Short Essays (Examples)

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Short-Term Absence

Human Resources: Short-Term Absence Management
The objective of this study is to examine the issue of the management of short-term absence by the Human Resources Department in the organization.

The research questions addressed in this study include those as follows:

(1) What is the best method for handling short-term absences of employees in the organization?

(2) What method of handling short-term absences of employees in the organization serves to increase both employer and employee satisfaction?

The significance of this study is the information that will be added to the already existing knowledge in this area of inquiry as well as revealing what human resources management can do to increase both the employer and employee satisfaction in regards to short-term absences of employees.


The methodology proposed for the study is one of a qualitative nature. Qualitative research is descriptive and interpretive in nature. The research will be conducted through an exhaustive review of literature in this area….

Investment Practices and Strategies in the U.S. Treasury
Treasury Tax & Loan (TT&L) notes

This program was established in 1978 to provide Treasury with an effective tax collection mechanism designed to assist in balancing the Treasury General Account (TGA). Through this program the Treasury collaborates with over 9000 commercial financial organizations whose mandate is tax payment collection. Almost ten percent of these institutions also hold funds and pay interest to Treasury. The program is divided into three sections collectors, retainers, and investors. The collectors, which make the majority receive payments from customers and remit the funds to Treasury's account. etainers unlike the collectors retain specific amount subject to interest and the funds can be called by the Treasury. The investors, collect, retain and receive funds from the treasury through investment channels (United States Government Accountability Office, 2007).

One major advantage of this program is the ability to provide the Treasury with an….

role of short sellers in discovering firms guilty of financial misrepresentation. The article opens by recounting the criticisms of short selling, beginning with the charge that short sellers subvert investor's confidence in financial markets and that short selling results in diminished liquidity. Short sellers have been known to spread false rumors about a firm in which they had taken a short position, then subsequently profit from the resulting drop in the stock price. Proponents of short selling argue, on the other hand, that the activity actually promotes market efficiency and the price discovery process.
Karpoff and Lou researched the question of whether short sellers identify firms that are overpriced, and whether they consequently convey benefit or harm to other investors. The study authors investigated the premise by analyzing a sample of firms that were disciplined by the SEC for financial misrepresentation. Their research included three tests with results showing short….

Short Smith Manufacturing

Health Care -- Short Smith Manufacturing
hat is broadbanding? hat are its benefits and drawbacks to an organization the size of Short Smith?

Broadbanding is the collapse of numerous pay grades into fewer bands of widely ranging salaries, usually keyed to logical categories of skills and/or levels of competency (Buford, n.d.). Broadbanding would benefit Short Smith in several aspects. First, by broadly categorizing salary ranges according to skill/competency such as clerical, sales, etc. (Buford, n.d.), broadbanding would organize Short Smith's clearly disorganized method of setting pay grades for its 81 employees, as compensation is currently imposed at whim by designated employees. Secondly, broadbanding is geared to encourage employee continuing education and development of additional skills (Kovac, 2006), so it would logically encourage Short Smith's employees to obtain greater education and skills to improve their compensation. Third, broadbanding is designed to be administered by the departments in which the employees work, freeing up….

Oslo Accords
Jonathan Zaun

Political cartoon by Carlos Latuff, illustrating both the lack of communication and the incessant foreign interference which lies at the heart of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict

The ongoing conflict between the state of Israel and the Palestinian people has long defined by force employed in its extremity, with bombings and bulldozers becoming tragic symbols of the age old strife, but the impact of a simple handshake will be remembered long after the smoke has settled and the dust has cleared. When Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak abin joined hands with his Palestinian counterpart Yasser Arafat on September 13th, 1993, signaling the official ratification of the Oslo Accords, the world was cautiously optimistic that the violence tearing at the seams of the Middle East had finally ended. After years of denying their opponent's basic rights to existence, both the Israelis and the Palestinians had grudgingly given ground and reached a tentative….

Bed and Chair Alarms in a Short-Term Care Facility
The nursing problem

The short-term care facility registers a rather increased rate of falls among its patients, from both beds as well as chairs. In some of these cases, the injuries associated with the falls are rather severe, and in a small percentage, they are even fatal. The nursing staffs seek to prevent patient falls from occurring, but being understaffed and working in a demanding environment, guarding each patient at all times is virtually impossible.

A longitudinal analysis of the patient falls in the short-term care facility has revealed that the problem is a rather constant one, without major fluctuations having been observed in the falls registered by patients from beds and chairs. In order to address the matter, a solution is proposed in that of integrating alarms in the bed and chairs used by the patients at the short-term care facility. The beds….

Short-Term Memory

Table 1 -Test #1



















2nd Round


My Test


Total Letters

% Remembered













I had previous taken a memory course, so knew some tricks; either finding neumonics, which is less effective for me, or grouping into smaller sets, which is effective. For instance, In Trial #5 I grouped it as LBF -- QRMP then the word "maux" as a cat sound. It also helps me to use rhythm to remember short-term items.

Loftus, E., Hoffman, H. (1989). Misinformation and Memory: The Creation of new

Memories. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 117 (1): 100-4. Retrieved from http:faculty.washington.edueloftusArticleshoff.htm

Memory is the way we store, retain, and recall information. In humans, this is called cognition in the sense of the way the mind works, processes memories, and is able to learn, retrieve and create new things. We have three basic ways we process memory:

Sensory memory -- the most basic and primitive, but crucial to survive, this is based on stimuli receive in….

Short Story Poem

female body -- the sum of its parts? In short story, novel, and poetic depictions of Gillman, Brooks, and Piercy despised flower, called a yellow weed by most observers. A trapped and voiceless bodily entity, like a ghost, perhaps behind a surface of peeling yellow wallpaper. A plastic doll with yellow hair with pneumatic dimensions and candied cherry lips. These three contrasting images all have been used to characterize the female body throughout popular media discourse. All of these fetish-like depictions have also been used as well to characterize the female body throughout literary history, from the 19th century to the present. Yet when these images are used and selectively deployed by women, in the prose of the female authors Gwendolyn Brooks, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Marge Piercy respectively, they have taken on additional ironic resonance and power, saying more about how culture has limited female social and psychological….

Friendship (short Story):
Wrestling with myself

Sierra was one of those girls everyone hated and everyone secretly wanted to be except me. I just hated her.

Even the teachers gave her a wide berth and never challenged her. She'd walk through the school, a cold expression on her face, wearing the latest and most fashionable clothes. She seemed to have a sixth sense about when something suddenly was no longer trendy and had become common and therefore unacceptable. The first day of school she passed me with her posse of only slightly less intimidating mean girlfriends and looked at the pearl grey Uggs I'd so carefully picked out to coordinate with my pink sweater and skinny jeans: "Oh God," I heard her say, "Could that outfit BE more basic?" Her friends tittered. I couldn't care less, though: I knew there was two options with girls like that -- either you sucked up to….

subduction zone is where two tectonic plates come together and one goes beneath the other. This is most common where an oceanic plate meets a continental plate, and the oceanic plate is pushed underneath the continental. As a result, subduction zones produce the biggest earthquakes in the world, and are also largely responsible for volcanic activity and tsunamis.
At the site of subduction, in which one tectonic plate (the oceanic) goes beneath another (the continental), an accretionary wedge can form. Essentially the upper tectonic plate scrapes off a wedge-shaped portion of sediment and other materials from the subducted plate.

A hot spot is a region below the earth's crust where the magma has an extremely high temperature. As a result the magma will melt the ocean floor creating a volcano, and ultimately a volcanic island. Because of the movement of the tectonic plates, the hot spot will create an arc of….

Given the large amount of data analyzed by these researchers, though not collected by them or specifically for their research purpose, these findings provide a compelling area for investigation of the transport company's policies and their potential contribution to the rise in absenteeism that they are experiencing. If a change in contracting terms or workforce composition recently occurred, this could be the cause of recent absenteeism trends, and a move to new contract types could also serve as a solution.
Job satisfaction also plays an important role in absenteeism rates and in overall productivity and performance, according to a more recent study of call center workers that found a strong correlation between self-efficacy and more positive perceptions of occupational resources, which in turn led to higher job satisfaction and reduced absenteeism (Consiglio et al., 2010). This is an issue related not only to organizational culture and on-site supervision, occupational tasks,….

Lessons From Short Stories
Something of Value Can Be Learned From Reading Short Stories

There can be much learned from reading short stories. This will be demonstrated in this work, which review three short stories including Michael inter's work entitled "Archibald the Arctic," John Cheever's work entitled "Reunion" and Raymond Carver's work entitled "Cathedral."

John Cheever: "Reunion"

The work of John Cheever entitled "Reunion" is a short story in which the main character Charlie thinks about what is his last meeting with his alcoholic father when he was a boy. Charlie had dreamed of a reconnection with his father since he had not seen the man in over three years however, Charlie soon realizes that due to his father's problems including alcohol abuse that this will not be the case. During the meeting with his father, his father ordered two 'Gibson Beefeater' drinks and apparently consumes both of them as his behavior and speech….

Good Man Hard Find," short film, "Black Hearts Bleed Red." http://www.
Flannery O'Conner's short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and Jari Cain Rossi's motion picture "Black Hearts Bleed Red" both address an account involving a dysfunctional American family traveling through a rural scenery and falling victim to a band of ruthless escaped convicts. Rossi's film is an adaptation of the short story, but fails to provide the same intensity that the story provides. This is also probable to be a result of the director's choice to provide viewers with a different perspective on the storyline.

The two storylines appear to be very similar when considering matters from a general point-of-view. One of the most intriguing aspects about both works is that they succeed in influencing readers, and, respectively, viewers, to experience feelings related to grotesque as they struggle to find a meaning for each character's attitude toward the….

esponsibility Project
The short film that I selected from "The esponsibility Project," (2011) was the video on the "Greyston Bakery" which is a company that is dedicated to giving back to the community. The president of the company, Julius Walls, Jr., makes a statement that "Business should give back to the community, not the other way around" and that this can be done and still make money. Greyston utilizes what they call "open hiring" where anyone in need can try to get a job there and it is apparent that they hire people that have had or are having issues in their life. This is a very important ethical issue within our society as many in these economical times cannot find work let alone those without issues in their lives.

Social pressures from the world state that a company must make money for its shareholders, and that this money must be….

Thomas took the ashes and smiled, closed his eyes, and told this story: "I'm going to travel to Spokane Falls one last time and toss these ashes into the water. And your father will rise like a salmon, leap over the bridge, over me, and find his way home. It will be beautiful. His teeth will shine like silver, like a rainbow. He will rise, Victor, he will rise." Victor smiled.

"I was planning on doing the same thing with my half," Victor said. "But I didn't imagine my father looking anything like a salmon. I thought it'd be like cleaning the attic or something. Like letting things go after they've stopped having any use.

"Nothing stops, cousin," Thomas said. "Nothing stops."

Thomas Builds-the-Fire got out of the pickup and walked up his driveway. Victor started the pickup and began the drive home.

At peace, then, are parts of the characters in each story;….

In your outline, you may want to provide a brief background on the country itself. Then, move into the economic history of the area. You can put that all in one section if you\'re keeping it short, or you can divide it by time periods if it needs to be longer. From that point, you should address the modern day economy, and consider the good and bad things that have made the economy what it is today. You can also include a section of the proposed future of the economy, but be sure to show why a particular prediction for....

3 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Short-Term Absence

Words: 791
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Human Resources: Short-Term Absence Management The objective of this study is to examine the issue of the management of short-term absence by the Human Resources Department in the organization. The research…

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2 Pages


Short-Term Investment Strategies

Words: 492
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Investment Practices and Strategies in the U.S. Treasury Treasury Tax & Loan (TT&L) notes This program was established in 1978 to provide Treasury with an effective tax collection mechanism designed…

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4 Pages
Article Review


Short Sellers and Financial Misconduct

Words: 1120
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

role of short sellers in discovering firms guilty of financial misrepresentation. The article opens by recounting the criticisms of short selling, beginning with the charge that short sellers…

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2 Pages
A-Level Coursework

Business - Management

Short Smith Manufacturing

Words: 772
Length: 2 Pages
Type: A-Level Coursework

Health Care -- Short Smith Manufacturing hat is broadbanding? hat are its benefits and drawbacks to an organization the size of Short Smith? Broadbanding is the collapse of numerous pay grades…

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5 Pages
A2 Coursework

History - Israel

Short-Term Significance of the Oslo Accords for Political Relationships Within the Middle East

Words: 1960
Length: 5 Pages
Type: A2 Coursework

Oslo Accords Jonathan Zaun Political cartoon by Carlos Latuff, illustrating both the lack of communication and the incessant foreign interference which lies at the heart of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict The ongoing…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Short Term Care Institutions

Words: 990
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Bed and Chair Alarms in a Short-Term Care Facility The nursing problem The short-term care facility registers a rather increased rate of falls among its patients, from both beds as well…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Short-Term Memory

Words: 432
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Memory Table 1 -Test #1 Trial My Test Correct Total Letters UM UM TZLD TZLD KXCEJO KXCEDO AVCYISCH AVCYISEH LBFRPMAUX LBFQRPMAUX ZQECTBUM ZQECTBUMONRV 2nd Round Trial My Test Correct Total Letters % Remembered UM UM TZLD TZLD KXCEJO KXCEDO AVCYISEH AVCYISEH LBFQRPMAUX LBFQRPMAUX ZQECTBUMV ZQECTBUMONRV I had previous taken a memory course, so knew some tricks; either finding neumonics, which is less effective for me, or…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Short Story Poem

Words: 2042
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

female body -- the sum of its parts? In short story, novel, and poetic depictions of Gillman, Brooks, and Piercy despised flower, called a yellow weed by most…

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4 Pages


Short Story About High School

Words: 1257
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Friendship (short Story): Wrestling with myself Sierra was one of those girls everyone hated and everyone secretly wanted to be except me. I just hated her. Even the teachers gave her a…

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10 Pages

Family and Marriage

Short Essays on Earth Science

Words: 3134
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Chapter

subduction zone is where two tectonic plates come together and one goes beneath the other. This is most common where an oceanic plate meets a continental plate, and…

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10 Pages
Research Proposal


Absence Short-Term Absences in a

Words: 2761
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Given the large amount of data analyzed by these researchers, though not collected by them or specifically for their research purpose, these findings provide a compelling area for…

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4 Pages


Lessons From Short Stories Something of Value

Words: 1361
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Lessons From Short Stories Something of Value Can Be Learned From Reading Short Stories There can be much learned from reading short stories. This will be demonstrated in this work, which…

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4 Pages


Good Man Hard Find Short Film Black

Words: 1228
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Good Man Hard Find," short film, "Black Hearts Bleed Red." http://www. Flannery O'Conner's short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and Jari Cain Rossi's motion picture "Black…

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3 Pages


Responsibility Project the Short Film That I

Words: 730
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

esponsibility Project The short film that I selected from "The esponsibility Project," (2011) was the video on the "Greyston Bakery" which is a company that is dedicated to giving…

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4 Pages


Walker Baldwin Alexie -- Short

Words: 1771
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Thomas took the ashes and smiled, closed his eyes, and told this story: "I'm going to travel to Spokane Falls one last time and toss these ashes into the…

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