Stereotype Essays (Examples)

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Stereotypes have existed since time immemorial. They are as old as human culture itself and are beliefs and ideas that a certain group of people hold for those who differ from themselves. A stereotype can exist in a simple word for example "nerd" or in a collection of words and images which are evoked when others hold similar opinions. Stereotypes can be positive, however, most of the times they are associated with negative connotations and make one group of person feel superior and above another group. Stereotypes are oversimplifications and are usually based on behavioural aspects or on the way people physically appear. (Stangor, 2000)
In today's society it is almost impossible to escape stereotypes. The media, entertainment, sports and politics all bring to light stereotypes and because of this the lives of many are affected. According to several studies people who feel they are being stereotyped tend to perform poorly….

Practitioners of certain religions have faced prejudiced and stereotyped ideas about the personages because of the negative affiliations of their religion. Perhaps no religion is as stereotyped as the religion called Islam. Islam, antithetically to what the majority of ignorant people believe, is "a religion of ethics, obedience, harmony, and is based on a faithful belief system" (Hossain). It is a religion that promotes peace and the toleration of others. Due to the unfortunate actions of a handful of terrorist extremists, many people mistakenly associate the religion with terrorism. There are violent people in all walks of life and from every religion, but ignorance does not allow people to see that the vast majority of Islamic believers are not terrorists. Those who practice Islam, Muslims, are not violent people. The stereotype of Muslims is that they are violent extremists bent on destruction and death. This is absolutely not the case….

We are all guilty of judging others based on a wide range of traits we perceive in them. In so doing, we end up attaching (wrongly) certain traits to such individuals. In this text, I concern myself with stereotyping, its meaning, and the effects it has on those who experience it.

Common Stereotypes

According to Schneider (2005), "stereotypes are qualities perceived to be associated with particular groups or categories of people." In that regard, stereotypes include all those assumptions as well as generalizations we make about all members of certain groups based on our perceived characteristics of the group under consideration. Personally, I have in the past encountered a variety of stereotypes. The most common of these include stereotypes on gangs and abortions. The other rather outrageous, yet common stereotype I do encounter is that all tell men play basketball.

When it comes to gangs, one commonly held stereotype is that all gang….

The Sopade (underground messages to the Social Democratic Party's headquarters in exile) confirmed that a plurality of attitudes towards Jews -- ranging from virulent hatred to apathy and indifference -- continued to exist during the Third Reich and that these attitudes were shaped as much by geographical, class, and religious affiliations as by propaganda (Brown, 2002)."
An example of Christian in 2004, Director Mel Gibson became embroiled in controversy for producing what may likely be considered the most direct and explicit work of anti-Semitism created for mainstream consumption since II. In the Passion of the Christ, which would ultimately gross more than $370 million at the box office, Gibson would retell the story of Jesus with a focus on the myth of the Jew as a weak, effeminate figure whose treachery caused the death of the Messiah. (BOM, 1) the recall of an otherwise fading perspective on the Jews returned….

The current study investigates two questions: a) do positive self-affirmations influence the likelihood of individuals holding prejudicial and stereotypical beliefs? And b) are suggested self-concepts projected onto others who are often stereotyped? It is hypothesized that positive self-affirmations will result in reduced stereotypical and prejudice beliefs. It is also hypothesized that positive self-concepts (high intelligence) through suggestion will result in the projection of these concepts onto others that are often stereotyped, resulting in the belief that others are intelligent as well.



200 undergraduate university students participated in this study in order to fulfill course credit for an introductory psychology course.


Half of the participants received a bogus spatial orientation exercise to complete and were told that it was a test of intelligence. Upon completion of the task, they were all told that their score indicated that they were of very high intelligence. The remaining participants completed the same exercise, but were not….

In my daily encounters I normally encounter gendered assumptions that are prejudicial to both male and female gender. In these encounters, gender role stereotypes are manifested. The human race behaves in gender stereotypical ways without taking their time to reflect on such behaviors (University of Toronto, 2010). Our society is programmed in such a way that when a person strays from gendered expectations; s/he has to face the consequences (Kemeck, 2012). People would be very quick to correct or behave in a way that makes it obvious to somebody that he has strayed from what is considered feminine or masculine. Straying is at times met with violence or harassment.

One fine morning when my sister was mowing the front lawn, quite a number of the male gender who lived next to our home stopped to give her some advice on how to properly mow a lawn. In fact I heard one….

The counselor makes clear several guidelines that guide behavior in boys' activities. For instance, first of all, the counselor should state that each member is equal, no matter of gang affiliation or other criteria. Therefore, each member is due to respect the other and is not allowed to call names or manifest other forms of bullying behavior. The tasks are accomplished by members regardless their gang affiliation. The boys should be taught that cooperation is a better way to interact during task accomplishment that competition. These rules may be written and placed in the classroom, in the recreation room. ewards are established for those who respect at least one of the rules established by the counselor; for instance they are allowed to watch TV or do their favorite activity for an extra-time.
Ensure that different groups interact as equals. This is related to stereotyping reducing and cooperation in diverse groups.….

The human mind has been blessed with the gift of empathy and, when used properly, can be used to great benefit if not for great learning. The purpose of this essay is to describe the exploration into the perceived experience of another group or minority. This writing will focus from the perspective of the Native American Indian as it relates to professional and collegiate sports adoption of their likeliness for mascots and team representation.

This issue has been discussed in recent times and has become a hot button issue in many regions where Native American Indians are represented has a team mascot. Some examples of this are edskins, Indians, Chiefs and Seminole. These mascots have been associated with their school or city for many generations and whiling offer a sense of pride and a centerpiece to culturally revolve around; many find this practice outdated and bigoted.

Taking the perspective of the Native….

Men, on the other hand, are more likely to be old, job holders, out of the home and authorities on the products. They are also more likely to explain why the products are good and to recommend expensive items." (Sakamoto, 1999)
However over the years, changes have been noticed in some respects. Women are not as much associated with cheaper products as they once were due to their improved financial status. However they were still preferred as young and beautiful instead of older or more mature. The study found that while in terms of argument and product price, stereotypes had decreased, they had become more prominent in terms of location. Location here refers to being in the home, in the kitchen or outside home.

The study suggested in its conclusion that, "traditional stereotypic portrayals of men and women in Japanese television commercials have not substantially decreased from 1961 to 1993. Nor….

They feared difference, lacked an understanding of my culture and used stereotypes as an excuse to keep me isolated within the company. This was an organization where I find myself unable to remain for any lengthy period of time.
It was also an extremely important moment of revelation with regard to the way that I approach others, particularly those who are in some manner different from me. I was now alerted to my own tendencies with respect to others, and even to realize that I had been guilty of employing stereotypes in the past as well. Perhaps in a sense, I had been somewhat standoffish around my new all-white coworkers because I allowed this sense of cultural isolation to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. This again causes us to consider the theories discussed in Ruchlis' text. The author explains avoidance as a dimension of stereotyping that is passive in nature but….


PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- Three days after a woman was shot and killed by an armed robber, deputies released a composite sketch of a possible suspect.

On Friday afternoon, Summer Smith was shot and killed during a robbery.

"She's gone now from us," said Smith's fiance, Clint Horvatt, who was in the car with the victim when she was shot.

Standing in front of the sheriff's office, Horvatt held a flier with his fiancee's photo, and told Channel 4 he didn't know what else to do help catch the man who killed the he was going to marry.

He said he and Smith were en route to Gainesville to do some Christmas shopping but they stopped near Swan Lake Camp on state oad 26 just north of Melrose. Horvatt said Smith recognized what she thought was a friend's pickup truck and they pulled over to help.

"I trusted her and that everything was going to….

Stereotyping Inevitable: An Investigation of How People Use and Maintain Stereotypes, and How They Can Be Changed
Social psychology by nature deals with the examination of social phenomena including stereotyping. The intent of this paper is a close review of the nature of stereotyping, in order to determine whether stereotyping is inevitable and to determine whether or not social stereotypes can be changed. In particular stereotyping will be examined to determine whether or not people have an unconscious tendency to create perceptions of others, and what if anything can be done to change this unconscious pattern of thinking. The effects of stereotyping on members of groups will also be discussed and analyzed.

Analysis of Problem

Before one can examine the question of stereotyping, they must first understand exactly what stereotypes are. Stereotypes can be defined in a number of ways; most simply stereotypes are a set view or image of the members….

Stereotype Threat
The different social groups that I feel I belong to are female and 20s age group. Although I have many ethnicities, the ones that I indentify the most with are Mexican-American/Yaqui Indian and Caucasian. I belong in the group who has a degree and is pursuing an even higher degree. Some stereotypes that I have heard about for the discussed groups are that if you are a mature (i.e. older) white male, you are assumed as more intelligent, than say, a young Mexican woman. People like to assume that if you have a college degree it must mean you are smarter than the average person is, but I know plenty of people who never went to college and have a higher IQ than mine, and I also know many people who have a degree and skated through school. I think people may perceive those with high skills in athleticism….

Negative Impacts of Stereotypes
What are stereotypes?

Stereotypes can be defined as generalizations passed about a group of individuals where they may be associated with particular kinds of characteristics which defines them in a particular way and attaches a label to them. This may be a negative attachment or a positive label but they have strong implications on those that undergo this stereotyping. It is generally easy when the group has some clear attributes that can be defined and identified in a particular way. These stereotypes may be based on qualities like race, ethnicity, color, gender, age, etc.

The impacts of stereotypes on the labeled groups can be quite long lasting and drastic. It may mentally torture a person and in some instances there are physical harassments taking place as well. There may be high levels of discrimination that a person has to face due to the stereotypes attached to him or her.….

The modern United States of America is very different in regards to race relations to previous decades in America's history. Mainstream Americans overwhelmingly do not question racial equality, integration of schools, mixed marriages, and equal opportunities for education and jobs. Today's America is "post-racial," a term used after the election of President Obama. However, this is not completely true. The news periodically mention racially charged shootings such as the Trayvon Martin case and more recently, racist incidents on college campuses nationwide. Fraternities throwing "gangsta" parties, majority white-male organizations dressing as the stereotypical African-American or Latino gangster are causing minority students to speak up. All these incidents stem from lingering stereotypes. Stereotypes are popular beliefs that are oversimplified about a particular group or person. Stereotypes branch from cultural misunderstandings and a complex history of social interactions. This paper will examine the reasons why stereotypes exist through the eyes of Judith….

In August Wilson’s Fences, the author explores several themes as they relate to the central themes of race, fatherhood, and manhood in the United States.  One of the themes that he tackles is the concept of fate, though the approach is less about life being preordained as it is an examination of how history, social circumstances, and upbringing can combine to make some events appear preordained or fated rather than the intervention of some type of divine or supernatural fate.  This contextual analysis of manhood in a political situation that seems designed to challenge it was explored by

One of the reasons that Frederick Douglass was an effective anti-slavery advocate was because he was a powerful speaker and writer who mastered rhetorical tools and was able to use them to convey the realities of slavery to people who had either never experienced or had experienced slavery from the perspective of the slaveholder, rather than the perspective of the slave. 

Douglass uses simile, comparing most slaves’ knowledge of their birthdays to what a horse would know of its birthday.  Given that slaves were often compared to beasts of burden; this may not seem like a rhetorical device....

That sounds like an interesting essay, because Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is so-often held up as the prime example of satire.  Would be a fascinating read, especially if you are arguing that “Huck Finn” offers a more effective use of satire. Here are a few ideas for essay titles.

  1. Eat the Poor: The Satirical Approach to Class in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “A Modest Proposal”
  2. Less than Human: Race, Class, and Satire
  3. Hypocrisy and Piosity: How Swift and Twain Use Satire to Explore Religion
  4. The Impact of Realism on Satire
  5. Is Subtle Satire or Overt Satire More Effective?  An Examination....

This is a very interesting topic.  Near the end of each year, Lux Research posts a list of transformational technologies to watch in the following year, which might be a good place to start if you are looking for ideas about a specific technology.  However, those are going to be technologies that are already invented.  Inventing a technology that would transform society in a specific country would require an intimate understanding and knowledge of a country’s culture, geography, religion, history, infrastructure, and natural resources; identifying a problem that it has; and combing up with a novel invention....

3 Pages
Research Paper


Stereotypes Have Existed Since Time Immemorial They

Words: 1104
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Stereotypes have existed since time immemorial. They are as old as human culture itself and are beliefs and ideas that a certain group of people hold for those who…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Stereotypes Practitioners of Certain Religions Have Faced

Words: 1319
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Stereotypes Practitioners of certain religions have faced prejudiced and stereotyped ideas about the personages because of the negative affiliations of their religion. Perhaps no religion is as stereotyped as the…

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3 Pages


Stereotypes We Are All Guilty of Judging

Words: 1010
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Stereotypes We are all guilty of judging others based on a wide range of traits we perceive in them. In so doing, we end up attaching (wrongly) certain traits to…

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10 Pages


Stereotypes Media the Media Has

Words: 3037
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

The Sopade (underground messages to the Social Democratic Party's headquarters in exile) confirmed that a plurality of attitudes towards Jews -- ranging from virulent hatred to apathy and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Stereotype and Prejudice the Effects

Words: 1161
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The current study investigates two questions: a) do positive self-affirmations influence the likelihood of individuals holding prejudicial and stereotypical beliefs? And b) are suggested self-concepts projected onto others who…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Stereotype in My Daily Encounters I Normally

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Stereotype In my daily encounters I normally encounter gendered assumptions that are prejudicial to both male and female gender. In these encounters, gender role stereotypes are manifested. The human race…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Stereotypes Conflict Resolution Involves a

Words: 899
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The counselor makes clear several guidelines that guide behavior in boys' activities. For instance, first of all, the counselor should state that each member is equal, no matter…

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2 Pages

Native Americans

Stereotypes the Human Mind Has Been Blessed

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Stereotypes The human mind has been blessed with the gift of empathy and, when used properly, can be used to great benefit if not for great learning. The purpose of…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Stereotypes in Japanese Media Japan

Words: 1210
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Men, on the other hand, are more likely to be old, job holders, out of the home and authorities on the products. They are also more likely to…

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3 Pages


Stereotype Stereotyping The Reciprocity of

Words: 925
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

They feared difference, lacked an understanding of my culture and used stereotypes as an excuse to keep me isolated within the company. This was an organization where I…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Stereotypes Story Putnam County Fla -- Three

Words: 2993
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Stereotypes STOY PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- Three days after a woman was shot and killed by an armed robber, deputies released a composite sketch of a possible suspect. On Friday afternoon, Summer…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Stereotypes in Social Psychology

Words: 1621
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Stereotyping Inevitable: An Investigation of How People Use and Maintain Stereotypes, and How They Can Be Changed Social psychology by nature deals with the examination of social phenomena including…

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2 Pages


Perceptions and Stereotypes

Words: 785
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Stereotype Threat The different social groups that I feel I belong to are female and 20s age group. Although I have many ethnicities, the ones that I indentify the most…

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3 Pages


Negative Impacts of Stereotypes What Are Stereotypes

Words: 1062
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Negative Impacts of Stereotypes What are stereotypes? Stereotypes can be defined as generalizations passed about a group of individuals where they may be associated with particular kinds of characteristics which defines…

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3 Pages


What Propagates Stereotypes

Words: 818
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

stereotype? The modern United States of America is very different in regards to race relations to previous decades in America's history. Mainstream Americans overwhelmingly do not question racial equality,…

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