Savage Inequalities Essays (Examples)

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The probability that a child will succeed is considered unimportant when compared to the possibility that a child might succeed.
The racist implications of these educational problems are impossible to ignore. These deplorable conditions help reinforce white racial superiority by keeping minorities in a subservient position when compared to whites. The fact that many affluent suburban schools have minority students does not erase the fact that the single greatest predictor of socio-economic status remains race. Non-whites are significantly more likely than whites to be poor in the United States. Moreover, money is political power, so that these impoverished people literally lack a meaningful voice. epeatedly in his book, Kozol discusses attempts by community members to improve the conditions in their schools, only to have their concerns completely ignored by various government entities. Even though the Supreme Court mandated equality in school districts in the 1960s, it is clear that the….

Some newspapes, Kozol points out, muse in utilitaian tems. They ague that those childen who ae likely to poduce moe etuns ae likewise moe deseving of financial suppot. But the most butal iony of the way poo childen ae teated in New Yok is the fact that the legislatos and the affluent public ae moe willing to spend money on incaceation than education of poo childen. Most of the city's pisons ae filled with fome public school dopouts, and the cost of maintaining an inmate is $60,000 a yea -- fa geate than is equied to finance a schoolchild's education.
The next city Kozol visits is the city of Camden in New Jesey. Kozol does not find much diffeence hee. He quotes the Wall Steet Jounal which agues that bette education cannot be bought with money. The Jounal states that inceasing pe-pupil spending has not inceased student pefomance in five….

Kids are hungry, their parents are in jail, and the good schools are in the suburbs, where the Congress people live. Their schools are upscale and well funded, while the inner-city schools suffer all the same problems the schools in the other chapters faced. The administrators feel whites would do anything to keep blacks out of their schools, including move away if too many blacks came into the district. The author talks about housing projects, and how the children grow up fast, and see things in their community that children simply should not see. Again, he makes the point that society allows this to happen, and turns the other way. He maintains that society sees minorities as "less than human" and that is why they allow these conditions to continue. He is trying to show these are real people with very real problems and that they have the same….

Then the healthcare provided to rich and poor children is starkly different. Kozol suggests that African-American children do not get proper medical care which makes them more likely to fail in school. Then the high dropout rates among blacks confirm the racist biases of legislators who argue that spending on black children is bad investment. When Kozol visits a wealthy suburban school and talks to children in advanced schools, he finds that the cultural biases of rich parents are passed to their children. Many of these children do not seem to be perturbed by the plight of poor nonwhite children in neighboring communities and they support the "separate but equal" treatment. There is, however, one child named David who says that the property tax system needs to be reworked so that public schools in all areas are supported equally.
After New York, Kozol visits Camden, New Jersey. He begins his….

Murray characterizes educational romantics as people who believe that the academic achievement of children is determined mainly by the opportunities they receive and has little to do with their intellectual capacity. Educational romantics believe the current K-12 education system is in need of vast improvement.
Murray describes two types of educational romantics, one set on the Left and one on the ight, and differentiates between the two thusly:

"Educational romantics of the Left focus on race, class, and gender. It is children of poor parents, and girls whose performance is artificially depressed, and their academic achievement will blossom as soon as they are liberated from the racism, classism, and sexism embedded in American education. Those of the ight see public education as an ineffectual monopoly, and think that educational achievement will blossom when school choice liberates children from politically correct curricula and obdurate teachers' unions (Murray, 2008)."

Both of these accounts fail….

noble savage..." etc.
The Noble, Savage Age of Revolution

When Europeans first came to America, they discovered that their providentially discovered "New World" was already inhabited by millions of native peoples they casually labeled the "savages." In time, Europeans would decimate this population, killing between 95-99% of the 12 million plus inhabitants of the Northern Continent, and as many in the south. efore this genocide was complete, however, the culture of the natives would significantly influence the philosophy and politics of the nations that conquered them. The native societies, with their egalitarian social structures, natural absence of disease, communal sharing of resources, and their lifestyles in which work was easily balanced with art and play, seemed like something Europeans had lost when Adam and Eve left Eden. "Native societies, especially in America, reminded Europeans of imagined golden worlds known to them only in folk history. . . Created of European wish-fulfillment,….

Richard Dawkins' the Selfish Gene Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities: Children America's Schools. Plus, read websites: http://www.ou./cls/online/lstd5013/dawkins.shtml http://salmonriver.
Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene"

Jonathan Kozol's "Savage Inequalities: Children America's Schools"

There has recently been much controversy regarding genes, as technology has made it possible for people to make intriguing discoveries regarding the topic and a series of individuals have come up with interesting theories concerning genes. Individuals like Richard Dawkins have gone even further than most of their colleagues and produced revolutionary theories relating to how organisms work as machines having the task of transmitting genes to generations following them, with animal behaviors essentially being caused by genes.

Considering Dawkins' theory, one can gain a better understanding of Jonathan Kazol's book "Savage Inequalities: Children in American Schools," with memes being most likely responsible for the fact that particular groups experience a series of benefits in educational institutes across the U.S.

hile Dawkins' book primarily relates….

African-American Fixation and Modern Superiority in Sports
Sports are significant in many ways to any individual of the society and their values can notarize any political ideology. Sports have often been considered as a missionary tool of liberation, as anti-hegemonic. Fascists, communists, liberal marketers and filibusters have always revered sports. Even political group of dissidents has also vituperated sports, paradoxically. Sports have marked itself as the most powerful form of human expression during all of man's time. Sadly, sports fail to serve the United States ideology in any ways people decided to define democratic values during this, the American Century, when we became the most powerful purveyors of sports in all history (Gerald Early, Performance And Reality Race, Sports and the Modern orld).

Race does not comprise of a system consisting of the privileged or discredited abilities. It is rather an entirety of clashing rumination of what it means to be a….

As this meme passed down through generations, it became more pervasive and it also became more complete. When slavery in the New World began, both blacks and whites were enslaved, black slaves could gain freedom, and slavery was not a condition of birth. However, as that changed, the memes surrounding African-Americans also changed. Not only were blacks seen as not equal to whites, but they were seen as incapable of becoming equal to whites. Therefore, when Jim Crow segregation was first challenged under the Fourteenth Amendment, the Supreme Court determined that separate facilities were not inherently unequal, despite overwhelming evidence that the facilities provided for African-Americans were factually inferior to those provided for whites. While this meme has been challenged by newer ideas and has, generally, not stood up to scientific, moral, and religious challenges, vestiges of it remain in almost every American person. As a result, many Americans,….

As a result, many children were schooled at home. The modern home schooling movement is a recalling of these earlier days, modernized with home schooling curricula, Internet access and activities for children, such as sports, which bring them together for social activities. Although teachers' unions insist that parents are not professionally-trained teachers, the results of home schooling are incontrovertible. Home-schooled students perform much better on standardized tests than government-schooled children, have higher college admission rates, and report greater satisfaction than those in public schools (Williams, 2007). A recent Gallup poll found that 75% of Americans favor public schooling. A similar Gallup poll, taken in 1985, found that 75% were against home schooling. In the intervening years, the continued decline of the public school paradigm has changed American minds.
Charter, Magnet and Other Schools modified way to introduce vouchers, or school choice, is to create charter and magnet schools. The founding….

Civic Values in the U.S.
estoring democracy and civic virtue in the United States will require major reforms that reduce the power of corporations, elites and special interests in the whole political process. ight now, there is a radical disconnect between the political and economic elites and the needs and interests of the ordinary voters. Most people today realize that the country is in its worse crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, but government and the political system seem dysfunctional and incapable of dealing with it. emoving the power and control of big money from the political process forever would be the most important step in revitalizing American democracy and making the system more representative and accountable. So would eliminating the Electoral College and electing the president and vice president by a majority of the popular vote. Despite the protests of small states, only this type of reform might….

esearch Proposaleparations for Black Communities in Chicago through Educational eformQualitative esearch Methods IAbstractThis research proposal explores the feasibility of employing educational reforms as a form of reparations for Black communities in Chicago, addressing the persistent educational disparities rooted in systemic racism and the legacy of slavery. The study adopts a qualitative research design, utilizing in-depth semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and participatory observations to gather rich narratives from Black students, educators, and community members. These methods aim to capture the lived experiences, challenges, and aspirations within the educational system, providing a comprehensive understanding of the disparities faced by Black communities in Chicago. Guided by Critical ace Theory and eparative Justice, the analysis employs Braun and Clarke\\\'s thematic analysis framework, ensuring an inductive and iterative approach to data interpretation. Ethical considerations, including Institutional eview Board approval, informed consent, and confidentiality, are prioritized to protect participants\\\' dignity and rights. The study\\\'s trustworthiness is….

Educational Problems

The United States has enjoyed a long history of providing public education for all students. However, many people believe that our educational system does not function well and that it has not for some time. Although multiple ways to improve public education have been tried, the belief persists that our schools produce under-educated students who are under-prepared for college or work. The goal of education is to teach students, but not all the students learn well, and for those who do not learn, we cannot always find either adequate explanations or solutions.

For some decades, the United States has attempted to use group testing to track the success of our educational programs. One attempt was by use of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests (Ipka, 2003). These tests provide raw scores of from 0 to 500. The Department of Education decided that….

Unfortunately, at least according to the literature researched here, these are neither sufficiently addressed nor remedied, in most cases, by affirmative action alone at the post-secondary level.
orks Cited

Bowen, illiam G., and Bok, Derrick. The Shape of the River: Long-term

Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions.

Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Comer, J. And Poussaint, Alvin. Black Child Care. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1975.

Constitution of the United States. Microsoft Encyclopedia Encarta, 1-32.

Retrieved August 8, 2005, from Microsoft orks Suite 2000 (CD-ROM), Disc

Dred Scott Case. Microsoft Encyclopedia Encarta, 1-3. Retrieved August

8, 2005 from Microsoft orks Suite 2000 (CD-ROM), Disc 3.

Eaton, James. Strengthening Collegiate Education in Community Colleges. San Jose, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1994.

Kozol, Jonathan. Savage Inequalities. New York: Crown, 1993. 4.

McCormick, R.L. "Advancing Diversity in a Post-Affirmative Action State:

Implications for the Future." Paper presented to the Association of American

Colleges and Universities, 20 January 2000. Retrieved August 10, 2005, from:….

Comparing and Contrast

Israeli and U.S. Educational Systems
Comparison of the Educational Systems in the United States and Israel Today

Schools are unique in any society since they educate and mold the next generation who will then be in charge of how the world will shape up and how these schools will be run in the future. Educators in every country help shape the character and the morality of their students beyond the intellectual and physical instruction provided. An education today must prepare a person for the realities of life, including how to balance a checkbook, answer an employment ad, and how to comport oneself at a job interview. These fundamental skills are just part of a huge body of knowledge which includes everything about a given society and the world in which people live. This paper will provide an overview and comparison of the respective educational systems employed by the United States and….

7 Pages
Book Review


Savage Inequalities Jonathan Kozol's Savage

Words: 2335
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Review

The probability that a child will succeed is considered unimportant when compared to the possibility that a child might succeed. The racist implications of these educational problems are impossible…

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7 Pages
Book Review


Savage Inequalities Kozol J 1991

Words: 2625
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Review

Some newspapes, Kozol points out, muse in utilitaian tems. They ague that those childen who ae likely to poduce moe etuns ae likewise moe deseving of financial suppot.…

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7 Pages
Book Report


Savage Inequalities Children in America's

Words: 2468
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Report

Kids are hungry, their parents are in jail, and the good schools are in the suburbs, where the Congress people live. Their schools are upscale and well funded,…

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7 Pages
Book Report


Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities Children

Words: 2565
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Report

Then the healthcare provided to rich and poor children is starkly different. Kozol suggests that African-American children do not get proper medical care which makes them more likely…

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7 Pages


Inequalities Impact on Our Lives

Words: 2672
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Murray characterizes educational romantics as people who believe that the academic achievement of children is determined mainly by the opportunities they receive and has little to do with…

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14 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Noble Savage in Age of Atlantic Revolutions

Words: 4909
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

noble savage..." etc. The Noble, Savage Age of Revolution When Europeans first came to America, they discovered that their providentially discovered "New World" was already inhabited by millions of native…

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12 Pages


Richard Dawkins' the Selfish Gene Jonathan Kozol's

Words: 3348
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Richard Dawkins' the Selfish Gene Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities: Children America's Schools. Plus, read websites: http://www.ou./cls/online/lstd5013/dawkins.shtml http://salmonriver. Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene" Jonathan Kozol's "Savage Inequalities: Children America's Schools" There has…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


African-American Fixation and Modern Superiority in Sports

Words: 1798
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

African-American Fixation and Modern Superiority in Sports Sports are significant in many ways to any individual of the society and their values can notarize any political ideology. Sports have often…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Survival Theory Richard Dawkins' the

Words: 3529
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As this meme passed down through generations, it became more pervasive and it also became more complete. When slavery in the New World began, both blacks and whites…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Richard Dawkins' the Selfish Gene

Words: 2202
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As a result, many children were schooled at home. The modern home schooling movement is a recalling of these earlier days, modernized with home schooling curricula, Internet access…

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7 Pages


Civic Values in the U S Restoring Democracy

Words: 2310
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Civic Values in the U.S. estoring democracy and civic virtue in the United States will require major reforms that reduce the power of corporations, elites and special interests in the…

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21 Pages
Research Proposal


Qualitative Research for Implementing Education Reform

Words: 6250
Length: 21 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

esearch Proposaleparations for Black Communities in Chicago through Educational eformQualitative esearch Methods IAbstractThis research proposal explores the feasibility of employing educational reforms as a form of reparations for Black…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Is the American Education System in Trouble

Words: 1247
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Educational Problems IS THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN TROULE? The United States has enjoyed a long history of providing public education for all students. However, many people believe that our educational…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Affirmative Action Still Falls Short

Words: 1806
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Unfortunately, at least according to the literature researched here, these are neither sufficiently addressed nor remedied, in most cases, by affirmative action alone at the post-secondary level. orks Cited Bowen,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Comparing and Contrast

Words: 1588
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Israeli and U.S. Educational Systems Comparison of the Educational Systems in the United States and Israel Today Schools are unique in any society since they educate and mold the next…

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