Ten Commandments Essays (Examples)

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Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments, The Torah, And Judaism
When people speak of the Judeo-Christian tradition and the development of ethical values and mores, they frequently cite the Ten Commandments as an example of commonality between Judaism and Christian. In fact, the proponents of such an argument contend that the Ten Commandments represent one of the first attempts at codification of the law. As such, the argument continues, it is valid for those commandments to govern the behavior of people, whether they are Jews, Christians, or another religion. Such an argument fails to acknowledge that there is a significant difference in how the Ten Commandments are viewed by people in the two religions. To Christians, the Ten Commandments are a simple list of things to do or to avoid. Compliance with the Ten Commandments is necessary and sufficient to keep one within the grace of God. In contrast, to Jews, the Ten Commandments are….

It is far from the epic drama of DeMille, but it is dramatic, and moving, and the story lines - the Holocaust, and thou shalt not covet the neighbor's whatever, which is entertaining as it is thought provoking.
hile both films cause the viewer to go to that place of trust, faith, love; they take us there in very different ways. DeMille is much more Biblical than Kieslowski, and because Kieslowski is more rooted in experiences all viewers can relate to, then it is, perhaps not a better film - because we cannot them as the same because the differences between them as film products are significant. However, as a work that the viewer can relate to, it is Kieslowski who creates the more definitive viewer experience.

orks Cited

Kieslowski, Krzysztof, 1989, Dekalog (Decalogue USA), motion picture film, Sender

Freies Berlin Production Company, Poland.

DeMilles, Cecil B., 1956, the Ten Commandments, motion….

Another way that most people including me stray from the commandments is by not honoring the Sabbath. I try to attend religious services as often as possible. Often the responsibilities of work and school prevent me from fulfilling this commandment.
Not coveting our neighbor's "wife" and house also seem like simple tasks but in practice are difficult to execute. For example, we live in a very competitive society in which material goods are valued more than morality. Advertisements bombard us with imagery that makes consumers feel unworthy if they do not have the latest big-screen television or a new car. Therefore, coveting what others have becomes a part of our daily consciousness.

We will never truly feel adequate unless we surrender to our spiritual path and take the commandments to heart as much as possible. I might not be perfect, but I can make an effort to embody the commandments, making….

Buddhism requires intense study and meditation times, which is a very individual choice.
However, there were some aspects that parallel Christianity as a religion... The bhikkus, or very dedicated individual followers of this spiritual path, are analogous to Christianity's monks and nuns, studying spirituality on a very advanced level; the lay Buddhists are perhaps more like average religious followers, supporting and learning from the Bhikkus, living by a simple moral code (similar to the ten commandments) taught by the Bhikkus, but not taking the spirituality to the same level. In this sense, the Bhikkus are spiritualists, while the lay Buddhists are members of a Buddhist religion, if one were to try to apply Western terminology. Approaching Western concepts to Buddhism in this way may help to clarify some of the difficulty that students have in understanding the basic functionality of Buddhism and Buddhist practice..

Ethical or Moral Arguments

jihad with reference to the practices and believes of the Muslims regarding the word "jihad." Further the paper will develop ethical/moral arguments regarding the stoppage of violence by both Ireland and Syria. Although one can name many countries with reference to jihad and practices of Muslims against the violence attacks, but this paper will limit the discussion to the violent attacks of Syria and Ireland.
It is an Arabic word the root of which is Jahada, which means to strive for a better way of life. Jihad is not a war to force the faith on others, as many people think of it. It should never be interpreted as a way of compulsion of the belief on others, since there is an explicit verse in the Qur'an that says: "There is no compulsion in religion" Al-Qur'an: Al-Baqarah (2:256)." http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/reference/glossary/term.JIHAD.html

The definition of Jihad states that it is a struggle, a way,….

James 2: 8-11
Prior to examining the meaning of the text in James 2: 8-11, it is necessary for one to gain an astute understanding of the specific words employed within this passage. Doing so will add substantial value to an explication and exegesis of this passage. Additionally, a word analysis will indicate to the reader what some of the most important concepts in this passage are. Therefore, a word analysis will be conducted in order to further the overall comprehension of this particular text, both within the context of the book of James as well as within the Bible itself. Doing so proves that this passage functions as a warning.

In James 2: 8, the most important words are "royal law," and "Scripture." In James 2: 9, the best words to analyze include "favoritism," "sin," and "lawbreakers." In verse 10 of this passage the most important words are "stumbles," "guilty,"….

Moses Is One of the

However, Pharaoh's heart was heartened and he refused. ecause of this, Aaron was instructed to lay down the rod in front of the Pharaoh and it became a snake. The pharaoh then ordered his sorcerers to throw down their rods and they also became snakes but Aarons snake ate the other snakes and the Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he would not release the children of Israel. Then the Lord turn to River into blood and there was no water for seven days.
Pharaoh's heart continued to be hardened and several other plagues followed. According to the Old Testament these plagues included frogs, flies, lice, the death of cattle, boils, hail, locust, the plague of darkness. Finally, the Lord killed the entire first born of Egypt. He instructed the people of Israel to cover their doors with the sacrificial blood of a lamb so that death would pass over them.….

online auction company called eBay. The information gathered on eBay was gathered through various techniques including the Ten Commandments of case analysis, ESP-TE, PETR-PEC and AM-FAMUS. The report tries to therefore present eBay's strategic and long-term plans, criteria objectives, and other key data facts through statistical information and models and other indicators of key success factors. The report is presented in a SWOT analysis format so as to simplify the presentation but the detailed insights into factors like organizational strategies, strategic and partnership alliances have also been incorporated.
Company Past

Pierre Omidyar founded the Internet auction site called eBay in 995 and named it after the San Francisco Bay Area. Omidyar's fiancee had complained to him that she was not able to find people interested in collecting or trading Pez dispensers online so he intervened and created an online auction service. Prior to eBay, online auctions were either business-to-business or business-to-consumer.….

For fundamentalists, law and authority come from God.

This is true not only in formally theocratic societies, like Iran, but can also be seen expressed in the views of fundamentalist U.S. Christians, who have an obsession with having the Ten Commandments displayed outside of secular buildings, advocate school prayer and the need for laws to be justified by Judeo-Christian values.

Female sexuality must be contained; boundaries must be established between men and women.

The female body is an obsession: hence the obsession with women staying home and not working in fundamentalist Christian circles, as well as the extreme control of women by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Sexual behavior is a major concern of all fundamentalists

Opposing gay marriage, abortion rights, sexual education unite almost all fundamentalist groups.

Fundamentalism and nationalism converge.

"The moral life according to the will of God can only be fully lived in a society of fellow-practitioners of the belief. This can only be….

The twenty-one pieces of the work, minus the Overture, are divided into two acts, 8 pieces in the First Act, and 13 in the Second. 8 to 13 is an example of the Golden Ratio. There are also 49 entrances in The Magic Flute, divided up as 19 in Act I and 30 in Act II. This too is an example of the Golden Ratio. Furthermore, the Overture contains a division between 81 bars and 130, yet another Golden Ratio.
Golden Ratio is thus contained within Golden Ratio, an image of the endless repetition of the primordial forms. Each individual part of the Creation is complete unto itself. One can take apart the Cosmos and find perfect miniature "worlds" that can be put back together to form a coherent whole. According to the Classical canon of art, the human body is built upon the Golden Ratio. By drawing lines through….

The case snowballed and grew until the nation viewed Zelmanv Simmons-Harris as the test case to try the legal boundary between church and state. It was also looked to for the purpose of redefining the meaning and scope of public education in America.

Enacted by the Ohio legislature in 1995, the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program allows 4,000 low-income children to attend private religious and secular schools with up to $2,250 in public support (Vitteritti, 2002). Participating schools must cap their tuition at $2,500 a year; the state pays up to 90% of whatever the school charges, depending on family income (Vitteritti, 2002). Following a high-profile legal battle, the program was upheld by the Ohio Supreme Court in 1999, prompting opponents to take their case into federal court (Vitteritti, 2002). On the day before school was to open that year, federal district court judge Solomon Oliver struck down the program, ruling….

James II

Scriptures of James and Hosea
There are a few poignant similarities between the messages in the scriptures of James 2: 8-11 and Hosea 11: 1-3. A thorough analysis of these passages indicates that they each adhere to the same thematic issues and deal with similar subject matter. However, there appears to be a hierarchy in the way that these two scriptures relate to one another. The passage in James sets forth a specific principle in which the passage in Hosea provides an example.

The dominant theme found in the aforementioned verses from James is for individuals to heed the word of God. The word of God is law, and is referenced in this passage as royal law -- which is an allusion to the Ten Commandments. In buttressing this theme, the author of this passage expressly forbids favoritism and keeping some, yet not all, of God's commandments. However, the principle theme is….

If all people followed these teachings, many of the social evils in the society such as stealing from each other, killing, mugging, rape, revenge, jealousy, etc. Molloy, 2009.
Therefore, religion is extremely important since it guides our day-to-day lives. eligion is also an important source of law as evidenced in sharia law and Canon law which is commonly used in the determination of cases and also in development of Public law.

One important thing that should be kept in mind is that every person is different and that they give varying relevance to religion. The importance of religion can be evaluated in how a person lives their life. As always, the actions of the individual should be evaluated and not their words. As the old English adage goes, "actions speak louder than words."


Flood, G. (2012). The Importance of eligion: Meaning and Action in Our Strange World. New York, NY: John Wiley….

schools or modes of thought regarding methods for interpreting text. These are "traditional interpretation" and "modern interpretation." Please provide a brief explanation of each and which you personally ascribe to and why. Then explain how the mode of your choice would be applies to interpretation of the Ten Commandments.
Traditional interpretation is intended to decide the explicit meaning of something, or to define the truth. For example, interpreting something as true in the traditional meaning would be the same as knowing something is true. Modern interpretation, on the other hand, is subjective and many interpretations or understandings of something can coexist without paradox; a modern interpretation does not imply the whole and absolute truth.

I personally ascribe to a modern interpretation style. The reason for this is because I am not only a reader, I am also an artist. When I create, I personally put many layers of meaning into my….

Most of the world's religions have many common thoughts and underlying beliefs, including commonalities in beliefs about developing good character and the importance of love and compassion. This essay will attempt to create a new religion (called the Harmony) that is inspired by the commonalities seen in many world religions. Rituals, commandments and beliefs will all be examined, and where applicable, outlined for this new religion.

Stand up comedian George Carlin's comedy routine "Complaints and Grievances" reflects a great many North American's attitudes about faith and sex. The premise of his discussion of the Ten Commandments is that Ten Commandments are an artificially inflated number designed to invoke authority, and that the commandments should be revised down to a minimalist number that are more logical and workable. At the end of his discussion, Carlin gives his list of two commandments. They are, 1) "Thou shalt always be honest and faithful….

8 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Ten Commandments

Words: 2608
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ten Commandments, The Torah, And Judaism When people speak of the Judeo-Christian tradition and the development of ethical values and mores, they frequently cite the Ten Commandments as an example…

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1 Pages
Film Review


Ten Commandments in Film Decalog

Words: 331
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Film Review

It is far from the epic drama of DeMille, but it is dramatic, and moving, and the story lines - the Holocaust, and thou shalt not covet the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

10 Commandments the Ten Commandments

Words: 364
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another way that most people including me stray from the commandments is by not honoring the Sabbath. I try to attend religious services as often as possible. Often…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Spirituality vs Religion in Western

Words: 315
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Buddhism requires intense study and meditation times, which is a very individual choice. However, there were some aspects that parallel Christianity as a religion... The bhikkus, or very dedicated…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Ethical or Moral Arguments

Words: 1134
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

jihad with reference to the practices and believes of the Muslims regarding the word "jihad." Further the paper will develop ethical/moral arguments regarding the stoppage of violence by…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

James 2 8-11 Prior to Examining the

Words: 1141
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

James 2: 8-11 Prior to examining the meaning of the text in James 2: 8-11, it is necessary for one to gain an astute understanding of the specific words…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Moses Is One of the

Words: 3205
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, Pharaoh's heart was heartened and he refused. ecause of this, Aaron was instructed to lay down the rod in front of the Pharaoh and it became a…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Online Auction Company Called Ebay The Information

Words: 1999
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

online auction company called eBay. The information gathered on eBay was gathered through various techniques including the Ten Commandments of case analysis, ESP-TE, PETR-PEC and AM-FAMUS. The report…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Religious Fundamentalist Sub-Tradition Fundamentalist the

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

For fundamentalists, law and authority come from God. This is true not only in formally theocratic societies, like Iran, but can also be seen expressed in the views of fundamentalist…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Numerology in Baroque and Classical

Words: 2281
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The twenty-one pieces of the work, minus the Overture, are divided into two acts, 8 pieces in the First Act, and 13 in the Second. 8 to 13…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


School Choice Debate The Writer

Words: 3777
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The case snowballed and grew until the nation viewed Zelmanv Simmons-Harris as the test case to try the legal boundary between church and state. It was also looked to…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

James II

Words: 1086
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Scriptures of James and Hosea There are a few poignant similarities between the messages in the scriptures of James 2: 8-11 and Hosea 11: 1-3. A thorough analysis of these…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Relevance of Religion in Our

Words: 1518
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If all people followed these teachings, many of the social evils in the society such as stealing from each other, killing, mugging, rape, revenge, jealousy, etc. Molloy, 2009. Therefore,…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Schools or Modes of Thought Regarding Methods

Words: 2086
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

schools or modes of thought regarding methods for interpreting text. These are "traditional interpretation" and "modern interpretation." Please provide a brief explanation of each and which you personally…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Religion Most of the World's Religions Have

Words: 1219
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Religion Most of the world's religions have many common thoughts and underlying beliefs, including commonalities in beliefs about developing good character and the importance of love and compassion. This…

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