Romanticism Essays (Examples)

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Romanticism Some Historians and Literary
Pages: 5 Words: 1411

Russian writers like Pushkin, Lermontov and Turgenev experienced with the symbols of Romanticism as they inevitably reached the remotest literary fecund corners of the continent. Turgenev lived in Europe for a while, at the very heart of Romanticism and his translated literary works received the acclaim of the critics and were welcomed by the public as well, showing him as an artist who became an integral part of the scene and not as an exotic outsider.
Lermontov, one of the most valuable poets of the Russian literature, remained an obscure writer for the rest of the world for a long time because of the poor translations of his literary works. Pushkin, who shared the same tragic death with Lermontov, was considered the genius of the Russian literature and after his works had found proper translations, he took his deserved place as one of the greatest poets of the universal literature…...


Baudelaire. What is Romanticism? 


Lovejoy a.O. 1941. The Meaning of Romanticism for the Historian of Ideas.p. 260

Romanticism A Disdain for the Unities of
Pages: 3 Words: 1160

Romanticism: A disdain for the unities of form and the embrace of the unities of genre
The integral relationship between the visual and verbal genres of the Romantic period of letters is perhaps one of its most striking aspects. Poetry and painting in particular seemed to be fused in a homogenous blend of intense individualism, emphasis on naturalism, and a stress upon spontaneous human feeling, with all of its imperfections. One of Romanticism's earliest literary progenitors, illiam Blake, perhaps most perfectly embodies this aspect of Romantic artistic philosophy. Blake illustrated his theological poems with strikingly drawn and painted figures from the Bible. To appreciate the artist's work in its totality, and his individualistic theological point-of-view, one must observe the poem in the form it was originally designed, as paired with the author's illustrations.

However, this integral relationship between the visual art of painting and the verbal art of poetry is not exclusive…...


Works Cited

Brians, Ryan. "Romanticism." Accessed on the web on December 19, 2003 at updated Fall 2000.

Shilstone, Frederick W. "Keats, John." World Book Online Reference Center. Retrieved from   On December 5, 2003 .

Romanticism American Romantic Poet and Author Edgar
Pages: 4 Words: 1611

American omantic poet and author Edgar Allan Poe

Poe is one of the early American poets of omantic literature. In the poem Annabel Lee he uses idealism in omance language to describe a relationship with a woman in first person. A description of the adult lovers as children most likely represent innocence or naivety. The omanticism comes in by comparing the couple to elements of nature. The love that the two share is free from societal norms or influence. The joy of just being together and sharing themselves with one another is so great that even angels were envious of them.

The way that Poe wrote the literary prose is very rhythmic much like the movement of waves in the ocean. This imagery ebbs and flows as one reads the lines. The poem also has a dreamlike quality to appearing surreal or supernatural. In the world of Poe and Annabel the angels…...


References (2009). Liberty Leading the People. Retrieved January 10, 2012 from (2012). Annabel Lee. Retrieved January 12, 2012 from 

Pioche, N. (2002). La Liberte guidant le peuple. Retrieved January 12, 2012 from 

Romano, J. (2011). Ballet 101: Coppelia. Retrieved January 10, 2012 from

Romanticism and Rousseau Books 1-6
Pages: 2 Words: 701

He shifts from the instinctual world of the emotions to a cerebral existence, and loses a sense of what is truly meaningful in life. In Romantic thinking, which also idealized a pastoral, earthy lifestyle, being separated from the world of the emotions was seen as negative. Rousseau describes his feelings for books as a child as a kind of romance, and he felt equally as intensely about Ovid's Metamorphosis and the characters in Moliere's plays as he did about aspects of his real existence. But his imitation of Greeks and Romans, which some people might admire as precocious, Rousseau sees as false, much like the false dogmatism of many Catholics, which he chronicles in Book 2, regarding his theological education. Anything that takes a person away from nature was negative, according to the Romantics: Rousseau describes a rustic feast as better than fine Parisian fare, and sees the beauty…...

Romanticism and Romantic Poetry Was a Combination
Pages: 4 Words: 1130

Romanticism and Romantic poetry was a combination of personal philosophy and vision of the world and also a reflection of the times. In many ways we can understand Romantic poetry as a reaction to the rise of science and materialism and the denial by society of the importance of nature and imagination.
The Romantic writers' reaction against conventional views was largely determined by their opposition to the emerging rational and mechanical views of reality that was becoming dominant. Reason and science were replacing the imaginative and poetic view of life. The Romantic poets opposed the increasingly mechanical and scientific world and one of the ways that they expressed their opposition can be seen in the adoration of nature.

In this view nature acts as a symbol of freedom from the constraints of hard reason under which, as both lake and Wordsworth state, all human beings labor. Many Romantic poets like Wordsworth found…...



Keynes, Geoffrey, Ed. The Complete Writings, with Variant Readings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.



Songs of Experience. July 14, 2004.

Romanticism Slavery the Story of
Pages: 3 Words: 1013

" By simultaneously freeing most of the southern slaves and permitting their admittance into the armed forces, Lincoln provided some indication of his underlying motives. One main reason for the Emancipation Proclamation was that it formally welcomed a very willing fighting force amid the Union ranks.
Slavery, however, could not be eradicated so easily. Although it became illegal for one individual to be in servitude of another without pay, the southern states orchestrated a myriad of segregation statutes, or "Jim Crow" laws, which ensured the privileged positions of white Americans while trampling the rights of blacks. "In bulk and detail as well as in effectiveness of enforcement the segregation codes were comparable with the black codes of the old regime, though the laxity that mitigated the harshness of the black codes was replaced by a rigidity that was more typical of the segregation code." Essentially, black Americans were formally ostracized by…...


Works Cited

Berlin, Ira and Barbara J. Fields. Free at Last: A Documentary History of Slavery, Freedom, and the Civil War. New York: New York Press, 1992.

Kallen, Stuart a. Life on the Underground Railroad. San Diego: Lucent Books, 2000.

Linden, Glen M. And Thomas Pressly. Voices from the House Divided: the American Civil War as a Personal Experience. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995.

Robinson, Randall. The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks. New York: Dutton Books, 2000.

Romanticism and Realism of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1311

He accomplishes similar sentiments in "The Stars are Mansions uilt by Nature's Hands," where the vivid details pull the reader into the poem and you feel at one with nature.
John Constable showed the same type of attention to detail to gather the appreciation for nature and its beauty. In the "Hay Wain" painting, Constable gives a stark detail of what the area really looked like and instilled great detail in the river and landscape as well as the detail of the cottage. Turner's paintings reflected upon nature from a sometimes more destructive motif and as having awesome power. This is shown in two of his painting: The Slave-ship and Dawn after the Wreck. oth painters show their reverence to nature and the beauty and power associated with it.

Percy Shelley wrote more dismal poems involving death in a majority of them but at the same time he details the scenery…...



A Guide to the Study of Literature: A Companion Text for Core Studies 6, Landmarks of Literature, ©English Department, Brooklyn College. 2009. Retrieved on April 28, 2010 from 

HISTORY of the ROMANTIC MOVEMENT. 2010. Retrieved on April 28, 2010 from 

Kreis, S. "The History Guide." 2000. Retrieved on April 28, 2010 from 

Martilli, L. "Individualism expressed during the Romantic Period" Retrieved on April 28, 2010

Romanticism & Neoclassical Painting Jacques-
Pages: 1 Words: 405

" The work also shows sensitivity to the emotional side of life by its stress upon the political reformers' upbringing as one of motherly virtue and love, not simply manly heroism.
Discussion 2

Although the depiction of the beheading of a U.S. solider may be awful it is not an avante guard image of the war. To be avante guard is not the same thing as being anti-war. The image may stir the public's outrage and make Americans ask 'why are we fighting' but it does not humanize either the soldier or the Iraqi people. In fact, it dehumanizes the fighting man, as he is deprived even of the dignity of having a face and identity that his loved ones back home could recognize as human, and it dehumanizes the Iraqi people because it shows them as senseless killers. Truly radical images of war show not simply blood and violence, but humanize…...

Romanticism in Keats' Ode to
Pages: 2 Words: 641

He thinks of leaving "the world unseen/and with the fade away into the forest dim" (19-20) and tells the bird that he "will fly to thee" (31) on the wings of poetry itself. Life and death are immersed in the song of the nightingale as the poet wrestles with his imagination.

Ode to a Nightingale" would not be Romantic in nature with out its attention to the poet and his awareness of his own sesibilities. It emphasizes, if not depends, on the senes - most notably the senses of hearing and sight - to be understood. The poet's imagination is captured by the song and, because of his experience - not the bird itself, he trancends this world. He writes, "In some melodious plot/of beechen green, and shadows numberless,/Singest of summer in full-throated ease" (8-10). The poem also examinies the beauty of nature by focusing on this simple song of the…...


Works Cited

Keats, John. "Ode to a Nightingale." English Romantic Writers. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. 1967. pp. 1184.

Perkins, David. English Romantic Writers. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. 1967.

Romanticism in Most of Edgar
Pages: 4 Words: 1314

He is a selfish man who cares only about his well-being and nothing about others who are dying from the red death. However, there are also literary scholars who say that this story is much more than what it appears to be. Poe may have meant something quite different about Prospero's actions.
Says Canada, for example, while literary scholars have analyzed all of these aspects of Poe's work, they have studied many more, as well. "Of particular interest is Poe's fascination with psychology. An outspoken admirer of phrenology, a pseudoscience based on the premise that various functions are controlled by specific regions of the brain, he tirelessly explored subjects such as self-destruction, madness."

Some critics argue instead that Poe's story had a religious motive, because Poe is often seen as a philosophical-religious writer who expounds on the conditions of salvation and psychological reconciliation to the will of God (Wagenknecht, 217; May…...



Canada, Mark. Poe in His Right Mind. Dissertation. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1997.

Frushell, Richard C. " 'An Incarnate Night-Mare': Moral Grotesquerie in 'TheBlack Cat' Poe Studies, (1972) 5.2: 43-44.

Poe, Edgar Allan. Selected Tales. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Stark, J. "Motive and meaning: The mystery of the will in Poe's 'The Black Cat.'"

Romanticism a Fair Term The Period Between
Pages: 5 Words: 1736

Romanticism a Fair Term?
The period between the French Revolution (1789) and the first two decades of the 1800s has been called the "Age of Romanticism." The mature work, specifically of English Romantic authors, covers the years of 1789 through 1823. By its' nature using an "ism" to classify a group of work by a number of authors limits discussion. An "ism" also implies that all of the authors fit into a nice, neat category. Many of the authors in Britain did have similar views of the world and similar styles of writing, but to apply the term Romanticism to all of these writers oversimplifies the work that these authors did. It is unfair to blindly use Romanticism to explain the writing of all these authors.

To have a reasonable discussion of the fairness of the term Romanticism, a good starting point is the dictionary definition of romantic. According to The…...

Romanticism Transcendentalists Differed Romanticism Irving Hawthorne Poe
Pages: 2 Words: 541

Romanticism Transcendentalists differed Romanticism Irving, Hawthorne, Poe, Melville. Cite specific examples support answer
Romanticism has had a great influence over nineteenth century literature, considering the wide range of writers who produced works in accordance with this current. However, as Romanticism progressed, it contributed to creating Transcendentalism. The former primarily focused on the internal aspects of individuals, as Romantics often related to the importance of concepts like sentiments and freedom. In contrast, Transcendentalism concentrated on ideas that dealt with external influences on the individual's mind. Transcendentalists took on a more revolutionary attitude and expressed great interest in having the public acknowledge American values while also appreciating the importance of progress alongside of these respective values.

Herman Melville is probably one of the most ardent supporters of Romanticism in a context involving the current's comparison with Transcendentalism. Even with the fact that the writer believed that Transcendentalism was far less complex than Romanticism,…...



Emerson, Ralph Waldo and Thoreau, Henry David, "Transcendentalism: Essential Essays of Emerson and Thoreau: Literary Touchstone Classic," (Prestwick House Inc., 2008)

Wayne, Tiffany K. "Encyclopedia of Transcendentalism," (Infobase Publishing, 2006)

Romanticism No Other Period in English Literature
Pages: 3 Words: 938

No other period in English literature displays more variety in style, theme, and content than the omantic Movement of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Furthermore, no period has been the topic of so much disagreement and confusion over its defining principles and aesthetics. omanticism is often described as a large network of sometimes competing philosophies, agendas, and points of interest. These philosophies are often very contentious and controversial, as is the case with Walt Whitman. In England, omanticism had its greatest influence from the end of the eighteenth century up through about 1870. Its primary vehicle of expression was in poetry, although novelists adopted many of the same themes. In America, the omantic Movement was slightly delayed and modulated. Contrary to the English example, American literature championed the novel as the most fitting genre for omanticism's exposition. Walt Whitman however, extensively used poetry to express sexual themes and controversial…...



1) Kaplan, Justin. Walt Whitman: A Life. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979. ISBN 0-671-22542-1

2) Reynolds, David S. Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography. New York: Vintage Books, 1995. ISBN 0-679-76709-6

Romanticism Art Help Roger Fry
Pages: 12 Words: 3930

All of the styles inspired by the Romantic current can be clearly traced from the Formalist point-of-view, as they had in common the use of image itself, leaving meaning and content to a secondary design.

In the poetry and literature world, the Romantic period was a chance to explore the inner feelings of the artist, the development of his own soul and thoughts, where the author is the hero of the story, indirectly even, in autobiographical and confessional works. In the world of visual expression, the Romanticism moved the importance from the mimetic perspective to a more expressive characteristic, and the art work was weighed in its capacity to transmit emotions and feelings rather than communicate a messages.

It also promoted the idea that universal human behavior was more interesting than individual human activities. This means that in Romantic literature heroes are very varied and different, the characters presented as heroes are…...



1- Fried, Michael. 2001. The Tanner lectures on human values. "Roger Fry's Formalism." University of Michigan, November 2 and 3, 2001.   (Accessed December 6, 2006) 

2- Fry, Roger. 2004. Cezanne: a study of his development. New York: Kessinger Publishing.

3- Fry, Roger, Christopher Reed. Roger Fry reader. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

4- Lewer Debbie. 2005. Post-Impressionism to World War II. Blackwell Publishing.

Romanticism as a Reaction to the Enlightenment
Pages: 2 Words: 655

European Enlightenment: The Revolution of Romanticism
The European Enlightenment has often been described as a resurgence of interest in classical learning and a belief in the value of rationality as a way of explaining the ways in which the world worked. One of the most popular philosophies during the Enlightenment was Deism, which viewed the universe as a kind of a clock that had been set into motion by a divine being but which then operated according to the principles of the universe, not the careful surveillance of God. Deism and other Enlightenment philosophies had their roots in the scientific revelations of "Galileo, Kepler, and, especially, Newton" which "resulted in a vision of the world that was remarkably orderly and precise in its adherence to universal mathematical laws" (Staloff). This later was extended to political philosophy. Enlightenment era philosophers such as John Locke maintained that all human beings, regardless of…...


Works Cited

Carreira, Jeff. "From the Enlightenment to the Romantic Revolution." Philosophy is not a Luxury. 7 Mar 2010. 16 Mar 2016. Web

"Staloff, Darren. "Deism and the Founding of the United States." National Humanities Center.

Jan 2008. 16 Mar 2016. Web.

How does American Gothic literature demonstrate the country’s obsession with religion and sin?
Words: 307

To write a good thesis about this, you have to first put together what you know about early America and its approach to religion.  Obviously, the American colonies were initially established, in part, as a way for people to freely practice certain religions.  That said, they were extremely restrictive, with punishments for people who did not adhere to societal norms.  Many undesirable behaviors were not just considered undesirable, but labeled as sin.  The most dramatic example of this could be found in the witch hysteria that overtook some of the colonies and the executions and general destruction that happened surrounding....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about gothic wardrobe?
Words: 674

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Have you ever wondered about the mysterious allure of gothic fashion?
B. Background information: Explain what gothic fashion is and its origins.
C. Thesis statement: This essay will explore the elements of a gothic wardrobe and the reasons why it has captivated individuals throughout history.

II. Elements of a Gothic Wardrobe
A. Dark colors: Discuss the significance of black as the predominant color in gothic fashion.
B. Layering: Examine how layering allows gothic fashion enthusiasts to create a dramatic and mysterious look.
C. Fabrics: Analyze the importance of materials such as velvet, lace, and leather....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Paganism, as a diverse and ancient spiritual practice, has experienced a resurgence in modern times?
Words: 438

I. Introduction
A. Definition of Paganism
B. Brief overview of the history of Paganism
C. Thesis statement: Paganism has experienced a resurgence in modern times due to its diverse and ancient spiritual practices

II. Ancient origins of Paganism
A. Ancient civilizations and their Pagan beliefs
B. Different forms of Paganism in ancient times
C. Preservation of Pagan beliefs through oral traditions

III. Decline of Paganism
A. Rise of organized religions
B. Persecution of Pagans
C. Loss of Pagan traditions and practices

IV. Resurgence of Paganism in modern times
A. Influence of Romanticism and nature worship
B. Revival of ancient Pagan practices
C. Diversity....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding gothic essay?
Words: 230

1. The Evolution of the Gothic Genre: From its Origins to Modern Interpretations
2. The Influence of Gothic Literature on Popular Culture
3. Gender Roles and Representations in Gothic Literature
4. The Role of the Supernatural in Gothic Fiction
5. Gothic Tropes and Stereotypes: How Do They Shape Our Understanding of the Genre?
6. The Gothic as a Response to Social and Political Realities
7. The Gothic in Film: Adaptations and Themes
8. The Psychology of Fear in Gothic Literature
9. The Subversion of Traditional Themes in Contemporary Gothic Fiction
10. Gothic Spaces and Settings: How Architecture Shapes the Narrative.
11. The Gothic Heroine: Subverting Conventional Female Archetypes in Gothic....

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