Spread Of Islam Essays (Examples)

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Spread of Islam in Africa
Pages: 2 Words: 630

aided the spread of Islam in Africa
Islam, like all other religions was not native to the African continent and was introduced by settlers and the spread aided by various historical events that have been recorded to have taken place within the continent, ending up in the cu current popularity of Islam religion within Africa. It is indicated that Islam is currently the largest religion being practiced in Africa. There are varied approaches to the spread of the religion with different historical scholars having slightly varying perspectives on the spread of Islam in Africa.

According to Loimeier ., (n.d: Pp11-13), Egypt (Misr) is widely viewed as the cradle of Islam as a religion and as early as 988 there was already a university established in Cairo. This attracted many students from the Sub-Saharan Africa who went to Egypt and lived there in pursuit of education. They picked the Islamic ways and…...



Robinson D. (2004). Muslim Societies in African History. West Nyack, NYC: USA. Cambridge University Press.

Loimeier (n.d). Muslim Societies in African History.

Islam and Christianity Have a Lot of
Pages: 3 Words: 1030

Islam and Christianity have a lot of history to share dating back to some years before the birth of Jesus. Although the members did not interact freely, the current 'animosity' characterizing the two religions was unheard of. In fact, they appeared to be focused much in solving their individual problems which unique but almost similar. This study shows that the two religions were affected by problems related to political succession leading to the cooperation instead of conflict.
How did the problem of political succession affect Islamic and Christian societies in the Middle Ages?

The problems of political succession affected Islamic and Christian societies in a number of ways. First, political succession affected Islamic societies by causing an expansion of Islam from the Middle East in other parts of the world. In this regard, a series of events that took place in the Middle East affected the spread of Islam. This begins with…...

Islam Ibn Khaldun Conceptualized History in Terms
Pages: 5 Words: 1440

Ibn Khaldun conceptualized history in terms of transformations of social and political power, leading to cultural changes. This was especially true for the expanding Muslim world, of which Ibn Khaldun was a part. During the Middle Islamic periods, scholarship and learning became entrenched throughout the Muslim world and would have a tremendous impact on the evolution of human consciousness and society. Art, architecture, science, medicine, math, and engineering all flourished during the Middle Islamic period. Although these were the primary external features of the Middle Islamic period, also referred to as a golden age, there were underlying political, socio-religious, and economic developments that caused and characterized changes taking place throughout the Mamluk, Mongol, and Timurid periods.

Abbasid rule had a major impact on political, socio-religious, and economic developments. The Abbasid caliphates stressed schools of learning and formal modes of education that were rooted in Islam but which also transcended it by…...


Work Cited

Egger, V.O. (2007). A History of the Muslim World. Pearson.

Islam in Spain Islamic Spain
Pages: 8 Words: 2165

Prophet Mohammad understood the importance of implementing sharia and therefore as soon as any conquest was made, he and his companions would first focus on enforcing shariah. Shariah law was a way of uniting Muslims so they would all stand united under one system of law. There wouldn't be any difference in laws that existed in Iraq or in Spain.
Between about 800 and 900 the main trends of thought on legal matters hardened into schools or rather rites -- the latter word is preferable when referring to in practice rather than in theory. Some of these rites, such as the Zahirite which had a notable exponent in Spain, died out after a time. Among the Sunnites, or main body of Muslims, four rites came to be recognized as permissible variants -- the Hanafite, the Malikite, the Shafite and the Hanbalite. So far as al-Andalus is concerned the only one…...



W. Montgomery Watt, a History of Islamic Spain (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1965)

Charles Reginald Haines. Christianity and Islam in Spain (756-1031) LONDON


Watt p.1

Islam the Coming of Islam After the
Pages: 2 Words: 691

The coming of Islam

After the penetration of Islam, the sub-Saharan African culture was impressed by it. Islam linked the people of Africa to the Eurasian system of business and gave them some new concepts regarding commerce, political organization and religion.

Northern Africa, before the advent of Islam was based on the principles of Christianity. But, after the arrival of Islam in Northern Africa, a large part of the Berber population converted from Christianity to Islam and made Sijilimasa and Fez as their regional states. The Islamic principles of equality and brotherhood put all the Berbers, Arabs and Africans on equality (John P. McKay, Ebrey, Beck, & Crowston., 2009).

.After blending of Islam with the culture of Africa, many states of Africa was created in the grasslands south of the Sahara. The influence of Islam came in Africa through the Indian Ocean, the savanna and the Atlantic. Main African states were developed in…...



Insoll, T. (2003). The Archaeology of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Cambridge University Press.

John P. McKay, B.D., Ebrey, P.B., Beck, R.B., & Crowston., C.H. (2009). A History of World Societies, Volume A: From Antiquity to 1500, Volume 1. Boston, Mass.: [Basingstoke: Bedford; Palgrave Macmillan].

Islamic History in Russia and Central Asia
Pages: 5 Words: 1243

Islamic History In Russia and Central Asia
Approximately twenty million of the world's one billion Muslims live in Russia, even more in Eastern Europe. The media and academics alike are scurrying to react to this seemingly new wave of Islam in Russia, however attention is mainly focused on extremist activity. "Fundamentalism," "Wahhabism," "Islamism," and other such banner concepts are tainting our perception of Islam in Russia. The place of Islam in Russia is being assessed primarily as a factor of danger that threatens its national security and the interests of its citizens.

This current wave of Islamic activity in Eastern Europe is largely an extension of thousands of years of history. In Russia, Islam was the unfortunate foe of Communist politicians who challenged the very notion of religious freedom. Indeed, Islam has endured centuries of antagonistic regimes and related controversy. The following analysis will consider in what ways the demise of Communism…...

Islam in Africa Islamic Law
Pages: 6 Words: 1907

In fact there are signs of turmoil among religious as well as ethnic groups. An internal war between the Hausa and another tribe called the Yoruba resulted in 300 deaths. More recently tribes called the Tiv and the Jukun have executed tribal raids. In fact, between the successful election of a civilian President in May of 1999 and the end of 2001, over 10,000 Nigerians died in regional conflicts based on religious/and/or tribal differences. The Islamic belief in Shari'a, including the idea that religion and state government should be one, contributes to these problems.
In fact the animosity between Christians and Muslims is quite strong in Nigeria. The province adopting Shari'a, Zamfara, uses Islamic courts to try criminals. The Christians who live in the south do not agree that Zamfara should use a religiously-based legal system. This disagreement demonstrates that the country is divided on multiple levels. It is the…...



Clark, Andrew F. "Imperialism, Independence, and Islam in Senegal and Mali." Africa Today, June 1999.

Gausset, Quentin. " Islam or Christianity? The Choices of the Wawa and the Kwanja of Cameroon." Africa, Vol. 69, 1999.

Miles, William F.S. "Shari'a as de-Africanization: evidence from Hausaland." Africa Today, March 2003.

Roach, Ronald. "Translating the African past: the Islamic heritage of sub-Saharan Africa - Special report: international education." Black Issues in Higher Education. May 9, 2002.

Islam developing trade routes in Africa and Asia
Pages: 5 Words: 1736

Spread of Islam in Africa and Asia Along Trade Routes
The Islam religion spread in Asia and Africa mainly due to trade of such goods as spices, gold, as also due to slaves. The advantages of proximity with the greatly profitable and powerful traders of the Islam religion triggered the conversions of merchants and rulers' into Muslims. Islam spread slowly; it took centuries, but in most places where the conversion took place, people still hold on to the religion (Debrouse). This paper explores the reasons of spread of Islam religion along Asian and African trade routes, particularly centering on the success of Islam in Middle Asia.
Early Trade Connections

Since the era of Muhammad, it has been believed that trade is closely related to the religion as well as its development. Inmecca, the people of the Qurayshtribe were leaders in business. They extended their connections and influence to Syria and Abyssania (Cook 271-273).…...

Spread of Religion in Africa Christianity and Islam
Pages: 4 Words: 1275

Christianity and Islam both facilitated the growth of sub-Saharan African kingdoms, both in the East and West. In Aksum, trade was "essential" to the kingdom's development in northwestern Ethiopia, as it was strategically located geographically on a major trade route linking India with the rest of Africa, the Mediterranean, and Arabia (p. 205). Unlike many other kingdoms in Africa, the Aksum fully embraced Christianity within the first few centuries of the religion's dissemination. Aksum was in fact one of the earliest Christian empires, operating fully independently from ome, where Christianity would take root and become the hub of European cultural, economic, and political life. In its heyday, the kingdom of Aksum depended on the Christian mythos and ethos to sustain its centralized power under King Ezana, who declares his power to be God-given in his stele: "he has given me strength and power and favoured me with a great name…...



Sources of World Societies. Second Edition. Bedford/St. Martin's.

Islam Prophet
Pages: 9 Words: 2512

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Humanity of rophet Muhammad: An Exemplar for the Ages:
    This essay would delve into the human aspects of the rophet Muhammad, exploring how his character traits, such as compassion, forgiveness, and humility, have inspired generations of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It would draw from historical accounts and Hadith to analyze his conduct in various facets of life, from family relationships to leading an emerging community.

2. The Migration to Medina: Turning oint in Islamic History:
    Focusing on the significance of the Hijra, or migration, from Mecca to Medina, this essay would examine the event's pivotal role in the establishment of the first Muslim community, the challenges faced by the rophet and his followers, and the long-term implications for the spread of Islam.

3. The Role of rophets in Islam: rophethood of Muhammad Compared with Other rophets:
    This topic would provide a comparative study of the Islamic concept of…...


Primary Sources

The Qur\'an

\"Qur\'an.\" Translated by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, Oxford UP, 2004.

Hadith collections of Sahih al-Bukhari

al-Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Ismail. \"Sahih al-Bukhari.\" Translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Darussalam, 1997.

Hadith collections of Sahih Muslim

Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj. \"Sahih Muslim.\" Translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui, Kitab Bhavan, 2000.

Ibn Ishaq\'s Sirat Rasul Allah (The Biography of the Prophet)

Islam Prophet
Pages: 6 Words: 1724

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Life and Legacy of rophet Muhammad:
Explore the biography of rophet Muhammad, focusing on his early life, his role as a prophet, and how his teachings have shaped Islamic civilization.
2. The rophethood in Islam:
Discuss the concept of prophethood in Islam, including the criteria for prophethood, the role of prophets, and how they are viewed in Islamic theology.
3. The Miracles of rophet Muhammad:
Examine the miracles attributed to rophet Muhammad, their significance in Islamic faith, and how they are interpreted by scholars and believers.
4. rophet Muhammad\'s Influence on Modern Society:
Analyze how the teachings and life of rophet Muhammad continue to influence contemporary Muslim societies, politics, and ethics.
5. Comparative Study of rophets in Abrahamic Religions:
Compare the portrayal and role of prophets in Islam with those in Judaism and Christianity, focusing…...


Primary Sources

Primary Sources

The Qur\'an

Hadith Collections

Seerah of Ibn Ishaq

Al-Tabari\'s History

Al-Bukhari\'s Sahih

Islam Teaches That Faith Must
Pages: 3 Words: 985

There are many examples of God's love, but much violence as well. The Bible is full of stories of warring peoples, fighting to the death for their beliefs. Persecution of the Jews, seen on a massive scale as late as the 20th century's Holocaust, was fueled by the New Testament, as Jews were blamed for the crucifixion death of Jesus Christ. Even after World War II, Jews in the U.S. faced persecution through restricted access to certain colleges, clubs and organizations. The Ku Klux Klan, known for targeting African-Americans, has also targeted Jews.
The 20th century saw considerable violence in Northern Ireland, as Protestants and Catholics murdered each other in the name of their respective branches of Christianity. Like radical Muslims, a relatively small number of people believed that violence was the answer, and the only way to demonstrate their commitment to their God.

The Westboro Baptist Church has garnered considerable…...



Jonsson, P. (2010). Why is the Westboro Baptist Church picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral?

Christian Science Monitor 12/11/10.

Khan, D. (2008). The five pillars of Islam. Faces 24(6), pp. 12-13.

Rid, T. (2010). Cracks in the Jihad. Wilson Quarterly 34(1).

Islam Arabs Successful Spreading Throughout the Greater Middle East Gulf
Pages: 2 Words: 645

Islam / Arab Success
hy did Islam and the Arabs succeed in spreading throughout the Greater Middle-East / Gulf against the Byzantines and Persians?

Religion has been a major influence on the course of human history. In the Middle East, religion has been the impetus for discord since before recorded times. This area of the world has had central religious attention because of the location of the Holy Land in both Jewish and Christian theologies. At one point, the Byzantines and Persians controlled the landscape of this part of the world, but lost leadership in the face of Islam and Arab cultures. In the present moment, one of the primary religions in the Middle-East and Gulf regions is Islam. People who are a part of the Islam religion or people who are Arab have been able to spread their culture throughout the area until this has become the majority way of life.



Works Cited:

Carson, Keith (2003). "Islamic History and Literature." Heritage of the Western World. Atlantic Goldschmidt, Arthur and Lawrence Davidson (2006). A Concise History of the Middle East.

Cambridge, MA: Westview Press.

Marin-Guzman, Roberto (2010). "Arab Tribes, the Umayyad Dynasty, and the Abbasid

Revolution." The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences. 21:4.

Islam and Politics the Islamic
Pages: 6 Words: 2281

There is an obvious contradiction between what we think of Muslim women and their actual life. In order to better understand them and their social and civil life, we need to understand their religion and the way of thinking for both men and women.


In the introductory chapter of the book "The war of Muslim Minds, Islam and the West," Gilles Kepel talks about the online article "Knights under the Prophet's anner," published on the Internet in December 2001 by Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's most valued ideologue and Osama bin Laden's mentor.

According to his statements, the explanation for the attack of September 11 on the World Trade Centre is a simple and rather nationalistic one. Jihad activists came to face the disappointing conclusion that wherever they would go, Afghanistan, osnia or Saudi Arabia, jihad activist were unable to motivate and gather up the masses in order to fight and eliminate the…...



Gilles Kepel, "The War of Muslim Minds, Islam and the West," The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 2004

Bernard Lewis and Robin Wright, Laith Kubba, "Islam and Liberal Democracy: Recognizing Pluralism," Journal of Democracy 7.2 (1996) 86-89

Meria, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Journal, Volume 3, Number 1, March 1999, Article "Islam, Islamists and democracy," by Ali R. Abootalebi

Zuleyha Keskin, "Status of Women in Islam," 2005

Islamic Faith Religion Is a
Pages: 5 Words: 1301

In the city of Medina, Muhammad united the warring tribes. Following eight years of fighting Mecca tribes the Muslims conquered Mecca. In the year 632, after returning to Medina from a farewell pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad became ill and died. At the time of his death, almost all of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to the Islamic faith. He had united the Arabian tribes into a single Muslim religious polity hegemon (ibid, 34-40).
The revelations Muhammad reported receiving until his death in 632 form the body of the Qur'an, regarded by Muslims as the "ord of God" and around which the Muslim religion is built upon. In addition to the Qur'an, Muhammad's life and traditions are observed by Muslims. These stories discuss Muhammad and the other prophets with reverence, adding the phrase peace be upon him whenever his name is mentioned. His life and deeds have been debated and criticized…...


Works Cited

Braswell, G. (2000). What you need to know about islam and muslims. New York, NY: B&H Book.

Goldschmidt, A., & Davidson, L. (2005). A concise history of the middle east. (9th

ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

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