Sex Crimes Essays (Examples)

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Normal Sexual Behavior Sex Crimes
Pages: 2 Words: 641

Normal Sexual Behavior
Sexual behavior is the manner in which individuals experience their sexuality and how they express it. Sexuality is a vital part of human development and it may be experienced through a variety of ways, such as through desires, fantasies, thoughts, relationships practices, and roles. Human sexual activity has behavioral, sociological, emotional, cognitive and biological elements which include physiological processes like sexual intercourse, pathology, and sex drive, as well as reproductive mechanisms. It becomes more pronounced when an individual reaches puberty, and it is at this stage that it can be easily classified as normal or abnormal. According to Sandfort (2012), normal sexual behavior includes behaviors that are considered acceptable, or are established in a given society or culture, while abnormal sexual behaviors are apart from, or contrary to, acceptable or established behaviors in a society or culture.

Examples of normal sexual behaviors in minors include: playing house with innocent…...



Bancroft, J. (2009). Human Sexuality and Its Problems. (3rd Ed.) United Kingdom: Elsevier Limited

Sandfort, T. (2012). Childhood Sexuality: Normal Sexual Behavior and Development. Binghamton, NY: The Harworth Press, Inc.

Alcohol Use and Sex Crimes
Pages: 2 Words: 650

Social science researchers can use either qualitative or quantitative strategies to develop informed and timely answers to their research questions, but these two approaches involve analyzing fundamentally different data sets. On the one hand, qualitative researchers can use various methods such as case studies, ethnographic studies, phenomenological studies, grounded theory, narrative and/or content analyses (Neuman, 2009). On the other hand, social science researchers can use quantitative strategies such as observational studies, correlational research, experimental, quasi-experimental and survey designs (Neuman, 2009). While both qualitative and quantitative research questions seek to gain new insights into a given phenomenon, there are also basic differences between the types of data that are used.
By definition, quantitative research involves the analysis of numeric data in some form while qualitative research uses words, graphics and other data to formulate answers to guiding research questions (Neuman, 2009). These differences mean that designing a research question from a qualitative…...

Sex and Gender
Pages: 7 Words: 2946

Social Construct of Prenuptial Events: From the Bridal Sheets to the Bachelorette Party
The social constructs of the transition from single adulthood to married life throughout recent history have differed between men and women. In modern construct women and men often share a similar prenuptial event that has many elements of public expressions of sexuality, the bachelor or stag party and the bachelorette or staggette party. (Tye and Powers, 1998, pp. 552-561) In most western societies before 1900 and especially during the enaissance the prenuptial ceremonies and rituals included a longer period of time that encompassed a gray area that included the business of the marriage transaction and the ritual of becoming publicly aware of the person you were to marry. Historically speaking there was little if any overt display of sexuality during pre-1900 premarital celebrations. (uggiero, 1985, p. 26) Changes in public sexual expression from before 1900 to now are…...



Benson, P.J. (1992). The Invention of the Renaissance Woman: The Challenge of Female

Independence in the Literature and Thought of Italy and England. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Fordham, J. (Apr/2000):. "Death of a Porcupine: DH Lawrence and His Successors."

Literature and History. Vol. 9 Issue 1, pp.56-67.

Crime Reporting What Do You Think Crime
Pages: 2 Words: 640

Crime eporting
What Do You Think?

Crime eporting: UC and NCVS

The Uniform Crime eport is a compilation of offensives collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from all police stations in the United States. Data collected is divided into two groups, Part I and Part II. Part I data includes violent and property crimes such as aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, robbery, arson, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. Part II offenses include simple assault, curfew offenses and loitering, embezzlement, forgery and counterfeiting, disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, drug offenses, fraud, gambling, liquor offenses, offenses against the family, prostitution, public drunkenness, runaways, sex offenses, stolen property, vandalism, vagrancy, and weapons offenses ("Uniform Crime eports.," 2012).

The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is conducted by telephone and collects information on nonfatal crimes reported and not reported to the police against persons age twelve and older from a nationally representative sample of U.S.…...



"Crime rates are down." (2012, June 11). Crime in the United States 2011. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved April 21, 2013, from 

Schmalleger, F. (2009). Criminolology today: An integrative introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

Truman, J.L. & Planty, M. (2012, October). Criminal victimization, 2011. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved April 21, 2013, from 

"Uniform crime reports." (2012, October). Crime in the United States 2011. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved April 21, 2013, from

Crime and Gender First Document
Pages: 2 Words: 573

This gap suggests that men commit the majority of crimes. While the gap exists for all crimes, it is the largest for violent crime, such as homicide, rape, and robberies, and the smallest for property crime. Unlike self-report data, official statistics and victimization reports generally describe the gender-gap as most apparent, as these types of crime reporting suggest large gaps in the number of crimes committed by men and women. Official statistics and victimization reports probably show the largest gender gaps both because they deal more with violent crimes, whose perpetrators tend to be men and because self-report data allows researchers to choose samples that have equal amounts of men and women to study similarities and differences across gender. In other words, self-report data generally has a lower sex-gap because researchers can have a great deal influence in manipulating the data set.
Many crimes are not reported to the police…...

Crime and Gender as Steffensmeier
Pages: 4 Words: 1279

"Greater freedom has increased female participation in the public sphere," which would expose greater numbers of women to criminal behaviors and the opportunities to commit crimes (Steffensmeier & Allan1996, p. 469). Combined with social control theory, opportunity theory offers a plausible explanation for the gender gap in criminal behavior. Social control theory and opportunity theory share in common the basic assumption that deviance is a natural human instinct; that left to their own devices both men and women are predisposed to crime. Criminal behavior is always an option, according to social control theory and opportunity theory. The two sociological theories suggest that deterrents to committing crime, such as a lack of opportunity or strong social bonds, determine patterns of criminal behavior. Moreover, social control theory and opportunity theory emphasize sociological variables at the expense of psychological or personality-based ones.
The opportunity theories such as theories of routine activities present deviance…...



Chapple, C.L., McQuillan, J.A., & Berdahl, T.A. (2004). Gender, social bonds, and delinquency: a comparison of boys' and girls' models. Social Science Research 34(2005): 357-383.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (2005). Crime in the United States: Ten-Year Arrest Trends. Table 33. Retrieved Aug 1, 2008 at 

Smith, D.A. & Paternoster, R. (1987). The gender gap in theories of deviance: Issues and evidence. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 24(2): 140-172.

Steffensmeier, D. & Allan, E. (1996). Gender and crime: Toward a gendered theory of female offending. Annual Review of Sociology. 22: 459-487.

Crime and Gender Criminology What
Pages: 1 Words: 340

What is "hegemonic masculinity"? Explain one way in which "hegemonic masculinity" is related to violent crime.
Connell (1987) suggested that cultural definitions of what constitutes "ideal" masculinity strongly influences the way that males interact with their social environments. Specifically, if a culture values professional success, social power, physical strength, and emotional independence in males, most males within that culture will strive toward those ideals. According to Connell (1987) this is equally true irrespective of how successfully individual males achieve those ideals because they still motivate males to strive to meet elements of those particular ideals. Since a large part of hegemonic masculinity in many cultures relates to maintaining one's "honor" or respect, males are generally much more inclined to respond to insults or to perceived issues of lack of respect with violence. Similarly, since cultural concepts of masculinity often relate to providing for one's family financially, males often experience a…...


In the context of violent crime, doing gender has been suggested as part of the reason that crime, and violent crime in particular, are perpetrated much more often by males than by females. Males are more likely to react to personal struggles by ignoring them until erupting in violence; females are more likely to share their feelings with others and seek assistance instead of lashing out against others (or themselves). Males are also more likely to form delinquent or deviant associations that increase their respective propensity to violence and criminal conduct

2. What is "hegemonic masculinity"? Explain one way in which "hegemonic masculinity" is related to violent crime.

Connell (1987) suggested that cultural definitions of what constitutes "ideal" masculinity strongly influences the way that males interact with their social environments. Specifically, if a culture values professional success, social power, physical strength, and emotional independence in males, most males within that culture will strive toward those ideals. According to Connell (1987) this is equally true irrespective of how successfully individual males achieve those ideals because they still motivate males to strive to meet elements of those particular ideals. Since a large part of hegemonic masculinity in many cultures relates to maintaining one's "honor" or respect, males are generally much more inclined to respond to insults or to perceived issues of lack of respect with violence. Similarly, since cultural concepts of masculinity often relate to providing for one's family financially, males often experience a more intense urge to engage in criminal conduct for profit where their efforts to do so lawfully are unsuccessful.

Sex and Violence on Television
Pages: 8 Words: 2230

Scaflik makes the claim that these types of tactics from networks mean that the network believe that violence is what attracts viewers the most.
Finally, shows such as Law and Order and Dark Shadows manage to show minimal amounts of violence and in inappropriate context, while they ultimately showcase the violence in a de-contextualized manner in the promos (Scaflik 2004). Scaflik points out that this is a serious problem for many different reasons, including the fact that viewers will get the wrong impression from the show and that viewers may also believe that there is a great deal of action and then will later be disappointed when only two or three minimally violent scenes are shown throughout the film or show.

The other problem is that violent promos are often times run during showtimes targeted towards children. Sometimes shows that have absolutely no violence in them at all will use violence…...



Abelard, (1999-2008), Children and Television Violence, Retrieved from 

Cantor, Joanne, and Suzanne Stutman, Victoria Duran, (1996), What Parents Want in a Television Rating System: Results of a National Survey, National Survey Report, Retrieved from

Chandra, Anita, and DrPHa, Steven C. Martino, PhDb, Rebecca L. Collins, PhDc, Marc N. Elliott, PhDc, Sandra H. Berry, MAc, David E. Kanouse, PhDc, Angela Miu, MSc, (October 31, 2008). Does Watching Sex on Television Predict Teen Pregnancy? Findings From a National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. PEDIATRICS, Vol. 122 (No. 5). Retrieved from 

Moran, Mark, (July 6, 2007), Govt. Seeks Ways to Reduce Kids' Exposure to TV Violence. Psychiatric News, Vol. 42. (No. 13)(Pg. 5). Retrieved from

Crime the Purpose of This
Pages: 10 Words: 2753

Many people using illicit and illegal drugs often have no impulse control and may turn violent or to another form of crime. Once an individual's mind is altered from the constant use of drugs, he or she will often steal, lie, and cheat to make the next dollar to obtain more drugs.
Many people could share family related drug stories that have led to criminal activities. About 10 years ago, several acquaintances under the influence of cocaine robbed a pharmacy and stole thousands of narcotics. The man and women then stole a car and cocaine from a dealer and drove across the country; several days later they were both apprehended and sent to jail for a long time. This example illustrates that one impulsive behavior after another can lead to a series of crimes committed. Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory offers a rationale to why individuals would use illegal drugs -- impulse…...



Bureau of justice statistics- drug use and crime. (2009, October). Retrieved from

Crime. (2011, June). Retrieved from 

Freud, S. (1961). The Complete Works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 19). London: Hogarth.

Lerner, L., Lerner, B.L., & Cengage, G. (2006). Criminology. World of forensic science, Retrieved from

Sex Slavery ABC News 2006
Pages: 3 Words: 1451

(2009, Oct. 4). 25,000 Nepli girls involved in sex trde in Indin cities.
Commercil sex brothels in the towns of Delhi, Mumbi, Pune nd Kolkt feture young girls believed to hve been kidnpped from Nepl, ccording to the rticle. There re n estimted fifty brothels in Pune, nd mny of them re reportedly owned by dult women from Nepl. In those 50 brothels there re bout 500 Neplese girls working in sexul slvery, the rticle sserts. This informtion comes through report tht ws intended to get the medi interested in reporting these terrible crimes. Retrieved Feb. 13,

2010, from http://www.expressindi, com/fullstory.php?newsid=55901.

Hwii News Now. (2010, Februry 10). Hwii mn chrged with sex trfficking t Super Bowl. A mn who is lleged to be pimp from Hwii is being chrged with bringing teenge Hwiin girl to the Super Bowl in Mimi -- nd llegedly used her to mke money. Fred…...


and Customs Enforcement agents that they were promised good jobs and a better life in the United States, so they came to the U.S. with high hopes. But when they arrived it turned out that they had to work in the bar for $20 a day until they paid off their "smuggling fees" of around $4,500. Part of their job was to have sex with customers "for money."

Retrieved Feb. 14, 2010, from the Monitor . (2010, Feb. 14). Report: Human Trafficking Big Business in Ohio. This article on WTOV9 tells the story of how teenager Theresa Flores was raped and had photos taken of the act of being raped. The attacker said unless she submitted to being a hooker for his gang, her photo would be on the Internet and everyone would know she had sex (even her priest) So she went along for 2 years. Moreover, the story claims that as many as 1,000 children born in Ohio each year are forced into sex slavery. Retrieved Feb. 14, 2010, from .

Crime Criminal Justice Administrator's Responsibilities
Pages: 4 Words: 1401

Managers and human resource administrators therefore have to be aware not only of the legal aspects related to diversity but also to the dynamic potential that is an intrinsic part of this diversity.
With egard to the criminal justice system, diversity is an important part of protecting the rights of the employees, as well as adding to the depth of skills and talents in the system itself. A good example is the diversity training program developed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Human esources Division. This program allows for the protection of the rights of employees and subscribes to affirmative action legislation, while at the same time allowing for the application of the criminal law Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws. These EEO laws include the Civil ights Act of 1964 (Title VII), 1967's Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the American Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the…...



Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences: Code of Ethics. Retrieved from 

Allen L. ( 2010) Rights of Employees in Public Criminal Justice Agencies. Retrieved from

Chaires R. And Lentz S. Criminal justice employee rights: An overview. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 18(2), pp. 259-288). Retrieved from 


Violent Crimes Picking an Investigative Field
Pages: 2 Words: 495

Picking an Investigative Field: Violent Crimes
When it comes to the selection of an investigative field, we all have a wide range of fields to choose from. These include, but they are not limited to, violent crimes, property crimes, sex crimes, narcotics, etc. If I were to pick one of these, I would settle on violent crimes.

Violent crimes are, as elucidated in the UC (Uniform Crime eporting) Program, and as described by the FBI (2015), "are those offenses which involve force or threat of force," and they include sex offenses, suicide, assault and battery, robbery with violence, as well as homicide. As would be the case in any other career field, the relevance of adequate preparations in this particular investigative field cannot be overstated. Personally, I would prepare for this job by, amongst other things, understanding the nature of violent crimes -- i.e. what violent crimes entail. On this front, I…...



FBI. (2015). Violent Crime. Retrieved 18th Feb, 2015 from:

Unfairness of Sex Offending Laws Current Laws
Pages: 6 Words: 1965

Unfairness of Sex Offending Laws.
Current laws that govern sex offences are placed under scrutiny for their potential unfairness towards those convicted. Often, these laws are excessively harsh against those who do not pose a current danger to public safety.

There are few things as dire to the public mind as sex offences. Hence, current laws are as harsh as possible to protect what is perceived as the safety of the public and its most vulnerable members, children. For this reason, the Internet sex offender databases were created. At the basis of these is Megan's Law, which specifically requires a state to make neighbors aware when violent sex offenders move into their community (Sheeres, 2002). The law has been enacted in honor of Megan Kanka. She was a 7-year-old girl from New Jersey who was raped and murdered in 1994. The perpetrator was a twice-convicted child molester. He moved into a house…...



Dowd, J. (2008, Oct 27). Se offender law unfair to homeless, court says. The 13th Juror. Retrieved from: 

Prior, R. (2010, Oct 10). Juror: Sex offender law unfair. The St. Augustine Record. Retrieved from: 

San Diego News (2010, Apr. 12). Registered Sex Offender Says Current Laws Unfair. Retrieved from: 

Sheeres, J. (2002, Jun. 10). Sex Offender: Branded for Life. Wired. Retrieved from:

Scope of Child Sex Tourism and the Pertinent Laws
Pages: 7 Words: 2503

international sex tourism has been a worldwide curse for a long time, the last few decades witnessed great surge in its practice as the effects of globalization, poverty and consumerism spread while advancement in internet caused an increase in travel opportunities. The racist fantasies and unusual interest in sexual activities in the developing countries along with poor law enforcement have made way for sex tourism. Though some may have exaggerated the magnitude of this immoral industry, more than one million children are trapped inside this trade every year (Vrancken and Chetty, 2009).
The 1904 Paris Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic (1904 Agreement), the first of its kind, aimed at protecting female children and others who were forced to go abroad for sex trade. It operated through border watching, supervising agencies and repatriating or employing the girls (Vrancken and Chetty, 2009). Then other national and international laws…...



African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. (2009). African charter on the rights and welfare of the child: in George, B.P. And Panko, T.R. (2011). Child sex tourism: Facilitating conditions, legal remedies, and other interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6:2, 134 -- 143.

Banse, R., Schmidt, A.F., & Clarbour, J. (2010). Indirect measures of sexual interest in child sex offenders: in George, B.P. And Panko, T.R. (2011). Child sex tourism: Facilitating conditions, legal remedies, and other interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6:2, 134 -- 143.

Debabrata, R. (1998). When police act as pimps: Glimpses into child prostitution in India: in George, B.P. And Panko, T.R. (2011). Child sex tourism: Facilitating conditions, legal remedies, and other interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6:2, 134 -- 143.

Fraley, A. (2005). Child sex tourism legislation under the protect act: Does it really protect: in George, B.P. And Panko, T.R. (2011). Child sex tourism: Facilitating conditions, legal remedies, and other interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6:2, 134 -- 143.

Identifying Efficacious Social Work Interventions for Child Sex Trafficking
Pages: 16 Words: 4815

AbstractAlthough the social justice issue of child sexual trafficking is widely regarded by the American public as a problem that is faced by other nations, particularly impoverished developing countries, the harsh reality is that child sex trafficking routinely occurs in the United States as well. While exact numbers about its prevalence in the United States are unavailable, it is known that sex trafficking, including men, women and children, occurs in all 50 states. The purpose of this study is to provide a review of the relevant literature concerning child sexual abuse and trafficking in the United States, including how young victims are typically groomed for sexual exploitation. In addition, a discussion of the specialized social work practice of child sex trafficking, including the multiple ethical issues that are involved, is following by a description of an evidence-based intervention with proven efficacy as an intervention for child sex trafficking victims. Finally,…...


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