Scaffold Essays (Examples)

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life failed target 'zone proximal development' scaffold learning, resulted person confused / frustrated. While normal heard term, reflect back 'lessons' friends, family work colleagues understand a complete success. ID
Assessment 2,-Week 2 Journal Entry

Discuss an instance in your everyday life where you may have failed to target one's 'zone of proximal development' to scaffold learning, which may have resulted in the person becoming confused and/or frustrated. While it is quite normal to have never heard of the term before, you may now be able to reflect back on one of the many 'lessons' you have given to friends, family or work colleagues and understand why it wasn't a complete success.

The 'zone of proximal development' is what a learner can do without assistance from an outside authority. According to the learning theory of 'scaffolding,' an effective instructor builds upon the existing knowledge of the student to give the student confidence and….

A main goal of both scaffolding and the multiple intelligence curricula is to improve self-esteem that goes hand-in-hand with low achievement. Similarly, the diversity and respect for differences emphasis, is meant to make low achieving students (for whatever reason) less intimidated by others in the classroom. They need to see that they are being respected in the same fashion as anyone else.
egardless of the students and their achievement levels, they need to be motivated to learn. Teachers need to develop high-achieving learning environments for all students, where the most advanced curriculum and instruction techniques support learning and can be achieved in a scaffolding fashion. In high-achieving learning environments, teachers encourage students to think out of the box and participate in problem solving and the exploration of new ideas and issues, which are based on the variety of student intelligences, culture, experiences, and knowledge. Low-achieving students, especially require environments that….

As the article states, "Observations indicated that Harry's print motivation during the parent-child interactions with environmental print and joint-writing activities was high" (p. 317).
This high enthusiasm and ability are assumed to be in direct relation to the scaffolding techniques employed by the mother throughout Harry's early development. Therefore the researchers achieved their goal of providing parents with techniques that they can use to enhance their child's emergent literacy in the home, without great expense. This is supposed to help the child be better prepared for entering the first grade and make the task of teaching him to read and write much easier once he is in school. This is of course only a single-subject case study and although it occurred over a long period of time with very meticulous note taking on the part of the mother, as the authors admit, more research is needed on a larger population….

If teachers fail to design connected scaffolds than the class will develop only limited capabilities. He explains that this can be done by choosing only those scaffolding tools which have similar structures, assignment objectives, and interactive styles (Tabak, 2004). Hence when considering the scaffolds for developing skills of weak students, I will make sure that the scaffolds are complementing not only the main learning objective but also one another.


Biehler, S.M. (2010). Psychology Applied to Teaching: 12th edition. Wadsworth Publishing.

Bilal, D. (2002). Perspectives on children's navigation of the World Wide Web: Does the type of search task make a difference? Online Information eview, 26(2), 108-127.

Cho, K. & Jonassen, DH (2002). The effects of argumentation scaffolds on argumentation and problem solving. Educational Technological esearch and Development, 50(3), 5-22.

Hogan, K., & Pressley, M. (1997). Scaffolding student learning: Instructional approaches & issues. Cambridge, M.A.: Brookline Books, Inc.

Jones, P. (2002). New directions for library service….

Next, the teacher, through questioning and eliminating, reduces the categories and establishes consensus on the order of information expected to be found. She also gets the students to consider the search terms that might get results. Once this in done a scaffold is constructed using the established order.

Still, in a group setting, students use personal semantic maps and begin to learn to create a collective scaffold of meaning in a way that is meaningful to their cognitive processes -- they learn how to learn, and how to communicate that learning in a classroom environment to the teacher and to their peers. (Grid of Constructs about Learning, 2004)

The teacher then takes the students to the computer room where they search the net for information that pertains to their particular category. They add the additional information that they have found their section of the scaffold.

This adds technical reinforcement and research capabilities to….

.." And is a concept which has as its basis that "at the beginning of learning, students needs a great deal of support" and over time the support is removed in a gradual manner as the student become prepared to be more independent. Modeling is the process of assisting the students in the construction of meaning and assisting them in learning the necessary strategies and skills in the learning process and in meaning making with what has been learned. Cooperative learning is a strategy for instruction that has been found to be especially effective in literacy instruction and the students "learn to read, write, and think by having meaningful engagements with more experienced individuals." (Wells, 1990; as cited in Useful Instructional Strategies for Literature-Based Instruction, 1997) the Greece School District website 'eading Strategies: Scaffolding Student's Interactions with Texts' document provides information concerning reading strategies that may be used along with….

Safe to Assume That Most

The audience's pride in hearing such a powerful and refreshing composition was apparent. Mr. Smith's talent is undeniable and the audience could tell.
The next two pieces were from "Symphonie Fantastique" by Berlioz. The first of the two was the appropriately titled "March to Scaffold." The movement began with a wonderful crescendo. It then began to give way to a march, but with a somewhat non-traditional mixture of different instruments. Soon after, the march became powerfully led by the strong brass instruments. The building and climax were powerful enough to captivate the entire audience. The next movement, "Witches Sabbath," was an extraordinary piece that was unexpected by much of the audience. The beginning of the songs sounded eerie and almost bizarre. After almost evil sounding music continued, the sounds of bells were heard as the music began to slow. It was a sound that is uncommon in other works and….

Construction design for safety in the construction industry encourages designers, contractors, project managers, site managers and engineers to design a safe construction site that, hopefully, reduces the risk and number of injuries and fatalities during the construction phase of a project. This study would focus on the different approaches used by the construction industry to ensure on-the-job safety and if there is one approach that is more efficient and effective than another.
The Construction industry represents one of the most dangerous workplace industries; with a high number of yearly deaths and injuries when compared to other industries. The construction industry has a very poor record on health and safety in Britain, and construction sites are known as very dangerous places to work. Every year roughly 70 -- 80 individuals die on construction sites and thousands of construction workers are injured.

The highest number of fatalities results from falls from scaffolds or roofs.….

HSMS Gap Analysis and Hazard Identification Risk Assessments
Description of APM Terminals

Legal Environment

Review of the Health and Safety Management System


Gap Analysis

Hazard Identification

Physical Hazards

Health and Welfare Hazards

Risk Assessment

Physical Hazard -- Working at Height - Scaffolding

Health & Welfare Hazard -- Noise

Action Plans

Action Plan 1 - Management System

Action Plan 2 -- Hazards and Risks

Barbour Checklist: BS OHSAS 18001 Audit Checklist

Occupational health and safety management has numerous benefits for business, not only an employer's duty of care, a legal and moral obligation but also critical part of business equal in importance to other business functions like finance, marketing and production. When health and safety is embedded as part of business, results would be, good company image and reputation, better employee motivation and morale, improved efficiency and ultimately increased profitability.

The implementation of a sound health, safety and environment (HSE) management system provide an effective framework to minimize or prevent accidents and ill health.

The aim of this….

How long this process takes and whether it will prevent the loss of seeded cells probably depends to a significant extent on the surrounding tissue and therefore represents another unknown.
HIF-1? And VEGF are also involved in osteogenesis, so the influence of these growth factors on the differentiation choices being made by the seeded stem cells is unknown (Polzer 7). The impact of prolonged hypoxic conditions on the seeded cells is another. Although Polzer and colleagues examined the timing of cell seeding relative to prevascularization, they discovered that the artificial scaffold rapidly filled with connective tissue. This process effectively clogged the matrix and prevented efficient seeding.

By comparison, researchers conducting spinal cord injury research into the efficacy of regenerative medicine techniques have been producing promising results (Sykova et al. 1113-1114). Hydrogels seeded with mesenchymal stem cells or bone marrow stem cells have produced positive results in both animal models and in….

Overall, the classes were uneven in their approach. In part of the class, they were very traditional and used lecture style. In other parts of the class, they freely allowed participation among students. For example, one teacher, despite the fact that he is more disciplined with the students, uses comparisons when explaining the concepts and refers to book when giving examples on the board. The class is quiet during a short lecture. Afterwards, the notes are left on the board and the students are asked to take notes. A special student lays head on desk and asks no questions and takes no notes. However, the teacher does the first part of the homework together with the students, which is a quasi-Vygotsky approach. He does ask the students in this class more questions individually than the other class and helps this class a lot more on homework, which is also a….

Hume -- Morals Crasto in

Parenting is a challenging occupation. Indeed, how a parent raises his or her child is the cumulative result of the mental and emotional character of the parent, the background of the parent, the financial circumstances of the parent, how the parent was raised as a child, and also the emotional character of the child or the actions of the child. Consider a situation where the parent indulges in corporal punishment. As an action agent, the parent firmly believes that this punishment is of a corrective nature, meant to discipline the child. For the child receiving this punishment, certainly it is momentarily painful. The child might resent the punishment; alternatively, the child might recognize that the punishment is in response to instances of mischief.
The spectator might as the moral purveyor of this scenario might see this as a virtue or a vice. The spectator might believe that the corporal punishment….

Trace the development (or lack) of one of the major characters in the story, from beginning to end.
From the opening of The Scarlet Letter, when Hester Prynne stands alone on a scaffold, condemned by the Salem community, until the end when she stands with Arthur and Pearl on that same scaffold, Hester is a remarkably strong character. Unlike Arthur Dimmesdale, her partner in sin, who appears strong initially but weakens throughout the story, Hester grows even stronger as the story progresses. Hawthorne's early descriptions of Hester are of her physical beauty: she is . . . tall, with a figure of perfect elegance," with "dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off the sunshine . . ." (Hawthorne, 1334). ithin Hester's proud, haughty bearing when we are first see her, we also glimpse traces of her rebellion and impetuousness (some of which become evident in Pearl), which, as….

Dr. Frank Pajares, writing in Reading and riting Quarterly (Pajares 2003), points out that in his view of Bandura's social learning theory, individuals are believed to possess "self-beliefs that enable them to exercise a measure of control over their thoughts, feelings, and actions."

As has been mentioned earlier in this paper, but put a slightly different way by Pajares ("Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Motivation, and Achievement in riting: A Review of the Literature") based on Bandura, behaviorists can better predict what individuals are capable of based on "their beliefs about their capabilities" than by what they are actually capable of accomplishing.

This aspect of self-efficacy carries over into a student's writing abilities; and a writer with a "strong sense of confidence" may excel while writing an essay because there will be less apprehension over the quality of what the writer is trying to express. The writer may have some doubts about whether the essay….

Understanding Scaffolding in eadingExploring Scaffolding in the Context of eadingVarious individuals can offer scaffolding in reading, including teachers, parents, or even more experienced peers. Although teachers often plan and provide this instructional support (Salem, 2017), it is not limited to them. Effective scaffolding enhances learning, creates a nurturing environment, and promotes student autonomy.Scaffolding Strategy: Aiding Student LearningThe scaffolding strategy involves temporary student support tailored to their individual skill acquisition needs (Salem, 2017). This support is not indefinite; it ceases as students gain the ability to perform once-challenging tasks. Feedback and comments from teachers inspire students to take charge of their learning journey, fostering independence from constant guidance.Scaffolding as a Transitional ToolScaffolding serves as a symbolic bridge, enabling learners to transition safely across challenging terrain in their educational journey; it is a means, not an end. Moreover, scaffolding offers students opportunities to learn problem-solving, task execution, and information transformation rather than….

Scaffold learning provides answers with proper spacing and formatting in order to enhance readability and comprehension. By structuring the answer with appropriate spacing and formatting, the information is presented in a clear and organized manner, making it easier for the learner to understand and follow along.

Proper spacing allows for visual separation between different parts of the answer, such as headings, subheadings, or bullet points. This visual separation helps to highlight key points and facilitates the skimming or scanning of the information.

Formatting, such as using bold or italicized text, numbering or bullet points, and indents, can further emphasize important information or....

Scaffolding, in the context of education, refers to the support and guidance provided to students as they learn new concepts or skills. It is a teaching method that helps students gradually develop their understanding and ability in a subject.

One way scaffolding can provide answers with proper spacing and format is by breaking down complex tasks or problems into smaller, more manageable steps. This allows students to focus on one aspect at a time and ensures they have a clear understanding of each step before moving on to the next. By providing clear instructions and step-by-step guidance, scaffolding helps students organize....

Each of these principles will have a significant impact on the way I teach. Here's a breakdown of how each principle will influence my teaching approach:

1. Prior knowledge: Before introducing new concepts, I will assess students' prior knowledge to identify any gaps or misconceptions. This will enable me to provide targeted instruction, building upon their existing understanding and connecting new information to what they already know.

2. Active learning: I will incorporate various interactive activities, such as group discussions, problem-solving tasks, and hands-on experiments. By actively engaging students in their learning process, they will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge....

1. Analyzing the use of figurative language in WIDA language assessments
2. Exploring the role of syntax and sentence structure in WIDA writing prompts
3. Investigating the inclusion of literary devices in WIDA reading passages
4. Discussing the importance of vocabulary acquisition in WIDA language development
5. Examining the integration of cultural elements in WIDA language arts tasks
6. Evaluating the effectiveness of incorporating multimedia resources in WIDA language assessments
7. Comparing the language skills developed through WIDA assessments with traditional language arts instruction
8. Exploring the connection between WIDA language proficiency levels and academic achievement in language arts
9. Investigating the impact of language arts instruction on....

2 Pages


Life Failed Target 'Zone Proximal Development' Scaffold

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

life failed target 'zone proximal development' scaffold learning, resulted person confused / frustrated. While normal heard term, reflect back 'lessons' friends, family work colleagues understand a complete success.…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Educational Observing Scaffolding the Teaching

Words: 1853
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A main goal of both scaffolding and the multiple intelligence curricula is to improve self-esteem that goes hand-in-hand with low achievement. Similarly, the diversity and respect for differences…

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4 Pages
Article Critique


Scaffolding of Emergent Literacy Skills

Words: 1093
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Critique

As the article states, "Observations indicated that Harry's print motivation during the parent-child interactions with environmental print and joint-writing activities was high" (p. 317). This high enthusiasm and ability…

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6 Pages


Learning Clinical Interview Revision How

Words: 1793
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Interview

If teachers fail to design connected scaffolds than the class will develop only limited capabilities. He explains that this can be done by choosing only those scaffolding tools which…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Sequencing Lit Activities Sequencing Literacy

Words: 1341
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Next, the teacher, through questioning and eliminating, reduces the categories and establishes consensus on the order of information expected to be found. She also gets the students to consider…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Literacy Instruction ' Additionally This Work

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

.." And is a concept which has as its basis that "at the beginning of learning, students needs a great deal of support" and over time the support is…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Safe to Assume That Most

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The audience's pride in hearing such a powerful and refreshing composition was apparent. Mr. Smith's talent is undeniable and the audience could tell. The next two pieces were from…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Concept of Design for Safety of Construction

Words: 611
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Construction design for safety in the construction industry encourages designers, contractors, project managers, site managers and engineers to design a safe construction site that, hopefully, reduces the risk and…

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5 Pages


HSMS Gap analysis Hazard identification and Risk assessments

Words: 14774
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

HSMS Gap Analysis and Hazard Identification Risk Assessments Description of APM Terminals Legal Environment Review of the Health and Safety Management System Description Gap Analysis Hazard Identification Physical Hazards Health and Welfare Hazards Risk Assessment Physical Hazard -- Working…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Regenerative Medicine Healing Thy Self

Words: 1014
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

How long this process takes and whether it will prevent the loss of seeded cells probably depends to a significant extent on the surrounding tissue and therefore represents…

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6 Pages


Vygotsky All Humans Have the

Words: 2006
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Overall, the classes were uneven in their approach. In part of the class, they were very traditional and used lecture style. In other parts of the class, they freely…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Hume -- Morals Crasto in

Words: 7194
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Parenting is a challenging occupation. Indeed, how a parent raises his or her child is the cumulative result of the mental and emotional character of the parent, the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Trace the Development or Lack of One

Words: 1592
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Trace the development (or lack) of one of the major characters in the story, from beginning to end. From the opening of The Scarlet Letter, when Hester Prynne stands alone…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Education Theories Knowledge of Learning

Words: 3781
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dr. Frank Pajares, writing in Reading and riting Quarterly (Pajares 2003), points out that in his view of Bandura's social learning theory, individuals are believed to possess "self-beliefs that…

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2 Pages


Blending Scaffolding and Differentiation in Teaching

Words: 561
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Understanding Scaffolding in eadingExploring Scaffolding in the Context of eadingVarious individuals can offer scaffolding in reading, including teachers, parents, or even more experienced peers. Although teachers often plan and…

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