The Bluest Eye Essays (Examples)

711+ documents containing “the bluest eye”.

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Racist Beauty Ideals and Racial Self-Hated
This pape examines Toni Moison's novel the Bluest Eye fom the pespective of thee diffeent inteest goups:

Those who would inteogate the pape on the basis of issues elated to gende, o of the feminist movement;

Those whose inteests lie in the book's teatment of childen's issues o advocacy, and Those engaging in a dialogue centeing aound issues of ace.

It should also be undestood that these topics ae not necessaily sepaate, distinct and non-ovelapping. In much of the analysis thee will be aeas of intesection of discussion of topics in question.

Much has aleady been witten about Moison's novel and its exploation of black family life in 1940s Midwest Ameica. Moison examines what it means to gow up young, black, and female in Ameica and it is appopiate that this wok consideed fom those pespectives.

The Bluest Eye is pimaily the stoy of Pecola Beedlove and Claudia MacTee, two….

Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) is a new concept in strategic management, introduced by Professor W. Chan Kim and enee Mauborgne in 2004. After doing detailed research, Kim and Mouborgne found out that most of the companies rely on the market segmentation and price competition for attracting customers. This results in increasing costs, decreasing rewards and creating a ed Ocean where all competitors compete together. Therefore, in order to maintain the growth, it is necessary that companies go beyond the competition by creating Blue Oceans. They win the game not by competing in the existing market but make the competition irrelevant by focusing on the new market space.
Blue Ocean Strategy does not aim to give an outstanding performance in the existing industry as it is in the case of ed Ocean; in contrast, it focuses on creating a new market space "Blue Ocean" and making the competition irrelevant. According to Kim….

Blue Gum

Blue Gum HR Practice Overhaul
Recruitment Policy

Blue Gum's new codified and consistent recruitment policy will have an overall emphasis on attracting high-quality and career-oriented individuals for all positions within the company. Annual assessments of labor needs should be used to generate estimates of hiring needs and thus the amount of resources that should be allocated to recruitment efforts. After several years of program operation, estimates based on the efficiency (i.e. conversion rate) of recruitment efforts will help establish more accurate estimates. Advertising in relevant academic and industry journals should take place for specific positions in order to attract more qualified and experienced applicants who already have an eye towards industry development and progress. For entry-level human resource needs, recruitment efforts will consist of increased presence at job fairs, primarily those hosted by colleges and universities in order to attract more educated and qualified candidates. Creating a strong internal environment of employee….

Blue Mountain Big White on

These waterfalls provide a contrast to Blue Mountain and other mountains. As mountains rise, waterfalls fall. Another question that this project is focused on is the different ways in which waterfalls and mountains are valued differently as well as how they are valued the same in other situations.
This is how the government of Ontario describes and honors the Niagara Escarpment:

Designated a UNESCO World Biosphere eserve in 1990, the Niagara Escarpment is an internationally recognized landform and is the cornerstone of Ontario's Greenbelt. A landscape of rich biodiversity, home to hundreds of Ontario's Species at isk, vital watersheds, agricultural areas and 450-million year old geological history, the Niagara Escarpment is a treasure to protect for future generations of Ontarians. (Niagara Escarpment)

Perhaps it is that waterfalls can be seasonal while mountains remain all year round. But for a mountain that is defined by snow as opposed to just by its being….

Blue Highways
(Begins with direct eye contact with a few individuals, giving the impression that you are looking at everyone. Take tone of analytical researcher devoid of individual interest. Two specific attitudes will be shown in this piece: one of analytical discusser and one that embodies the characters in the story).

The story begins with the reflection of the narrator and how he discovered the name of the town Nameless, Tennessee. This narrator is very much like that town itself. He is nameless and searching for a sense of meaning in his life and definition to his character. The narrator lists a series of town names associated with the stereotypical Deep South, like Ducktown, Peeled Chestnut, and Clouds. (list the names with an attitude of quaintness that the story indicates the narrator himself feels). It is important to keep this in mind because the story's central theme is about characters without names,….

And indeed, this is a man without a country, because he not only doesn't fit in with the white man, he doesn't mesh with the older people within his culture.
The antagonist in this story is the white man's world of greed and "civilization." The values that the white man holds certainly clash with the Indian. The white man's beauty is in palm trees of California (that stand "stiffly" by the roadside while a struggling pine tree on a rocky outcropping is more beautiful), and the white man's beauty is also rows of fruit trees like military men all lined up perfectly. That is a man-made world, made by the antagonist in this story. The antagonist in this story is also the sociology professor "and his professing"; this professor won't have to worry about his student anymore and the student won't have to worry about "some man's opinion of my….

Blue Winds Dancing.
The narrator here is in clear conflict with the value system of the white men. He is a Native American Indian who is attached to nature and traditional ways of his ancestors. The way of his people is the protagonist's way and the white man's value system -- the "civilization" -- is the antagonist. After living for some time among whites and studying in a college, he is disillusioned with what he found out. He loathes the "civilization" white men tried to teach him. After explaining how his people appreciate such values as sharing and loving the nature, the narrator critiques the idea of "civilization" through sarcasm. "Being civilized means," he says, "living in houses and never knowing or caring who is next door." It also means being greedy, "always dissatisfied -- getting a hill and wanting a mountain. . . . Progress would stop if he did….

John hite Alexander's "Blue Bowl"
American painter John hite Alexander produced several full-body portraits of elegantly dressed women in the early Twentieth century, including "The Blue Bowl." Painted with oil, an inherently viscid material, on an imposing canvas four feet long and three feet wide, the "The Blue Bowl" initially seems imposing and heavy. Like the heroine's elaborate gown and her fabric belt, the painting's limited palate imparts some sense of restriction and tightness. However, the woman's active, dancer-like pose, and the painter's use of line, color, and composition collectively impart a rhythmic intensity that makes an otherwise heavy painting dynamic and engaging to the eye.

The Blue Bowl" contains several contrasting formal elements that contribute to its energetic nature. For example, a thick, black background competes with the woman's milky skin. The contrast enables her figure to jump out of the background, giving her lightness and freedom from an otherwise nebulous….

Sonny's Blues

James Baldwin and "Sonny's Blues"
African-American James Baldwin (1924-1987) was born in Harlem in New York City, the son of a Pentecostal minister (Kennedy and Gioia 53). Much of Baldwin's work, which includes three novels and numerous short stories and essays, describes conflicts, dilemmas, obstacles, and choices faced by African-Americans in modern-day white-dominated society, and ways, good and bad, that African-Americans either surmount or fall victim to racial prejudices, stereotypes, temptations and inner conflicts. Baldwin's best-known work, the novel Go Tell It on the Mountain (1957) describes a single day in the lives of several members of a church in Harlem (Kennedy and Gioia). James Baldwin is also the author of two other novels, Giovanni's Room (1956) and Another Country (1962), both of which deal with homosexual experience, and a collection of essays, Notes of a Native Son (1955) (Kennedy and Gioia).

In the short story "Sonny's Blues (1957), Baldwin's narrator is….

Social Analysis of the lues Music in the American Society
The blues, or blues music, has been considered an important and popular music genre in the history of American music. Its history goes back many years ago, during the black slavery period in the American history. lues music was said to have traced its roots in the cotton plantations commonly found in the South, and that blues music sang by the African-American slaves were their forms of protest against the slavery system that the white American society encourages. However, blues music did not proliferate and became prevalent among the black and white American society until after the Emancipation period, wherein most African-American slaves were now freed from bondage to slavery legally, and slavery was now abolished and prohibited to practice in the society, especially in the white American community.

The blues is defined as a "musical style created in response to….

Ebay a Blue Ocean Industry

ebay: a blue ocean industry
eBay -- a Blue Ocean Industry

In 1995, the same year that Craigslist was born as a mailing list for announcing local events, Auction Web entered a market without competitors. A software engineer by trade, company Chairman Pierre Omidyar wanted to create a simple system for online trading of goods ("Meg," 2005). His wife, who had an interest in trading Pez candy dispensers, was one of the first customers. In three years time, trading was skyrocketing and Meg Whitman, from Hasbro, was hired as the CEO. Later in 1998, an initial public offering (IPO) made eBay a public company. Share value climbed steadily until the 2004 recession, as shown in Figure 1.

eBay Share Price


The Economist

, June 9, 2005A company like eBay could not exist without the Internet, nor could it have grown so exponentially fast. In 1995, e-commerce was a twinkle in the eye of the denizens….

For most of the story the setting surrounded the narrator and his life. It was his house, his family, and his experiences that made up the majority of the story. However, after the narrator reconciles with Sonny and he is invited to be part of the narrator's life, the setting of the story changes to Sonny and that which surrounds his life; particularly his music. The narrator and Sonny visit a blues club where Sonny, after nearly a year without touching a piano, gets up on stage with the band and begins to play. Only at the end of the story, when Sonny is playing on stage, does his brother, and the readers, understand that music is Sonny's outlet for his emotional pain. All the pain of life that he has endured from a lifetime of drug abuse is released through his music. Sonny and his music become the….

Huck has been raised to treat African-Americans one way but his instinct tells him something different. He does not quite understand the idea of slavery because he is young and he can still see the cruelty behind it. He does not see class as the adults around him do. hen he struggles with turning in Jim, he finally decides he cannot do it. He states, "People would call me a low down abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum -- but that don't make no difference. I ain't agoing to tell" (Twain 269). Here we see that he knows the language and knows what others have told him to do based on Jim's class but he decides that he knows better than the grown-ups around him. In Maggie, A Girl of the Streets, class becomes an important issue for Crane in that it becomes what separates Maggie from the….

Kabul is a cosmopolitan center and demonstrates a willingness to modernize but outside Kabul old traditions remain strong and there is little interest in these rural areas for any change.
III. Social Factors

The rural nature of Afghan society cannot be over-emphasized. The population of the country is estimated at 24 million but it is highly fragmented into a variety of ethnic groups that are further broken down into tribal groups. This tribal fragmentation has been encouraged by the countries bordering Afghanistan that have, in order to promote their own political agendas, disturbed any efforts by the Afghan central government from uniting these tribes. hat has developed is a system of ethnically-based rivalries supported by localized Islamic religious sects.

Tribal traditions inside Afghanistan tend to be more powerful than either Islamic theology or political philosophy and these traditions can be harsh toward women (Rohde). Gender roles under tribal traditions are based upon….

Strategy Concepts -- From Planning Through Analysis and Implementation
The Concept of Strategy

Strategy is about change and response to change. Competitive strategy cannot stand still (Eisenhardt, 2002). Competitive strategy must establish differentiation (Kim & Mauborgne, 2004). Strategy appears most difficult from the inside of a business as perspective taking is based on what the competition is doing, might do, might do in response to what other businesses do, and so forth (Kim & Mauborgne, 2004). The critical distance needed to truly conceive and implement efficacious strategy is not easily achieved from inside a company -- a factor that has contributed significantly to the financial success of consulting businesses like Bain Consulting, Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, and McKinsey and Company.

SWOT Analysis

Businesses face market conditions that are in a continual state of flux, challenging them to construct strategies that are agile, effective, and relevant ("HB SWOT," 2005). A SWOT analysis….

The Title's Influence on Abortion Portrayal in Literature

The title of a literary work serves as a potent gateway into its thematic landscape, setting the tone and shaping readers' expectations. When the subject matter involves the sensitive and polarizing topic of abortion, the title's influence becomes particularly profound.

Signalling the Taboo

The mere mention of "abortion" in a title can trigger instant reactions, evoking strong emotions and preconceived notions. It can instantly convey the novel's controversial nature, signaling to readers that the work will grapple with complex ethical dilemmas and societal divides. Titles such as "The Abortion" (Ann Oakley), "Abortion: A Woman's Right....

15 Pages
Term Paper


Racist Beauty Ideals Standards and Internalized Racial Self-Hatred in Toni Morrison's the Bluest Eye

Words: 4722
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Racist Beauty Ideals and Racial Self-Hated This pape examines Toni Moison's novel the Bluest Eye fom the pespective of thee diffeent inteest goups: Those who would inteogate the pape on the…

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9 Pages

Not Specified

Blue Ocean Strategy Bos Is a New

Words: 2708
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) is a new concept in strategic management, introduced by Professor W. Chan Kim and enee Mauborgne in 2004. After doing detailed research, Kim and Mouborgne…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Blue Gum

Words: 1498
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Blue Gum HR Practice Overhaul Recruitment Policy Blue Gum's new codified and consistent recruitment policy will have an overall emphasis on attracting high-quality and career-oriented individuals for all positions within the…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Blue Mountain Big White on

Words: 1979
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

These waterfalls provide a contrast to Blue Mountain and other mountains. As mountains rise, waterfalls fall. Another question that this project is focused on is the different ways…

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2 Pages
Data Analysis Chapter


Blue Highways Begins With Direct Eye Contact

Words: 814
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Data Analysis Chapter

Blue Highways (Begins with direct eye contact with a few individuals, giving the impression that you are looking at everyone. Take tone of analytical researcher devoid of individual interest. Two…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Blue Winds Dancing Symbolic Words

Words: 1182
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

And indeed, this is a man without a country, because he not only doesn't fit in with the white man, he doesn't mesh with the older people within…

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3 Pages


Blue Winds Dancing The Narrator Here Is

Words: 1396
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Blue Winds Dancing. The narrator here is in clear conflict with the value system of the white men. He is a Native American Indian who is attached to nature and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Blue Bowl by John White Alexander

Words: 1030
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

John hite Alexander's "Blue Bowl" American painter John hite Alexander produced several full-body portraits of elegantly dressed women in the early Twentieth century, including "The Blue Bowl." Painted with oil,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Sonny's Blues

Words: 1613
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

James Baldwin and "Sonny's Blues" African-American James Baldwin (1924-1987) was born in Harlem in New York City, the son of a Pentecostal minister (Kennedy and Gioia 53). Much of Baldwin's…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Social Analysis of the Blues Music in

Words: 1747
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Social Analysis of the lues Music in the American Society The blues, or blues music, has been considered an important and popular music genre in the history of American…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Ebay a Blue Ocean Industry

Words: 1825
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ebay: a blue ocean industry eBay -- a Blue Ocean Industry In 1995, the same year that Craigslist was born as a mailing list for announcing local events, Auction Web entered…

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3 Pages


Sonny's Blues James Baldwin's Sonny's

Words: 1001
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

For most of the story the setting surrounded the narrator and his life. It was his house, his family, and his experiences that made up the majority of…

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3 Pages


Sonny's Blues The Adventures of

Words: 876
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Huck has been raised to treat African-Americans one way but his instinct tells him something different. He does not quite understand the idea of slavery because he is…

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20 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Women

Rhythm and Blues Artist James

Words: 6230
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Kabul is a cosmopolitan center and demonstrates a willingness to modernize but outside Kabul old traditions remain strong and there is little interest in these rural areas for…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Implementing Blue Ocean Strategy

Words: 2956
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Strategy Concepts -- From Planning Through Analysis and Implementation The Concept of Strategy Strategy is about change and response to change. Competitive strategy cannot stand still (Eisenhardt, 2002). Competitive strategy must…

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