Suffering Essays (Examples)

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Nurses can frame a personalized clinical plan accordingly. The plan can empower the patient as well as his nurse. y using a family-centered model approach, the nurse can collaborate closely with the patient's family, who knows his temperament better (Ranger & Campbell-Yeo).
Clinical Case 1: Sciatica

Mrs. J. K, aged 42, has had stiffness and aching in the lumbar region when rising or sitting down for six now (oger 1994). Her excruciating experience of throbbing, quivering, soreness, numbness and shooting pains through her right sciatic nerve confine her to be. She says she feels like lying on rocks with pain on the outside of her thigh. Her right calf hurts and her right sole burns when she stands. Her menses have become profuse. She also suffers from backache, itchy leucorrhea, disturbed sleep, easy fatigue, frequent thirst, hot flashes and lack of appetite. She is also often nervous, weepy and restless. Morning….

Suffering in Night and Mornings in Jenin
Human beings are very different and these differences can often lead to violence. From all over the globe there are people with cultural perspectives that do not agree and when these cultures clash, the ramifications can be very serious. If people were able to back down from conflict and realize the universality of human existence, then it is quite likely a good deal of the horrors that are experienced daily would become far fewer. There are certain things which are universal, that can happen to any person at any time and in any place regardless of ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other criteria which people use to categorize themselves. Emotions are one of the most powerful things in human existence and human suffering is eventually experienced by everyone. In Elie iesel's bookNight and Susan Abulhawa's novel Mornings in Jenin, characters from….

Suffering for Our Cinematic Sins:
John Coffey in "The Green Mile"

hile both films "The Green Mile" (1999) and "The Shawshank Redemption" (1994) have prison settings, and the same director, these two film's overarching ideological agendas stand in striking contrast. "The Green Mile" uses the Christ myth of a singular, suffering (black) savior that can redeem white society. "The Shawshank Redemption" presents a morally ambiguous notion of salvation, that all individuals must strive for on their own, even as they work together to form a more viable prison community. This film offers a more complex and morally ambiguous solution to the stresses of a corrupt judicial system that cannot be fully healed that can only be assuaged by individual rebellion and strivings for intellectual liberty in the midst of captivity and oppression.

The comfort that The Green Mile" creates in the hearts of its viewers is partly due to its setting of time….

Her main complaint seems to be that she does not know how to safely share the inordinate amount of love she has for humanity. No doubt her suffering becomes at least partially real; she is weeping by the end of their discussion (Dostoevsky, II, 4). But the cause and focus of her suffering is her own selfishness, and though she receives some consolation and wisdom from Zossima, even his prognosis for her does not reflect much hope that her suffering will be relived, not until "you see with horror that in spite of all your efforts you are getting farther from your goal instead of nearer to it" (Dostoevsky, II, 4). Only through self-awareness, Zossima explicitly states, will her suffering be able to turn into something useful.
The three women identified in these two chapters are of no real importance to the plot of the Brothers Karamazov or to the….

The poem reads like a song and yet it is about nothing to sing about. Here, Hughes touches on the spirit of the African-American people. They are strong and they withstand. They endure and do the best they can with their lot in life. It is not an easy task but it is one that is embraced. Singing was a form of escape and a means of coping for African-Americans and this poem captures both aspects of those experiences brilliantly. Art is the vehicle that allows people to chase away the blues. Hughes' poetry is unique in that it often finds itself merged with music, another form of expression. Blues and jazz emerge in "the eary Blues" through a light and simple rhythm and a colloquial dialect. In the poem he writes, "In a deep song voice with a melancholy tone / I heard that Negro sing, that old….

This concept reveals the complexity of "psychological and physical damage" (Pagliaro), leaving one can to wonder, "whether it can be stopped and its root causes done away with ever" (Pagliaro). The answer to this question, and this state of mankind, is left up to the reader while Blake explores the inner and outer worlds through busy streets and a chartered river. Here we see entrepreneurs at work while the "weak and woeful state of Londoners comes through their faces" (Pagliaro). Harold Bloom makes a critical point about Blake when he says that he is a "poet in whom the larger apocalyptic impulse always contains the political as a single element in a more complex vision" (Bloom). Bloom notes that the third stanza alone addressed man oppression by society. The other stanzas "emphasize man's all-too-natural repression of his own freedom" (Bloom).
The irony in the poem is palpable. Early in the….

Suffering in the Human Relationship with God
Suffering is part of human existence on earth. Christians are no exception to the rule. The problem is that most suffering is experienced by the innocent. When believers suffer, this appears to deny God's love, and it is very difficult to hold on to faith in the face of physical, emotional or spiritual turmoil. In order to understand this phenomenon in the believer's world then, Gustavo Gutierrez examines suffering from the viewpoint of Job. In his book On Job Gutierrez describes in detail the stages that Job goes through in his suffering. Of course Job was the ultimate example of innocent suffering. Despite being completely righteous and faithful, Job suffered because God had confidence in him.

When Job suffers, he initially experiences this as a solitary sufferer. The three friends who talk to him during his suffering enhance this loneliness when they introduce the….

Her neighbors know Sykes beats her enough to "kill three women" (352). She has a problem with "habitual meekness" (350) and he does not. This appears to be a sad story about a woman unable to choose the right kind of man to treat her right. However, the opportunity that presents itself at the end of the story demonstrates that Delia is not the fool everyone thinks she is. In fact, her meekness is the very reason she will be able to escape from this mess unscathed. In the middle of his plan to do evil, he must face a different kind of evil that forces him to look at himself. The snake becomes a symbol of freedom for Delia as the unexpected takes place.
"Sweat" is story that revolves around suffering. Delia suffers for along time with Sykes with no pleasant ending in sight. She attempts to retain some….

It's early fourteenth century and Dante is traveling along life's path and finds himself in a dark wood being accosted by a leopard, a she-wolf and a lion. He is having difficulty finding his path and is only at last rescued by Virgil, a Roman poet. However, Virgil's rescue of Dante is one that Dante may not wish to have happen, since now they have to travel through the underworld and visit Hell. What is really ironic about Dante's journey is that in traveling to Hell he has to pass through a series of circles symbolizing other worlds. These worlds are where people who die will go to receive punishment for their sins in this life. The punishments they find in these different worlds (or levels) of Hell are meted out to fit the crime, the sinners are meant to suffer in equal portion to the committed sins.

An example of….

counsel suffering people?
One of the most important ways to counsel suffering people is by letting them tell their story. Sharing suffering and communicating the details of the burden with others can be immensely therapeutic. If there appears to be the danger of the client wallowing in his or her own suffering, I would offer up certain biblical passages to help shed light on the situation and to prevent the client from simply wallowing in misery. For instance, James chapter one or Peter chapter one are particular favorites which have helped me in the counseling process in the past. I also like to remind clients that they need to remember that god did not bring about their suffering, so it's simply not right to blame God for their suffering (Ware, 2000). ather, clients should take comfort in the fact that God is with them while they're suffering and that he's….

Job and Suffering
Humans have a lengthy history in dealing with the idea of suffering. Can anyone forget the relates the trials of Job, a devout man of God, at the hands of Satan, and his theological discussions with various characters on the nature of suffering and the relationship between God and Mankind? The poem attempts to address a basic problem for humanity -- the problem of good vs. evil -- how one should reconcile the existence of evil/suffering in a world of goodness created by God (Janzen, 1985). Indeed, this type of question has been tackled by numerous cultures, showing that it is central to the way humans interpret the divine. Certainly, other cultures have numerous parallels to Job, and other cultures ascribe the generic affinities of the Job tale by showing a character of virtue that evokes certain aspects of the questioning all humans view as central -- what….

These are enumerated to elicit feelings of fear, terror, and hopelessness, emotions that the voice also feels. But Akhmatova goes beyond this kind of interpretation: as expressed in the poem, the woman states that she will be able to withstand all these forms of suffering, for this is not equal with the kind of suffering that cannot be depicted accurately by the poem's language and words. This part of the poem brings into lucidity the poet's interpretation and understanding of what suffering means for women, which is more emotional rather than physical.
Death is also a vital element in the poem, primarily because this is a dreaded reality that humanity cannot endure in spite of the sufferings that society had experienced through the years. However, in "Requiem," death is depicted as a welcome 'escape' to the reality that the voice experiences in her life. Synonymous with the idea of death….

Evil and uffering
The logical problem of evil is that if God is all-good then evil should not exist. Perhaps one can argue, then, that evil is a creation of man and that God cannot not prevent that, but God being Omnipotent, and, therefore, by definition able to accomplish all should be capable of preventing if not destructing evil. Either then God is not all good, or he is not all able. Or, alternately, another reason should exist in order to explain the existence of evil.

The whole earth… is cursed and polluted. A perpetual war is kindled amongst all living creatures. Necessity, hunger, want stimulate the strong and courageous; fear, anxiety, terror agitate the weak and inform. The first entrance into life gives anguish to the newborn infant and to its wretched parent; weakness, impotence, distress attend each stage of that life, and it is at last finished in agony and….

ith the combination of Adam and Eve both giving into temptation, Adam eats the fruit. As described at the start of the work, this disobedience "Brought Death into the orld, and all our woe" (Milton I 3). This shows that human suffering results from being disobedient to God. At the same time, it shows that disobedience occurs due to people's weaknesses where they are tempted to do evil. The challenge for people is to overcome temptation, not give into their own weaknesses, and choose to do good despite any temptation to do otherwise. In the end, human suffering is the result of choosing evil over good and not obeying God.
The same idea is expressed in Dante's "Inferno." In this work, Dante is living in a world that has lost its way. Dante decides that he needs to find the way to heaven and he sets out on this quest.….

Obviously, having only the grinding of one's teeth as an identifiable feature would be a rather hellish mode of existence, and the simplicity with which Dante conveys this hellishness is both a testament to his poetic genius and a highly effective means for providing imagery without interrupting the story. Other descriptions of suffering are somewhat longer and far more active, but are no less succinct and powerful for this: "There never was an earthquake of such might / That it could shake a tower so violently, / As Ephialtes suddenly shook himself" (Inferno, Canto XXXI). The image Dante conveys here again comes form a singular detail, yet the amount of information that this detail -- and the specific description provided by the poet -- conveys is extraordinary, enabling the reader to clearly see the shaking of the figure and to adequately gauge the enormity of this figure's suffering from the….

You could focus on how a person\'s suffering can bring him or her closer to God, as that\'s often what happens. Many people don\'t think about God too much when things are going well, but when they get sick, lose their job, or fall on hard times, they turn to God for help. As they learn more about God, they may come to see that God is in everything – even the bad times. Then, the next time they have something going wrong they will not suffer like they used to, because they will be more accepting of the problems....

Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare is, like many of his comedies, a surprisingly complex play.  Dealing with the topics of love and people not being what they seem to be on the surface, the play challenges people to look deeper. In fact, while many of Shakespeare’s tragedies really focus on the negative things that people do in the name of love, his comedies tend to take a more lighthearted approach to the topic.  Twelfth Night is an exception, as it definitely looks at how love can drive people to some really undesirable behaviors.

There are a....

One of the difficulties about writing a summary of any of the vaccines for the novel Coronavirus that is known as COVID-19 is that much of the information remains unknown.  In addition, because the vaccines created by Pfizer and Moderna are both mRNA vaccines, which are not a familiar type of vaccine, they create some additional questions.  How long will the vaccines be effective?  Are they safe?  Will they work to prevent infection by the newer strands of COVID-19?  Do they change your DNA as some people on the internet are suggesting? ....

Topic 1: The Geopolitics of Resistance: Understanding the Regional and Global Implications of Ukraine's Defiance


The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has reverberated across the globe, highlighting the complex interplay between geopolitics, nationalism, and international relations. Ukraine's unwavering resistance against Russian aggression has tested the limits of power and diplomacy, with profound consequences for the region and the world. This essay will delve into the geopolitical implications of Ukraine's defiance, examining its impact on regional alliances, global security dynamics, and the future of the post-Cold War order.


1. Reshaping Regional Alliances:

Ukraine's resistance has strengthened ties between Western nations, solidifying NATO as a united front....

6 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Suffering Knowing and Managing Suffering

Words: 2080
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nurses can frame a personalized clinical plan accordingly. The plan can empower the patient as well as his nurse. y using a family-centered model approach, the nurse can…

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2 Pages
Book Report

History - Israel

Suffering in Night and Mornings in Jenin

Words: 747
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Suffering in Night and Mornings in Jenin Human beings are very different and these differences can often lead to violence. From all over the globe there are people with cultural…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Suffering for Our Cinematic Sins John Coffey

Words: 1694
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Suffering for Our Cinematic Sins: John Coffey in "The Green Mile" hile both films "The Green Mile" (1999) and "The Shawshank Redemption" (1994) have prison settings, and the same director, these…

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6 Pages


Suffering and Redemption in the

Words: 2126
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Her main complaint seems to be that she does not know how to safely share the inordinate amount of love she has for humanity. No doubt her suffering…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Suffering in Hughes's the Weary

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The poem reads like a song and yet it is about nothing to sing about. Here, Hughes touches on the spirit of the African-American people. They are strong…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Suffering in William Blake's London

Words: 1212
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This concept reveals the complexity of "psychological and physical damage" (Pagliaro), leaving one can to wonder, "whether it can be stopped and its root causes done away with…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Suffering in the Human Relationship With God

Words: 1193
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Suffering in the Human Relationship with God Suffering is part of human existence on earth. Christians are no exception to the rule. The problem is that most suffering is…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Suffering Exoplored in Sweat Zora

Words: 603
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Her neighbors know Sykes beats her enough to "kill three women" (352). She has a problem with "habitual meekness" (350) and he does not. This appears to be…

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2 Pages


Suffering in Dante's Inferno

Words: 878
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Dante It's early fourteenth century and Dante is traveling along life's path and finds himself in a dark wood being accosted by a leopard, a she-wolf and a lion. He…

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3 Pages


Counsel Suffering People One of the Most

Words: 857
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

counsel suffering people? One of the most important ways to counsel suffering people is by letting them tell their story. Sharing suffering and communicating the details of the burden…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Job and Suffering Humans Have a Lengthy

Words: 1067
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Job and Suffering Humans have a lengthy history in dealing with the idea of suffering. Can anyone forget the relates the trials of Job, a devout man of God, at…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Death and Suffering Through a

Words: 1226
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These are enumerated to elicit feelings of fear, terror, and hopelessness, emotions that the voice also feels. But Akhmatova goes beyond this kind of interpretation: as expressed in…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Evil and Suffering the Logical Problem of

Words: 1232
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Evil and uffering The logical problem of evil is that if God is all-good then evil should not exist. Perhaps one can argue, then, that evil is a creation of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Human Suffering in Paradise Lost

Words: 1055
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ith the combination of Adam and Eve both giving into temptation, Adam eats the fruit. As described at the start of the work, this disobedience "Brought Death into…

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2 Pages


Dante Image Images of Suffering

Words: 575
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Obviously, having only the grinding of one's teeth as an identifiable feature would be a rather hellish mode of existence, and the simplicity with which Dante conveys this hellishness…

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