South Park Essays (Examples)

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South Park
Pages: 2 Words: 650

South Park
Popular Culture

Social Norms that are challenged in the South Park Show

Season 17 Episode

South Park is a show that is produced by Comedy Central and is notorious for portraying the breaking of social norms. The show has a loyal following that expect to see some sort of shocking behavior by the cast of characters. In fact, South Park was one of the first shows on-air to create this kind of niche in portraying obscene and raunchy content. The show is now on its seventieth season which makes it one of the longest running shows of its type. There are other shows competing for the same demographics, such as the Simpsons, but South Part has established itself in a unique niche and has a loyal following.

The intended audience for the show is most likely younger demographics. However, the show appeals to individuals in many demographics so there may be a considerable…...

South Park Season 19 the Best Yet
Pages: 7 Words: 2498

South Park and Popular Culture
South Park is an animated television show that has aired on Comedy Central for nearly 19 seasons, beginning in 1997. It began as an irreverent cartoon show about 3rd graders who used "adult language" and was meant to be for adults with an MA for Mature TV rating. Over time, however, the show began to actually deal with "adult" themes in a more satirical manner than just applying mere irreverence for laughs. The creators of South Park felt that modern society clearly had to be made fun of because it was getting out of hand and their approach made some people think that they were "anti-religion," a charge that they denied, affirming on the contrary that they are not "anti-religion" at all but actually genuinely moved by the faith of others and their ability to find solace and happiness in religion (Parker, Stone) -- an assertion…...


Works Cited

Cole, David. Republican Party Animal. WA: Feral House, 2014. Print.

Franich, Darren. "On the South Park season finale, guns fix everything." EW, 10 Dec

2015. Web. 21 Jan 2016.

"Matt Stone, Trey Parker, Interview, South Park." YouTube, 24 Oct 2011. Web. 21 Jan

TV Today and Yesterday South Park and
Pages: 5 Words: 1547

TV Today and Yesterday
South Park and I Dream of Jeannie: A Comparison/Contrast Essay

The 1960s and 1970s were a time of social revolution, reflected somewhat in the television shows of that era. Yet, those same shows may seem quaint and tame by today's standards. Indeed, when one holds the two up for comparison, one can see a much more obvious type of innocence in the former than in the latter. Still, despite the generation-gap, today's shows (even if they appear to be more vulgar, cruder, and more risque) also manage to have a similar type of innocence about them. This paper will compare and contrast I Dream of Jeannie, which ran from 1965 to 1970, and South Park, which debuted in 1997 and is still currently running, and show how the two are different when it comes to taste and decency, but the same when it comes to capturing something pure…...

Boondocks and South Park We Are Accustomed
Pages: 7 Words: 2258

Boondocks and South Park
e are accustomed to thinking of cartoons -- whether illustrated or animated -- as being a form of children's entertainment. Yet it is worth recalling that for almost nine decades, the Pulitzer Prize committee has annually given a prize for editorial cartooning, highlighting the effectiveness of the medium in delivering intelligent commentary. Moreover, the Pulitzer has sometimes gone to daily "strip" cartoonists rather than those who draw single-frame editorial cartoons for the Op-Ed pages of daily newspapers, most notably Garry Trudeau for Doonesbury in 1975 and Berke Breathed for Bloom County in 1987. It is within this context that Aaron McGruder began drawing The Boondocks in 1999. In an interview with Ted Rall (himself a 1996 finalist for the Pulitzer) McGruder claimed these as particular influences in writing the original daily newspaper version of The Boondocks.:

…this is a hard job, and my goal was just to make…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Brian C. "South Park Republicans: An Anti-Liberal Bent in Comedy is Growing." Dallas Morning News, 17 April 2005. Print.

Gillespie, Nick and Walker, Jesse. "South Park Libertarians: Trey Parker and Matt Stone on Liberals, Conservatives, Censorship and Religion." Reason, December 2006. Print.

McGrath, Ben. "The Radical": Why Do Editors Keep Throwing 'The Boondocks' Off the Funny Pages?" The New Yorker, 19 April 2004. Print.

Rall, Ted (Editor). Attitude 2: The New Subversive Alternative Cartoonists. New York: NBM, 2004. Print.

South Park and PC Culture
Pages: 7 Words: 2197

South Park and Communication Theory: Symbolic Interactionism Introduction
In the first episode (“Stunning and Brave”) of the 19th season of South Park, a new principal has come to the town of South Park named PC Principal. PC Principal’s primary objective is to clean up the town of its bigotry, sexism and hateful speech. Halfway through the episode, other PC characters show up in a bar where the tired residents of South Park are attempting to relax away from all the stress of having to be PC all the time. PC Principal realizes there are others like him and they decide to “hang out” and start a PC frat house. The scene in the bar in which the PC characters come to meet one another is full of gestures and words that can be analyzed using the theory of Symbolic Interactionism.
The scene contains relevance as PC culture and social justice are very popular…...

South Park and Mormon
Pages: 4 Words: 1382

theater and particularly its musical performances, have changed dramatically over the years. Their tone and style have reflected historical and cultural changes as well as shifts in attitudes toward musical theater. Recent productions like Book of Mormon and Hamilton would have been inconceivable just a generation ago. Broadway musicals are unique in that they straddle the line between popular and high culture. They have popular culture appeal, packed within the fine art of theater. In some ways, musical theater is a popular culture version of the opera. Broadway theater has matured and expanded its repertoire considerably, moving from the relatively limited domain of Steven Sondheim and Andrew Lloyd eber productions towards a more diverse and creative one. As Lewis points out, "How sadly limiting that was; it surely took some kind of toll on alternative voices trying to break free of cliche expectations," (2). Broadway has broken free, finally,…...


Works Cited

Lewis, David H. Broadway Musicals. Mcfarland, 2002.

Perpetua, Matthew. "The Book of Mormon,' Triumphs at the Tony Awards." Rolling Stone. Retrieved online: 

Schutte, Harm K. and Donald G. Miller. "Belting and Pop, Nonclassical Approaches to the Female middle voice: Some preliminary considerations." Journal of Voice, Vol 7, No. 2, 1993, pp. 142-150.

Stone, Matt and Parker, Trey. Book of Mormon.

Parks Recreation and Tourism
Pages: 2 Words: 573

Parks Design
Roberts, R. (2010). DESIGN FOR THE Bottom Line. Parks & Recreation, 45(3), 48.

The author of this report has been asked to find a recent parks design article from an approved list of scholarly publications. This report will start with a summary of the article found and reviewed for this assignment. The second section will answer a series of brief questions that pertain to the article including who the article was designed for and how well the article is structured.

The main point of the article reviewed was that parks should be designed and constructed with the bottom line in mind. The article speaks of an example where a park was planned a year and a half in advanced which included tours of pre-existing facilities around the state. The economy started to go south when the final approvals were finally logged and this led to a huge drawback in what was…...


Just as an example, the article talks about how buying "green" materials such as energy-efficient products (e.g. light bulbs, etc.) can pay for themselves in fairly short order. Some may think the costs would never be recoverable but this article argues to the contrary in a clear-cut fashion without getting preachy or blowing smoke. It is a very effective article in this regard (Roberts, 2010).


The article reviewed in this paper is related to the planning process of designing, budgeting and planning park construction projects. Again, it did not get too technical but still would be useful to anyone and everyone that wants a good high-level overview of how to start the process correctly. It serves as a starting point to nail down before getting into the minutia of a project (Roberts, 2010).

Thorpe Park the Author Will
Pages: 11 Words: 3218 2012). These issues can negatively affect the economic impact of the parks operations.
- Visitor Experience and Quality

As noted above, variability can have a huge impact on economics. However, the intangibles of visitor experience and quality have been affected as well. Visitor perceptions have a lot of relationship to the visitor experience and its quality. This is what the attractions sell and it is much more abstract and harder to qualify which is why this critical feature of management is often ignored (Week 8: Visitor Experience 2012). The performance of the attraction itself will have a direct impact upon user experience and satisfaction (ibid). Swarbroke notes "Visitor attractions are at the heart of the tourism industry, they are motivators that make people want to take a trip in the first place (Swarbroke, 2002)."

This author visited the park on March 21th, 2012 and had a chance to play the Swarm, which…...


References (2012). Thorpe Park Rollercoaster Swarm Stops, Leaving People Stuck. Available:   Last accessed 1 April 2012. .

Barkham, P. (2012). M25 is UK's newest tourist attraction. Available:   Last accessed 2 April 2012. .

Belohlavek, P. (2008). Unicist Marketing Mix . New York: Unicist Research Institute. p. 13.

Bose. (2012). The Tussauds Group - Success Story. Available: Last accessed 1 April 2012.

State-Led Economic Policies in South
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Oicials in the newly ormed Ministry o Finance drew rom a talented pool o
economists rom the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Privileged positions
were illed rom within the bureaucracy and were obtained through
exceptional perormance instead o cronyism or nepotism. O great
importance to their autonomy, oicials were able to disconnect themselves
rom total reliance on local unding thanks to inancial assistance rom
the international community and reparations rom Germany. Two igureheads
within the government guaranteed a decisive and coherent economic policy:
Levi Eshkol o the Ministry o Finance, and Pinhas Sapir o the Ministry o
Commerce and Industry. They worked hand-in-hand to ormulate a uniying
agenda that bureaucrats rom both departments could pursue towards a single
common goal.
The end-product o this labor in both nations was a inancial
structure in which banks, and by extension the government at large,
controlled the low o capital. On one hand, banks in Israel were
autonomous only to the extent that the central bank's severe regulations
and restrictions…...


formulated and guided a successful investment endeavor was in the case of

textiles. Israeli officials, in particular MOCI chief Pinhas Sapir,

envisioned in the Textile Industry Development Plan that by 1966, twelve

major textile manufacturing plants would be operational and ultimately

produce 26% of Israel's

Gordon Parks American Gothic 1942
Pages: 3 Words: 869

Accordingly, a retelling of their interaction by Brookman (2004) is eye-opening. Here, Brookman remarks that in their first meeting, atson essentially told Parks her life story. Brookman reports that "in August 1942 Parks listened as atson told her story. 'She had struggled alone after her mother had died and her father had been killed by a lynch mob,' he recalls. 'She had gone through high school, married and become pregnant. Her husband was accidentally shot to death two days before the daughter was born. By the time the daughter was eighteen she had given birth to two illegitimate children, dying two weeks after the second child's birth. hat's more, the first child had been stricken with paralysis a year before its mother died. Now this woman was bringing up these grandchildren on a salary hardly suitable for one person.' (p. 1)
As Parks listened to her tell this story, he…...


Works Cited:

Broookman, P. (2004). Unlocked Doors: Gordon Parks at the Crossroads. Masters of Photography.

Violence at Schools in South
Pages: 15 Words: 4378

..This perspective is from the U.S.A.; in Europe, violence in school and the concern about violence may not be at similar levels, but it is undoubtedly a topic of major concern (Smith, 2003, p. 1).
This article also makes the important point that school is intended as a developmental and educational environment and that violence in its various forms negatively effects and detracts from the goals of education.

Another general work that adds to the underlying body of knowledge on this topic is Stealing the Show? Crime and Its Impact in Post-Apartheid South Africa by Mark Shaw and Peter Gastrow (2001). Among others, this study makes a cogent assessment of the way that crime and violence is measured and reported in South Africa.

Most researchers assume that official crime statistics -- that is, those collected and released by the South African Police Service -- provide a poor indication of levels of crime in…...



Abbink, J. & Kessel, I.V. (Eds.). (2005). Vanguard or Vandals: Youth, Politics, and Conflict in Africa. Boston: Brill. Retrieved January 3, 2009, from Questia database: 

Bility K.M. (1999) School Violence and Adolescent Mental Health in South Africa: Implications for School Health Programs. "http: Sociological Practice, Vol. 01, No, 4, pp. 285-303

Carton, B. (2003). The Forgotten Compass of Death: Apocalypse Then and Now in the Social History of South Africa. Journal of Social History, 37(1), 199+. Retrieved January 3, 2009, from Questia database: 

Center for Justice and Crime Prevention. Retrieved January 2, 2009, at

Gangs in South Florida
Pages: 14 Words: 4060

Hybrid Gangs in South Florida
On Public Policy towards Volatile Movements

South Florida has an increasing prevalence of criminal gangs in their communities and it is posing a growing threat to their security and safety. It is clear that in that region criminal hybrid gangs are spreading violence and fear in their neighborhoods making places like their parks unusable, and even bringing corrupt behavior passages to work and school, stopping legitimate businesses consisting of tourism, and bringing down property values. Right now, there are more hybrid gangs in Florida than ever before, with approximately 400 in South Florida alone, as stated by the latest state study. Hybrid gangs are not a new threat, nevertheless the most recent state study displays the problem is getting worse especially in South Florida. In 1991, there were 160 gangs in the south Florida region, but by 2007 the number jumped to beyond 1,500 with more than…...


The community fails to acknowledge the fact that a hybrid gang is an organized group with a recognized leader whose activities are either criminal or, at the very least, threatening to the community in South Florida. They are not being educated enough to understand. Communities lack acknowledgment of understanding the characteristics of hybrid gangs. They do not understand that Hybrid gang show their uniqueness and unity in obvious ways for instance jewelry, colored clothing, jargon, and signals (Crews, 2014). The lack of acknowledging the problem in South Florida, has caused people to not realize that their key source of income for most hybrid gangs is narcotics which fuels a lot of the violence.

Communities fail to acknowledge Hybrid gang members of all ages and that they are used by the gang in the unlawful sale of narcotics and other illegal actions. It is a wrong belief that hybrid gang only function in less wealthy districts. Hybrid gang exist in virtually every community in South Florida and the communities want to ignore the elephant in the room. South Florida does not acknowledge that the gangs belong to one of two alliances, either "People" or "Folks." They do not even realize that both associations are alive and well on South Florida's streets, and in most circumstances are unpleasant rivals. The "Individuals" hybrid gang all wear their identifiers to the left side, while the "Folks" hybrid gangs wear their identifiers on the right (Roles, 2013). Not knowing these characteristics have caused the community to be in ignorance.

They also do not acknowledge that firearms and gang violence go hand in hand. In one study based on responses from 835 male inmates in 6 juvenile correctional facilities in 4 States, researchers found that movement from nongame membership to gang membership brought increases in most forms of gun-involved conduct. Forty-five percent described gun theft as a regular

Korean Economy When Park Chung
Pages: 3 Words: 889

Korea had gone from 22% literacy in 1945 to almost 90% by the end of the 1970s. Thus the Korean workers' knowledge level picked up the slack - Koreans were working smarter rather than simply harder.
One of the reasons productivity decline in the 1970s was increased political instability. A wealth gap had emerged in Korean society, evidenced by a reduction in the Gini coefficient. Park was assassinated, resulting in increased instability. After the economic boom was established, further changes were made in economic policy at the political level. Deregulation was imposed in order to rectify some of the social sacrifices that had occurred as a result of the nation's push to prosperity. The Park government had been roughly modeled on a colonial system and reforms were required. Inflation was high and the country was developing strong class divisions that threatened the social order.

These reforms brought South Korea its final…...


Works Cited

Gregg, Donald. (1999). Park Chung Hee. Time Magazine. Retrieved December 10, 2008 at 

Menarguez, Francisco Garcia-Blanch. (2002). Economic Growth in South Korea, 1961-2000. Universidad Complutense Madrid. Retrieved December 10, 2008 at 

No author. (no date) the Economy Country Studies - U.S. Library of Congress. Retrieved December 10, 2008 at 

Myung Soo Cha. (No date). The Economic History of Korea. EH.Net. Retrieved December 10, 2008 at http:/ /

The Complexity of Central Park
Pages: 10 Words: 3771

telling the story of what has come to be known as Central Park in New York City. Indeed, very few parks in the world are as iconic and story-filled as that park. The words in this report will not just be a recitation of the history of the park. There will also be stories told about the people that planned, envisioned and constructed the site. There will also be some focus on those that have used the park for whatever notable purpose. This report will very much be an encapsulation of the people that brought Central Park to life and have kept it at the glorious standards that it still meets today. The author of this report will make use of historical and scholarly sources to make the important points to be made. While there are certainly architectural and landscaping marvels, both in the United States and around the…...



Brown, Jeff L. 2013. "The Bridges of Central Park." Civil Engineering (08857024) 83, no. 2: 38-

41. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed November 4, 2015).

Brown, Jeff L. 2013. "The Making of Central Park." Civil Engineering (08857024) 83, no. 1: 40-

43. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed November 4, 2015).

New York's Central Park and
Pages: 6 Words: 2233

New York Mayor Michael Bloomburg said of the project, "The Gates' will transform Central Park and challenge viewers to revisit their preconceptions of public art and urban parks" (Bloomberg). Many New Yorkers did not share in his enthusiasm. eporter Webb continues, "Nearly everyone was initially aghast at the prospect of so intrusive a work in their piece of paradise, but the artists overcame all objections, promising to respect every twig and patch of turf by designing self-supporting structures that would leave no mark" (Webb). This is essentially how they finally managed to gain approval for their project.
Their artwork did create a new meaning for the park, because it showed the myriad uses for this incredible outdoor space. The park was created as an artistic endeavor, and Christo's work showed it can be a spectacular backdrop to equally spectacular artistic endeavors. Using bold colors and the bleak landscape (in winter)…...



Bernstein, Joshua. "The Park and the People." Gotham Gazette. 2004. 20 Feb. 2008. 

Bloomberg, Michael. "Letter from Michael R. Bloomberg." 2005. 20 Feb. 2008.

Editors. "150+ Years of Central Park History." 2008. 20 Feb. 2008. 

Kowsky, Francis R. Country, Park & City: The Architecture and Life of Calvert Vaux. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

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