Roman Republic Essays (Examples)

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Roman Republic When an Entity
Pages: 2 Words: 579

" The Senate was compelled to name him to such a position based on the power he displayed in ruling the Roman army, the successful completion of his military campaigns, and the overwhelming popularity Caesar enjoyed with the Plebians of Rome. It was not a situation the Senators enjoyed, many believed that Caesar was setting himself up to pass on his power to his son. Soon, a conspiracy was hatched, and twenty two senators stabbed Caesar to death. News of this murder, did not do what it was intended to do. Many of Rome's citizens now clamored for the heads of those senators and Octavius (Caesar's great-nephew) stepped in to take charge of the government and quiet that clamoring. The murder was of such disrepute, that many citizens lost faith in the government, and allowed Octavius the power that Caesar was said to have sought.
From that point until the Octavius…...

Roman Republic Which Took Place Over a
Pages: 24 Words: 8587

Roman Republic, which took place over a century from the end of the Punic Wars in 146 BC to the establishment of autocracy and military dictatorship under Julius Caesar after 45 BC, and then Octavian-Augustus from 31 BC, one of the most important questions would be: what were the main causes for its failure? There are no simple answers to that, of course, although almost certainly socioeconomic factors were critical. Of course, for ancient civilizations, hard and fast statistics about population, demography, distribution of wealth and incomes and social castes and classes are few and far between. Historians have the written evidence of contemporary observers, almost always written from an elite or aristocratic viewpoint, and even then many of these records have survived the last 2,000 years in only fragmentary form. In the ancient world, the existing evidence indicates that life was indeed nasty, brutal and short for most…...

Roman Republic Became an Empire
Pages: 2 Words: 713

In science, medicine and law, Byzantium took the Greco-Roman culture and added some of the Middle Eastern ideas to have one of the most advanced cultures of the time. While a Christian Empire, it was never united under Christianity, even though the state church became known as the Eastern Orthodoxy. Arianism and Judaism were significant minorities, and there were many sects of Christianity that ebbed during the Byzantium period (e.g. Nestorianism, Myaphysite, etc.).
Part 4 - Prior to the 600s (rise of Islam), the Arabian Peninsula was populated by a largely autonomous group of clans/tribes with differing political, social and religious views. The area was governed, albeit loosely, by Persia and Rome at different times and different areas prior to the Islamic unification, and, as today, there were numerous desert dwelling nomadic Bedouin tribes. Prior to the rise of Islam, the peninsula was divided politically, culturally, socially, and economically. The…...

Roman History Turning Points of
Pages: 2 Words: 580

2. What were the military, social, and economic events that led to the Gracchan land reforms (discuss one event each of military, social, and economic)? How did the Gracchi attempt to resolve these problems (discuss three)? How effective were they?

When Tiberius Gracchus was elected tribune, the social structures that had nourished the Republic as it developed from an independent city-state were already breaking down. The consolidation of public land under the emerging latifundia system had turned roughly 7% of the population (Last, 1932a, p. 9) into indigents as displaced peasant farmers flooded Rome and other cities, only to find demand for their labor limited at best. Meanwhile, the army was starving for recruits as the traditional citizen military class proved too small to police the vast Roman frontier and quell slave revolts closer to home. Finally, relations with the Italian and even the Latin allies had become increasingly strained.

To resolve…...

Roman Culture
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Roman Culture

The 1960 film Spartacus claims to tell the story of the famous slave revolt, also known as the Gladiator War, which terrorized Rome for years and can be pinpointed as one of the most influential causes of the eventual destruction of the Roman Republic and its descent into imperialism and tyranny. One must say "claims to be," rather than "is," in this case because the film is wildly inaccurate historically. The creators of this work were, of course, aware of its lack of historical authenticity, which is partly attributed to the artistic necessity of condensing four years of political upheaval and constant warfare into less than four hours. Indeed, condensation of time is the biggest historical inaccuracy here -- for example, many main Roman characters are rather indiscriminately condensed in time, such as Gracchus who appears to be a combination of two Gracchus brothers active fifty years before Spartacus,…...

Roman Constitution the People Under the Rule
Pages: 2 Words: 484

Roman Constitution
The people under the rule of the Roman constitution were not themselves certain if they were living in an aristocracy, a despot, or a democracy. The rules of the legislature would indicate that the people were in control of the government, however only those with money or familial power were able to take part in that government. Polybius illustrates that the Consul and Senate which are responsible for administration and were in charge of the state's coffers. However, at the same time, he tries to underscore the importance of the average person in Rome. He shows several ways in which the people have power, such as in honoring heroic acts and punishing evil ones. He also claims that the people are responsible for war and peace because the other branches would need the consent of the people in order to act. In his writing, Polybius seems adamant that there…...


Works Cited:

Polybius. Histories. Vol. I. Translated by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh. New York, NY: Macmillan and Co., 1889. pp. 468-71.

Roman History Rome v Carthage
Pages: 10 Words: 2986

After this, there could have been very little perceived threat left; not only were the Carthaginian's surrendering rather peacefully, but they were even giving up their means of waging war effectively. The giving up of weapons in an age when manufacture and shipping -- the two methods by which any commodity, military or otherwise, can be obtained -- took an extended period of time meant that the Carthaginians were showing themselves to desire peace not only in the short-term, but as a general social principle.

Their submission to the Romans, then, should have been the end of the war. If the reason behind Rome's military invasion of the Carthaginian territory was the possible threat the area presented to Rome, then its disarmament would have solved that problem. The Romans refused to let the issue go, however, demanding that the entire city of Carthage be destroyed right to the ground.

It was the…...

Roman Theatre History Theatre Has
Pages: 5 Words: 1668

Their plays were similar to the Greeks and many of them were just translated versions. Theatre was an instrument used by the administration to keep the public from devoting much time to the political affairs. Thus any mentioning on stage regarding the political situation or activities would have serious consequences for the author for writing it and the actor for agreeing to perform it. In addition it also served as a purpose to get away from everyday life and worries. It was a part of their life and civilization. As time passed by the theatre evolved but women were not allowed to take part in it for a very long time. With the establishment of churches and the influence of popes, women faced yet another problem in getting accepted as being part of the society. oman theatre was a major influence on the later European theatre and they learnt…...



1) Giulia De Dominicis - Article Title: The Roman Theatres in the Age of Pius VI. Journal Title: Theatre History Studies. Publication Year: 2001. Page Number: 81.

2) Live Hov - Article Title: The 'Women' of the Roman Stage: As Goethe Saw Them. Journal Title: Theatre History Studies. Publication Year: 2001. Page Number: 61.

3) Garret Fagan - Article Title R.C. Beacham. Power into Pageantry: Spectacle Entertainments of Early Imperial Rome. Journal Title: Comparative Drama. Volume: 35. Issue: 3. Publication Year: 2001. Page Number: 465+.

4) The Columbia Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Article Title: Drama, Western. Encyclopedia Title: The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Publisher: Columbia University Press. Place of Publication: New York. Publication Year: 2004.

Ancient Roman Civilization and the Gladiator Games
Pages: 8 Words: 2517

In ancient Rome, the gladiator games were a popular form of entertainment—but they were also much more than this and served multiple purposes within the Roman civilization. The games were used both by Roman authorities and by the slaves of Rome (the gladiators) as a tool, wielded for a different aim respectively. The Roman religious and the politicians used the games as well for their own ends. While the combats that took place in the arenas dazzled audiences, the violence and spectacle was really but one aspect of the contests, and an examination of the underlying social, political, religious and economic subtexts of the gladiator games reveals much about the nature of ancient Roman society. This paper will identify the four main purposes of the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome—the expression of political influence, the expression of religion, a means of emphasizing the Empire’s power, and grounds for slaves to…...

Fall of the Republic of
Pages: 4 Words: 1376

Also, that the people as the public body, having elected their representation according to the laws of Rome, failed to compel the Republic to adhere to the laws, and thus, met with its demise. As Nifong discussed, the first tenet of the principle of natural law is the premise that promises made will be kept.
Heitland identified the indicators of the fallen republic by these marks:

The rise and predominance of Antony

The return and progress of Octavian

The relations between Antony, Octavian and Cicero

The collapse of Cicero's policy, and the formation of the Triumvirate and the doings of the Triumvirs

Given Heitland's depictions of the indicators of the fall of the Republic, and for the sake of argument ruling out other factors, what was the mood of the people that they allowed their republic to slip away from them? if, as Nifong's discussion on natural law suggests, the people are responsible for maintaining…...


Works Cited

Adams, Charles. "Beware the Ides of April: High Taxes - and the Decline and Fall of Practically Everybody." Policy Review (1994): 48+. Questia. 27 Nov. 2007 .


Heitland, W.E. A Short History of the Roman Republic. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1911. Questia. 27 Nov. 2007 .


Bust of Antinous the Piece of Roman
Pages: 1 Words: 324

Bust of Antinous
The piece of Roman art being discussed is the bust of Antinous Mondragone, which is now in the Louvre in Paris, and it came from the Mondragone villa, located in Frascati, Italy. The artist is unknown, but it is thought to have been sculpted around 130 AD. This beautiful sculpture represents much of Roman art at the time, and it represents a larger cultural context, as well.

The arts were becoming popular during this time in the Roman Republic, and sculpture was becoming increasingly popular after the Romans captured Syracuse during the Second Punic Wars and brought back much of the island's sculpture to display in Rome. Roman sculpture often copied classic Greek statutes, because the artists and people admired Greek art. The sculptures were often of Roman rulers, indicating how important they were to the culture, and how they were held up by the people as heroes.…...

Comparing the Republic of America and the Republic of Rome
Pages: 3 Words: 997

Comparing the Republic of Rome and the Republic of AmericaA comparative look at the Roman Struggle of the Orders and the Civil Rights Movement in AmericaIt has been recorded that the Struggle for the Orders in Rome happened from 494 BC to 287 BC. The struggle reflected the conflict between Patricians and the Plebeians over the what each was eligible for in terms of stakes in Rome. Members of the Patrician community were regarded as the noble people who were also aristocrats. On the contrary, the Plebeians were largely lower class people. This group is what constituted the farmers and workers, in general. The Plebeians pressed for exceptions to the notion. Therefore, they constituted a raft of demands that they presented to their Patrician counterparts. Their petition demanded for recourse on wrongs that had been committed against their own. Since the Patricians were not willing to compromise, and the plebeians…...


Works cited “Rome Divided: Struggle of the Orders.” Rome Divided Struggle of the Orders, Web. Zunes, Stephen, and Jesse Laird. “The US Civil Rights Movement (1942-1968).” ICNC, 1 July 2016, Web.Gill, N.S. “What Kind of Government Did the Roman Republic Have?” ThoughtCo, 2017, Web.Plutarch, and Tatum Jeffrey. The Rise of Rome. , 2017. Internet resource. “Roman Republic.” Roman Republic: The Epic Guide. | Know the Romans, Web.U.S. History. “The Expanding Republic and the War of 1812.”, Independence Hall Association, Web

What Bacchus Meant to the Romans at Vesuvius
Pages: 6 Words: 2054

Initiation ites of the Cult of Bacchus
The wall painting of The Initiation ites of the Cult of Bacchus at the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii (c. 60 BC) is a work of oman art that exemplifies the oman culture in the time just before Christ -- rich, ornate, elaborate, bordering on decadence, yet with still enough refinement to see a nobility and purpose in the spiritual life. Here, in the villa of a wealthy oman's vacation home near Mt. Vesuvius (which would fatally erupt just a century later, burying under ash and avalanche the wealthy in their very lap of luxury) can be seen the Greek influence on the oman culture.

The mural depicts a number of scenes in the ite of the Cult of Bacchus across three walls within a room of the Villa, near which was a wine press, used to make wine from the local grapes…...



Dembskey, E. J. (2009). Aqua Appia. The Aqueducts of Ancient Rome. Retrieved from >

Dionysian Mysteries. (n.d.). Hellenica. Retrieved from

Jackson, J. (n.d.). Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii. Retrieved from

Republic of China in Taiwan and People's
Pages: 3 Words: 1150

Republic of China in Taiwan and People's Republic of China, have been engaged in an age-old conflict since the Xinhai Revolution. The two sides have since been divided on ideological grounds fueled by foreign elements. After defeating Taiwan in the war of liberation, China has maintained dominance over Taiwan till date.[footnoteRef:1] [1: Hutchings, Graham. Modern China: A Guide to a Century of Change. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001.]
The Taiwan crisis has become an ongoing issue. At present, there is rising tension between the two sides amid growing talks of Taiwan's independence. The hypothesis of the escalating situation in the order of most likely are 1) diplomatic solution, 2) limited intervention, or 3) direct attack.

Section II -- Most Likely to Occur: Diplomatic Solution

There is indication based on evidence that the Peoples' Repubilic of China and Taiwan will resolve the crisis by direct or multi-lateral negotiations. Hu Jintao, though firm on…...



Blanchard, Ben, and Ralph Jennings. "ANALYSIS - China military threat to Taiwan rises despite detente." September 1, 2009.   (accessed April 19, 2012). 

Hutchings, Graham. Modern China: A Guide to a Century of Change. Cambridge: Harvard

University Press, 2001.

Sisci, Francesco. "Hu Jintao and the new China." Asia Times, June 28, 2006.

Roman World
Pages: 2 Words: 724

oman World
ome, whose beginning can be traced in 753 B.C., is the capital city of Italy. Initially, kings ruled the city; however, the last king, Tarquin the Proud, was overthrown. ome, then, became a republic for the next four hundred years. During this time, the republic was ruled by a Senate. The people to do different jobs in the senate were called Senators (Buckleitner, 58). However, not everyone was allowed to vote in these elections: women, slaves, and poor people were not allowed to vote. Those oman people who were not slaves were called 'citizens'.

In 55 B.C. The oman general Julius Caesar conquered France (At the time the country was called Gaul, and the omans called it Gallia). The Gauls fought hard against the omans and had been helped by Britain. Caesar was disappointed by their assistance and attempted to invade Britain, first in 55 B.C. And then again…...



Buckleitner, Warren. Ancient History: Lives and Times in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire. School Library Journal, Vol. 50, No. 2, (2004): 58.

Dowling, Melissa Barden. A Time to Regender: The Transformation of Roman Time. KronoScope, Vol. 3, No. 2, (2003): 169-184.

Dyck, Ludwig Heinrich. CAESAR'S First Great Campaigns. Military History, Vol. 20 No. 6, (2004): 50-56.

Purcell, Nicholas. The Way We Used To Eat: Diet, Community, And History At Rome. American Journal of Philology, Vol. 124, No.3, (2003): 330-358.

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global dishonest in julius caesar?
Words: 475

The Dishonest Web: Unraveling the Treachery in Julius Caesar

Betrayal and the Fall of the Roman Republic: The Dishonest Plot in Julius Caesar

Conspiracy and Deception: Exploring the Global Dishonesty in Julius Caesar

The Shadows of Deceit: Unveiling the Dishonest Motives in Julius Caesar

The Masks of Treachery: Analyzing the Dishonesty in Julius Caesar's Characters

The Tragedy of Trust Betrayed: Dishonesty as a Catalyst in Julius Caesar

Unveiling the Treasonous Heart: The Dishonest Deeds in Julius Caesar

The Seeds of Division: Dishonesty and the Fall of Roman Society in Julius Caesar

The Price of Treachery: Consequences of Dishonesty in Julius Caesar

The Web of Lies and the Fall of....

How did Spartacus lead his slave rebellion against Rome?
Words: 558

Spartacus, a Thracian gladiator, became the leader of a formidable slave rebellion that shook the Roman Republic from 73 to 71 BC. His military prowess, strategic acumen, and indomitable spirit played a pivotal role in the uprising's initial success.

Prelude to Rebellion

Before the outbreak of the Servile Wars, thousands of slaves were forced into gladiatorial combat for the entertainment of Roman citizens. Spartacus, a skilled gladiator, was among those who endured the harsh conditions and brutality of the gladiatorial arena. Driven by desperation and a fierce desire for freedom, Spartacus emerged as a leader among his fellow gladiators.

Outbreak of Revolt

In 73....

How did social classes influence the dynamics and power struggles within the rebel army led by Spartacus?
Words: 627

Social Classes and Power Struggles in Spartacus' Rebel Army

Spartacus' slave revolt, which ravaged the Roman Republic from 73 to 71 BCE, was a complex and multifaceted event that challenged the very foundations of Roman society. Within the rebel army, distinct social classes emerged, each with its own aspirations and motivations, leading to intricate dynamics and power struggles.

Social Stratification within the Rebel Army:

Slaves: The majority of Spartacus' followers were slaves from various backgrounds and experiences. They had endured the horrors of enslavement and sought liberation and revenge.
Freedmen: A smaller group of rebels included freedmen, former slaves who had gained....

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