Space Travel Essays (Examples)

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Humans have always been adventurous and pioneering species. At very high risks, humans have climbed difficult mountain terrains and gone into adventures to explore never before seen hostile locations while not having any real idea on what they might find. These risk-taking adventurous spirits, even though at times costly, have ultimately helped the human civilization to progress, evolve and thrive. Since the early 20th century, space and air have been two of man's biggest frontiers. Only in the last few years has there been another spark of innovations in space flights, since the space aeronautics industry captured the interest of interest to private sector firms, that too, at the behest of encouragement from the government. Commercialization and privatization of space flights has brought in the much needed energy in the space industry. In fact, privatization alone has brought about new possibilities and concepts in the few years it has been….

Introduction Most application of economic policy is done on either the national, supranational or subnational scales. Seldom is economic policy enacted on the non-national scale. Yet, there is the question of whether there is benefit to applying economic doctrine to space exploration. There is a corollary, in Antarctica, where various nations have signed a treaty committing to scientific activity only on that continent, and not economic activity. Yet, realistically, with space the horse is well out of the barn. Nations all over the world have launched satellites, thus far, and the more powerful nations have engaged in a broader scope of scientific exploration. Yet, the question still exists, as to whether any economic system should be applied to space, space exploration and the terrorities that exist in space. And if so, what should that economic system look like? This paper will start to explore this concept in more detail, from an….

NASA was operating as an authoritarian and hierarchical organization.
Owen Garriot was an exception to the rule of regimentation in the sense that he brought a lighthearted attitude to the workplace environment. Garriot's "excitement," "enthusiasm" and "zealousness" made him a sort of unintentional leader for the Skylab 3 crew (p. 6). Thus, the astronauts were only able to create a circle network because of their extreme isolation -- from planet earth.

Unlike the second Skylab, the third was comprised of a team of rookies. Moreover, "none of the third crew shared any close personal connections with the first two crews," (p. 7). The problems in communication and lack of teamwork led the third crew to "play down the adverse effects of space travel to protect NASA's funding for future space programs," (p. 7). A lack of camaraderie solidified the wheel-chain combination strategy that NASA had come to rely upon as a….

Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism
Developing Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism

Today, certain individuals in the developing countries could be viewing "space tourism" as vocabulary. Nonetheless, in the developed countries, this term is turning to be more familiar and gradually becoming a holiday experience for world Forbes. This is an expensive venture that is exciting, stunning, adventurous, and relatively remains the least exploited phenomena in the world history. Since the first "space tour" in 2001, the rich stamps their foot on a fact that wherever they can go, the poor cannot manage to go, and what the poor can do, they can do best. Over the past few decades, the general perception about space tourism has been changing yearly. History reveals that this perception considered space tourism as a "science fiction." However, this term currently gains recognition and is becoming the most important grand target for the growing space industry.….

Unmanned spacecrafts have long been a dream of human civilization. The allure of the unknown combined with mans quest for knowledge has created rapid innovations within the unamend spacecraft field. Its history has spanned many decades, with large leaps in innovation, safety, and efficiency. Even today, both manned and unmanned space crafts are now launching into space routinely. What once was a very esoteric and fearful proposition has now become much more routine. It is through these innovations that man hopes to pioneer space travel and better understanding of the cosmos.To begin the history of unmanned spacecraft has its roots in mans fascination with space. For centuries, man has postulate about space, its origins, and mans place within the cosmos. The bible in many respects was mans first attempt to not only make sense of the world but also of space. These theories, quickly morphed overtime with many thoughtful notions….

it's a combination of efforts from NASA and Disney Imagineering that make it so popular for kids and adults (Houston Space Center).
With the behind-the-scenes journey through NASA's Johnson Space Center, you may visit the Historic Mission Control Center, the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility, Training Facilities, or the current Mission Control Center. You may even get to see astronauts training for upcoming missions.

The Level Nine Tour, for die-hard space fans, takes you behind the scenes to see the real world of NASA up close and personal. On this four-hour tour you will see things that only the astronauts see. You even get to eat what and where they do (Greene).


Greene, Nick. "Space Center Houston - Visiting Johnson Space Center." n.d. 3 Apr 2009 .

"Houston Space Center." 2008. Destination 360. 3 Apr 2009 .

Thackston, David. "The history of the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas ." n.d. Helium. 3 Apr….

Travels it Stays Stuck in

Mohammad said that the true wealth of the person is measured not only in dreams but action, which I supported publishing an environmental column in the newspaper El Vocero. The column dealt with the importance of coral preservation and education, an issue critical to the survival of a tropical island, and something I knew I could share not only through words but also through image.
My dreams get bigger by the day, as does my determination to see them through. I have come to understand, even in my early years, the important balance that exists between man and earth; if one understands the need for environmental protection, it is a matter of responsibility to share that knowledge. While I set in motion the banner I know I must carry for the preservation of the environment, I also spur others on to hold and remember the causes close to their heart,….

Travelling and Tourism contributes to U.S. Economy
How travelling and tourism contribute to U.S. economy



United States Department of Commerce

Commerce Department Data Show U.S. Travel and Tourism Exports Contributed $87.1 Billion to U.S. Economy in First Six Months of 2013

The official website of the U.S. Department of Commerce takes keen interest in finding who enters the country for the purpose of traveling and tourism and what is the impact of traveling on the economy of the country. The department oversees International Trade Administration. It is found that the international investors contribute multibillions to the economy of country every year. During the month of June this year, the international investors contribute about $14.6 billion. The contribution is increasing every year and from June 2012 to June 2013, the investment increased about 5%. The role of international travelers and tourists is positive on the economy of USA. Only in the first half of the….

New York City

Use of Temporary Space

(NYC Department of Parks & ecreation)

Images & Charts

Illy Push Button House

Store Front Library

Brooklyn Bridge Park


Images & Charts

According to the NYC Department of Parks & ecreation, Dutch traders established farming communities and villages east of Manhattan around 1652. One such village, Vlackebos, literally translated into the "wooded plain." This wooded plane area at the time consisted of virgin thick forests coupled with flat terrain so it eventually was called Flatbush. The area stayed in this overgrown natural state for nearly three centuries. "But, in the 1920s, the new Interborough apid Transit linked Flatbush to the rest of the city, sparking new developments that began welcoming successive generations of immigrants. As with the Dutch traders, these newcomers built homes and roads, only more quickly and densely. iding through East Flatbush today, there are still trees that line its quiet residential sidewalks. But the area's open space is….

Space Vehicles
Throughout the course of human history, the idea of traveling into space has been something that has captured the imagination. This is because it is offering everyone with an avenue for seeing new worlds and learning about the universe. The result is that a number of missions are being planned for going back to the moon and eventually Mars.

To reach these objectives, a series of space vehicles are under development. This is to address the desire to explore the unknown and ensure that astronauts can return safely to Earth. At the same time, many craft are utilizing robotic technology. This improves the ability of scientists to understand what is happening and the impact it having on stakeholders.

In the case of space tourism, these changes will encourage more firms and governmental organizations to become involved. This is because the costs for conducting these missions can be reduced. Whereas different….

Science and Astronautics

Space Travel Proposal
Developing Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism.

The New Demand For Space Travel

The Rise of the Leisure Class

Conspicuous Consumption

A New Manifest Destiny

Available Technology

Existing Space Tourism Companies

Space X


Other rising companies

Space Elevators

Research and Development

The independent inventor's role

Nuclear technology.

Tesla technology.

Alien intervention and other sources of data

Leadership and Guidance.

Who will lead?

A case for government to lead.


International governmental cooperation.

Business Implications

Compounding effect.

Space manufacturing.

Better to build in space?

Better build on Earth and launch?




This essay will examine the idea of developing space vehicles for the new and demanding space travel and tourism industry. The purpose of the essay will be to highlight the key and important information regarding this topic and present the many differing options that this may be accomplished and ultimately achieved with purpose and impact.

The essay will first look at some of the contributing factors to this new demand for space travel. The idea that a new leisure class with extremes amount of expendable….

Teaching Space Science

teaching space science. There are various complexities that affect the way that astronomy is taught, not the least of which is the enormity of scale that space science involves.
One of the basic requirements for understanding astronomy is coming to terms with the vastness of the universe. For example, a basic unit of astronomical measurement is the light year. Merriam-ebster defines the light year as "a unit of length in astronomy equal to the distance that light travels in one year in a vacuum or about 5.88 trillion miles or 9.46 trillion kilometers" (2011). hile this definition conveys factual data, it does little to make the concept real, that is, accessible to the average student.

Moreover, trying to convey the reality of light traveling at the unimaginably fast speed of 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282 miles per second) is indeed mind-boggling. Even at such amazing speeds, light takes years to travel….

Direct Strategy Fun Games Travel, Inc.

Dear Mr. Jones,

There is a growing interest in Park City Lodge and all of the amazing opportunities and amenities that the facility has to offer for large size groups, such as our planned tours of forty members. This upcoming ski season is bound to be an exciting one, and I was hoping that Park City Lodge could serve as the possible location for our upcoming group travel packages.

Fun Games Travel, Inc. is an emerging travel agency that specializes in planning group trips with plenty of exciting activities along the way. Due to the growing demand for travel to the most pristine and engaging ski locations, Fun Games Travel is planning on setting up travel packages to Magic Mountain, one of the best ski grounds in the region. Due to the proximity to the mountain….

As it had been said earlier, people would rather take their own car or rent a car when going on a trip. In most cases, this leaves them with more money spent, and a greater risk of being part of an accident. In comparison, those that choose to travel by plane are much more relaxed and can enjoy being driven by a professional pilot that is experienced in avoiding dangerous situations. In contrast, almost anyone that has a driver's license can drive a car, regardless of their experience. From that, one can understand that it is much safer to be a plane passenger than it is to be a car passenger.

There are far more chances of a car crashing into another than there are of a plane crashing into another. hile the air traffic is constantly controlled by experts, the land traffic is rarely controlled by policemen.

hen planning to take….

Hangar Space - A Physical

egulations and requirements

The Federal Aviation Authority -- FAA passed the "Vision100 - Century of Aviation eauthorization Act," which among other regulations also allowed for the allocation of the AIP funds for the facilities like hangars and fuel farms. This is stated in the law that the secretary can pay the funds "apportioned to the airport sponsor under section 47114 (d) (3) (a) and if the Secretary determines that the sponsor has made adequate provision for financing airside needs of the airport." ("Airport Improvement Program," 2004) Therefore all planners and builders are required to submit a business plan. In the event where the promoter of the proposed airport is not requiring the genera fund, still considering these guidelines will help in determining the profitability and the types of facility and structures required. The foremost concern is to evaluate the need. The plan must show the demand envisaged for the facility. There….

Thesis Statement Brainstorming for Star Wars vs. Star Trek

1. Social and Philosophical Underpinnings

Star Wars: A Moralistic Saga of Good vs. Evil in a Feudal Galaxy vs. Star Trek: A Humanistic Exploration of Rationality and Idealism in a Socialist Utopia.

The Force in Star Wars as a Metaphor for Divine Intervention vs. Science and Technology in Star Trek as the Path to Progress and Enlightenment.

The Jedi Code of Harmony and Sacrifice vs. Starfleet's Prime Directive of Non-Interference and Exploration.

2. Technological Advancements and Galactic Politics

The Expansive and Diverse Galactic Empire in Star Wars: A Symbol of Autocracy and Imperial....

One groundbreaking technology that NASA is currently developing for future space exploration missions is the Orion spacecraft, which will be used for missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. The Orion spacecraft is designed to carry astronauts beyond low Earth orbit and is equipped with advanced systems that will enable long-duration missions in deep space.

Additionally, NASA is developing the Space Launch System (SLS), which will be the most powerful rocket ever built and will be used to launch the Orion spacecraft and other payloads into space. The SLS will enable NASA to send astronauts to explore deeper into space than....

NASA's Groundbreaking Technologies for Future Space Exploration

NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is continuously pushing the boundaries of space exploration with the development of groundbreaking technologies that enable humans to venture further and deeper into the cosmos. Here are some of the most notable technologies currently being developed by NASA:

1. Advanced Propulsion Systems:

Nuclear Thermal Rocket (NTR): An NTR uses a nuclear reactor to heat hydrogen propellant, generating significantly higher thrust than traditional chemical rockets. This technology would enable faster and more efficient travel to distant destinations like Mars.
Plasma Propulsion: Plasma propulsion systems use ionized gas (plasma) expelled....

Have Our Priorities Shifted Away from Ambitious Goals like Space Exploration?

In the wake of humanity's profound achievements in space exploration during the 20th century, an inquiry arises: have our priorities shifted away from these ambitious endeavors? While competing global challenges and evolving societal concerns may have tempered our aspirations for space travel, it is crucial to assess the present state of space exploration and consider its future trajectory.

The Zenith of Space Exploration

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a fierce rivalry that catalyzed unprecedented advancements in space technology. The launch of Sputnik 1 in....

14 Pages
Research Paper


General Public's View on Commercial Space Travel

Words: 4962
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Humans have always been adventurous and pioneering species. At very high risks, humans have climbed difficult mountain terrains and gone into adventures to explore never before seen hostile locations…

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4 Pages


privatization of'space travel

Words: 1319
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction Most application of economic policy is done on either the national, supranational or subnational scales. Seldom is economic policy enacted on the non-national scale. Yet, there is the question…

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2 Pages


Space Case Such an Interesting

Words: 673
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

NASA was operating as an authoritarian and hierarchical organization. Owen Garriot was an exception to the rule of regimentation in the sense that he brought a lighthearted attitude to…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Developing Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism

Words: 3364
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism Developing Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism Today, certain individuals in the developing countries could be viewing "space tourism" as vocabulary. Nonetheless, in the developed…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


How unmanned'space aircraft have changed overtime

Words: 1344
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Unmanned spacecrafts have long been a dream of human civilization. The allure of the unknown combined with mans quest for knowledge has created rapid innovations within the unamend spacecraft…

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1 Pages


Houston Space Center You Can

Words: 350
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

it's a combination of efforts from NASA and Disney Imagineering that make it so popular for kids and adults (Houston Space Center). With the behind-the-scenes journey through NASA's Johnson…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Travels it Stays Stuck in

Words: 1736
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Mohammad said that the true wealth of the person is measured not only in dreams but action, which I supported publishing an environmental column in the newspaper El…

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13 Pages
Research Paper


How Traveling and Tourism Contribute to U S Economy

Words: 4137
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Travelling and Tourism contributes to U.S. Economy How travelling and tourism contribute to U.S. economy Annotation Websites United States Department of Commerce Commerce Department Data Show U.S. Travel and Tourism Exports Contributed $87.1 Billion…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Temporarily Use of Empty Spaces in NYC

Words: 4440
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Space New York City Use of Temporary Space (NYC Department of Parks & ecreation) Images & Charts Illy Push Button House Store Front Library Brooklyn Bridge Park Chashama Images & Charts According to the NYC Department of Parks &…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Developing Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Space Vehicles Throughout the course of human history, the idea of traveling into space has been something that has captured the imagination. This is because it is offering everyone…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Science and Astronautics

Words: 490
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Space Travel Proposal Developing Space Vehicles for Future Space Tourism. The New Demand For Space Travel The Rise of the Leisure Class Conspicuous Consumption A New Manifest Destiny Available Technology Existing Space Tourism Companies Space X Virgin Other rising…

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3 Pages


Teaching Space Science

Words: 1107
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

teaching space science. There are various complexities that affect the way that astronomy is taught, not the least of which is the enormity of scale that space science…

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2 Pages


Direct Strategy Fun Games Travel Inc Regarding

Words: 716
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Direct Strategy Fun Games Travel, Inc. REGARDING INFORMATION ABOUT THREE GROUPS OF FORTY TO PARK CITY LODGE Dear Mr. Jones, There is a growing interest in Park City Lodge and all…

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6 Pages


Auto Traveling Hazards Money Time

Words: 2006
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

As it had been said earlier, people would rather take their own car or rent a car when going on a trip. In most cases, this leaves them with…

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25 Pages
Term Paper


Hangar Space - A Physical

Words: 9159
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

egulations and requirements The Federal Aviation Authority -- FAA passed the "Vision100 - Century of Aviation eauthorization Act," which among other regulations also allowed for the allocation of the AIP…

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