Tennis Essays (Examples)

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Tennis Shoes Can Be Considered
Pages: 3 Words: 935

Varieties such as fashionable sport wear, high, low and mid tops along with shoes custom designed to the foot of the players have come up ("Tennis Shoes History").
The tennis shoe manufacture industry has come a long way as well. There are a large number of companies competing against each other to produce the best quality of shoes for their customers. Some of them include Nike, Lacoste, New Balance Adidas, Puma, Converse, Mizuno, Asics, and Reebok. Some of these have managed to gain a lot of reputation internationally. They cover all kinds of sporting requirements such as those of running, soccer, baseball, rugby and water sports ("Tennis Shoes History").

The shoes which are specifically meant for the sport of tennis are of three major types. They are classified into Hardcourt, Grass and Softcourt based on the terrain being used. Hardcourt tennis shoes need to have patterns such as herringbone and dimples…...


Works Cited

"The Forgotten Tennis Shoes History." playtennislikepro, 11 Nov,2009. Web. 6 Aug, 2010.

"Guide to Tennis Shoes." pickyguide, n.d. Web. 6 Aug, 2010.

"Tennis Shoes History." expert tennis tips,, n.d. Web. 6 Aug, 2010.

Tennis World Marketing Plan Executive Summary of
Pages: 2 Words: 766

Tennis World Marketing Plan
Executive summary of the plan

Tennis world is an e-commerce company that deals with tennis balls, rackets, clothing and other accessories used in the tennis sport. This marketing plan is intended to make Tennis world the market leader in the web-based sales of tennis accessories. Though many internet companies have failed in recent times, Tennis World strives to make it in the field of e-commerce business from this marketing plan. Tennis world has a mission to provide tennis accessories using the internet as its marketing tool. The company also seeks to maintain its customers and supersede what our customers expect from us as a leading tennis merchandise company.

Target audience

Tennis world intends to reach both men and women and no age barrier in place, both the young and old are part of our target audience. Among this men and women, will be actual tennis players and also people who…...



LitLangs. (2012). Internet Marketing Plan. Retrieved November 28, 2012 from 

Crown (2005). Developing an e-marketing plan. Retrieved November 15, 2012 from

Tennis Is One of the
Pages: 1 Words: 355

From early on, I have already realized that tennis will be one of the activities that I will always be passionate about.
More than being a sport, playing tennis has connected me to my father. It also plays an instrumental role in bonding us together. I believe this is the intrinsic value of tennis in my life and why it remains an important activity to me. The sheer love for tennis is a shared passion that binds me and my father. Just last year, my father and I shared our love for the sport as we watched tennis at the Beijing Olympics. This shared experience with my father combined with the bond between my father and I, my love for the sport, and the instinctive national pride of watching the Olympics as it was held in China made the event a very touching and lasting experience that I will never…...

Tennis Backhand Action of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1273

The back also is commonly utilized as a source of stabilization and power during a backhand shot. Improper technique can lead to strain in the back as well, usually resulting from an overly arched back, which can result in small tears or strains of the tissues supporting the spine (Walkerbout Health, 2007). Some players, especially those that continuously engage in bad form, are more at risk for chronic injuries, even arthritis when they do not take care of these muscles and work to properly strengthen and train them between playing sessions (Walkerbout Health, 2007).

Among the muscles that are most stable in this shot include the quadriceps muscles in the upper leg. Strengthening and stretching of these muscles is important to prevent knee pain and injury resulting from the rapid motions the player engages in when preparing for and following through with a tennis shot. There are instances where a tennis…...



Davies, J.A. & Houseworth, S. (2000). "University of Illinois Medical Center: Tennis

Elbow. University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago. Accessed 3, June 2007:

Walkerbout Health Ltd. (2007). "Top 3 Tennis stretches to improve performance and reduce injury." Walkerbout Health Pty Ltd. Accessed 4, June, 2007:

Tennis Is an Indoor or Outdoor Game
Pages: 9 Words: 3126

Tennis is an indoor or outdoor game, played by two players or two pairs of players, using rackets and a light ball, across a rectangular court, which is divided in the middle by a net. It is called singles when there are two players and doubles when there are two pairs. There are white lines in the tennis court, which indicate the dimensions and service areas. The standard tennis court measures 78 feet long and divided into two equal sides. The net at the center measures approximately 3 feet. For doubles, alleys 4.5 feet wide are added along the two longer sides, increasing the total width to 36 feet. Courts may be made of grass, clay, wood, asphalt, concrete or other synthetic material. (USTA 2002) The tennis ball, on the other hand, is 2 1/2 and 2 5/8 inches in diameter and weighs between 2 and 2 1/16 oz. It…...



Lynn's Table Tennis. Table Tennis Techniques, 2000. 

2. Tennis Skills Drills, 2000

3. Papas, Mark. The Revolutionary Tennis. Bounceback, Tennis Instruction, 2002

Tennis Considered One of the Most Popular
Pages: 4 Words: 1093

Considered one of the most popular racquet and ball games in the world, the game of tennis has become one of the more iconic and physically challenging sports in today's society. It is played both competitively and informally by more than 20 million Americans and perhaps twice that many people worldwide (Flink, 1999). It has become a major part of physical education programs at schools and universities and is notably one of the only sports played year round, around the world through organized individual, doubles and team competitions.

The word tennis is derived from the Old French name for the game, tenetz (Flink) and in the late-13th Century a game similar to tennis was played in Paris amongst the social elite and upper classes. The French version of the game has been compared to an Italian version that was also played around that time, even though the French game was referred…...



Industry Launches Major Campaign to Increase Tennis Participation in U.S. Tennis Industry Magazine, issue: September-October 2003. (online copy at website: ( )

Intercollegiate Tennis Association, information packet, 2003, online resource through: 

Cooper, J. The Players Who Made Today's Tennis, column, November 14th, 2003. Online copy:

Tennis Ball Bombs One of
Pages: 2 Words: 587

Three boxes of matches is enough to create one bomb. Empty gun powder containers and especially disassembled but non-detonated commercial firecrackers is another potential indicator of the manufacture of improvised explosive devices because the latter provide a means of securing sufficient quantities of gun powder to create a bomb by persons (i.e. juveniles) who cannot ordinarily purchase gun powder, as well as by individuals intending to avoid creating a record of having purchased gun powder. Likewise, the presence of hobby fuses, particularly without other contextual materials suggesting their legitimate use (i.e. model rocketry materials) are another potential indicator of improvised bomb-making activities. Hot glue guns (also outside of contextually appropriate circumstances) are another potential indicator.
Recognizing and Avoiding Detonating Possible Tennis Ball Bombs

Tennis balls and racquetballs with holes or slashes are obvious warning signs of explosive devices improvised from those items. imilarly, tennis balls and racquetballs covered in electrical tape…...

Muscles Involved in the Backhand Action of the Tennis Shot
Pages: 5 Words: 1645

The number of movements carried out in any sport is known as technique. This technique is the one that is behind a backhand stroke or a forehand stroke. This technique can go for all strokes, swings and basically all the movements involved in sports. This technique is a result of the different forces, whether they are external or internal, acting on the body of the player (Bahamonde, 1992). In order to achieve well though and strategic shots, both coaches and the players need to have a sound idea of this technique.

Before we get into explaining the whole planning and order of events behind a backhand stroke, it should be cleared out that smart strokes are never copied. It should be known that most of the great shots come out because of the physical qualities of the player and not his or her technique. (Hays, 1993) This statement and great observation…...



Bahamonde, R. (1992). - information and education for coaches - Producing an 'Explosive' Forehand & Backhand. [online] Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 31 Jan 2013]. 

Giangarra, C.E., Conroy, B. Jobe, F.W., et al. (1993). Electromyographic and cinematographic analysis of elbow function in tennis players using a single and double-handed backhand strokes. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 21(3),394-399.

Groppel, J. (1992). High tech tennis. Champaign, IL: Leisure Press

Hay, J. (1993). The biomechanics of sports techniques. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall

Living a Normal Life as a Tennis Player
Pages: 3 Words: 899

Sport Psychology
There is much controversy with regard to athletic identity and to the role it plays in a person's life. hile most people think about concepts like fair-play and a healthy body when dealing with ideas related to athletic identity, others consider that it can have a negative influence on a person's life because of the lifestyle it imposes on the respective individual. It would certainly be difficult to have an opinion on whether having an athletic identity has a positive or a negative influence on a person. Tennis is typically promoted as a glamorous sport and individuals who excel in this sport are provided with a great deal of privileges. Even with this, it would be difficult to determine the degree to which being a professional tennis player is likely to improve a person's life.

Physical activity is generally associated with a great deal of satisfaction in a person's life.…...


Works cited:

Hodgkinson, Mark, "U.S. Open: Richard Gasquet puts 'Cocaine Kiss' saga behind him," retrieved March 30, 2014, from 

"SATISFYING SLEEP," Retrieved March 30, 2014, from 

"Canadian qualifier faints as heat wave hits Australian Open," Retrieved March 30, 2014, from

Roger Federer Is a Tennis Player From
Pages: 3 Words: 1145

Roger Federer is a tennis player from Basel, Switzerland. He grew up being interested in and excelling at sports, and had started playing both tennis and soccer by the time he was eight years old. Only three years later, he was rated one of the top three junior tennis players in his country. A year after this, he made the decision to focus solely on tennis, and soon became so focused and involved, he was playing up to three tournaments each month. At the same time, he was spent six hours of practice and three hours of conditioning each week. At age fourteen, Federer became the national junior champion of Switzerland, and from there, his luck and winnings grew. He is currently ranked number one on the ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) tour, and had made it to the finals in the most recent U.S. Open ("Roger Federer Biography").
Federer has…...


Work Cited

Hohler, V. Readings in the Aesthetics of Sport. A&C Black, 1974. Print.

"Profile: Roger Federer - The Greatest Ever -" International

Breaking, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment and Video News. CNN, 7 July

2009. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. .

Art of the Artful Game of Tennis
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

Art of the Artful Game of Tennis
Describe a book, play, composition, poem, scientific discovery, technical achievement, myth, historic event or work of art that has inspired and intrigued you. You can assume we are familiar with the plot and details; instead, tell us what it means for you personally.

It's such a simple game, on its surface, whether that surface is clay, court, or grass. All it takes is a ball, a racket, and a net. And one's opponent. Yet the game of tennis can mean so much more. Tennis can be a life or death struggle to prove a player's sense of worth over another player. It can be an affirmation of all that is good in one's self. A good game of tennis can demonstrate a player's ability to triumph as an individual, against all odds. But the individual in a game like tennis can be filled with meaning,…...

Product Analysis Tennis World Is an E-Commerce
Pages: 2 Words: 816

Product Analysis
Tennis world is an e-commerce company that is designed to become a market leader in the web-based sales of tennis rackets, balls, instruction videos, clothing and accessories. The company is located in the New York. Although there has been a recorded fail in many internet companies, the internet is still poised to support the e-commerce retailers. The failures have been attributed to access to capital with a business model that is unproven and revenue streams that are uncertain. Tennis world is set to overcome these problems with an easy to use website and a distribution system that is efficient.

Tennis world has a mission to provide tennis players with the best of what they need using the internet to lower the customers costs. The existence of Tennis world is based on the urge to attract and maintain customers and when this is followed, the other details will fall into place…...



Khurana, A. (2006). Ecommerce Marketing Plan. Retrieved November 3, 2012 from 

Traxler, D. (2012). Launching a New Ecommerce Business. Retrieved November 3, 2012 from

Lateral Epicondylitis Tennis Elbow
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

Epicondylitis: A eview of the Literature
Mechanism of Injury/Force Involved

Lateral epicondylitis or "tennis elbow" as is commonly referred to often results from pathological processes that occur within the elbow (Foley 281). This injury is most commonly the result of occupational stresses and not necessarily the result of racket sports, though the force involved in such sports may contribute to injury (Foley 282). Direct force is not necessary for the condition to arise and most cases result from repetitive motion or overuse rather than significant impact at one time or another (Foley 292). Given this knowledge one may assume that preventive measures can be implemented to reduce the frequency of the disease.

Lateral epicondylitis occurs as the "muscle bellies" of the forearm narrow and "merge into the tendons" creating "highly focused stress" at the point where the tendons and bones insert into the bone of the elbow (Nicholas 1). Injury to the…...



Crossman, M.W., Gilbert, C.A., Travlos, A., Craig, K.D. & Eisen, A. (2001).

Nonneurologic pain vs. carpal tunnel syndrome: Do psychological measures differentiate?" Am J. Phys Med Rehabil, 80(2): 100-107.

Foley, A.E. (1993). "Tennis elbow." Am Fam Physician. 48(2): 281-8.

Jerosch, J. & Schunck, J. (2005 - Aug). "Athroscopic treatment of lateral epicondylitis:

Management the Volvo International Also
Pages: 9 Words: 2456

The advertising agency has been linked up with past event volunteers who have been approached to provide old video and film clips to be uploaded to Youtube and other video upload sites to aid in a viral video marketing strategy.
e will open ticket sales for the tournament several weeks ahead of the first matches so that spectators can plan for the event. e will highlight donations to charity and potential door prizes for ticket holders to increase interest for the event.

E. Personnel Scheduling.

e will have to line up contractors and necessary organizational employees. In addition, we have to draw up a core of volunteers to help us during the tournament. e will need to set up a seeding committee to assist. e will have to check to see if a racket stringer will is available. If this is not the case, we will have to hire out for this…...


Works Cited

Abbott, J.L., & Geddie, M.W. (2001 ). Event and venue management: minimizing liability through effective crowd management techniques. Event Management, 6,


Cavanaugh, J. (1993, August 15). Volvo tennis tournament returns. Retrieved from .

Getz, D. (2003). Sport event tourism: planning, development, and marketing. In S.

Advances in Nanomaterials and Their Applications
Pages: 7 Words: 2098

Advances in Nanomaterials and Their Applications

Nanomaterials, including carbon nanofibers and nanotubes, are being explored extensively for their use and application in multiple manufacturing domains. One of the most eager manufacturing sectors to incorporate nanomaterials into their midst is the athletics gear and sporting industries. Tennis rackets, surf, skate, and snow boards, skis, ski poles, boats, bicycles, hockey sticks, baseball bats, golf clubs and balls are all potentially transformed by the use of nanomaterials. Other athletics applications of nanomaterials include sports stadium materials, artificial turf, running track surfaces, clothing, and gymnasium equipment (Chunyan, 2011). While nanomaterials are proving promising from design, implementation, and development perspectives, there are also significant safety issues that need to be taken into consideration by engineers, manufacturers, and industry regulators.

The root word "nano" comes from the Greek meaning dwarf because the particles are extremely small and require special technologies for visualization as well as manipulation (Hickman, 2002).…...



3M (2013). 3M nanomaterials strengthen sports gear. Retrieved online: 

Abraham, T. (n.d.). Nanotechnology and nanomaterials -- applications and global market analysis. Retrieved online: 

Chunyan, L (2011). Study on application of biosafety of nano-materials in sports engineering. Future Computer Science and Education (ICFCSE, 2011).

DeJong, K.P. & Geus, J.W. (2007). Carbon nanofibers: Catalytic synthesis and applications. Catalytic Reviews 42(4): 481-510.

What is the origin of the term \"love\" in tennis scoring?
Words: 124

The term "love" in tennis scoring is believed to have originated from the French word "l'oeuf," which means "the egg." This term was used because a zero score in tennis resembles a small circular egg shape. Over time, "l'oeuf" evolved into "love."
In addition to the French origin of "love" in tennis scoring, there are also theories that suggest it may have come from the Dutch word "lof," meaning praise or honor. Another possibility is that it stems from the English phrase "to play for love," which means playing a game for nothing or without wagering money. Regardless of its exact....

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