School Counselor Essays (Examples)

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School Counselor Roles the Main Activities of
Pages: 5 Words: 1559

School Counselor oles
The main activities of me being a school counselor would define the main content of this paper. The main aims and responsibilities of the school counselor is the main content of the paper.

The main responsibilities of the school counselor are to make sure that the students of K12 are guided in a proper manner. The kinds of guidance that are provided to the students include education, career, and future goals, academic as well as social competencies. Many kinds of interventions are used by the school counselors in these cases include the developmental school counseling curriculum lessons, annual planning for individual students as well as groups.

The literature has highlighted that some of the old terms that have been used for school counselor is guidance counselor or education counselor. But these days the term school counselor is more used based on the fact that the school counselor advocate for the…...



Bor, R. (2002). Counseling in Schools: Endorsements for counseling in schools. SAGE.

Corey, G., Corey, M.S., and Callanan, P. (2010). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions. Edition 8. Cengage Learning.

Corey, M.S., and Corey, G. (2010). Becoming a Helper. Edition 6.Cengage Learning.

School Counselor
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Education - Technology
What it Means to be a School Counselor

Careers in education are not easy, but careers in education are necessary and vital to the success of students. School Counselor is one of those challenging and necessary careers in education. It is a challenge to define what exactly a counselor does because a counselor does so much; it can be confusing as to when to the job ends. School Counselors, though, provide many critical services and serve as support to students and teachers alike. People can be school counselors and provide services at all stages of education. Most schools have counselors that have primary and secondary aged students. The School Counselor is not just for students who are having problems. There are a few parts or areas of interest that are within the purview of the school counselor that are related to the emotional and psychological health of students, without…...



Ruhl, Carol. "Becoming a School Counselor.", 2014, Available from:   2014 February 01. .

School Counselors
Pages: 3 Words: 809

Interview an educational professional who works in a school and is not a school counselor (i.e., teacher, principal, social w
Counselors - from the perspective of English teacher Chris Sharpe

Although teachers in general need to be very versatile in the workplace, there are limits as to their influence over children. The fact that they need to concentrate on acting in agreement with the curriculum they are in charge of sometimes makes it difficult for them to concentrate on other aspects of the classroom. They are thus left with no alternative but to separate their times into several parts, with counseling actually being one of these respective parts. Even with this, their role means that they also have a limited understanding of the attitudes that a counselor needs to put across children in school.

A school counselor takes on a very general role in his or her field of work -- they need…...

School Counselor Question and Answer
Pages: 4 Words: 1456

school counselor/School psychologist in the school?
The role of the school counselor is multi-faceted. As a counselor, I support a student's social and emotional well-being. While people might assume I just help students feel better or help them deal with personal problems, I also aid students when it comes to their career development and academic success. By following the ASCA National Model, I have gained an excellent framework from which I can assist students. The first thing I do is set up monthly and annual calendars ensuring I prioritize my time as well as meet the needs of the students that come and see me. It can get very hectic as I tend to a case load of 250 students.

How are guidance services or psychological services provided in the district level and school level?

They are provided by first doing an initial assessment and partnering with a local community health organization.…...

Value of School Counselors
Pages: 2 Words: 751

School Counselors
People who work as school counselors are both counselors and educators. They have a very important role, and can be central in helping children and young adults with their academic interests and pursuits. They can also help to ensure that these young people are ready for college, even starting at an early age. Many people think that counselors only focus on college issues, but that is actually not the case. Their job is often more than just academic, as they work with career and social issues, as well as personal concerns, too (Bryan, et al., 2011). They are educators, but they are also counselors, and that means that they can counsel students on a wide variety of topics. Often, these topics are tied together because the student is experiencing something in his or her personal life or social circle that is affecting whether he or she is mentally and…...



Bryan, J., Moore-Thomas, C., Day-Vines, N.L., & Holcomb-McCoy, C. (2011). School counselors as social capital: The effects of high school college counseling on college application rates. Journal of Counseling & Development, 89, 190-199.

Chen-Hayes, S.F., Ockerman, M.S., & Mason, E.C.M. (2014). 101 solutions for school counselors and leaders in challenging times. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Counseling School Counselors Play an
Pages: 15 Words: 3837

Attitudes toward the teacher-psychologist working relationship and the utility of advice on classroom management were most positive among promoted teachers, followed by psychologists, and then new and unpromoted staff.
Student Involvement

The attitudes of the students are clearly of importance to the school health counselor and must be taken into account in both the consultative and counseling roles. West, Kayser, Overton, and Saltmarsh (1991) note certain student perceptions that inhibit counseling. It was estimated by the President's Commission on Mental Health in 1978 that 5 to 15% of all children and adolescents require some type of mental health service, and considering the number that actually receive help, there is a large population of troubled youth remaining unrecognized and untreated. One problem is that children and adolescents do not have a clear perception of themselves or of counseling and so are seldom self-referred. They are also frequently pointed toward counseling by an…...



ASCA National Model (2005). American School Counselor Association, retrieved June 12, 2005 at .

Bandura, Albert. 1986. Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Coopersmith, S. (1967). The Antecedents of Self-Esteem. Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Co.

Golden, L.B. (1988, January). Quick assessment of family functioning. School Counselor, pp. 179-184.

Why I Want to Be a School Counselor
Pages: 2 Words: 610

Masters Degree in School Counseling at Barry University
The Catholic intellectual tradition that Barry University embraces is the main reason I have selected the college as I pursue my Masters degree in School Counseling. That tradition has been cultivated for centuries with remarkable results -- results that have helped the world to flourish. It is only with the breakdown of this tradition in the social sphere that we have witnessed the disastrous crumbling of institutional bodies, the evisceration of social justice, and the abomination of desolation in our schools. Today's young people deserve a better and brighter future, and through Barry University I hope to attain the skills necessary to help guide them on their path.

It is the mission of Barry University to also assist its students in the path of reflection and spiritual enlightenment -- essential elements for intellectual growth and aspects of the education offered by the college of…...

School Counselor Study Essay
Pages: Words: 613

School Counselor Case Study: “Tami Smith”
The client is a 14-year-old ninth-grade student who recently transferred to this counselor’s school. The client’s former school counselor reports the family is severely dysfunctional, and characterizes both Tami and her mother as being extremely manipulative. Based on the facts outlined in the case study, this paper describes how Tami’s counselor should handle this situation.

What do you see as your priorities?

There are three overarching priorities involved in Tami’s case as follows:

Compelling this student to faithfully attend class and complete her assignments in a timely fashion;

Persuading Tami and her mother that a referral to the child study team is a prerequisite to Tami’s remaining in this school; and,

Formulating an efficacious counseling intervention that can identify major problem areas in the family home that are adversely affecting Tami’s academic performance and personal life.

How would you accomplish these priorities?

Accomplishing the first priority will require counseling this young learner…...

School Counselor and Counseling
Pages: 6 Words: 1784

journey as a public school counselor by receiving my bachelors of science degree in counseling. Then I pursued a master's degree in school counseling. Before I received my license, I had to finish a set number of supervised hours while training and complete a test called the Praxis test. My specialty is school counseling and I am affiliated with the American School Counselor Association. My role as a school counselor within a public school is to assess and identify potential avenues for students interested in going to a good high school. I work with middle school aged children.
I have a good working relationship with clients in the sense that they can communicate effectively with me. I would say building rapport begins with asking open-ended questions and really getting a sense of what the client wants and or their personality. By letting clients speak more in the beginning, it lets…...

How the Nation's School Counselors are Failing America's Students
Pages: 7 Words: 2018

Closing the Gap between College and CareerToday, college students face a world where inflation and political strife are up while earnings and life expectancy are down. Likewise, the continuing introduction of technological innovations and alternative working arrangements are reshaping the workplace while existential threats such as global warming, ongoing global pandemics and even nuclear war loom prominently on the horizon. As a result, selecting a viable career path against this backdrop is a challenging goal and an increasing number of young people are deciding that it is not worth the investment and are choosing to avoid college altogether. To determine the current situation, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature concerning the changing purposes and expectations of completing a college education as well as the manner in which college students are currently selecting a professional career. In addition, the argument is also made…...


ReferencesBehrendt, P., Göritz, A. S., & Heuer, K. (2021). Career Counseling Process Quality Promotes Reemployment. Journal of Career Development, 48(5), 599–606.Brennan, L. C. (2019, July 22). When it comes to college and career support, the counselor shortage is only part of the problem. The Hechinger Report. Retrieved from https://, B. (2021). Answers to “why did you choose this career?” Career Sidekick. Retrieved from   E. (2018). The Perceptions of Students about the Role of School Counselors on Career Selection. European Journal of Educational Research, 7(4), 763–774.Hassan, M., Shahzad, F., & Waqar, S. H. (2020). Seeking motivation for selecting Medical Profession as a Career Choice. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(5), 941–945Popescu, S. N. (2021). A Counselling Model of Career Guidance for Youth. Journal of Educational Sciences, 22, 63–84.Stanek, B. (2019, July 21). Closing the gap between college and a career. Washington Monthly. Retrieved from .Watad, N. (2019). Career Perceptions and Choice Decisions of Business School Students. Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association, 274–278. .Hanimoglu,

School Counseling Ethics Has Been
Pages: 25 Words: 7187

othe values
Moal chaacte, that is, having couage, being pesistent, dismissing distactions and so on in pusuit of the goal.

These ae attempts to define ethics by descibing actions, and faily specific constellations of actions at that. Fedeich Paulson, a 19th centuy philosophe of ethics, defined ethics as a science of moal duty (1899).

Almost 100 yeas late, Swenson also used the concept of study in defining ethics, saying that it included the systematic study of concepts such as ight and wong. Othe eseaches note that the idea of systematic study is common in dictionay definitions of ethics, with the Ameican Heitage Dictionay focusing on thee elements: " the study of moal philosophy, the ules of a pofession (o moe boadly the chaacte of a community), and moal self-examination (Soukhanov, 1992).

Hill (2004) offes a 'definition' that is mainly pactical but also incopoates some theoetical content. They believe that ethical analysis is both…...


references for confidentiality of records. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, 62-67.

Welfel, E.R. (1992). Psychologist as ethics educator: Successes, failures, and unanswered questions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, 182-189.

Welfel, E.R. (1998). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Welfel, E.R. (2002). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

School Response to Student Suicide
Pages: 10 Words: 3279

School esponse to Student Suicide: Postvention
The emotional impact on family and friends following an adolescent suicide - and the school's response to a suicide - has not been the subject of the same level of intense research as have: a) the causes of suicides; and b) programs to prevent suicides. However, there is now an emerging body of solid research on what protocol a school can put into place, to be more prepared in the unfortunate circumstance of a teen suicide. Indeed, on the subject of tragedy, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many schools and communities re-tooled their crisis/response plans for dealing with such threats. And yet, in many ways, the sudden, inexplicable death of a student can cause serious psychological ramifications to fellow students on a part with the shockwaves following an attack by terrorists. And hence, this paper analyzes literature that is…...



American Association of Suicidology (2003). Remembering Our Children:

Parents of Suicides, A Memorial to Our Precious Sons & Daughters. 

Bratter, Thomas Edward (2003). Surviving Suicide: Treatment Challenges for Gifted, Angry, Drug Dependent Adolescents. International Journal of Reality

Therapy, XXII, 32-36.

School-Based Bullying Prevention Programs the
Pages: 30 Words: 9042

They predict age and gender variations relate to bullying concerns. Of the 25 cartoons implemented in the study, two depict characters with different shades of skin color where skin color appeared to be an issue. One cartoon relating to sexual orientation was not used in several countries. Smith et al. report Olweus to assert bullying to be characterized by the following three criteria:
1. It is aggressive behavior or intentional "harmdoing"

2. which carried out repeatedly and over time

3. In an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. (Smith et al., 2002, p. 1120)

In their study, Smith et al. (2002), participating researchers in the 14 countries to completed the following

1. Listed and selected bullying terms as well as social exclusion in the applicable language.

2. Used fundamental focus groups with participating children to confirm usage and extensive comprehensive of terms.

3. Using cartoons, sorted tasks to describe ways terms relating to bullying…...



Anti-Bullying programs for schools. (2009). Retrieved March 3, 2010 from 

Beaty, L.A., & Alexeyev, E.B. (2008). The Problem of School Bullies: What the Research Tells Us. Adolescence, 43(169), 1+. Retrieved March 3, 2010, from Questia database: 

Beran, T.N., Tutty, L. & Steinrath, G. (2004). An evaluation of a bullying prevention program for elementary schools. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. Vol. 19, Iss. 1/2, p. 99

116 . Retrieved March 3, 2010 from

School Counseling in a Multicultural Society
Pages: 11 Words: 3075

School Counseling in a Multicultural Society: An Overview
More and more diversity is becoming the buzzword in society at large and within educational facilities across the nation. As the population in the United States continues to become increasingly diversified and representative of individuals from varying ethnic, socioeconomic and racial backgrounds, educators are realizing an increased need for attention to the specific needs of diverse student populations.

The need for multicultural competencies development among school counseling professionals has recently been acknowledged by the American Psychological Association (1992) and the American Counseling Association (1995) whose ethnical standards dictate that school counselors should achieve a certain level of multicultural competence prior to embarking on a professional career in student counseling.

Despite the acknowledgment of a need for increased awareness and training to ensure a positive student/counselor relationship, there is little evidence that much is being done in the way of establishing a core set of standardized…...



American Counseling Association. (1995). Code of ethics and standards of practice [Brochure]. Alexandria, VA: Author.

American Psychological Association. (1992). Ethical principles of psychologist and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 47, 1597-1611

Arredondo, P., Cheatham, H., Mio, J.S., Sue, D. & Trimble, J.E. (1999). Key words in multicultural interventions: A dictionary. Westport: Greenwood Press.

Atkinson, D.R., Morten, G., & Sue, D.W. (1998). Counseling American minorities: A

School Counseling - Singapore School Counseling in
Pages: 2 Words: 590

School Counseling - Singapore
School Counseling in Singapore

In the article entitled, "Training school counselors in Singapore: first impressions of a multicultural challenge," authors ivera et. al. explored the history and current situation of school counseling in Singapore. In the article, the authors expressed the need to evaluate the kind and quality of training on school counseling in the country, which requires a culture-specific approach rather than implementing curricula and theoretical frameworks developed in the context and experience of 'western countries' such as the United States and European countries.

In determining this need and evaluating the current scenario in the Singaporean setting, ivera et al. conducted an in-depth qualitative article review of two (significant) studies conducted on school counseling, specifically in the Asia/Singaporean contexts. These studies were identified as follows: (1) E. Tan's (2002) exploration of school guidance counseling in Singapore, focusing on its history and eventual development into a "holistic model" and…...



Rivera, E., S, Nash, B. Wah, and S. Ibrahim. (2008). "Training school counselors in Singapore: first impressions of a multicultural challenge." Journal of Counseling and Development, Vol. 86, No. 2.

Why it is important for school counsellors to focus on ADHD in elementary school?
Words: 373

There are many reasons why it is important for school counselors to focus on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in elementary school.  Doing so gives children the best chance of success academically and socially, as children with ADHD can have a very difficult time working within the rigid structure of the average school day.  Children who are not diagnosed with ADHD, but who experience it, are often treated like they are “bad” kids, which not only causes them to fall behind academically, but can also stigmatize them with their peers.  With appropriate interventions, which....

How can educational professionals help children with learning disabilities stay motivated in school?
Words: 434

Strategies to Enhance Motivation in Children with Learning Disabilities
Educators play a pivotal role in fostering motivation and fostering a positive learning environment for children with learning disabilities (LD). By implementing specific strategies, they can empower these students to overcome challenges, engage in school, and achieve their full potential.
1. Establish a Positive and Supportive Classroom Climate:
Create a classroom that fosters respect, acceptance, and collaboration.
Establish clear expectations and routines to provide structure and predictability.
Celebrate successes, both big and small, to build confidence and encourage effort.
2. Adapt Instruction to Individual Learning Styles:
Identify students' strengths and areas for growth through....

How can we better understand the psychological impact of cyber bullying on its victims?
Words: 733

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Cyberbullying on Its Victims

Cyberbullying, the intentional and repeated use of electronic devices to harm or intimidate another person, has emerged as a significant threat to the mental health and well-being of individuals worldwide. Understanding the psychological impact of cyberbullying on its victims is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies.

1. Anxiety and Depression

Cyberbullying can trigger intense feelings of anxiety and depression in victims. Constant fear of being victimized, coupled with the public humiliation and isolation that often accompany online harassment, can lead to severe emotional distress. Victims may experience difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, and....

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