Banner Healthcare is to make a difference in the lives of people through excellent patient care. They achieve this by providing leadership for excellence in patient safety and clinical care. Traditionally, healthcare institutions focused on analyzing aggregate performance, questioning causation, monitoring scorecards and identifying gaps. Planning and managing stages at integral to the process of achieving Banner Healthcare's vision. Planning entails the development of standards, rules, and work teams necessary for the work. Concurrent management involves patient-oriented care and coordinated health care. Across the various work teams, care management efforts and the number of people are involved in making clinical improvements across the organization have been gradually increasing.

This occurs regardless of whether they are work groups, system wide teams, strategic initiatives, and special projects. The work is organized under functional teams. Besides the functional teams, initiative work groups and clinical consensus groups guide the….

Medical Robotics
In spite of research gaps, medical robotics is a growing trend in the United States.

Advances in Medical Robotics (Diana, 2011)

Hybrid Assistive Limb 5 (HAL5) is an artificially powered ecoskeleton that helps double the amount of weight someone can carry unaided.

DaVinci Si HD Surgical System performs minimally invasive surgery through superior visualization and greater precision, with incisions of one to two centimeters causing less pain and speedier recovery. It reduces the hospital stay to one half and costs one third less.

Sofie incorporates force feedback allowing a surgeon to feel the pressure they apply making sutures and pushing tissue aside. Sofie is expected to develop in five years.

Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery System is a non-invasive alternative to surgery for treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous tumors.

Nursebot is designed to specifically help elderly deal with daily activities allowing them to live at home.

RIA is designed to life people who are too weak. It is….

Available at
Internet: accessed 20 August 2006.

First International Workshop on Personalized Networks. [article on-line]. Available at accessed 17 August 2006.

LeClaire Jennifer. Mind-Reading Computers Could Help Those With Autism. [article on-line]. Available at

Internet: accessed 20 August 2006.

Mathias Craig J.. Part 1: The MIMO revolution: It holds the promise of greater Wi-Fi performance. [article on-line]. Available at,10801,110001,00.html/.Internet: accessed 20 August 2006.

Smith Gary .. What is XML? - The asics & eyond. [article on-line]. Available at

Internet: accessed 20 August 2006.

The 3rd Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services [article on-line]. Available at accessed 17 August 2006.

Yoshida Junko. Ubiquitous computing driving software industry. [article on-line]. Available at

Internet: accessed 20 August 2006.

The 3rd Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services [article on-line]. Available at

First International Workshop on Personalized Networks. [article on-line]. Available at accessed 17 August 2006.

Craig J.….

These examples highlight that technology is always a tool, a way of enhancing human judgment -- we must not mistake it as a replacement for good nursing practice.
After all, the use of a computer is no substitute for a medical education. Anyone who works in a hospital can see this -- the increased accessibility of information through the Internet also means that patients often come in, convinced that they are suffering from a serious illness, allergy, or condition, based more upon a diagnosis Googled on WebMD, rather than upon the fact that they saw a doctor! If a computer alone was required to diagnose, everyone would have a degree!

Don't get me wrong -- I use technology every day in my life, and thank my lucky stars, and my patient's lucky stars, that it is so ubiquitous. When health care providers wish to communicate, the use of cell phones is….

Tele Health Over the Last

Tele-health is an important tool in assisting them to diagnose and treat asthma. This is taking place by providing health care professionals with the ability to quickly identify and treat the condition early. At the same time, it is offering them with tools to improve monitoring, enhance treatment options and educate patients about critical symptoms. (McLean, 2011) (Wooten, 2009)

According to McLean (2011), these tools have helped to boost their ability to effectively deal with the condition and its root causes. This reduces the total number of cases by providing everyone with access to the latest information. These changes are illustrating the positive effects on the way patients are treated through: increased coordination, communication and education. (McLean, 2011)

Analyze the benefits and challenges of incorporating the tele-health system into your disease surveillance system.

The benefits of implementing these solutions in the disease surveillance system include: it is improving collaboration, enhancing education and providing….

Health Care Controversies

Government, Policy and Politics in Health Care
There are many potential controversies in health care. The text discusses things like increased government involvement, but there are issues arising on the ethical side with the new medical technologies. There are legal and ethical issues that arise from things like stem cells, and the use of robots. The latter, as an example, raises issues of safety and control, but eventually robots will perform many medical tasks. This is something that is going to challenge the industry, patients and regulators alike (Mavrofou, et al., 2010). As new technologies emerge, governments have to understand how to manage them, and regulate their usage. The FDA is constantly evolving its policies, but there are issues that will arise at the governmental level, and will affect the practice of medicine as well.

Another potential controversy with health care will probably come with funding. It is going to be increasingly….

For example, in these procedures it is often difficult to open the patient's mouth wide enough for laryngoscopy and intubation, thus creating the possibility that cardiopulmonary changes may be present and the "probability o lesions in oesophagus, bowel, kindneys, skin and joints." This information would not be known if not for this study and its reported findings.
The study's conclusion is that the use of thoracic epidural anesthesia to sevoflurane based inhalation "may be a suitable technique for thoracic surgery in achalasia due to sclerodermic patients." The reason for this conclusion is that the study found that this procedure "can provide a smooth anesthesia course and a rapid recovery, with hemodynamic stability, and also having pain-free postoperatively." More so, the study found that providing anesthesia without neuromuscular blockade and non-intravenous opioids has "provided a shorter recovery time."

Clearly this specific case study has important and practical implications to the practice of….

High Fructose orn Syrup - Diffusion in the Agricultural Framework - High-fructose corn syrup news and information. (2011). Natural ited in:

Tags: farming, corn, agricultural supplements, high fructose corn syrup

The idea of diffusion has a number of parts; it may become part of culture through innovation; but may also be the modus operendi of a partnership between big business and government (authoritarian figures in culture). One such example is High-Fructose orn Syrup. Excess corn production and increased pressures from farming lobbies created a governmental program that actually subsidizes farmers to sell to oOps that specialize not in feeding livestock but in producing the "new sugar." The process of diffusion in this article shows the real power of change within a small market through to appropriate channels may serve as either agricultural or biochemical change and diffusion. Of course, this also bleeds over to the numerous fast or comfort foods….

Potentially, this changes the way profit is used to build a larger network of computer users who now wish to harness the power of technology to develop a new world.
Chapter: 9 Socioeconmics

Berlin Wall Falls/Soviet Union Collapses

Citation: Koeller, D. (2003), Fall of the Berlin Wall. WebChron.


Tags: Political innovation, political/social upheaval, modernism in Europe

Summation: By the end of 1989, the Soviet-backed regimes of Eastern Europe no longer existed and the Berlin Wall, the quintessential symbol of the Cold War, had been decimated. This dissatisfaction with communism as practiced Soviet style was now being openly criticized, even in the ussian epublic, the so-called "homeland of communism." Extreme vocal critiques came first from the outlying republics and the ethnic minorities, many of who had been living in a tradition of autocracy for centuries. Gorbachev's message of change and openness, despite the appeal in the West, stripped the Soviet Union of structure, and….

Capital Project
esults and acceptability of the item for key stakeholders

Da Vinci is a lucrative product that has immense contributions to the delivery of health services in many health centres globally. The effectiveness of the product lies on its new entry into the modern market. Da Vinci production and use have enlightened the public and hospital fraternities on new approaches of managing surgery operations. The resultant effects that are going to be felt after using the product are more increasing and beneficial than using the old mechanisms. The innate objective of the tool will improve on delivery of surgery services in ways that are more safe, effective, and affordable to the public. Da Vinci was first introduced as a safe way of improving surgery operations in the hospitals. Moreover, the use of the product had not been made public. Now that the machine will be available in many health centres, it….

Interstitial Cystitis
In addition to the therapeutic armamentarium, CAM reported to have a great role to treat interstitial cystitis (IC). It is multimodal and individualized and includes various treatment methods including: Neuromodulation, dietary modification, acupuncture, surgical methods, medications etc. The objective of this literature review is to discuss the possible causes of the IC, diagnosis, prevalence, the symptoms, and CAM treatment options.

Interstitial cystitis (IC) also called as painful bladder syndrome is an inflammatory disease of the bladder wall with typical ulceration of the urothelium. The interstitial cystitis (IC) is generally regarded as an elusive disease picture with inadequate therapeutic options. Critical to improving the prospects for therapy is the early diagnosis of the disease, which may involve only a careful history taking and clinical examination. CAM suggests multimodal treatment strategies in the early stage of disease (Abrams, Cardozo, & Fall, 2002).

Due to definition similarity, IC is often referred to as IC/PBS….

Technology has had a huge impact on pediatric surgery, improving outcomes for young patients in a variety of ways. Some advancements include:

1. Minimally invasive surgery: Laparoscopic and robotic surgery techniques have become more common in pediatric surgery, allowing for smaller incisions, less pain, faster recovery times, and reduced risk of complications.

2. Imaging technology: Advances in imaging technology such as MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound have improved preoperative planning and allowed for more precise and accurate surgeries.

3. 3D printing: 3D printing technology has enabled surgeons to create patient-specific models of organs or body parts, helping them to plan complex surgeries and....

Innovative Medical Treatments and Technologies Pioneered by the Cleveland Clinic

The Cleveland Clinic, a world-renowned academic medical center, has a long-standing history of innovation and pioneering cutting-edge medical treatments and technologies. With its commitment to research and development, the Clinic continues to push the boundaries of healthcare, offering patients access to the latest advancements in medicine. Here are some of the innovative treatments and technologies currently being pioneered by the Cleveland Clinic:

1. Robotic Surgery:

The Cleveland Clinic is a leader in robotic surgery, using advanced robotic systems to perform complex procedures with greater precision, accuracy, and minimally invasive techniques. The da Vinci....

Factors Contributing to Healthcare System Inflation
Healthcare system inflation refers to the persistent increase in the cost of healthcare goods and services over time. Understanding the underlying factors driving this inflation is crucial for policymakers and healthcare stakeholders to address this complex issue.
1. Technological Advancements:
Technological advancements, such as advanced imaging techniques, robotic surgery, and personalized medicine, have revolutionized healthcare but come at a significant cost. These innovations enhance patient outcomes but also increase the overall cost of care.
2. Rising Drug Costs:
The pharmaceutical industry plays a major role in healthcare inflation. Patent protection, exclusive licensing, and direct-to-consumer advertising contribute to high drug....

7 Pages

Health - Nursing

Robotic Surgery the 21st Century Can Rightfully

Words: 2030
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Robotic Surgery The 21st century can rightfully be considered as the era of technology when the new inventions and discoveries will most likely affect all the segments of human life.…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Safe Patient Positioning for Robotic Surgery

Words: 1101
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article

Safe Patient Positioning It's all about safe positioning in robotic surgery: Protecting Patients, Promoting Safety. D.Jacqueline Arroyo N, MIS / Cardiac obotic Specialist Massachusetts General Hospital According to the New England Journal of…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Pros and Cons of Robotic Surgery

Words: 1583
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

speech: Robotics in medicine In the 1950s, robots were envisioned as large, hulking devices with relatively limited capabilities. But "robot, taken from the Czech robota, meaning forced labor, has…

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robotic'surgery essay

Words: 3046
Length: Pages

Introduction The NIH (2014) defines robotic surgery as "a method to perform surgery using very small tools attached to a robotic arm", wherein the surgeon operates the robot.  Robotic surgery…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Health Organization Case Study

Words: 1525
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Health Organization Case Study The mission of Banner Healthcare is to make a difference in the lives of people through excellent patient care. They achieve this by providing leadership for…

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2 Pages


Medical Robotics in Spite of Research Gaps

Words: 472
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Medical Robotics In spite of research gaps, medical robotics is a growing trend in the United States. Advances in Medical Robotics (Diana, 2011) Hybrid Assistive Limb 5 (HAL5) is an artificially powered…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Internet Websites Significant Emerging Technologies

Words: 1607
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Available at Internet: accessed 20 August 2006. First International Workshop on Personalized Networks. [article on-line]. Available at accessed 17 August 2006. LeClaire Jennifer. Mind-Reading Computers Could Help Those With…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Medical Writing Boon and Bane'

Words: 1034
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These examples highlight that technology is always a tool, a way of enhancing human judgment -- we must not mistake it as a replacement for good nursing practice. After…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Tele Health Over the Last

Words: 532
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Tele-health is an important tool in assisting them to diagnose and treat asthma. This is taking place by providing health care professionals with the ability to quickly identify and…

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2 Pages


Health Care Controversies

Words: 693
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Government, Policy and Politics in Health Care There are many potential controversies in health care. The text discusses things like increased government involvement, but there are issues arising on the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Scleroderma a Chronic Systemic Disease

Words: 608
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, in these procedures it is often difficult to open the patient's mouth wide enough for laryngoscopy and intubation, thus creating the possibility that cardiopulmonary changes may…

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4 Pages
Article Review


Diffusion of Innovation 2 in

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

High Fructose orn Syrup - Diffusion in the Agricultural Framework - High-fructose corn syrup news and information. (2011). Natural ited in: Tags: farming, corn, agricultural supplements, high fructose…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Diffusion of Innovation Diffusion Research

Words: 3226
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Potentially, this changes the way profit is used to build a larger network of computer users who now wish to harness the power of technology to develop a…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Capital Project Results and Acceptability of the

Words: 2613
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Capital Project esults and acceptability of the item for key stakeholders Da Vinci is a lucrative product that has immense contributions to the delivery of health services in many health centres…

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15 Pages


Interstitial Cystitis in Addition to the Therapeutic

Words: 4522
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Interstitial Cystitis In addition to the therapeutic armamentarium, CAM reported to have a great role to treat interstitial cystitis (IC). It is multimodal and individualized and includes various treatment methods…

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