School Essays (Examples)

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School Voucher System

School Voucher System
School voucher grants by the governments serve the purpose of improving educational standard of the children who belong to low-income families. This system is aimed to provide school tuition that can be paid to both public and private schools. The inspiration behind school vouchers system is to present to parents an open choice of educational institutions and approaches for their children. Another idea behind this system is to pressurize public schools to compete with the private schools and provide a better educational culture for their students. In the United States of America, the first school-voucher program was instituted in 1990 in Milwaukee, Wis., that was funded by the state. Later in 1995, a federal bill was proposed to set up pilot school-voucher plans in twenty six cities ("school vouchers").

However, school vouchers (also known as opportunity scholarships) have been a hot issue since their system's inception. According to the….

School Counseling
Professional School Counseling

Until recently school counseling was more of a byword because most believed that the position could be filled by any qualified teacher, and, generally, it was. Teachers would get a master's degree in guidance or vocational counseling, and be considered able to work as a school counselor. The reason for this was that counselors in schools were not seen as a person who needed to deal with the emotional issues of the students (they had parents, pastors or an outside counseling specialist for that), a school counselor was supposed to act only as a guidance vehicle. This meant that the counselor had a broad knowledge of colleges, admission criteria, and assessments that would help the student achieve a better overall placement upon leaving high school. But the utility of the school counselor position is much greater than that.

Looking at the common usage of the word counseling it….

School Finance Aguilar v Felton

The Aguilar et al. v Felton et al. Case of 1985

Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 allowed for the reimbursement of the salaries of public employees teaching in parochial schools (LII, 2012). These selected teachers provided instruction to low-income children with special needs. A group of taxpayers filed a case, claiming that the program created an excessive entanglement of church and state. It thus violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution. In a 5-4 decision in 1985, the Supreme Court, in 473 U.S. 42 or Aguilar et al. v Felton et al., invalidated the New York plan (LII).

Majority Opinion by Justice William rennan

The supervision used by New York City created excessive entanglement between the government and religion (LII, 2012). Advancing religion may not have been its primary effect, but their close interaction produced that result.….

School Overcrowding

Brady, K.P, Balmer, S., & Phenix, D. (2007). School -- Police Partnership Effectiveness in Urban Schools: An Analysis of New York City's Impact Schools Initiative. Education and Urban Society, 39(4), 455 -- 478.

his article is about safety in schools, especially in the schools of teenagers, such as middle schools and high schools. he article begins by stating a number of reasons or factors that have contributed to the increased violence in schools, particularly over the past two to three decades. he authors propose that one of the factors contributing to increased youth violence in schools is due to overcrowding. Brady et al. present statistics from past empirical studies as part of the review section of their article, and then they proceed with their own study of this theory in New York City schools, public mostly, but private schools are also taken into consideration.

Brady et al. propose partnerships among schools….

School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan
This study presents a final proposal for a school improvement plan with feedback provided from the principal, school improvement team members, as well as other stakeholders. The members of the school improvement team are the principal, guidance counselor, teachers, librarian, community members, parents, teacher's union representatives, and a resource teacher.

Creation of the School Improvement Plan

The creation of the school improvement plan has been enabled through collaborative efforts between all team members and stakeholders in the school by obtaining feedback from those team members and other stakeholders. The school improvement plan is inclusive of specific goals including: (1) effective instruction; (2) promotion of a positive school climate and culture; and (3) effective community and family empowerment.

Effective Instruction

The goal for effective instruction involves implementation of the Model Curriculum provided by NJDOE, which will serve to ensure adequate integration of the Core Common Standards with the NJCCCS. Both formative and summative….

This is through facilitating effective curriculum planning; use of substantive research-based practice in implementing adequate and aligned curriculum, and efficient coordination of the curricular. Other techniques include use of technology and promotion of creative, critical, and problem solving things.
Lack of sustaining an instructional program conducive for the professional and learning development of the students might also come into play in the low confidence levels and low accountability ratings. According to the element or competency 005, "the principle knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a campus culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth." This is through integration of the retention theory and motivation program for addressing the role and obligation of the stakeholders. The organization should integrate techniques such as student services and activity programs to fulfill academic, sound theories, and effective technology for telecommunications and information systems with the aim…. The Board of Education "…shall ensure the acquisition and installation of blocking/filtering software" (
(d) Determine if a formal investigation is warranted or not. At this point, there does not seem to be justification for a formal investigation. This is a problem that should be reviewed and solved in house. Launching a formal investigation gets the media into the picture and stirs rumors that can be damaging to the school's reputation.

(e) hat steps (by a timeline) should be taken in order to investigate the allegations? First, the principal needs to learn if filtering software was in that computer. Second, assuming the principal has cleared his efforts with legal counsel, the department chair, Ms. Paulson, the principal, his assistants and a representative from the superintendent's office should meet within 2 days of the allegations. Third, the day after the above-mentioned meeting, several students from that class should be interviewed informally by….

School Emergency Plan

School Emergency Plan
How would you, as principal, gauge the success of this plan?

On the surface the Emergency Response and Crisis Management Plan for Dunn School appears quite thorough. Comparing it to an emergency response plan on the FEMA website it is lacking some potential eventualities. In any event, until the plan has been tested, one cannot know -- a principal or a school board member or any one -- how effective it will be. For example the Dunn School takes pains to point out where teachers are to take their students, which hallway to use, which way to turn, how to exit the building, and that is all good.

But those directions are always in place in a school based on the possibility of a fire. Every school in the United States has a fire drill, and has directions in place in the event of a fire. But we are living….

School Delinquency Prevention Program
Delinquency prevention is an initiative that was introduced into the United States system of justice in 1974, with the aim of protecting the rights of errant juveniles, and preventing them from continuing criminal activities into adulthood. Greenwood (2008) points out that a good crime-prevention program is one that incorporates policies that work to ensure that the participants are molded to become more responsible, law abiding adults. In his view, before any crime prevention program is designed, empirical studies should be carried out to determine the various risk elements that the youth in that particular area are likely to face. This would help in developing a risk-specific prevention program that would "reduce crime much more cost-effectively than any of the other approaches that have been tried - including tougher sentencing" (Greenwood, 2008, p.4).

Outlining the Forms of Delinquent Behaviors to be Prevented

This is the first and most fundamental step….

School bullying was never considered as a real social problem until 1980's. The recent escalation in School bullying has gained attention of the masses throughout the world. Several suicide and homicide cases were highlighted by media where bullying was found to be an important factor involved. Out of 37 shooting events in different schools, nearly two third of the shooters were found to be victims of bullying in their life but not particularly in schools. However, the cases where the shooters had been a victim of bullying in a school, the tormented experience was found to play an important role in motivation for the attack. (Dake, Price, & Telljohann, 2003)
Why do children bully?

In this research paper, an interview was conducted from a professional psychologist having expertise in this field. She herself was witness to several bullying cases in her early life. According to her, most of the teenagers who are….

Abstract A 2017 school progress report indicates that the Langford Community Academy has below average student attainment, and has not yet achieved the Chicago Public Schools “Healthy CPS” status. Reading growth is also below the national average, although the school is above average in mathematics growth. The Langford Community Academy also has a Level 2 rating by Chicago Public Schools, indicating the need for support at the academic, social, and financial levels. Collaboration with parent-teacher organizations, school administration, community leaders, and student government will all help facilitate needs-based change.
“When teachers engage in high quality collaboration that they perceive as extensive and helpful, there is both an individual and collective benefit,” (Ronfeldt, Farmer, McQueen, et al, 2015, p. 475). Collaboration is the cornerstone of success. Ronfeldt, Farmer, McQueen, et al (2015) identify multiple types of collaboration in education including collaboration among teachers with regards to classroom management, instructional strategies, curriculum, and assessments. At….

Abstract Schools, businesses, and communities come together for the benefit of the schools and families in the neighborhood. This collaboration assists in creating a place for the students and families to thrive and achieve more in school and in other fields. The Anna R. Langford Community Academy endeavors to provide the students with the tools they require in order to succeed in their education. The school also seeks assistance from the organizations and businesses in the community. There are numerous businesses that surround the school and the Englewood neighborhood, but not all the needs of the community have been met and supported. The community service that is proposed in this paper will be completed by the middle school students of Anna R. Langford Community Academy. This proposal will touch on three areas within the community. These areas include tutoring in reading for the students with difficulty, running art shows for the….

Before our new principal started two years ago, I considered transferring. Two of my colleagues had also left over the previous year. Morale was generally low, parents complained a lot, and I heard rumors in the community about our school. We were the brunt of jokes, but I felt powerless to do anything about it because I was not in a position of leadership or in any position to tell our principal that something needed to change in order to improve the culture of the school. Thankfully, the former principal moved out of state and the position was soon filled with a transformational leader that has radically turned around our school’s culture. The result has been improved student outcomes, improved teacher retention and job satisfaction, and a greater engagement with the community. Now, when the old jokes about our school resurface, people almost always react with, “Yeah but you should….

School Improvement Plan

Improvement Plan The school selected for this particular paper is Anna R. Langford Community Academy. Vision and mission statements are beneficial for school in regard to providing a general idea of the direction they want to take and what they wish to be, Imperatively, vision and mission statements put in place clear anticipations and standards for the entire school community, and aid the school in attaining mutual goals. Specifically, a vision statement is a shared expression of the school’s ambitions.
Vision Statement
Anna R. Langford Community Academy will engage every student in a rigorous, well-rounded instructional program and will graduate every student prepared for success in college, career and life.
Evaluate the Vision
There are a number of strengths of the vision statement. To begin with, the school’s vision statement is clear and can be understood by all involved stakeholders. In addition, the statement itself is succinct enough and therefore can be easily remembered. The….

Bishop Shanahan High School, a Catholic co-educational secondary school of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, is committed to sustaining excellence, provides a strong spiritual life, and challenging academic and rich extracurricular programs. The school currently finds itself coasting in an unfamiliar territory since it has been setting the standards for academic achievement for public and private education. The current issue facing the school is the decline in SAT scores in standardized testing due to the increase in class size and the reduction of track levels and personalized support systems. The issue emerged following the decision by the school’s administration to adopt drastic cost-cutting measures because of the decline in enrollment across the Archdiocese. Enhancing student SAT scores in standardized testing is an area that requires improvement at Bishop Shanahan High School. Currently, the school is addressing this issue through backtracking some of the cost saving strategies adopted by the administration, which….

According to the University of Washington School of Medicine, the obligation for confidentiality is not an absolute one. There are legal regulations that limit a patient's right to privacy, as well as regulations that protect that right. The two main exceptions where you could break confidentiality are: (1) Concern for a specific, identified person other than the patient (this could be a spouse or child, or it could be a person unrelated to the patient in any way). (2) Concern for the welfare of the general public (this is usually seen if the patient is found to have a highly infectious or....

Sure.  We are happy to provide you links to a few scholarly articles you could use to discuss the benefits of homeschooling. We also want to tell you about a neat research tool on Google that many people do not know exists.  If you go to it narrows down your search results to scholarly articles and books.  It also provides a blurb overview of the resource you are examining and usually links to an abstract in case the blurb is not long enough to let you evaluate whether the source will be useful for your research. ....

5 Pages
Research Paper


School Voucher System

Words: 1499
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

School Voucher System School voucher grants by the governments serve the purpose of improving educational standard of the children who belong to low-income families. This system is aimed to provide…

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11 Pages
Research Paper


School Counseling Professional School Counseling Until Recently

Words: 3072
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

School Counseling Professional School Counseling Until recently school counseling was more of a byword because most believed that the position could be filled by any qualified teacher, and, generally, it was.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

School Finance Aguilar v Felton

Words: 1312
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

School Finance Aguilar v Felton EDUCATION AND RELIGION The Aguilar et al. v Felton et al. Case of 1985 Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 allowed for…

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3 Pages
Capstone Project


School Overcrowding Curriculum Brady K P Balmer S

Words: 839
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

School Overcrowding Curriculum Brady, K.P, Balmer, S., & Phenix, D. (2007). School -- Police Partnership Effectiveness in Urban Schools: An Analysis of New York City's Impact Schools Initiative. Education and Urban…

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3 Pages


School Improvement Plan

Words: 809
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

School Improvement Plan This study presents a final proposal for a school improvement plan with feedback provided from the principal, school improvement team members, as well as other stakeholders. The…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


School Restructure the School Statistics

Words: 1465
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is through facilitating effective curriculum planning; use of substantive research-based practice in implementing adequate and aligned curriculum, and efficient coordination of the curricular. Other techniques include use…

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4 Pages


School Scenario Formal Response Letter

Words: 1339
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay The Board of Education "…shall ensure the acquisition and installation of blocking/filtering software" ( (d) Determine if a formal investigation is warranted or not. At this point, there does…

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3 Pages


School Emergency Plan

Words: 696
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

School Emergency Plan How would you, as principal, gauge the success of this plan? On the surface the Emergency Response and Crisis Management Plan for Dunn School appears quite thorough. Comparing…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


School Delinquency Prevention Program

Words: 994
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

School Delinquency Prevention Program Delinquency prevention is an initiative that was introduced into the United States system of justice in 1974, with the aim of protecting the rights of errant…

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3 Pages


School Bullying Was Never Considered as a

Words: 1113
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

School bullying was never considered as a real social problem until 1980's. The recent escalation in School bullying has gained attention of the masses throughout the world. Several suicide…

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4 Pages


School Community Needs Assessment

Words: 1295
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Abstract A 2017 school progress report indicates that the Langford Community Academy has below average student attainment, and has not yet achieved the Chicago Public Schools “Healthy CPS” status. Reading…

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8 Pages

Education - Administration

School Community Resources Proposal

Words: 1352
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Abstract Schools, businesses, and communities come together for the benefit of the schools and families in the neighborhood. This collaboration assists in creating a place for the students and families…

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2 Pages


School Culture and Leadership Principal

Words: 721
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Before our new principal started two years ago, I considered transferring. Two of my colleagues had also left over the previous year. Morale was generally low, parents complained a…

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2 Pages


School Improvement Plan

Words: 605
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Improvement Plan The school selected for this particular paper is Anna R. Langford Community Academy. Vision and mission statements are beneficial for school in regard to providing a general idea…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Administration

Best Practices for School Improvement Plan

Words: 1207
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Bishop Shanahan High School, a Catholic co-educational secondary school of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, is committed to sustaining excellence, provides a strong spiritual life, and challenging academic and rich…

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