Subculture Essays (Examples)

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culture and subculture (p. 6-8)
A culture is a "community or population sufficiently large enough to be self-sustaining," in that it can be self-perpetuating (p. 6). There are four main elements of culture, according to Hofstede: symbols, rituals, values, heroes, and myths (p. 6). These elements of culture are transmitted via formal institutions like schools and also informally via peers and family members. Identifying with culture helps to create a cultural identity; an individual identifies with the history, symbols, rituals, values, heroes, and myths of the culture.

A culture within a culture is a subculture. Subcultures usually exist in large and complex societies (p. 8). A subculture is usually more specific than a culture, in that it can be based on ethnicity or lifestyle. A person can also identify with both the culture and subculture at the same time.

Historical and varying perspectives on communication (p. 39; 44)

Theorists have identified at least….

Subculture Is One That Can

He noted that they include the following; naturalness, practicalness, thinness, accessibleness and immethodicalness. In conclusion, he noted that common sense is a by product, waste or what is left behind after art, science, law, ideology, religion, mathematics, technology and even epistemology and ethics have been exhausted by our minds.
Hebrige (1979) perspective of culture

Hebrige (1979) noted that our perception of style is actually a subculture in itself.

A summary and analysis of Hebrige's (1979) work on subculture

Hebrige (1979) began his work by saying that people communicate through their clothes. He noted that style is an intentional form of communication as earlier noted by Eco (1973).Subculture is also noted to be a cycle that leads from opposition to diffusion. Style is noted be a subculture that has its own codes of display. He noted that style is a subculture of conspicuous consumption. Style is also projected to be primitive (bricolage). Style is….

sub-culture that I can think of that had a different value system other than that demonstrated in mainstream America was the so-called hip hop culture. I refer to this culture and its value system in the past tense despite the fact that it is still existent today. However, its value system has become decidedly mainstream, and is the same version of capitalist conformity that is largely found throughout the corporate world. Yet, during the early part of the previous decade, this culture's regard for conformity was drastically different than it is now, and from contemporary, mainstream America's regard for it as well.
Individuality was celebrated in hip hop culture at the beginning of last decade. Conformity was looked down upon by many within this subculture. Hip hop culture is most eminently evinced in the music and visual representation of rappers, who create the music upon which this urban, New York….

Gangs as Culture and Subculture

Gangs are a global presence. There are gangs in nearly every culture. While they are variations in intentions and behaviors, there are general patterns and basic characteristics of all gangs. The paper will briefly explore the definition of gangs, the history of gangs, the effects of them both locally & globally, as well as the reactions from the communities in which they gangs reside and conduct their activities. Gangs exist firmly as a distinctive subculture. There are theories such as cultural deviance theory, strain theory, and social control theory that offer frameworks in which professionals and scholars may consider and/or explain the formation of gangs. The paper will attempt to reference and/or use these such theories as part of the examination and articulation of gangs as a subculture. Some communities reluctantly accept gangs within their communities because some gangs offer protect to the community members, but….

Policing Subculture

Police Subculture- Add on Response
Nathan, I enjoyed reading your perspective and can relate to much of what you have expressed. Your explanation of the life cycle of a police career provided a clear and concise way of explaining this stressful aspects of law enforcement. I agree with your opinion on patience and its importance on keeping a balanced and clear mind while engaged in stressful policing activities. Your summary was informative and precise.

Your emphasis on education in your response aligns very much with my own philosophy on the matter, and is evidenced by this particular educational experience we are progressing through. By understanding life as one giant learning ground allows law enforcement officers to not place too much stress on themselves. Since this type of work is always mired in the unknown, being comfortable with ignorance is a good first step in becoming better educated and eventually a better professional.


oth of the boys were good students called "brilliant" by their peers and referred to as "really nice." (Cullen, 1999; paraphrased)

The Techtalk website reported in March 2000 that a "national outreach program to encourage conversations among teenagers and leading educators about popular culture and media convergence" took place. This program rose spurred by the Columbine High School event in 1999 and is an educational outreach "intended to solicit communication from a new generation of cultural participants." (Techtalk, 2000)


While no empirical findings may come of what is a very brief scope within this work as to precisely what element in today's world most contributed to the incident at Columbine school it can however, be readily discerned that something was missing in the lives of Eric Harris and his cohort. It appears that these two boys sought to fill that emptiness with first the….

Individuals usually discover their norms from numerous mingling agent such as teacher, parents, ministers, friends, family, co-workers, and including mass media. In brief, youths discover illegal conduct, like different actions, from their connections with other youths, chiefly in groups that are close.
The differential-association theory relates to numerous forms of actions that are different. For instance, gangs that are juvenile set an atmosphere in which youths discover a life of being a criminal offender. These gangs describe themselves as countercultural and worship aggression, vengeance, and corruption as a way to achieving social position. Those in gangs discover to be irregular as they try to hold on to their gang's customs and dangerous way of life.

Differential-association theory has donated to the area of criminology in its emphasis on the developing character of misbehavior. People get deviance from their peers and those that they socialize with. Critics of the differential-association theory, in….

Communication between individuals on the force varies considerably. There is a strict hierarchy in the force, as most people are aware of, claims Officer Friendly. Thus, a person does not speak to their superiors the same way as to coworkers or subordinates. It is important to maintain this hierarchy because it helps the officers have a chain of command that includes respect for authority. Without authority, there would be too much dissention when making critical decisions. Decisions in the force are life/death decisions, notes the officer. There is no room or time for democratic discussions. Officers need a clear chain of command so that decisions are swift and authoritative. To carry out the functions of modern police work, all cops must work together and be on the same page. There is a great degree of collaboration, in spite of the hierarchy. "Officers need to work together, we're in this together,"….

Subcultures: The Gyaru Subculture
The Gyaru Subculture: Subcultures

The Gyaru Subculture

One of the widely recognized impacts of globalization is the fact that it causes changes and modifications to the values, norms and traditions of existing cultures, resulting in the formation of new subcultures, or the complete loss of cultural identity (Marshall & aymond, 2015). The Gyaru subculture in Japan offers a perfect example of a subculture formed in this manner. 'Gyaru' is the Japanese translation for the English word 'girl' -- it is a subculture of young girls and women who, just like most women in the rest of the world, are obsessed with trying to achieve the image of 'ideal' beauty imposed upon them by the media. Differently from other women, however, the Gyaru go to extreme lengths to achieve these unattainable standards of beauty -- they follow a certain style of dressing and do their hair and make-up in a….

Skinheads Movement in America
"Skinheads' is a group of whites who are responsible for creating racial discrimination and prejudice in the United States. They were a very prominent, deviant and often violent sub-culture existing in the country in 1980s. A sub-culture is different from a minority group because the latter is primarily based on ethnic background while the former is grounded in value system. A person who joins a sub-culture is expected to have same values and beliefs as other members of the group. Farley (1990) defines subculture "as a set of cultural characteristics shared among a group within a society that are distinct in some ways from the larger culture within which the group exists, but also have features in common with the larger culture. Usually, a group that forms a subculture has some sense of identity, some recognition that people in the group share something among themselves that others….

Police Subculture

individuals join the police academy, they undergo rigorous training. This training teaches these individuals about many subjects such as criminal law, defensive tactics, and verbal judo amongst many others that the individuals may be required to apply during the course of the job. However, regardless of these teachings the professional culture influences the behaviors of these individuals separately creating a bias in the learning techniques. The police subculture is not taught as a curriculum, but adopted by the individuals. The police subculture impacts the behavior of the individuals in a powerful way. This means that studying this subculture makes it easy to understand the behavior of the members of the police force.
Purpose Statement

This paper is the study of this subculture. It will briefly talk about the various characteristics of this subculture.


Communication is a very important dimension of this subculture. Officers rely heavily on communication as they are surrounded by….

Metropolis, Fashion, Society
Metropolis, Fashion, and Society

In his portrayal of the flaneur, audelaire captured the essence of youth: the striving to be different, to be seen, and yet not be seen. In his words, the flaneur "enjoys the excitement and anonymity of, in particular, life on the city streets…to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world" audelaire, 1984, 9-10). The French poet could have taken these words directly from the mouth of a contemporary Y-Generation "haul girl."

Fig. 1. Haul Girl selfie.

Photograph: YouTube

This essay provides a brief exploration of the youth subculture attempts to answer the question as to whether the individuality of haul girls and their equivalents are expressed through the steady stream of purchases made -- clothing, fashionable jewelry, and accouterments such as music and decor -- and through the " that enables optimum positioning of one's status….

There is no initiation, or rite of passage; one can enter the Goth culture without gaining anyone's approval since this particular culture does not have a particular leader. Goths tend to resist being controlled (Kilpatrick, 3) and needing to qualify to enter the movement would go against one of the main components of the culture.
It is clear that individuals associated with the Goth culture distinguish themselves through their eerie, dark and mysterious fashion (La Ferla), however another distinction can be observed through their ways of thinking and approaching life. In her book The Goth Bible, Nancy Kilpatrick interviewed several everyday Goths and one main characteristic seems to be recurrent -- being Goth is about finding romanticism in darkness. While many Goths will discover their affinity for this romanticism in their teens, or youth -- since these are the years where most of us feel misunderstood, like outsiders - it….

Peer recognition too plays into many hackers motivation as they work towards being accepted and gaining status within the culture. and, lastly, some hackers are motivated by the thought that their efforts serve a public service (O'Neill, 2006). "Hackers built the Internet, they made the Unix operating system what it is, and they make the World Wide Web work" (Castelluccio, 2003).

Forecast 4:

Forecast 4 states, "Some computer hacker groups, notably those characterized by the 'offender' and 'predator' categories, will evolve into networked criminal enterprises."

This likely will occur in some instances. Hacker culture's desire to gain power and notoriety, combined with the need to achieve that adrenaline fix, will lead some to ultimately progress from the loosely structured culture of hackers today, to a more formalized, networked criminal group. However, for the most part, the high turnover rate of the culture, along with the desire to maintain secrecy and anonymity, is likely….

Police Officers and Police

Police Subculture
The set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour followed by the members of law enforcement constitutes what is referred to as police subculture. Owing to the nature of their job, most police officers tend to view members of the general public as potential suspects, untrustworthy and even potentially hostile. Police officers expect support from their colleagues. Consequently, the "us versus them" scenario is created; where "us" refers to the police force while the public constitutes "them". There are advantages and disadvantages to the scenario created. While embracing a sense of trust created between the members of the police is good for achieving team objectives, the police also hold a mantra that the line between chaos and order is quite thin. This means that the society needs the police if there is to be law and order. The mantra is responsible for the deeply embedded feeling of unity, teamwork and interdependence….

## Navigating the Labyrinth of Gang-Related Essay Topics

Investigating gang-related topics for an essay can be an intricate and illuminating endeavor, allowing you to delve into the complexities of this societal phenomenon. From the historical origins of gangs to their impact on communities and potential solutions, there is a multitude of angles to explore. Let's embark on a journey through ten potential essay topics, each offering a unique perspective on the multifaceted world of gangs:

### 1. The Genesis of Gangs: A Historical Retrospection

Immerse yourself in the historical backdrop of gangs, tracing their origins and evolution across different epochs and geographical regions.....

I. Impact of Technology on Communication and Information Exchange

Introduction: The transformation of communication through technology
Section 1: Social media and its impact on interpersonal relationships and societal discourse
Section 2: The democratization of information through the internet and its implications for access and equality
Section 3: The role of technology in facilitating remote work, education, and healthcare
Conclusion: The overall impact of technology on communication and the implications for societal cohesion and progress

II. Technology and the Transformation of the Workplace

Introduction: The evolution of the workplace in the digital age
Section 1: Automation and its impact on....

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Have you ever wondered about the mysterious allure of gothic fashion?
B. Background information: Explain what gothic fashion is and its origins.
C. Thesis statement: This essay will explore the elements of a gothic wardrobe and the reasons why it has captivated individuals throughout history.

II. Elements of a Gothic Wardrobe
A. Dark colors: Discuss the significance of black as the predominant color in gothic fashion.
B. Layering: Examine how layering allows gothic fashion enthusiasts to create a dramatic and mysterious look.
C. Fabrics: Analyze the importance of materials such as velvet, lace, and leather....

Gothic Wardrobe: An Exploration of Darkness, Romance, and Identity

I. Introduction
A. Definition and origins of the gothic subculture
B. Key characteristics of gothic fashion, emphasizing its dark aesthetic
C. Thesis statement: Gothic wardrobe is not merely an expression of darkness but a complex exploration of identity, romance, and the human psyche.

II. The Darkness: Exploring the Shadow Side
A. Black as the primary color and its associations with mystery, death, and rebellion
B. The use of lace, velvet, and other opulent fabrics to create a sense of decadence and intrigue
C. Gothic accessories such as corsets, chokers, and jewelry that emphasize a sense of constriction and vulnerability


3 Pages


Culture and Subculture P 6-8 a Culture

Words: 905
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

culture and subculture (p. 6-8) A culture is a "community or population sufficiently large enough to be self-sustaining," in that it can be self-perpetuating (p. 6). There are four…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Subculture Is One That Can

Words: 1274
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He noted that they include the following; naturalness, practicalness, thinness, accessibleness and immethodicalness. In conclusion, he noted that common sense is a by product, waste or what is…

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2 Pages


Sub-Culture That I Can Think of That

Words: 635
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

sub-culture that I can think of that had a different value system other than that demonstrated in mainstream America was the so-called hip hop culture. I refer to…

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5 Pages


Gangs as Culture and Subculture Gangs Are

Words: 2103
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Gangs as Culture and Subculture Subculture Gangs are a global presence. There are gangs in nearly every culture. While they are variations in intentions and behaviors, there are general patterns and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Policing Subculture

Words: 884
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Police Subculture- Add on Response Nathan, I enjoyed reading your perspective and can relate to much of what you have expressed. Your explanation of the life cycle of a police…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Internet Teen Subculture Internet Sociology

Words: 1133
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

oth of the boys were good students called "brilliant" by their peers and referred to as "really nice." (Cullen, 1999; paraphrased) III. MEDIA STUDY SPONSORED NATIONAL ONLINE TEEN OUTREACH The…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Delinquent Youth Subculture -- Gangs

Words: 2410
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Individuals usually discover their norms from numerous mingling agent such as teacher, parents, ministers, friends, family, co-workers, and including mass media. In brief, youths discover illegal conduct, like…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Police Subculture Modern Police Work

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Interview

Communication between individuals on the force varies considerably. There is a strict hierarchy in the force, as most people are aware of, claims Officer Friendly. Thus, a person does…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

The Gyaru Subculture Subcultures

Words: 987
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Subcultures: The Gyaru Subculture The Gyaru Subculture: Subcultures The Gyaru Subculture One of the widely recognized impacts of globalization is the fact that it causes changes and modifications to the values, norms…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


American Skin Heads an Example of a Subculture

Words: 1462
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Skinheads Movement in America "Skinheads' is a group of whites who are responsible for creating racial discrimination and prejudice in the United States. They were a very prominent, deviant and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Police Subculture

Words: 929
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

individuals join the police academy, they undergo rigorous training. This training teaches these individuals about many subjects such as criminal law, defensive tactics, and verbal judo amongst many…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Haul Girl Subculture Minus Self-Consciousness

Words: 1751
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Metropolis, Fashion, Society Metropolis, Fashion, and Society In his portrayal of the flaneur, audelaire captured the essence of youth: the striving to be different, to be seen, and yet not be…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Subcultures the Goth Culture and

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There is no initiation, or rite of passage; one can enter the Goth culture without gaining anyone's approval since this particular culture does not have a particular leader.…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer Hacker Culture and Subcultures

Words: 1921
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Peer recognition too plays into many hackers motivation as they work towards being accepted and gaining status within the culture. and, lastly, some hackers are motivated by the thought…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Police Officers and Police

Words: 2276
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Police Subculture The set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour followed by the members of law enforcement constitutes what is referred to as police subculture. Owing to the nature of their…

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