Rosa Parks Essays (Examples)

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Rosa Parks and the Civil
Pages: 4 Words: 1189

King was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. He received many of his views about human equality and social fairness and justice from his father, who was a Baptist preacher. He also chose the ministry as his career and graduated from the Morehouse College in Atlanta. (King and the Civil Rights Movement)
King was very interested in and influenced by the philosophy of the Indian political leader, Mahatma Gandhi.

He was particularly in favor of the nonviolent form of protest that Gandhi had so successfully used in colonial India to fight racial discrimination and prejudice. Martin Luther King, Jr. was also against many of the tendencies of materialist capitalist society, although he rejected the tenets of Marxism. In 1953 he earned his Ph.D. In theology from Boston University. (King and the Civil Rights Movement)

King accepted a pastorate in Montgomery, Alabama and became involved in the growing movement for inequality…...


Works Cited

Rosa Parks Biography: Pioneer of Civil Rights. 5 Nov. 2006. 

The Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965: Introduction. 5 Nov. 2006. 

King and the Civil Rights Movement. 5 Nov. 2006. 

Martin Luther King, Jr., Quotations. 5 Nov. 2006.

Rosa's Ethics Ever Since December
Pages: 6 Words: 1944

The most convincing interpretation might be that, as she contended, she did not foresee the consequences. Parks stated that "it was not a time for me to be planning to get arrested." (Reader 2005). So, if she was not considering the consequences, then she was not thinking rationally; if she was not thinking rationally, according to Aristotle, then she was not behaving virtuously. Since we should probably use Parks' own words as the best evidence, we should conclude that Aristotle would not consider her a particularly virtuous individual.
Confucius, alternatively, maintained that all human morality was held together by a single concept: ren, or natural humanistic love. Simply put, ren is a love and respect for all things human. To Confucius, a person can only achieve ren if they undergo an attainment of knowledge to the point where they reach a workable grasp of the place for each form of…...


Works Cited

Confucius. The Analects. Reader 2005.

Ross, David. Aristotle: the Nichomachean Ethics. New York: Oxford, 1998.

Unknown. "Rosa Parks, 92, Founding Symbol of Civil Rights Movement, Dies." Reader 2005.

Profound lessons from childrens'stories
Pages: 2 Words: 742

Civil Disobedience
One might think that finding parallels between a Dr. Seuss story and the real-life story of Rosa Parks does not make sense. However, that is less than true as the parallels and commonalities are early and often when it comes to comparing the history of one and the story created on the other. Indeed, civil disobedience has taken on many forms but it is seemingly the least violent yet poignant events that seem to be the most effective. It was something that Martin Luther King Jr. greatly touted and Rosa Park and her refusal to move from her seat was just another example of that. While civil disobedience is sometimes disruptive or otherwise counterproductive, it is a thing of magic when it is done well.


To answer the important question first, civil disobedience is basically a means that people use to protest laws that are deemed to be unjust or…...

Progression of Women Throughout Time
Pages: 10 Words: 3206

It was followed by more record-breaking flights. Her story, on the other hand, was cut short with her 1937 flight which ended in her mysterious disappearance (Amelia Earhart Website n.d.).
Earhart's story indeed reflects that a lot of women during this period of American history were engaged in activities that were first labeled as masculine in nature. Earhart's achievement reflected the sense of equality between men and women that have long been fought for by women of the earlier period of history.

Towards more active political participation

We have seen how particular socio-historical features of the 19th century -- these being the strengthening of women's educational facilities as well as the job opportunities that went with the industrial changes of this period, gave way to women's demand for equal participation in the political sphere.

During the early 20th century, women were influential in welfare advocacy, particularly in the formulation and popularization of the…...



Academy of Achievement. 10 March 2009. 6 April 2009.

< >.

Amelia Earhart Website. n.d. 6 April 2009. .

America.Gov. Betka, Mark. 8 March 2006. 6 April 2009.

Taxes Direct Democracy and Federalism
Pages: 7 Words: 1986

This is designed to help support individuals who are dealing with financial challenges. The problem is that select amounts of recipients will use as a way to live off of the government. (Wolf, 2005)
How might a socialist and a capitalist government differ in its treatment of the problem of unemployment?

Socialists want to see massive amounts of government spending to create new jobs, training programs and provide unemployment benefits. A capitalist is opposed to these kinds of programs and believes that charities / private enterprises can address these issues.

In your opinion, should the government have the responsibility of providing health care for every citizen? Why or why not?

Yes, the government should provide health care. The reason why is because prices are increasing exponentially and the number of uninsured is rising. These factors are a sign that there is very little competition inside the sector. To address these imbalances a government…...



2012 Puerto Rico Statehood Amendment. (2012). Boards. Retrieved from: 

Commerce Clause. (2012). Britannica. Retrieved from: 

Principles of Constitutional Construction. (2010). Retrieved from: 

Sin Taxes. (2005). Six Taxes. Connecticut Voices for Children. Retrieved from:

Ida B Wells a Biography
Pages: 4 Words: 1351

With men off to fight and die, women in America took to the workforce to both support their men and Uncle Sam's war effort.
Because women could now be seen as part of the war, no part of society was safe from war. The idea of total war began to emerge: this was the concept that civilians could be attacked like any other soldiery in the war. In a way, the disasters of world war were simply the expression on a macro level of what was happening in the U.S. On a micro level. Ida B. Wells helped illustrate the senseless violence occurring in the U.S. against Negroes when she wrote "Lynch Law" in 1893 at just 31 years of age. "Lynch Law" described the violent prejudice being visited on Southern blacks. As she writes, the Negro as a person has been "murdered by masked mobs for trying to vote,"…...


Reference List

Fridan, D. (2000). Ida B. Wells: Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. NY: Houghton


Friedman, L.J., McGarvie, M.D. (2003). Charity, Philanthropy, and Civility in American History. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Giddings, P.J. (2008). Ida: A Sword Among Lions. NY: HarperCollins.

Soul Is Rested Movement Days
Pages: 5 Words: 1545

Clearly, the disadvantages of conducting interviews to interpret history is that often, memories become cloudy and/or lost, and people, as they age, remember things differently. Therefore, some of these memories could be faulty, or at least flawed, and yet, there is no mention of that in the book. There are also quotes in the interviews, and it is hard to imagine that anyone could remember exact words after even 10, 15, or 20 years after the incidents occurred. That means that some of these interviews, although they certainly mean well, could be inconsistent, and that takes away some of the historic notability of this book.

In conclusion, this is a very emotional and personal look into the Civil ights Movement and how it began, grew, and helped obtain equal rights for Black Americans. The author interviewed some of the most influential people in the Civil ights Movement, and their memories are…...



Raines, Howell. My Soul is Rested: Movement Days in the Deep South Remembered, New York: Penguin, 1983.

Howell Raines. My Soul is Rested: Movement Days in the Deep South Remembered, New York: Penguin, 1983, 21.

Film Culture and its Impact on Civil and Social Rights
Pages: 15 Words: 4688

Popular Film Cultures Have Propelled Civil and Social Rights
Culture is referred as shared interaction, patterns, cognitive constructs, behaviors as well as effective understanding learned through socialization and transferred from one generation to the other. In the United States and outside the United States, films have become a powerful tool to transmit cultures. In 2009, there were more than 6.8 billion films released compared to the world population that was roughly the same number. Moreover, films have produced revenue of more than $30 billion annually, and its impact on films on people's behaviors is staggering. For example, many people across the world are imitating American culture by watching their movies. Moreover, films have become a powerful tool for propelling civil and social rights.[footnoteRef:1] The social civil rights are the class of rights and freedoms people demand from the government, private individuals or social organizations. Civil rights movements protect people from discrimination…...

WWII History Making Decades WWII-Present
Pages: 6 Words: 2515

Diversity -- with the exception of homophobia -- was beginning to be commonly accepted and praised. Technology -- such as the use of DNA in criminology and the introduction of the PC -- was becoming more prominent in the lives of everyday Americans. In the Cold War, President Gorbachev asked for openness and economic freedom, while President eagan asked him to tear down the Berlin Wall, which he did. However, the discovery of AIDS had a far more profound impact on the American people than any of these events. In 1981, the first case of AIDS was reported in the United Kingdom, and this eventually caused quite a crisis in the U.S., as it was first noticed among gay men, and then in women and children as well. People became scared because they were not sure what was causing the disease. esearch continued throughout the 1980s, but the fear…...



Dove, R. (1999). Heroes & Icons: Rosa Parks. Retrieved August 12, 2009, from Time: 

"Fascinating facts about the invention of the Internet by Vinton Cerf in 1973." (2007,

May 30). Retrieved August 12, 2009, from the Great Idea Finder:

U S History Abraham Lincoln -
Pages: 5 Words: 1833

Soviet Union brought the missiles into Cuba to rile up the American military establishment precisely so that U.S. nuclear missile installations in Turkey and Italy could be brought on the table. Secondly as an ally, Soviet Union was concerned about the fate of Cuba which held a lot of promise for the Communist experiment internationally.
The American leadership understood that what they faced in Cuba was a catch 22 situation. If they failed to act, they would live under threat and shadow of nuclear war. If they carried out a full fledge invasion of Cuba, the Soviet Union would respond by taking over West Berlin thereby severely denting the credibility of the United States of America in the eyes of its European allies. Able master of political chess that Khrushchev was he played the inexperienced but charismatic President Kennedy like a fiddle. There were of course some in the military…...

History of Alabama History of
Pages: 4 Words: 1561

At this time, African-Americans were not allowed to enroll in this institution Autherine only stayed for three days not because she could not cope with the education, but because her life was in danger. Majority of the white students protested because of her presence. There is also the George allace incident that has also been mentioned bringing the University of Alabama into the limelight.
The university is also well-known for its prowess in football which was initiated in 1892 in the institution. Football in the University of Alabama is on a professional level ranked next to clubs in the league (Brad, 3). Many students receive football scholarships thus providing career opportunities to the students not only through education.


Alabama has been at the centre stage of civil rights activities involving fight against segregation, and providing inspirational individuals who will forever be celebrated like Reverend Martin Luther King and Rosa parks. Also…...


Works cited

Alabama . Infoplease. 2005. 18 Oct. 2010. 

Brad, Jason. Alabama Is No. 1 in Preseason Poll. New York Times

Oct. 18, 2010: 3

Civil Rights Mean in Post
Pages: 5 Words: 2255

Because of the fact that they ae Negos, they have been oppessed and intimidated on seveal occasions. Malcolm X also makes some histoical claims when demanding the civil ights. He states that Nego evolt has been going on since 1945 in the whole wold and in 1964 will see that it then emeges to be a black evolution. He claims that this evolution has been happening in Asia, Afica and Latin Ameica fo the not white individuals. The blacks who wee colonized by the Euopeans I Asia have been involved in the stuggle fo since 1945. Fo the Mexican-Ameican stuggle fo equality also involves some histoical statement especially in 1965 when efeing to Cesa Chavez who has had majo contibution fo the La Raza Unida quest fo the ights though non-violent means.
Reason fo the timing of the civil ights demands

In the Montgomey bus boycott, the people ae demanding fo…...


references to his citizenship and the democracy. As for Malcolm the rights are also provided by the constitution. In the Mexican -- American, the rights are provided by the democratic system.

Consequence of failure

The civil rights activists for the Montgomery bus boycott are using non-violent approaches in demanding their rights. This is in line with the approach that Martin Luther King always uses therefore it's expected that the people will continue with the peaceful demonstration until their plights are heard. As for the Malcolm protesting people, they are at this moment peaceful. However if their rights i.e. voting rights are denied, the black man will start using the bullet as a new way to advocate for their rights. They will turn into violent movements and use violence so as to gain their rights.


The civil rights movements in the post was a reaction by most of the war veterans who came from the war hoping to be respected because of the sacrifice that they had given only for them to find that they are still stuck in a segregated and racist nation. This was also in sharp contrast to the freedom principals that they had fought for overseas. Therefore the civil rights seeds were sowed as the as demands were then put forth by the black leaders for equal rights. Martin Luther King was one of the leaders and in this instance he is seen leading the boycott of the Montgomery bus. He advocates for the equal rights of the blacks that they may be respected by their counterpart white citizens particularly in the bus stations. Malcolm X is also advocating for the civil rights of the black people in his expression of the ballot or the bullet. He is expressing the importance of the voting right to be granted because it will be useful in a bloodless revolution. He warns however that the failure to grant the right will lead to retaliation by violence of the bullets. The last incidents considered by the paper is the Mexican-Americans rights group through the faction called La Raza Unida. The members of this group seek to advocate the right of the Mexican-American having realized that there are no equal provisions of opportunities.

Handling Critical Incidents in the Classroom
Pages: 10 Words: 3066

Compare and contrast prior impressions of teaching with the reality of your experiences in the classroom.

The moment teachers fresh out of college to get into the class environment, what they might have expected and what they encounter in the class can often be different (Melnick & Meister, 2008). The education profession is often a more complex profession than what many anticipate. Individuals who choose teaching as a profession should review why they did so in the first place if they are to overcome what awaits them. When new teachers enter the classroom, they are usually shocked by the challenges that come with being a teacher in the real world. At times, the reality is much more different than what the teacher anticipated. Beginning teachers often describe their first year in the classroom as a year of survival. Different studies have also backed this argument, labeling the first year in…...



Bluestein, J. (2004). Great Expectations: Good News for Beginning Teachers. Retrieved from Education Oasis:

Carter, V., Orr, B., McGriff, M., Thompson, C., & Sonawane, S. (2014). Critical Incidents in Classroom Management During Student Teaching Internships and Their Effects on the Teaching Profession: Perceptions of Student Teachers in India and the United States. U.S.-China Education Review, 4(4), 209-228.

Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. (Eds.). (2009). Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner Research for the Next Generation. New York: Teachers College Press.

Cole, A. L., & Knowles, J. G. (1993). Shattered Images: Understanding Expectations And Realities. Teachrng & Teacher Educarion, 9(5), 457471.

Aung San Suu Kyi
Pages: 15 Words: 4111

Aung San Suu Kyi
comparison between Aung San Suu Kyi and Rosa Parks

Both Aung San Suu Kyi and Rosa Parks have become enduring and vivacious symbols of the civil rights movements in their respective countries. By refusing to give up her seat to a white person and to move to the back of the bus, Parks ignited a firestorm of race-related protests that galvanized civil rights crusades of later leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X In the beginning, Parks was not a civil rights leader. She was a citizen who had decided to take a stand against the social oppression that was predominant against African-American people.

Like Parks, Suu Kyi did not start out as a leader of the Burmese people. Though she had an influential father, Suu Kyi was living in England with her family prior being involved in Burma's fight against the military regime. Upon her involvement,…...


Works Cited

Clements, Alan.

We are still prisoners in our own country: An interview with Aung San Suu Kyi." The Humanist. Nov/Dec 1997. 57(6). Proquest Database.

Kurlantzick, Joshua. "Can Burma Reform?" Foreign Affairs. Nov/Dec 2002. 81(6). Proquest Database.

Myoe, Maung Aung. "The national reconciliation process in Myanmar." Contemporary Southeat Asia. 2002. 24(2). Proquest Database.

Soul of a Citizen the
Pages: 3 Words: 878

One of the last major points that Loeb makes is that responsibility does not mean having all of the answers -- no one has them. Instead, it means becoming actively engaged in the debates and issues that are affecting and changing our world. They will continue to instigate changes no matter how becomes involved; it is only those who actively participate in their world that have an active hand in shaping it. Loeb quotes Rabbi Abraham Herschel as saying, "in regard to cruelties committed in the name of a free society, some are guilty, while all are responsible." Extrapolating this standpoint even further, beyond the realm of cruelties committed an to the realm of all social action, this means that though not everyone becomes an activist in the causes and issues that are shaping the world, everyone that has the potential for such activism is responsible for the ultimate outcome.


I\'ve seen the common essay topics on american history. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 652

The Forgotten Chapters of American History: Uncovering Lesser-Known but Captivating Essay Topics

Beyond the familiar narratives of the American Revolution, Civil War, and westward expansion, American history is a tapestry woven with countless lesser-known stories that offer valuable insights and provoke thought. Here are some intriguing essay topics that illuminate hidden aspects of our nation's past:

1. The Forgotten Pioneers: Exploring the Contributions of Women in the Transcontinental Railroad

While the construction of the transcontinental railroad is often attributed to male workers, over a thousand women played a crucial role as cooks, laundresses, nurses, and telegraph operators. Their contributions were essential to the....

How can creating a clear and concise outline help to effectively organize and communicate your protest message?
Words: 696

I. Introduction
A. Brief explanation of protests as a form of activism
B. Thesis statement: Protests serve as a powerful tool for advocating social, political, and economic change.

II. Historical Context of Protests
A. Overview of significant protests throughout history
1. Civil rights movement in the United States
2. Anti-apartheid movement in South Africa
3. Women's suffrage movement
B. The impact of these protests on society

III. Types of Protests
A. Peaceful demonstrations and marches
1. Examples of successful peaceful protests
a. Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington
b. Gandhi's Salt March in India
2. Benefits of peaceful protests
B. Civil....

What unique perspectives or insights can outsiders bring to a group or community?
Words: 541

Unique Perspectives and Insights of Outsiders

Outsiders, individuals who are not part of a particular group or community, can offer valuable perspectives and insights that can enrich and transform the group's dynamics and understanding. Their external vantage point allows them to observe and interpret situations from a different angle, contributing fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

Unveiling Blind Spots and Biases

Insiders may often be blind to certain aspects of their own group due to familiarity and ingrained assumptions. Outsiders, however, can provide a fresh perspective that challenges these assumptions and reveals hidden biases or blind spots. They can point out patterns or behaviors....

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