The Lone Ranger Essays (Examples)

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Sherman Alexie's Book the Lone Ranger and
Pages: 6 Words: 2175

Sherman Alexie's book, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven: "Every Little Hurricane," "hat It Means To Say Phoenix, Arizona," and "The Trial of Thomas Builds-the-Fire." The focus is on the writing style of these stories, specifically, on the literal and metaphorical imagery, the interweaving of the human and the natural, and the shifting back and forth from reality to fantasy.
Through his use of Alexie manages to create a hypnotic story-telling mode that draws readers into the world of the Spokane Indian Reservation in which the stories are set. He uses descriptions with meticulous attention to word choice: no word is wasted. The literal is also metaphorical. The world of human interaction is contrasted against the natural world in which it is set. Finally, the borders between reality and fantasy become increasing blurred. This is particularly true by the time we get to the third story discussed here,…...


Works Cited

Alexie, Sherman. "This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix, Arizona." The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Alexie, Sharman. New York: Grove Press, 2005. 59-75.

Alexie, Sherman. "Every Little Hurricane." The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Alexie, Sharman. New York: Grove Press, 2005 1-11.

Alexie, Sherman. "The Trial of Thomas-Builds-the-Fire." The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Alexie, Sharman. New York: Grove Press, 2005. 93-103.

Anderson, Theresa. "Colonial and Postcolonial Literary Dialogues: The Lone Ranger and Tonto

Representation and Reality Alexie on Film
Pages: 5 Words: 1752

Alexie, Victor, Thomas and Tonto
Alexie's experiences as a boy compare to those of Victor and Thomas each. It is as though Victor and Thomas are two alternate projections of Alexie's character: Victor represents the unhappy Indian, who is dissatisfied with the way his family and the people on the reservation conduct themselves (they drink too much); he wants to think of himself as a proud, warrior Indian. Thomas on the other hand is far more sympathetic to Victor's family and sees good points in Victor's dad. He also reminds Victor that their tribe was not a warrior tribe but rather a fishing people -- which is a humorous reminder because it completely takes the wind out of Victor's prideful sails and returns him for a moment back to earth. This is essentially the push and pull that Alexie identifies in his own self going to the movies to the see…...

Humanities Even With the Fact
Pages: 3 Words: 811

This does not only apply in the case of someone interested in Native American culture, as it can also assist someone performing business with natives, concerning that the respective individual would know the attitudes that he needs to employ in order to make the partnership as effective as possible.
Lala Guerrero's song "No Chicanos on Tv" is meant to induce strong feelings in audiences as individuals acknowledge the fact that the contemporary society straightforwardly discriminates particular groups on account of their particularities. It is difficult to determine whether it is best to laugh or to cry when hearing the lyrics, as they are intense and sarcastic at the same time. When considering the humanities in general and their connection to this song, it appears that they are also directed at changing people's perception of certain communities. The song raises public awareness concerning the gravity associated with discriminating particular groups and…...

Paradox of American Power
Pages: 5 Words: 1549

Paradox of American power is an interesting account of America's rise to the status of super power where Joseph Nye explains why America's lone ranger approach can no longer work in today's world. The author has extremely impressive credentials, which lends more credibility to his research and his work as a political analyst is greatly appreciated. Joseph Nye Jr. is "currently the dean at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, he was, during the Clinton Administration, chairman of the National Intelligence Council and an Assistant Defense Secretary. He also has a reputation as a prognosticator. In 1989, he wrote a contrarian but prescient book called Bound to Lead, which explained why the then-ailing U.S. would ultimately succeed against Japan, which looked like an invincible industrial giant. This time, though, Nye's crystal ball portends ill for the U.S." (Crock, 2002)
With such amazing credentials and extremely powerful rack record, it is…...




Business Week, 04-08-2002, pp 17

Ruth Walker, The limits of a superpower., The Christian Science Monitor, 04-18-2002, pp 20.

Shimshon Arad, What now, America?., Jerusalem Post, 04-02-2002, pp 07.

Empowerment One of the Catch
Pages: 14 Words: 5216

What management does still exists must maintain an open door policy, so as to help lower level employees transition and communicate concerns but again managers are likely to have a clear idea that this is a behavioral manner of influencing actions. (Tyler, 1997, p. 323)
Though the transition to flat organisation may benefit most organisations, it is still a transitional situation that requires special understanding of employee empowerment as well as interactions. Smaller firms of coarse will find this transition easier while larger firms may need to create quasi-flat systems that better serve multi-factorial production systems and require the system to work together in a streamlines fashion, without one area of production causing unintended problems for another. Employee empowerment is clearly one of the biggest reasons why employees express happiness and comfort within a system and therefore create active retention and motivated work. (Weissberg, 1999, p. 46) a flat organisational…...



Della Rocca, G. (1992). "Voice" and "Exit" in the Middle-Management Labor Market. International Studies of Management & Organization, 22(1), 54.

Dew, J.R. (1997). Empowerment and Democracy in the Workplace: Applying Adult Education Theory and Practice for Cultivating Empowerment. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.

Duke, B.C. (1991). Education and Leadership for the Twenty-First Century: Japan, America, and Britain. New York: Praeger Publishers

Foss, N.J. (2005). Strategy, Economic Organisation, and the Knowledge Economy: The Coordination of Firms and Resources. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Native American Expressive Culture the
Pages: 15 Words: 4153

Black Elk utilizes his visions to create understanding of nearly all things he is later exposed to. The discussion in closing will further illuminate his utilization of vision, to ask for help for his people in a time of crisis.
To discuss the vertical model of artistic communication it is difficult to narrow the filed to just one example, as Native American literature, and to a lesser degree film have become somewhat prolific as genres. Two authors who build upon this tradition are Scott Momaday and Alexie Sherman as they are significant and prolific writers of Indian tradition. Each has written and published several works, including a variety of genres, that all attempt to translate the oral traditions of their nations into a written form that contains the expression of the oral tradition.

In Alexie Sherman's collection of short stories, the Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven he offers a…...


Works Cited

Allison, Sherry R., and Christine Begay Vining. "Native American Culture and Language." Bilingual Review (1999): 193.

Bluestein, Gene. Poplore: Folk and Pop in American Culture. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1994.


Churchill, Ward. Acts of Rebellion: The Ward Churchill Reader. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Leadership in International Schools
Pages: 108 Words: 29649

Leadeship Skills Impact Intenational Education

Pactical Cicumstances of Intenational schools


What is Effective Leadeship fo Today's Schools?

Challenges of Intecultual Communication

Challenges of Diffeing Cultual Values

Impotance of the Team

Leadeship Style


Cuent Leadeship Reseach

Tansfomational Leadeship


Contingency Theoies


Wagne's "Buy-in" vs. Owneship

Undestanding the Ugent Need fo Change

Reseach confims what teaches, students, paents and supeintendents have long known: the individual school is the key unit fo educational impovement, and within the school the pincipal has a stong influence upon the natue of the school, the conditions unde which students lean, and upon what and how much they lean. Despite this ageement about the cental ole of the pincipal, thee is little eseach concening the chaacteistics of pincipals associated with effective leadeship and with pupil accomplishment, and even less insight about how these chaacteistics might be developed and by what means, paticulaly fo intenational school settings.…...



Allen, K.E., Bordas, J., Robinson Hickman, G., Matusek, L.R., & Whitmire, K.J. (1998). Leadership in the twenty-first century. Rethinking Leadership Working Papers. Academy of Leadership Press.

Bennis, W.G. (1997). "The secrets of great groups." Leader to Leader, No.3. The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management.

Crowther, F., Kaagan, S., et. al. (2002). Developing Teacher Leaders. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.

Soldiers Came Back From World
Pages: 4 Words: 1493

Westerns soon developed into a staple of TV land. The independence and strength of the characters epitomized the ideals that made America so unique. Families sat down with their TV dinners to watch such shows as " Gunsmoke," the Lone Ranger," the Rifleman," Have Gun, Will Travel," and " Maverick." You were not anybody unless you could sing the theme songs of each show.

Moviegoers were also being drawn into the theaters by the monster/science-fiction movies. About 500 film features and shorts were produced under this broad theme in the 1950s and early 1960s, explains the 50s B-Movie website. ne might argue convincingly that never in the history of motion pictures has any other genre developed and multiplied so rapidly in so brief a period. As Paul Michael comments, "n a sheer statistical basis, the number of fantasy and horror films of the 1950s... has not been equaled in any country…...


Our American Century: The American Dream, the 1950s.. Editors of Time Life. Richmond-Virginia, Time Life, 1997.

Ross, Kelly. Existentialism. 2003. Retrieved from website April 19, 2005. 

Western Movie Encyclopedia. Western Movie. Retrieved from website April 18, 2005.

Right From the Start Taking Charge in
Pages: 5 Words: 1668

Right from the Start Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role, by Dan Ciampa and Michael Watkins, begins with the cautionary tale of a young man, Andy, who had been hired as president of the company and heir apparent to the CEO. Given a strong directive for transformation and improvement, Andy quickly started making changes. In doing so, he made enemies, including the CEO that he hoped to would replace. Eventually, a coalition formed against Andy, and he was let go.
Ciampa and Watkins then highlight the steps Andy should have taken to succeed at his new position. Their suggestions include acquiring needed knowledge quickly, establishing new working relationships, juggling organizational and personal transitions, managing expectations, and maintaining person equilibrium. For instance, rather than spend the week before he started the job relaxing with his wife and kids, Ciampa and Watkins suggest that Andy should have spent that time studying the…...

Smoke Signals Directed by Chris Eyre Released
Pages: 3 Words: 1063

Smoke Signals" directed by Chris Eyre
eleased on video in June 1999 by Miramax films, Smoke Signals is the first full-length film that has been performed and directed by the American Indians. Smoke Signals is "from top to bottom, an American Indian production, and that makes it historically unprecedented" (Ward Churchill). Adam Beach and Evan Adams play the roles of Victor Joseph and Thomas Builds-the-Fire respectively. They are Coeur d'Alene Indians and the movie opens in Idaho on the fourth of July 1976. Thomas' parents who were alcoholics die in a fire and Arnold Joseph, played by Gary Farmer, the stepfather of Victor, saves Thomas. Arnold Joseph is seen to have a drinking problem and is eventually thrown out of the house by his wife. Arnold, leaving his son behind, goes off to live in Phoenix. After a long period of no contact with him, Victor finds out that his…...



(1) Ward Churchill -- Smoke Signals in Context: An Historical Overview. [Online website] Available from: [Accessed on: 22/09/2005]

(2) Anonymous -- Plot Summary of Smoke Signals. [Online website] Available from:   [Accessed on: 22/09/2005] 

(3) Anonymous -- "Smoke Signals" Summary. [Online website] Available from: [Accessed on: 22/09/2005]

(4) Paul Bond -- Stories from the reservation. [Online website] Available from:   [Accessed on: 22/09/2005] 

English the Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
Pages: 5 Words: 1993

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

The book "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter" by Caron McCullers has received critical reviews by the likes of critics such as Laurie Champion. Here is what Champion had to say:

As quoted by Champion, ichard Cook makes the following statement in his book, "Carson McCullers": "Yet McCullers has consistently subordinated moral outrage and social and political commentary to her overriding concern with the mysteries of individual human name (Champion, 1991). She describes the social environment with a fullness of detail not found in any of her later novels, but we are asked to look inward to the heart rather than onward to political and economic structures in society for any final answers to human problems (Champion, 1991)."


Hence, the quote provided by Champion is quite agreeable. McCuller has given a thorough detail regarding the social environment, which wasn't a part of her previous novels, whilst…...




Writer Thoughts


McCuellers, Carson. The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter. 1st ed. N.p.: Mariner, (2004). Library Genesis. Web. 27 Feb. 2015. .

Application Essay for a Unique Internship
Pages: 3 Words: 1137

young to tell my story, since so much of it has not yet been written, but I will approach this by telling it backwards. I'm pursuing stand-up comedy, and been opener at a comedy club twice this past year, and doing shows wherever and whenever I can find an open mic. There's an improv troupe on Saturdays at a local theater -- I love improv and it makes my stand-up better. I have a real passion for stand-up. I didn't choose comedy; it chose me.
When I came out of the comedy closet, I pursued it aggressively. That's put me in the local newspaper, and I've placed as the only female in a local comedy competition, was part of the best improv comedy group -- in general, things have been working out very well for me. And yet, I've accomplished nothing. I need new ventures, new things to hunt and…...

Criminal Justice Protecting the Rights
Pages: 4 Words: 1097

As far back as the 1930s, the Texas angers became involved in the African-American struggle for full citizenship and civil rights. The angers were summoned to protect two Black men who had been called for jury duty. (Klarman, 2004, p. 154) Unfortunately, the same fabled angers operated on the other side of the fence when it came to their interactions with Mexican-Americans. According to Joan Moore in a 1970s work, "For decades the Texas angers terrorized the Mexican-Americans of the io Grande Valley, and even today, although they are reduced in numbers, los rinches are still used to 'handle' Mexicans." (Feagin, 2001, p. 218) the angers were also commonly used as a kind of border patrol. Though Mexicans and Mexican-Americans often suffered at their hands, the Texas angers came to be idolized by the State's White Population:

The Texas anger had acquired a strong and positive standing in myth, "eulogized, idolized…...



Bechtel, H.K. (1995). State Police in the United States: A Socio-Historical Analysis. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.


Campbell, R. (2003). Gone to Texas: A History of the Lone Star State. New York: Oxford University Press.


Movie Analysis Dead Man's Walk
Pages: 5 Words: 1820

Dead Man's Walk
In the stories of the Wild West, there is always a white man in a white hat who serves as the hero of the story. The villain is always the other white man in the black hat. Symbolically, the villain becomes a racial other because of the color of his hat. When a black hat cannot be found, the other villain of a western will be the Native American, more commonly referred to as the Indian, since calling them by the more politically correct term would be anachronistic. This is a tradition of American stories of the Wild West where the white man, no matter what his character is, will always be heroic in comparison to the villainous other. In the movie version of Larry McMurtry's novel Dead Man's Walk, the heroes of the story are intended to be the Caucasian Texas Rangers and the villains are the…...

Civil War in Texas
Pages: 3 Words: 848

Texas in the Civil War
The American Civil War was a monumental conflict in American history. The conflict was brewing for a long time, as southern and northern states argued over the role of the federal government and the extent of state rights. The debate erupted into an outright war with the election of Abraham Lincoln. Seven southern states formed the Confederacy as before the inauguration of President Lincoln. The issue of states' rights originates with the debate of slavery. unaway slaves would escape the south and head to northern states where they would be deemed free, however, Southern states argued that they were still slaves and wanted a return of their property (Baum 1998). The main issue at hand is what rights extended beyond a state. Southern states naturally supported the stance that citizens of every state could take their property anywhere within the United States, in this case slaves,…...



Baum, D. (1998). The shattering of Texas unionism: Politics in the Lone Star state during the Civil War era. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.

Bell F. Walter. (2005). Civil War Texas: A Review of the Historical Literature. Southwestern Historical Quarterly. 109(2), 204-232.

Buenger, W.L. (1984). Secession and the Union in Texas. Austin: University of Texas Press.

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