Theme Essays (Examples)

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The effects will only be felt later in terms of the support that the activity gets from the public and the state government. This is a part of the competition between states to draw more persons into the states, and even in each county. This year the stakes are very high for the counties as the economy has been expanding, the dollar is weak and a number of big draws for the tourist. (OC's Tourism Share Disproportionate to Size)
Disneyland is marketing its new attractions very heavily as it is going to celebrate its 50th anniversary with the launch of Disney cruises at the port in Los Angeles, the King Tutankhamen exhibit in Los Angeles and the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. The two theme parks that Disney have as Anaheim also drives in a sizeable number of tourists, and this in turn increases the visitors to Los Angeles. The….

Theme Park a Staple of

The Main Street metaphor is both about the magic of childhood and the delight of a simpler era of the American past -- and idealized version to be sure but one that existed in much of the country.
There is considerable power in Main Street USA as an entrance point, and the company has maintained it as the focal point of almost all entrances to its parks since, even in foreign countries where the metaphor and connotations can be quite different today, when parents might be Gen-Xers from 1970s suburbia, there is power in these images as a sign of a lost world. Most of Disney's worlds are fantasy worlds, and Main Street USA essentially asks guests to enter a fantasy world by given them something familiar and yet fantastical at the same time. The time travel connotations are no accident -- when you enter Main Street you are being….

A general comment on the legal environment included insurance premiums (although the case study specifically mentions that this was not Asia's case).
These were generally very high, because of the risk they insured, and 100% coverage was mandatory in the industry (one of its particularities).

The technological environment had perhaps just as much an impact on the industry as the economic or legal ones. The most important issue was related to the hardware and software providers for amusement machinery and know-how.

The provider of hardware market, in terms of large machines, was almost an oligopoly, with very few companies providing high quality machines. As a personal opinion, in these cases it is quite likely that the price was fixed between the players at a mutually advantageous level. However, smaller machines were manufactured by a much higher number of competitors and could be manufactured domestically.

The most difficult component for the industry was related….

evenue management is both an art and a science. Much like life both sides of the mind must be in accord with each other. Applying important information to help relate customer demands with the appropriate products and services requires a strong and deep understanding of the many different inputs that comprise the situation. The purpose of this essay is to examine how revenue management techniques can best be applied into a real and practical situation. To accomplish this, the essay will focus on the organization Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, CA.

To successfully understand the merger of these concepts, an analysis of the products and services of this theme park will first be examined to help paint a clear picture of the situation. The next portion of this essay will look at a competitors' analysis of the theme park and how this information influence revenue management decisions. The competition….

Alice Walker
Themes and Characterization in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker

American literature of the 20th century was known for its subsistence to ideologies that have proliferated for years, as society responded to act upon the continuing oppression and inequality that some sectors of the society still experience even during the period of modernism and social progress. One of these oppressed sectors of the society is the black American sector, which is composed of the African-Americans and second-generation African-Americans. The emergence of the 20th century, unfortunately, did not signal a change in society's perception and judgment of black Americans as this sector continued to have prejudiced, unprivileged, and poor lives.

This facet of American society was mirrored effectively in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker. In it, she mirrored the poverty and hardships black Americans had to go through despite the relative progress society had experienced. It….

Shakespeare's Skepticism: Unconditional Love in Othello

Unconditional love is said by some to be the unobtainable but righteous goal of all living humans. When and if we are capable of generating unconditional love towards our fellow man but in particular those who are closest to us many believe we are capable of ascension to a better place, be it the Christian heaven which stresses unconditional love for one's fellow man and especially one's enemies as well as unconditional love for God and unconditional belief in his some the prophet Jesus Christ. (Walker 6) While in the uddhist inclination it is believed that one can finally ascend to Nirvana after many trials and tribulations that free him or her from the material matters that often drive those urges that are not loving, jealousy and the desiring of the materials of others have, both examples of the opposite of unconditional love. There are….

fences' is precisely that 'fences' and yet whilst some handicaps seem impassible, there are others that are built on mental schemas, personal experiences, and the way that we instinctively and unconsciously interpret the world. A recent book that I read (unsuccessfully traced) conveyed the author's conclusion from his years of psychotherapeutic practice which was that people construct narratives of their lives in order to make meaning of them. Frequently, these lives narratives may be self- destructive and dangerous to the person's progress. Introducing shifts in these narratives in his practice, the author often found that people were no longer obstructed by their societal or 'self' imposed fences and could move on to form totally different, fare healthier type of life for themselves. Fences, Wilson seems to tell us, are not immutable. They can be broken through and transcended would individuals so wish to do so. ome of the characters….

Art Works
The different forms of art have been used over the years to capture various themes in the society and express the feelings and standpoint of the artist. Many artists have been immortalized by their art forms which transcend time and space as they come to be known and revered across the globe and many decades after they were composed. The sculptures, poems, songs, paintings, mosaic works and many other forms of art including the contemporary movie genres have seen some major themes brought into immortalization and the stand or perspective of various artists known through such art works.

One of the predominant themes over the decades is love which is captured different according to the philosophy that the composer of a given work of art holds towards the idea of love. Some loath love, some adore love, other artists are indifferent, yet some do not believe in the concept….

Great Gatsby the old rich and the new rich. The power play between these two sectors at the East Egg and the West Egg is one of the most immediate themes of the novel. The old rich or traditional aristocracy is represented by Tom and Daisy uchanan, and Jordan aker who behave with ingrained grace, simple taste, subtlety and elegance. They are suspicious about, and discriminating against, the new rich, who are represented by Jay Gatsby (Fitzgerald 1925). In contrast with the aristocratic rich, he is ornate, exaggerated, outlandishly clothed, ill-mannered and an absolute wastrel. oth the old and the new rich measure themselves and others with materialistic standards as to their existence and excellence and use these standards in achieving non-materialistic objectives, such as relationships and loyalty.
A the rise of national wealth and material prosperity in the 20s. Fitzgerald uses the material and social conditions of the 1920s….

Themes in Revelation

According to Dr. David L. Cooper, in order to interpret the ook of Revelation in regard to its numerous themes and symbols, one must "follow the Golden Rule. . .for when the plain sense of the Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense. . . take every word as its primary. . . literal meaning unless the facts. . . studied in the light of related passages and. . . fundamental truths, clearly indicate otherwise" (84-85). Thus, if this "Golden Rule" is obeyed, then the basic guidelines for interpreting many of the signs, symbols and themes in Revelation will be an easy task.

However, Dr. Cooper has overlooked one very important aspect-namely, that the ook of Revelation was obviously written under extreme subjectivity, meaning that the themes and symbols are based on human experience and interpretation. Also, if one considers the influence of faith, then the themes and symbols….

Theme of Trifles

play Trifles? Analyze and support the theme by giving examples from the story
Susan Glaspell's play Trifles is intended to illustrate women's superior 'ways of knowing,' and the callousness of males towards women. It asserts the importance, even the superiority of the feminine perspective. Author Susan Glaspell is called one of the "first feminists" of American theater, and Trifles was groundbreaking when it was first produced in 1921. Her "works deal with the theme of the 'new woman,' presenting a hero who represents the American pioneer spirit of independence and freedom" ("Susan Glaspell: Biography," English Teacher's Network, 2012). The play depicts the investigation of a murder scene in which a man, John right, has been killed in his home. His wife Minnie is the most likely suspect. The police gather evidence, while two women, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, look over the right home. Over the course of the one-act….

Story Of an Hour: Theme and Narrative Elements
In a way, Kate Chopin's short story, "Story of an Hour," deals with a variety of different issues that are still relevant to this day. It alludes to the repression of women, the fine line between life and death, as well as that between kindness and cruelty. Additionally, the author uses a variety of literary conventions to convey these different elements, which include the usage of plot, tone and symbolism. A thorough analysis of the text of this story indicates that Chopin primarily uses symbolism and an ironic tone to illustrate the theme of the intoxication of liberation and the dramatic effects it can produce.

The author uses several instances of symbolism to reveal how powerful and addictive freedom is -- especially for someone who is unaccustomed to it, as Mrs. Mallard, the protagonist, surely is not. Mrs. Mallard is, like many women during….

He insists Cory give up any dream of playing ball and makes him return to the A&P. It is important to note Troy does not intend on making his son's life difficult nor does he want to make him miserable but he does want him to have a stable job that will allow him to provide for a family. There is also the notion that at the A&P, Cory will escape persecution for being African-American. Troy is attempting to protect his son but what he fails to do is realize that times have changed. A future with football would allow Cory to provide for his family far better than anything he could find in town. Troy cannot see this clearly and because of that, he cannot see how it is literally robbing his son of a bright future single-handedly. By trying to protect his son, Troy is only ensuring….

Themes in Heroes and Saints and DutchmanThe play Heroes and Saints depicts the plight of a Mexican farming community whose members protest against pesticide poisoning, which they accuse of causing numerous birth defects and cancers among their children. On the other hand, Dutchman depicts the hatred between whites and blacks in America as well as the psychological and political conflicts facing black men in the 1960s. This text studies themes around gender, sexuality, and racial identity emerging from both plays. It also identifies some of the tactics that the playwrights use to minimize resistance.CRUCIAL EMERGENT THEMESOne of the emergent themes in the area of gender in both plays is stereotyping and the objectification of women. In Dutchman, Lula seductively approaches Clay on a train and uses her female charm to win his trust before eventually murdering him. Clay is a successful intellectual of African-American origin, which stereotypically depicts men as….

Themes in After the War Blues and Zoot SuitThe play After the War Blues depicts the plight of Japanese Americans who return home from detainment during World War II, only to find their homes occupied by African-American communities. The play Zoot Suit, on the other hand, presents the story of Henry Reina and his 38th Street Gang members, who are unfairly jailed as a result of racial prejudice. This analysis depicts how the two plays demonstrate themes around home and belonging, and how they exemplify the themes of self-hate and calibanization.THE THEME OF HOME AND BELONGINGThe first theme around home is homelessness and the lack of belonging. In After the War Blues, the Japanese Americans begin to experience alienation when they are held in detention camps during World War II by their very own government due to their race. This detention leaves them with questions around their place in the….

Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....

Remarque challenges the social, cultural, and political notions of war in the way the main characters react to their plight. It is assumed that a nation will rally around its troops, and that the troops themselves will see war as having a great level of value. Since the main characters do not see war that way, they feel cut off from the social and cultural aspects of "going to war." They also don't understand the political ramifications, or why any country would want to invade another. It doesn't make sense to them. Remarque indicates that this may be much more....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Theme Parks Are Special Types

Words: 1664
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The effects will only be felt later in terms of the support that the activity gets from the public and the state government. This is a part of…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Theme Park a Staple of

Words: 1532
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The Main Street metaphor is both about the magic of childhood and the delight of a simpler era of the American past -- and idealized version to be…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Theme Park Industry Is Part

Words: 847
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

A general comment on the legal environment included insurance premiums (although the case study specifically mentions that this was not Asia's case). These were generally very high, because of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Theme Park Revenue Management

Words: 938
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Flags evenue management is both an art and a science. Much like life both sides of the mind must be in accord with each other. Applying important information to…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Themes Using Symbols Settings and Point-Of-View

Words: 1475
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alice Walker Themes and Characterization in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker American literature of the 20th century was known for its subsistence to ideologies that have proliferated…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Theme of Unconditional Love in Shakespeare's Othello

Words: 2033
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Othello Shakespeare's Skepticism: Unconditional Love in Othello Unconditional love is said by some to be the unobtainable but righteous goal of all living humans. When and if we are capable of…

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3 Pages


Theme and Symbolism in Fences

Words: 1144
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

fences' is precisely that 'fences' and yet whilst some handicaps seem impassible, there are others that are built on mental schemas, personal experiences, and the way that we…

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3 Pages


Theme of Love as Depicted in Varied Forms of Art

Words: 998
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Art Works The different forms of art have been used over the years to capture various themes in the society and express the feelings and standpoint of the artist.…

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14 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Theme Analysis of the Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald

Words: 4499
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Great Gatsby the old rich and the new rich. The power play between these two sectors at the East Egg and the West Egg is one of the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Themes in Revelation

Words: 3241
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Revelation According to Dr. David L. Cooper, in order to interpret the ook of Revelation in regard to its numerous themes and symbols, one must "follow the Golden Rule.…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Theme of Trifles

Words: 703
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

play Trifles? Analyze and support the theme by giving examples from the story Susan Glaspell's play Trifles is intended to illustrate women's superior 'ways of knowing,' and the callousness…

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3 Pages


Story of an Hour Theme and Narrative

Words: 978
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Story Of an Hour: Theme and Narrative Elements In a way, Kate Chopin's short story, "Story of an Hour," deals with a variety of different issues that are still relevant…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Symbolism and Theme Explored in

Words: 1206
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

He insists Cory give up any dream of playing ball and makes him return to the A&P. It is important to note Troy does not intend on making…

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4 Pages


Heroes and Saints and Dutchman Themes

Words: 1171
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Themes in Heroes and Saints and DutchmanThe play Heroes and Saints depicts the plight of a Mexican farming community whose members protest against pesticide poisoning, which they accuse of…

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4 Pages


After the War Blues and Zoot Suit Themes

Words: 1204
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Themes in After the War Blues and Zoot SuitThe play After the War Blues depicts the plight of Japanese Americans who return home from detainment during World War II,…

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