Third World Essays (Examples)

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Third orld Dyrness
Dyrness on Global Theology from an Evangelical Perspective

The world is comprised of infinite spiritual and religious stripes. These connect to culture, context and history, and in doing so, have created infinite permutations of observance and worship. This would on one level appear to be the driving premise of the text by illiam A. Dyrness (1990), entitled Learning About Theology From the Third orld. Indeed, the Dyrness text initiates its discussion with the assumption that the great and diverse body of humanity has consequently produced a great and diverse body of theological notions. However, upon closer inspection, the reader finds that the Dyrness text is guided by a decidedly unilateral notion of theology which perceives many non-western ideologies as inherently subordinate to a centering Christian worldview. This impacts the critical reaction to the text expressed hereafter.


The author makes clear from the outset that his text will offer no peering….

Third World Development
What are the growing problems of ethnic tensions and violence in the developing world?

It is impossible to state all of the growing problems of ethnic tension and violence in the developing world, because old tensions are constantly being revived. Because most instances of ethnic tension do not lead to large-scale violence, when violence does erupt, it can be a surprise, even to seasoned observers. Of course, it is not always a surprise. Currently, Africa is the area most plagued by ethnic tension and resultant violence. Africa's conflict death tolls far surpass those on other continents, despite the minimization of violence in Africa (Shah, 2010). Moreover, Africa has a huge number of refugees and internally displaced people (Shah, 2010). The legacy of colonialism and the artificial boundaries it established among different ethnic groups make Africa ripe for growing ethnic tension (Shah, 2010). Moreover, the fact that many areas of….

Contingency or, How Might Things Have Been Different The WWII brought with it significant changes to the political and administrative structures and trends across the globe. Even as the world strong and influential nations realized the political changes and military supremacy over other, the third world, majorly the African nations also had a shift in the political trends internally. It was during this time that the African nations the vulnerability of the European nations even in war yet they are the ones that colonized them. What followed was a mass scramble for the emancipation and decolonization of the African nations in the 1960s. the mere fact that the European could stand scared under the gun fire as opposed to the usually seen commanding and towering colonialist was enough motivation for the African nations to start pushing for self-governance and self determination.
At this point, the different nations of the first world caliber….

Benazir Bhutto later assumed a similar prominent role of leadership in the neighboring rival Muslim state of akistan. But these achievements came despite the fact that in a "study in rural unjab revealed that between the ages of one and 23 months, female mortality rates are nearly twice those of males. Girls born to mothers who already have one or more surviving daughters experience 53% higher mortality...although both sexes receive the same number of calories, girls are given more cereals, while boys receive more highly valued milk and fat" (Lane 1995). Dowry murder is still practiced in many regions of India, where women are murdered for their dowries, and as "female literacy in akistan improves about 5% per decade, at which rate it will take 60 years to raise the literacy rate of teenage women age 15 to 19 to 70%" (Lane 1995).
Such conflicting examples are not limited to….

Health is one of the major problems in third world countries such as India. One of the many reasons why this occurs is because of poverty. Poverty will eat you slowly till you die; it is one of the reasons why most of the babies were not vaccinated, there were poor support from the government about the health of the people and some of the medicines were not provided and usually the cost is unaffordable.
The nutritional deficiencies affect child's health such as insufficient vitamins, iron and iodine. And it is not only the child that are affected but also women particularly those who are pregnant. Lack of Vitamin A leads to blindness and can lead to death for severe infection. Lack of Iron leads to anemia because iron supplies the red blood cells and if this cannot be supplied white blood cells will increase thus will lead to anemia or….

genetically engineered crops, or genetically modified (GM) foods, as they are often called. Specifically it will discuss why genetically engineered crops will help residents of the Third World. Ultimately, each year the world is generating too many people to feed adequately. Without the use of genetically engineered food, some people simply will not be able to survive. genetically modified foods offer an alternative for many people of the world, and many studies have shown they are not as harmful as some people imagine them to be. Genetically modified foods are the wave of the future, they offer numerous benefits, and they should be available to Third World countries who hope to produce more food, live healthier lives, and improve their farming techniques to help them survive and thrive in a new millennium.
Genetically modified foods are not fresh technology they have existed for many years. In fact, studies into genetically….

Politics & Tourism
The Impact of Politics on Tourism

In 1989, Linda Richter emphasized the largely unrecognized role tourism plays on the world's political stage. Some of the examples mentioned to support her argument were the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics in the aftermath of the Soviet invasion of Afganistan and the banning of Aeroflot flights over U.S. territory following the downing of a commercial Korean airliner over Soviet territory (1). There are exceptions to the rule, however, including women's and church groups who view tourism as a viable target in host countries that continue to deny its citizens basic human rights. One example given was the protests encountered by the Prime Minister of Japan on a tour of Asian cities, which were fueled by outrage over the sex trade engaged in largely by Japanese businessmen traveling abroad for this purpose. Richter suggested that most citizens of estern countries consider….

Economic risks and foreign investmentsThere are various cases where American based manufacturers opt to expand their businesses through acquisition of the competitor brands and entire investment and turn it around to use it for their own good. In this instance is the T-shirt manufacturing company based in the USDA opting to buy out the competition based in Bangladesh so that it can increase their volume of sales as well as expand the brand name. For this company to successfully expand the brand name in the Bangladesh economy, there is need to understand both the economic as well as the economic aspects that shape business operations within the new country.Politically speaking, when a foreign company or corporate organization is taking over another company in another country, the political risks involved are numerous, firstly the laws and by-laws that regulate trade in different countries substantially differ hence the buying company needs to….

Origins of the Modern World
The old biological regime describes the way people made their livelihoods and achieved their status through their interactions with the land. In the 1400s, the global population was about 350 million people, 80% of whom were peasants. Consider that that figure represents about six percent of the current global population of about 6 billion people. In the years between 1400 and 1800, the population doubled, reaching about 720 to 750 million people. With so many people dependent on farming to make a living, producing crops for subsistence and selling the agricultural surplus to people who were non-agricultural, growth was constrained. The amount of arable land that was available determined the productivity of the land, with both factors working in tandem to influence population size. The people living on the land adapted to their environment, with population growth serving as an indicator of adaptive success. The degree….

New Delhi:
Bazaar City Extraordinaire

Few people can imagine India without calling to mind its vast cultural, spiritual, and natural splendor. So, too, few non-Indian's can bring to mind the nation without imagining sprawling squalor, chaos (to the western mind), and the history of Gandhi. However, there is much more to India today that few non-Indians understand -- that is that the nation, once one of the most disadvantaged in the world, is now rising as one of the nations "most likely to succeed" educationally, economically, as well as politically.

New Delhi, the capital of modern India is an excellent representation of India as a whole. Sprawling over the Yamuna River, it has long held great governmental, political, and historical importance as the "seat of power" of several dynasties over the centuries. However, just where it "fits in" in the "taxonomy of cities," referred to in the work, "hat is the Nature of….

Developing WorldThe question of neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism is a highly contested one, particularly in light of the current global economic landscape. On the one hand, some believe that these phenomena are still very much at play in the world today, stifling the development of Third World countries (Bowden, 2009). Others argue that neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism are no longer relevant concepts, given the rise of globalization and the increasing interconnectedness of the world economy (Anghie, 2004).There is no denying that the legacies of colonialism and imperialism still have a very real impact on many Third World countries. The economic inequality between developed and developing nations is stark, and much of this can be traced back to centuries of exploitative relationships between governments and corporations (Baars, 2019; Bakan, 2003; Getachew, 2019). However, it is also important to recognize that the world has changed significantly since the era of colonialism: in the past,….

One of the most peculiar but significant changes to the global economic and political landscapes of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is the shift in manufacturing output. hereas China and India had once been the manufacturing hubs for many centuries, North America and the Europe experienced the Industrial Revolution and became the global leaders in manufacturing. This change also resulted in a gap in GDP between Asia and the est. The shift in manufacturing to North America and Europe also belied the population growth rate patterns. As a result, China and India became poor and underdeveloped compared with Europe and North America.Japan plays a more nuanced role in these changes. Japans imperialism led t its eventual defeat and radical shift in focus after orld ar Two. hat would have been another Asian economic backwater had become an industrial powerhouse through systematic dedication to technological advancements and investments in emerging….

World War II Also Marked

The demonstration in Tiananmen Square showed that there were alrge semgnets of the population that wanted change, but Deng's response was to crush the movement with violence and to assert the supremacy ofm centalzied rule once more..
These actions show some of the difficulties of independence and of developing a new political structure when many adhere to older political structures and ideas. One response is to try to wipe out the old with violence, but regimes tend to become reactionary about their own ideas as well and to crush any opposition, real of perceived.

9. Arab unity has not materialized for a number of historical reasons related to the different ways in which the countries of the region have developed so that the leaders of some of the states are wary of other leaders, because of differences in economic structures in the various countries, and because of different reactions to the….

World Nutrition

Food and dietary habits vary from region to region; mostly guided by cultural preferences, access to resources and income levels. It has often found that western countries rarely ever complain of malnutrition problem, while it persists in third world countries. The reason for this is grounded in income levels and access to resources. Most developing countries heavily rely on pulses and beans for calories while most western-nations exhibit a greater taste for meat and poultry. This demonstrates on the one hand, cultural tastes while on the other it also says a great deal about income and poverty. In a report and survey revealed in 1980s, it was found that there existed noticeable differences in per capital supply of calories and protein in different regions of the world (see Table 1). It was observed that developing countries had calories intake 9% lower than the world average. The developed countries on….

Third Way Supply Chain Strategy
VF Supply Chain Strategy

This paper examines VF rands global supply chain strategy as it transitioned to its "Third Way" sourcing strategy. Until 2009, VF's sourcing had followed the more traditional model that was typical of the industry. As with many other apparel companies, VF's supply chain strategy was focused on chasing low cost labor from one country to the next. The industry had evolved to the point that apparel was produced just about "everywhere on Earth," and they, like many of their competitors, had run out of new "low cost" places to source production. This situation led to the conclusion by Chris Fraser, the president of Supply Chain International for VF rands, that it was time that start finding cost savings by managing their supply chain more efficiently.

Rockford Consulting Group (2009) defines a supply chain as a stream of processes of moving goods from the customer….

Mao Zedong's Rise to Power

Early Life and Ideology:

Born in 1893 to a peasant family in Hunan province
Studied at Beijing University, influenced by Marxism and socialism
Organized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1921

Guomindang-CCP Alliance (1923-1927):

CCP allied with the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) led by Chiang Kai-shek
Joined forces to defeat warlords and establish a unified China

Shanghai Massacre (1927):

Chiang Kai-shek turned against the CCP, leading to the Shanghai Massacre
CCP retreated to rural areas and began guerrilla warfare

Long March (1934-1936):

CCP forces led by Mao embarked on a 6,000-mile retreat from southern China to Shaanxi
Demonstrated the party's....

3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Third World Dyrness on Global Theology From

Words: 809
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Third orld Dyrness Dyrness on Global Theology from an Evangelical Perspective The world is comprised of infinite spiritual and religious stripes. These connect to culture, context and history, and in doing…

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12 Pages

Family and Marriage

Third World Development What Are the Growing

Words: 4296
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Third World Development What are the growing problems of ethnic tensions and violence in the developing world? It is impossible to state all of the growing problems of ethnic tension and…

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3 Pages

Foreign Relations

Third World relations with other worlds

Words: 899
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Contingency or, How Might Things Have Been Different The WWII brought with it significant changes to the political and administrative structures and trends across the globe. Even as the world…

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2 Pages

Sports - Women

Roles of Third World Women

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Benazir Bhutto later assumed a similar prominent role of leadership in the neighboring rival Muslim state of akistan. But these achievements came despite the fact that in a…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Interrelationships Between Nutritional Deficiencies in the Third World

Words: 861
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Health is one of the major problems in third world countries such as India. One of the many reasons why this occurs is because of poverty. Poverty will eat…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Genetically Engineered Crops and the Third World

Words: 1331
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

genetically engineered crops, or genetically modified (GM) foods, as they are often called. Specifically it will discuss why genetically engineered crops will help residents of the Third World.…

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6 Pages


Uneasy Relationship Between Tourism and Third World Rulers

Words: 1855
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Politics & Tourism The Impact of Politics on Tourism In 1989, Linda Richter emphasized the largely unrecognized role tourism plays on the world's political stage. Some of the examples mentioned to…

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2 Pages


Doing business in third world countries

Words: 631
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Economic risks and foreign investmentsThere are various cases where American based manufacturers opt to expand their businesses through acquisition of the competitor brands and entire investment and turn it…

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8 Pages

History - Asian

Creation of the Third World

Words: 2320
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Origins of the Modern World The old biological regime describes the way people made their livelihoods and achieved their status through their interactions with the land. In the 1400s, the…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Third World Cities Development

Words: 1741
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

New Delhi: Bazaar City Extraordinaire Few people can imagine India without calling to mind its vast cultural, spiritual, and natural splendor. So, too, few non-Indian's can bring to mind the nation…

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2 Pages


Effects of Neo Colonialism on Third World

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Developing WorldThe question of neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism is a highly contested one, particularly in light of the current global economic landscape. On the one hand, some believe that these…

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1 Pages


world history economic development

Words: 322
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

One of the most peculiar but significant changes to the global economic and political landscapes of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is the shift in manufacturing output. hereas…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - African

World War II Also Marked

Words: 2272
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The demonstration in Tiananmen Square showed that there were alrge semgnets of the population that wanted change, but Deng's response was to crush the movement with violence and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


World Nutrition

Words: 1035
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nutrition Food and dietary habits vary from region to region; mostly guided by cultural preferences, access to resources and income levels. It has often found that western countries rarely…

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12 Pages


Third Way Supply Chain Strategy in VF

Words: 3205
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Third Way Supply Chain Strategy VF Supply Chain Strategy This paper examines VF rands global supply chain strategy as it transitioned to its "Third Way" sourcing strategy. Until 2009, VF's sourcing…

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