Second Hand Smoke Essays (Examples)

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Second Hand Smoke
Should there be a ban on smoking in public places? Many people say yes, because they do not want the negative effects of second hand smoke on their lungs and other organs. Innocent people can be harmed by this second hand smoke. Since not every person chooses to smoke cigarettes, pipes, or other tobacco products, people who do not smoke should be protected from those who do. As such, rules are needed (i.e. smoking bans) that stop people from smoking in public places where others could be harmed by the smoke coming from their tobacco products. Those who choose to smoke know that there are consequences, but it is unfair to extend those consequences to others just to ensure that the "rights" of the smokers are protected. When people walk down the street and have smoke blown in their faces, or when they go to restaurants and….

Nicotine can imitate neurotransmitters in the brain and send confusing messages, affecting critical brain development" (Beauchaine in Shepherd). This is but the tip of the iceberg regarding the harmful nature of tobacco in any form.
From an ethical standpoint, one can take a formal moral standpoint and quote utilitarianism/deontology: Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical thing one can do is any action that will maximize the happiness within an organization or society. Actions have quantitative outcomes and the ethical choices that lead to the "greatest good for the greatest number" are the appropriate decisions, even if that means subsuming the rights of certain individuals. It is considered to be a consequential outlook in the sense that while outcomes cannot be predicted the judgment of an action is based on the outcome -- or, "the ends justify the means" (obinson and Groves, 2003). . Deontology argues that there are norms and….

Old Smoke
The case of "Old Smoke" presents workplace issues involving cigarette smoke, perfume and body odor. The employer is responsible for upholding law and company policy, as well as using common sense and tact to deal with possibly competing employee interests while continuing to effectively meet business requirements. Though laws and company policy sometimes assist in formulating solutions, employers are also charged with creative thinking to deal with some workplace issues uncovered by law and/or policy.

Explain how you would handle this situation if you were Charles Renfold

Charles Renfold has competing problems. Darlene Lambert is an employee entitled to a safe workplace, including freedom from second-hand smoke and the scent of old smoke. Simultaneously, Renfold has a pressing deadline for a report requiring Darlene's assistance with files located in a room that strongly smells of old smoke (Shaw, 2010, p. 339). Darlene rightfully refuses to work in that environment. Renfold cannot….

cannot control the urge, then the employee might consider seeking outside professional help with the addiction. Since a person's car is private property, however, it is unlikely that any non-smoking ban would extend to that area. However, the smoker would need to take steps to ensure that their clothing and work supplies did no retain the odor of smoke. In essence, other than in the privacy of one's own car and home, thus any place that one could potentially harm someone else with smoke, is legally favoring the non-smoker (Grensing-Pophal, 1999).

Co-Workers Can Sue Over Excessive Perfume in the Workplace. (28 August 2009). Godlike

Productions. etrieved from:

Indoor Air Quality in Hospitality Venues Before and After Implementation of a Clean Indoor Air

Law. (12 November 2004). Center for Disease Control -- MMW. etrieved from:

Negative Ions: More Scientific esearch. (2010). Comtech esearch. etrieved from:

Tobacco Facts," (2006) Tobacco Truths. etrieved from:

Danoff, . (2011).….

In the case of Darlene and old smoke, we can thus say that employers need to ask themselves what they would want in this situation so strongly that they would wish it were the law. There are many courses of action available to them such as they can force Darlene to work in the main file room, they can force Frank and Alice to quit smoking complete or they can develop a new policy whereby the entire workplace would stay smoke-free and there would be no designated smoking areas. The choice of the course of action is up to the employers who wouldn't want to hurt the rights of anyone but at the same time, would want a conflict with the law.
In my opinion, the best course of action is to make the entire workplace completely smoke-free so that there will be no conflicts based on old or lingering….

New Law

Smoke Free Cars
A new law

Banning cigarette smoking in a car when driving with a child

Laws limiting the areas in which people can smoke have become increasingly popular. In many major cities, smoking is now prohibited in restaurants, bars, and other enclosed areas. The reason for this is twofold: first it has become increasingly obvious that second-hand smoke proposes a serious threat to the health of nonsmokers. The argument that such laws interfere with smokers' personal freedoms is outweighed by the concerns that innocent bystanders will be subjected to carcinogens. Secondly, the state has a compelling interest in discouraging smoking, given the higher healthcare costs smokers incur. The secondary, acknowledged need to discourage cigarette smoking and to promote health is why cigarette taxes are so uniformly high across the land.

However, although smoking has been increasingly limited by law, and also by rules at many private companies which prohibit smoking indoors (as….

Public Health

Moving with unexpected swiftness, New York state lawmakers passed a sweeping anti-smoking measure that makes New York the third state after California and Delaware to ban smoking in all workplaces, including restaurants, bars, and hotels. Within hours of the New York bill's passage, Governor George E. Pataki signed the tough measure, which exempts only America-Indian-owned casinos, cigar bars already licensed in New York City, fraternal clubs, outdoor areas of restaurants with no roof or awning, private homes, and personal but not company cars. New York's ban will take effect July 24 in areas where smoking now is permitted and where local ordinances are weaker. Although the law will not supersede the stricter measures previously passed in Westchester and Nassau counties, it will replace elements of New York City's new law, which took effect March 30.

Bans on Smoking in….

Furthermore, smokers are also in greater danger than non-smokers of premature death as a result of their habit. Indeed, the Action on Smoking and Health Web site states that worldwide, a staggering 5 million smokers per year die prematurely, and that half of all smokers are at risk of premature death.
The prospects for non-smokers exposed to secondary smoke are also gloomy. According to Science News Online. (accessed 07March07), a study has shown that secondary smoke causes at least 40% of the damage to a non-smoker as smoking does. Surely, for the protection not only of non-smokers, but also of smokers themselves and of our children, the law should discourage this habit.


Action on Smoking and Health. "Factsheet No:2." (accessed 07March07).

Seppa N. " Science News Online: Secondary Smoke Carries High Price." (accessed 07March07)..

Protecting children from the effects of second-hand smoke and the extent by which the government can mandate repulsive images on the cigarette boxes are two cases which are causing controversy. The "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released data claiming that one in five middle and high school students are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke while in cars." (Yahanda, 2012, p. 1) Thus there are many proponents of banning smoking while in the car and children are present. This type of law is difficult because to many it impinges on individual freedom in a private location. Secondly, a U.S. District judge blocked the government mandate that required cigarette companies to place specific graphic images of the effects of cigarette smoking on cigarette boxes. This case also deals with the government authority to require corporations to compel private business to include images on their product.

1. Two pieces of filter….

In cases where smokers impose their tobacco use upon bystanders, individual choice affects those not making the choice. Smokers are indeed not altogether prohibited from indulging their addiction. They are allowed to smoke in certain places. The restriction on the choice to smoke around individuals who choose not to smoke is therefore beneficial in terms of the general health of society in general, while not placing universal restrictions on smokers and their choices.
In conclusion, while I do support the choice of individuals, these choices should be freely allowed only insofar as they do not harm others not making the choice. If choices (such as smoking) are harmful to the public in general, restrictions should indeed apply as far as is reasonable. A smoker should therefore be allowed to purchase and use tobacco, as long as this is done in an acceptable and….

Issue of Smoking

moking and Lung Disease
moking is a hazardous habit that has the ability to greatly affect the health of the smoker and those that are close to them. The purpose of this discussion is to investigate smoking and lung disease. The discussion will focus on possible community health nursing interventions/teaching strategies. We will also use Orem's nursing model to describe the community, its health issue/problem, and proposed interventions.

Community and Health issue

The community in question is Grady County which is located in Chickasha, Oklahoma. moking is a prevalent problem in this community and people are seemingly unaware of the health consequences related to smoking. The reason why this issue was chosen was due to my mother having evere Emphysema and the effects this disease has on her, also because of the impact that second hand smoking can have on non-smokers For example, I am Deathly Allergic to moking. My airway closes off….

Although the tobacco Janet would market is not smoked, it is an addictive substance, and thus it could easily lead to smoking nicotine-containing cigarettes later on in life, and cause harm through second-hand smoke to millions of other people. The societal costs to the legal system because of the lawsuits the product has inspired, and the unhappiness the product has caused for the target audience's families are another example of how the sum total happiness of society is reduced, rather than increased, if Janet takes the job. Also, the campaign is in violation of laws that prohibit minors from using tobacco, and by encouraging the violation of the laws of the land, society's total happiness is reduced, as persons (and marketing departments) feel free to behave and market products in a less law-abiding fashion.
Finally, the idea that Janet can help herself and her future career by taking the job….

mall-Business Management & Entrepreneurship
The fruition of many years of dreaming and planning will be realized through the opening of a restaurant in the Tri Cities area. Opening any business requires serious planning and calculations, yet the special needs of a restaurant are particular to the idea that many restaurants have gradual and long-term returns on investment. tart-up costs are often very significant with hard goods and food costs making up a very large output, not to mention procuring a location and either a purchase or lease and either building or remodeling space to meet the needs of the business and procuring the real estate.

Breaking even is often a guiding light at the end of a very long tunnel, between six months and two years depending on the region, and turning a profit often takes much longer. Another consideration is of coarse that restaurants usually do not provide a sustainable wage….

McClure Case Study
Patient Overview -- Patient, Mr. M., is 49 years old and has smoked for 25 years, quit three years ago when diagnosed with emphysema. He indicates he as shortness of breath for the past 48 hours, with sputum so thick he has difficulty coughing it out. Skin is warm and dry with slight clubbing of fingers noted. Lung sounds diminished with crackles and expiratory wheezes and barrel chest. Vitals are 101.8 Temp, pule 110, respiratory 32, BP 150/82. Blood gases show decreased O2 and increased C02 with an increase in red blood cells and twice the normal white cells.

M's risk factors for emphysema are high. Smoking for so long contributed to decrease of long function and is an abnormal dilation and destruction of the alveolar ducts and air spaces in the lungs. It usually occurs in people over 50, so Mr. M is at the lower end of….

My overall advice to Mr. Smith would be that he has a weak case, at best.
Question Two:

To evaluate whether Susie has a valid equal protection claim, one must start by determining whether the city ordinance is a state action. As a city is a branch of the state, the smoking ordinance would be considered a state action. The next step is to determine whether she belongs to a suspect class or whether a fundamental right is being violated. Although being a woman places her in a quasi-suspect class, this ordinance does not involve a distinction between the genders. Instead the issue is between smokers and non-smokers and as such, there is no suspect class involved. Furthermore, there is no fundamental right involved as neither the right to smoke or to open a business is considered a fundamental right. (Chemerinsky, 2002; p. 157).

Under these facts, the court will evaluate Susie's….

5 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Second Hand Smoke Should There Be a

Words: 1806
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Second Hand Smoke Should there be a ban on smoking in public places? Many people say yes, because they do not want the negative effects of second hand smoke…

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2 Pages
Reaction Paper

Sports - Drugs

Ethics Reflection Secondhand Smoke Is

Words: 930
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Nicotine can imitate neurotransmitters in the brain and send confusing messages, affecting critical brain development" (Beauchaine in Shepherd). This is but the tip of the iceberg regarding the…

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3 Pages


Old Smoke the Case of Old Smoke

Words: 1152
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Old Smoke The case of "Old Smoke" presents workplace issues involving cigarette smoke, perfume and body odor. The employer is responsible for upholding law and company policy, as well as…

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4 Pages
Book Report

Sports - Drugs

Old Smoke Case Study Darlene

Words: 1536
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Report

cannot control the urge, then the employee might consider seeking outside professional help with the addiction. Since a person's car is private property, however, it is unlikely that…

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2 Pages


Old Smoke- Kantainism Workplace Ban

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In the case of Darlene and old smoke, we can thus say that employers need to ask themselves what they would want in this situation so strongly that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

New Law

Words: 543
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Smoke Free Cars A new law Banning cigarette smoking in a car when driving with a child Laws limiting the areas in which people can smoke have become increasingly popular. In many…

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3 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Bans on Smoking in American Cities New

Words: 1135
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

BANS ON SMOKING IN AMEICAN CITIES: NEW YOK CITY & LOS ANGELES Public Health Moving with unexpected swiftness, New York state lawmakers passed a sweeping anti-smoking measure that makes New York…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Smoking After Many Studies Observations

Words: 360
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Furthermore, smokers are also in greater danger than non-smokers of premature death as a result of their habit. Indeed, the Action on Smoking and Health Web site states…

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5 Pages
Lab Report

Sports - Drugs

Measurement and Density Determination Measurement

Words: 1315
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Lab Report

Protecting children from the effects of second-hand smoke and the extent by which the government can mandate repulsive images on the cigarette boxes are two cases which are…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

New Clean Living Movement Individual

Words: 311
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In cases where smokers impose their tobacco use upon bystanders, individual choice affects those not making the choice. Smokers are indeed not altogether prohibited from indulging their addiction.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Issue of Smoking

Words: 1185
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

moking and Lung Disease moking is a hazardous habit that has the ability to greatly affect the health of the smoker and those that are close to them. The purpose…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Ethics and Morality Case Clean

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although the tobacco Janet would market is not smoked, it is an addictive substance, and thus it could easily lead to smoking nicotine-containing cigarettes later on in life,…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Words: 7031
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

mall-Business Management & Entrepreneurship The fruition of many years of dreaming and planning will be realized through the opening of a restaurant in the Tri Cities area. Opening any business…

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2 Pages


Mcclure Case Study Patient Overview -- Patient

Words: 609
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

McClure Case Study Patient Overview -- Patient, Mr. M., is 49 years old and has smoked for 25 years, quit three years ago when diagnosed with emphysema. He indicates he…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Nklenske Protection the First Thing

Words: 719
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

My overall advice to Mr. Smith would be that he has a weak case, at best. Question Two: To evaluate whether Susie has a valid equal protection claim, one must…

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