Rome Essays (Examples)

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One could be important in Roman society either by doing something great, or simply by being born into high status. In other words, Romans valued both accomplishment and privilege. hich of these two do you think was more prominent in Roman society? Argue for one over against the other. Your argument must incorporate an analysis of two things: a specific historical event or institution, and the point-of-view of a Roman writer.

Polybius, was a Greek military commander in Roman service who spent many years on campaign with the Roman Republican armies in the second century B.C.E. The core values are the descendant of Greek views on virtue and the Greek value of competitive individual excellence. In Polybius' opinion, this excellence was exhibited repeatedly and most excellently in the Roman military organization.

His emphasis upon the importance of the Roman Army and individual achievement there frames his entire concept of an individual's achievement….

Rome vs. Christianity
In order to understand the importance of Jesus' claim as the King of the Jews, it is important to understand Judaism at the time of the New Testament. This can be done by looking at the New Testament, but also by looking at contemporaneous historical documents. However, it is important to realize that, from a theological standpoint, Christian theology is separate from its counterparts in the Roman Empire, deriving solely from Jewish tradition, specifically the Old Testament.

If one is going to state that the Bible is a historical document, then one must examine it like a historical document. What make the Bible unique is that, unlike many other origination mythical stories, the Bible has an identifiable foundation in history. While not all of the events in the Bible can be verified through outside historical sources, many events in the Bible can be verified by looking at outside sources.….

G32: [Marcus Pe]tacius Dasius, freedman of Marcus. [To Marcus Pe]tacius Severus, son of Marcus, of the Menenian tribe, his son; to Petacia Vitalis, freedwoman of Marcus, freedwoman.

Article G32 in Pompeii is an epitaph from a tomb. As Cooley and Cooley (2004) point out, "inscriptions carved in stone on public and private monuments were intended to perpetuate the memory of the individuals concerned," (p. 1). Tomb carvings like this one can be used to "provide a vivid picture of life in an ordinary town" in ancient Rome (Cooley and Cooley, 2004, p. 2). Although some parts of the original inscription were missing, indicated by Cooley and Cooley (2004) with brackets in Pompeii, the reader understands fully the context and multiple meanings of the epitaph. The most notable feature of the inscription is the fact that it refers to a freedman, a freedwoman, and their child.

The epitaph therefore raises a slew of….

Rome the Seven Kings of

Another sign of his forward looking and industrious nature was the city wall which he began. This attitude also extended to political affairs. He was responsible, for example, for increasing the number of senators to three-hundred and for increasing the number of knights.

His death as ascribed to treachery by the sons of Ancus Marcius.

6. Servius Tullius

The legend goes that the sixth king of Rome, Servius Tullius, …had been marked out for a great future by a miraculous fire which played round his infant head as he slept in the palace.

He became prominent in society and married one of the daughters of Tarquinas.

When he became ruler of Rome he completed the establishment of the city walls and was responsible for initiating many permanent institutions. The wall that he built, extended for about three-quarters of a mile from the Colline gate, and the townwall which enclosed the seven hills, and remained, with….

"The price of grain climbed so much that a measure that cost two coins in a.D. 200 cost 330 coins just a century later. (...) the resulting fear and unrest further rocked life in the empire."(pg.166) the plague coming from China on the trade road diminished the already low number of Romans. (id.), and the transmutation of the capital of the empire to Constantinople was a sign of the weakness of the Roman world.
Another matter that contributed to the transformation and the decline of the Roman world was religion. At first Christians were persecuted, starting with Nero who set the precedent for their execution. (pg.177) "The relatively small number of Christians grew consistently thought the first centuries after the death of Jesus (...). The small but growing number would periodically come in conflict with the power of Rome."(pg.177). "Early Christians seemed to violate the traditional Roman social order by….

D.) military conscription could be avoided with the payment of a commutable tax, since the Eastern Han Dynasty preferred the usage of a volunteer army. The volunteer army was known as the Southern Army, and burgeoned its ranks in times of war to assist the activity of the Northern Army, which was the immobile set of soldiers deployed near the dynasty's capital. The Northern army was made up of five regiments of thousands of soldiers each, although in times of martial activity the Northern army was stratified into divisions which were then divided into regiments which colonels and majors would lead. Each regiment was split into companies headed by captains, which were comprised of platoons, the smallest cadre of troops.
The difference between the military strategy and the army's perception by the people of both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty is fairly stark. The Roman Empire employed troops full-time,….

Iulus, on the other hand, represents continuity. The continuity of the Trojan race, the continuity of his father's bloodline, and the continuity of the mission to establish the Roman race in Italy.
Amulius and Numitor

The brothers Numitor and Amulius, descendants of Aeneas and Iulus, continue the establishment of the Roman race. Numitor, the King of Alba Longa, is overthrown by his brother Amulius overthrew him and took the throne. The story revisits the Aenean theme of familial piety. Amulius violates the code of piety by throwing out his brother and King Numitor. However, familial piety is restored when Numitor's grandsons Romulus and Remus reinstating their grandfather Numitor as king of Alba Longa after killing the offender Amulius.

The story of Numitor and Amulius is also marked by the themes of integration and disintegration. Amulius represents the theme of disintegration . First, he partitioned the brothers' inheritance into two parts, the treasure….

However strong the imperial leadership in ome, it became increasingly difficult to maintain the peace.
2. The fall of ome cannot be traced to a singular cause. As the empire's boundaries expanded from Great Britain to the Near East, social and political control became increasingly difficult. Conquered peoples often revolted or refused to pay tributes. Inefficient and corrupt centralized government could not maintain political control over distant territories. The spread of Christianity throughout oman lands threatened the integrity of the empire by calling into question oman values, social order, and religious tradition. As ome's tenuous grip on its remotest territories weakened, the empire became increasingly susceptible to invaders: especially the Germanic tribes.

3. Christianity sprouted when Judea was a oman territory and thus, the most powerful empire at the time would feel the political implications of the new religion. Had Christianity evolved elsewhere it might not have played such a major….

Rome or Roman Veii

The invasion of the Gauls in 390 BCE is one of the events that shaped the history of Rome since it struck the Roman people hard. The invasion, which resulted in the capture and sack of Rome, had devastating impacts to an extent that some Romans thought of abandoning their city and relocating permanently to Veii, a recently conquered Etruscan city. Much of the Roman population supported the move on the premise that Rome was so destroyed to an extent it could not be rebuilt. While some Romans migrated to Veii in search of new beginnings, the conqueror of Veii, Marcus Furius Camillus, was against the move. Through his efforts that sought to protect the religious integrity of Rome, the Roman people did not abandon their city. Camillus efforts played a critical role in safeguarding the religious integrity of the Roman people and ensuring they did not abandon their city. If….

Rome Open City Is an

As happy as he is to have found a job he needs a bicycle in order to keep it. The bicycle permits Ricci to work as a poster-hanger, striking paste on walls to put up film flyers. On his first day someone steals the bike. So he runs, the director made sure to have the music set off the journey, to find his bicycle to keep his job. What happened for him to get the bike, pawning his wife's sheets, seeing all the sheets of other families that pawned theirs, and then getting a job after days online, makes the bike that much more meaningful as its his only means to stability.
The best part of this movie was the ability of the director to show a stark, barren, disheartening Rome that most people when viewing Rome are not used to. The movie took the audience on a tour whilst….

History of Rome the City

By about 400 AD, the old social and physical structures of Rome were in decline, the city losing power both within its own empire and within the est as a whole (Miles 41). The decline of the old order in Rome allowed a space for the ascension of Christianity, which began in the first century AD. For the first two centuries of the Christian era, Roman authorities classified Christianity as simply a sect of Judaism and so did not react to it as if it were its own distinct religion.

To the extent that Christians were persecuted in the first few centuries after the beginning of the Christian era, it was only by local officials, with the imperial government warning those officials not to do so. However, in the first century of the Christian era, there was considerable anger at Christians in some quarters of Rome, especially after the Emperor Nero….

Summary of the Punic Wars

The Punic Wars refer to the collective names of a series of three separate wars between Carthage and ome, which took place from 264 to 146 BC. The wars were fought between the two strongest contenders for control over the central Mediterranean Sea of the time. These wars ended with the destruction of Carthage, thus ending the city's period as an independent power and an important trade center. The city would later become an important trading center inside the oman Empire.


Bagnall, N. 2002. The Punic Wars: 264-146 BC. Botley, Oxford: Osprey Publishing.

Cottrell, L. 1992. Hannibal: Enemy of ome. Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo Press.

Goldsworthy, a. 2002. The Punic Wars. London: Cassell Publications.

Goldsworthy, a. 2004. The Fall of Carthage: The Punic Wars 265-146 BC. London: Cassell Publications.

Huby, P. 2003. Carthage. Stockport, England: Dewi Lewis Publishing.

Lazenby, J.F. 1998. Hannibal's War. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.

Prevas, J. 2001. Hannibal….

Literature, learning, and scholarly life wad preserved within the monastery, even while the previous areas of ome were left in disarray.
Perhaps most importantly, the monasteries began to give hope to those devastated by the fall of ome. Individuals who had once been prosperous now found themselves destitute, and the religious beliefs of the monasteries provided hope for eternal life and salvation. Further, these monasteries provided health care to the wounded or ill, and used these circumstances to further their religious agenda.

Through their cultural maintenance, political status, scholarly ways, and promises of eternal life, the monasteries were able to secure a position in the world following the fall of ome. Further, through their relations with society in terms of health care and learning, the monasteries held a crucial role in the history of Europe.


McKay, J., Hill, B., Buckler-Ebrey, P. (2004). History of World Societies. Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin….


Rome exerted tremendous pressure on its colonies to conform, and do things in the Roman Way. When in Rome, one does as the Romans do. The Via Romana is a road referring to the Roman way. Rome conquered Alexander's vast empire and then imposed the Imperium (the imperial right to rule) upon the world. Religio-Romana refers to the Roman religion of paganism and polytheism. Roman religion. Romans are to practice Rome's religion without changing it. The Roman practices will be executed as they have always been since the beginning of Roman civilizations. This includes worshipping the Roman emperor as god. The political connection between Rome's religion and the people impose the belief and practice: Roman religion is the truth. Mos Maiorum refers to the living traditions. People are to live their lives according to Roman traditions. This is the daily life of Romans extant in the time of….

Religions of Rome

eligions of ome
Throughout history, religion has been having a major impact on the societies around the world. In the case of the omans, they had numerous religions that were practiced throughout the reign of the empire. To fully understand these ideas requires looking at the chapter titled Sol the Sun in the Art and eligions of ome. This will be accomplished by summarizing the various points and discussing a broad theme from the chapter. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to how specific practices from other cultures affected various oman religions.

In Sol the Sun in the Art and eligions of ome, it is talking about the worship of the sun god name Sol. He was a mythological figure that was considered to have the most power among the various oman pagan gods. This is because the omans believed that the sun was a vital source of….

Full confession.  We find Romeo and Juliet to be one of Shakespeare’s least appealing plays, and one of the reasons is because, while the theme of truth (and the related theme of lies) plays a significant role in the play, there is also the questions of whether the characters are even old enough to possess the self-awareness that is required for lying about feelings. 

When Romeo professes his love for Juliet, she wonders if his words are true.  Her worries are based in the fact that, even at her young age, Juliet seems to know that sometimes boys....

The first thing you need to do is understand what a theme is.  A theme is an idea in a movie.  Many people think of themes as the main idea, but a movie may have a central theme and several other themes.  If you are not sure how to identify a movie’s theme, think about the things in a movie that you want to talk about after you watch it or that leave you thinking about the movie. While themes can spur a number of different discussions, you should be able to describe the them concisely, generally....

Shakespeare may be the most popular broad topic for essays in English classes.  He wrote some of the most well-known works in the English language and, while he is known for his plays, he is also known for poetry.  English essays may focus on his works, but it is also possible to write compelling essays about Shakespeare’s life, including the enduring popular topic of whether Shakespeare was the true author of the works credited to him. 

Here are some essay title suggestions:   

  1. Bringing Home the Bacon: Questions About the Authorship of Shakespeare’s Plays
  2. The Real Tragedy of....

Romeo and Juliet is one of the best-known of all of Shakespeare’s plays.  The tale of star-crossed lovers has made the names Romeo and Juliet synonymous with hopeless love stories, though their questionable decision-making and shallow view of love has prevented many from completely embracing their story as a romance.  What is clear is that while the stories in the character all play lip service to the idea of family, community, and clan loyalties, they all act in their own self-interest in an effort to pursue their own happiness.  Focusing on that would be a....

12 Pages


Rome One Could Be Important in Roman

Words: 5688
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Rome One could be important in Roman society either by doing something great, or simply by being born into high status. In other words, Romans valued both accomplishment and privilege.…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Rome vs Christianity in Order to Understand

Words: 2531
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Rome vs. Christianity In order to understand the importance of Jesus' claim as the King of the Jews, it is important to understand Judaism at the time of the New…

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4 Pages

Drama - World

Rome G32 Marcus Pe tacius Dasius Freedman of

Words: 1618
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Rome G32: [Marcus Pe]tacius Dasius, freedman of Marcus. [To Marcus Pe]tacius Severus, son of Marcus, of the Menenian tribe, his son; to Petacia Vitalis, freedwoman of Marcus, freedwoman. Article G32 in…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Rome the Seven Kings of

Words: 3409
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Another sign of his forward looking and industrious nature was the city wall which he began. This attitude also extended to political affairs. He was responsible, for example, for…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Rome Civilization the Roman Civilization

Words: 1847
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

"The price of grain climbed so much that a measure that cost two coins in a.D. 200 cost 330 coins just a century later. (...) the resulting fear…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Drama - World

Rome and Han Examination of

Words: 2833
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

D.) military conscription could be avoided with the payment of a commutable tax, since the Eastern Han Dynasty preferred the usage of a volunteer army. The volunteer army was…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Rome's Foundation Myths -- Structuralist

Words: 1407
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Iulus, on the other hand, represents continuity. The continuity of the Trojan race, the continuity of his father's bloodline, and the continuity of the mission to establish the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Rome's Main Strengths Was Its

Words: 680
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However strong the imperial leadership in ome, it became increasingly difficult to maintain the peace. 2. The fall of ome cannot be traced to a singular cause. As the…

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1 Pages

History - Ancient

Rome or Roman Veii

Words: 343
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

The invasion of the Gauls in 390 BCE is one of the events that shaped the history of Rome since it struck the Roman people hard. The invasion, which…

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3 Pages


Rome Open City Is an

Words: 1199
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

As happy as he is to have found a job he needs a bicycle in order to keep it. The bicycle permits Ricci to work as a poster-hanger,…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

History of Rome the City

Words: 896
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

By about 400 AD, the old social and physical structures of Rome were in decline, the city losing power both within its own empire and within the est as…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Rome vs Carthage History of

Words: 1709
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Summary of the Punic Wars The Punic Wars refer to the collective names of a series of three separate wars between Carthage and ome, which took place from 264 to…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Rome Following the Collapse of

Words: 356
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Literature, learning, and scholarly life wad preserved within the monastery, even while the previous areas of ome were left in disarray. Perhaps most importantly, the monasteries began to give…

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10 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Christianity the Roman Way Rome Exerted Tremendous

Words: 2900
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Christianity THE ROMAN WAY Rome exerted tremendous pressure on its colonies to conform, and do things in the Roman Way. When in Rome, one does as the Romans do. The Via…

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3 Pages
Book Review

Mythology - Religion

Religions of Rome

Words: 817
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

eligions of ome Throughout history, religion has been having a major impact on the societies around the world. In the case of the omans, they had numerous religions that were…

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