Tobacco Essays (Examples)

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Tobacco Industry
History of Tobacco

Ancient Times

Fifteenth Century

Sixteenth Century

Seventeenth Century

Eighteenth Century

Nineteenth Century

Twentieth Century

Modern Times

Corporate Stakeholders

Ethics & Social Values

Ecology & Natural esources

Saint Leo Core Values

Throughout its long and storied history, tobacco has served the various appetites of religious shamans, aristocratic noblemen, common sailors, money changers and modern-day captains of industry. The aeromatic plant grew naturally in the moderate climates of the Americas and was transported to every corner of the world by seagoing merchants. Tobacco evolved from a miracle cure-all to a current medical pariah. From the days of King Philip III of Spain to present days, the tobacco industry has been controlled by a small number of governments and private companies. It wasn't until the nineteenth century that scientists began to understand the destructive nature of nicotine, about the same time that the automated cigarette rolling machine was invented, dramatically expanding the market. Modern evidence supports the conclusion that tobacco is a….

Tobacco and Its Influence on the American Economy
Tobacco trade has been an integral part of the American economy for centuries. From its early use by the Native American Indians to its adoption by the European settlers in the New World in the early 17th century, tobacco has played a significant role in early and modern America in both an economic and political sense. "y the advent of the Civil War, the Indian custom had been transformed into a significant American industry. " (The Story behind the Homestead and Museum)

The powerful modern American economy can be traced back to the early European settlers and their search for economic security and gain. The initial New World economy gradually developed into a successful farming economy and eventually into the complex industrial economy of today. (The U.S. Economy: A rief History) In this process tobacco played an impart part in the founding of the….

Ironically, those opposed to smoking used the very same medium to help kill smoking in public places, restaurants, and even cars when children are present (as is the case in several states now). Smoking and tobacco products are a pariah now - no longer the universal symbol of cool, no matter how much money the companies spend on advertising.

The alcohol and gambling industries, on the other hand, have clearly taken a chapter out of the strife facing the tobacco companies and have done some very consistent things over the course of time. First, gambling and alcohol, all of the vices for that matter, have been connected with the adult world. But it is the "sin" of drink that led to prohibition, and the "sin" of gambling that led most states in the nation to outlaw the practice entirely. While tobacco has been considered to be a public nuiscance and an….

I would continue offering information including access to Web sites, books, and multimedia sources. If possible, I will spend extra time with the patient to help them reinforce their decision and offer psychological support.
Other ways to address resistance to change include asking the patient's family members and close friends to participate in their treatment plan. If the patient has children, the children can volunteer information about how they feel about their parent smoking. The children can offer anything from "I don't like the way it smells" to "I'm worry about mommy dying."

Friends who have stopped smoking can be among the greatest sources of psychological and social support during this critical time in the treatment plan. A friend who can be there not just to provide advice but also as a role model is an invaluable asset. Moreover, friends who have stopped will not tempt the patient by smoking in….

Interference of nicotine with the immune system further aggravates the chances of cardio-vascular disease. ("High Blood Pressure") Carbon monoxide, another constituent of tobacco smoke, latches on to the red blood cells reducing their ability to carry oxygen to the heart muscles and other parts of the body. It also causes thickening of the blood which can lead to a greater likelihood of clotting and increased risk of CHD.
Works Cited

Cigarette Smoking and Cancer: uestions and Answers." National Cancer Institute: Fact Sheet. 11/4/2004. March 8, 2008.

Hecht, Stephen S. "Tobacco Smoke Carcinogens and Lung Cancer." Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 91, No. 14, 1194-1210, July 21, 1999. March 8, 2008.

High Blood Pressure: Tips to Stop the Silent Killer." University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). June 27, 2007. March 8, 2008.

&a: Passive Smoking." BBC News World Edition. October 18, 2004. March 8, 2008.

Tobacco Use and Pregnancy." Centers….

There are numerous legislative actions that have been addressed at the federal level. Both these laws, and the State of Washington's rules and regulations regarding tobacco and smoking present a complete overview of how this behavior is regulated.

The federal laws are numerous but there are some that stand out more than others when legislating tobacco. The Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 prevented deception in acts of commerce which affected many of the health claims made by this industry. The Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act of 1965 required package warning lable on cigarette packages. The Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969 prohibited cigarette advertising on television and radio. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 excluded tobacco from being a controlled substance. More recent legislation includes Public Law 100-202 passed in 1987 that banned smoking on domestic airline flights . The most recent law is the Family Smoking Prevention….

For example, the patient will be expressly forbidden from smoking based on behavioral cues or previous patterns such as immediately upon waking, with coffee, after meals, in conjunction with social interactions, or while doing anything enjoyable or recreational such as watching television. The purpose is to ensure that the only time the patient smokes during the first phase of this treatment plan will be for the express purpose of administering the necessary "dose" of nicotine to address actual physical withdrawal symptoms.

To help ensure that the only smoking will be for the purpose of addressing symptoms of physical withdrawal in the manner intended, the patient will be required to agree to conditions under which permissible smoking will occur. For example, if she determines that smoking is necessary because of actual symptoms of physical withdrawal, she will smoke a half of one cigarette standing on one leg in her backyard, or while….

Although it is expected to die in Congress -- and President Bush has promised a veto if it does not -- a bill is currently circulating that would allow the FDA to control cigarette contents ("eynolds American" 2008). If this bill were to pass, and the likelihood of it doing so is much greater with a Democratic congress and president, it could mean the perpetual death of the tobacco industry. Thus, these issues continue to be primary as shareholders determine if and when to buy.
III. International Ethics

Once a symbol of American life and a major contributor to evolutionary War funds, tobacco quickly found itself unwanted by many vocal United States' citizens once its harmful health effects became known. Since the late 1990s, the issue of international ethics has been of prominence in the discussions regarding the tobacco industry. As outraged Americans began to restrict the tobacco industry's options for….

Tobacco Smoking in United State of America
Tobacco is a plant which belong to the nightshade family, which also include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and red pepper. Whoever the concentration of nicotine in these vegetables is lower compared to Tobacco.

Tobacco smoking has been shown to be unhealthy as it has proved to be the leading cause of preventable deaths in United States, killing more than four hundred thousand people and costing nearly $100 billion in health care bills every year, research shows that nearly all smokers start before the age of 18. Everyday 1000 become regular smokers while one-third of who die prematurely.

Research has also shown that it takes long time of constant smoking to actually become dependent to nicotine. People like the effects of nicotine and get used to them making them to desires it more, smokers think tobacco help them to reduce stress, anxiety and controlling their appetite. Tobacco used….

For example, one approach to regulation would be to outlaw tobacco use entirely, but this action would have serious consequences that the government may not be able to accept. Thus the government must walk a precarious line within its role in the system, cautious of setting precedents that could be harmful in other areas of governing, yet still acting in the interest of the public.
The authors identified five systemic problems that exist within the current tobacco management system:

1) Tobacco is marketed with the goal of making a profit, by for-profit tobacco industry companies, and this is at odds with the goals of the public health sector related to reducing the use of tobacco products.

2) the Tobacco Use Control subsystem is limited in its abilities to create and provide cessation products and prevention services, and lacks a dynamic capacity in addressing these issues

3) This same subsystem is split between harm….

" (Sciencentral, 2006)
Sepsis is not the only immune response system disease that cigarette smoking has been credited for protection the individual from developing as it is additionally it is reported by Ulla that those who consume cigarettes are "...less prone to another disease of the immune system, ulcerative colitis. This inflammatory disease attacks the digestive system, but was found to affect a disproportionate number of non-smokers." (Sciencentral, 2006)

III. The Functions of Tobacco Litigation

The work of Vernick, Rutkow and Teret (2007) state in the work entitled: "Public Health enefits of Recent Litigation Against the Tobacco Industry" states that the litigation against the tobacco industry " with lawsuits involving other dangerous products...can serve several important functions." (Vernick, Rutkow and Teret, (2007) Those are stated as follows: (1) Lawsuits can compensate individuals harmed by the product; and (2) Lawsuits can serve a public health purpose by encouraging manufacturers to change their products, sales,….

Alcohol, even at low doses, significantly impairs the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely. Low to moderate doses of alcohol can also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including domestic violence and child abuse. Hangovers are another possible effect after large amounts of alcohol are consumed; a hangover consists of headache, nausea, thirst, dizziness, and fatigue."
On the other hand, "prolonged, heavy use of alcohol can lead to addiction (alcoholism). Sudden cessation of long-term, extensive alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions. Long-term effects of consuming large quantities of alcohol, especially when combined with poor nutrition, can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. In addition, mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome."

All in all, I consider that the arguments stated above….

There are, of course, other methods that have been developed for the reduction of destruction to agricultural crops from pest insects such as the Manduca sexta, including the use of aqueous vermicompost solutions as fertilizers for plant growth (Edwards et al. 2010). The efficacy of such other endeavors arguably questions the need for the creation of food alternatives for the purposes of crop protection, and the current research definitely suggests that greater difficulties would be had in this area than in developing other plant-focused (rather than pest-focused) means of protecting crops and the interests of agribusiness. The increased growth rate of the artificial food source could also lead to problems with growing populations of the pest insect, leading to greater destruction by subsequent generations.

Ultimately, however, further research into the creation of alternative food sources is suggested before such methods and endeavors are entirely scrapped. The research clearly shows that artificially….

Tobacco Products
Just put out the facts and let the public make their own decision on the use of Tobacco products. At times revealing information and statistics is all the public needs.

Tobacco smoking is one of the most common habits prevalent throughout the world. People continue to smoke tobacco and there is very little concern for the health consequences of tobacco use. Every year smoking takes a huge toll on peoples lives, greater than any other epidemic disease like AIDS. Cardiac arrest and lung cancer are two of the potentially fatal diseases, which are directly attributed to tobacco smoking. Apart from this tobacco is also the leading cause for respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, infertility, oral diseases and other complications. A discussion on the health effects of smoking, laws pertaining to tobacco trade and some statistical insight would certainly help us get a better picture of the problem.

The Effects….

Tobacco Control Program
The California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) is one of the oldest state tobacco control programs in the Nation. Established in 1990, CTCP was the first tobacco control program to include a change of social norms in its strategy. Largely a success due to impacts in and out of California, CTCP must continue to work against the tobacco industry's marketing tactics.

The California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) was established in 1990 and was the first tobacco control program to incorporate a change of social norms in its core strategy (California Department of Public Health, n.d.). The program's stated mission is "to improve the health of all Californians by reducing illness and premature death attributable to the use of tobacco products" (California Department of Public Health, 2010, modified 10/31/2012). The program's ambitious long-term goals are to empower statewide and local health agencies to promote health and quality of life by….

While people often lump the American colonies together, there were significant differences between the New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. These differences were not only geographical, but also based in who had the grants for the colonies, their favor in the British government, and who eventually settled in the lands. These differences initially impacted how successful the American colonies were and how prosperous they would become. They eventually impacted industrialization and, in many ways, could be cited as one of the root causes of the eventual American Civil War and even some of....

Outline: Infectious and Lifestyle Diseases

I. Introduction
- Hook: Start with a captivating statistic or narrative that highlights the global burden of infectious and lifestyle diseases.
- Thesis statement: State the central argument that infectious and lifestyle diseases pose significant risks to human health, and that these risks are influenced by various lifestyle factors.

II. Infectious Diseases
- Definition of infectious diseases and their modes of transmission.
- Examples of common infectious diseases (e.g., influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis) and their associated symptoms and severity.
- Factors contributing to the spread of infectious diseases, including poverty, poor sanitation, and lack of access to healthcare.
- The role of public health....

1. The ethical and legal implications of smoking bans in public places
2. The impact of secondhand smoke on non-smokers and the necessity of smoke-free environments
3. The role of tobacco companies in promoting and perpetuating smoking habits
4. The effectiveness of anti-smoking campaigns and policies in reducing smoking rates
5. The relationship between smoking and mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression
6. The cultural and social factors that contribute to smoking initiation and addiction
7. The economic costs of smoking-related healthcare and the burden on the healthcare system
8. The role of government regulation in decreasing smoking prevalence and promoting public health
9. The potential....

The Health Hazards of Smoking: A Persuasive Essay

Smoking, a prevalent habit worldwide, poses significant threats to human health. The detrimental effects of tobacco use extend beyond the individual smoker, impacting families, communities, and society as a whole. This essay aims to persuade readers about the urgency of addressing the health hazards associated with smoking and advocate for comprehensive measures to reduce its prevalence.

Physical Health Consequences

Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, responsible for over 480,000 deaths annually. Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, including many known carcinogens. These chemicals damage cells and tissues, increasing the....

15 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Industry History of Tobacco Ancient Times

Words: 5517
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Tobacco Industry History of Tobacco Ancient Times Fifteenth Century Sixteenth Century Seventeenth Century Eighteenth Century Nineteenth Century Twentieth Century Modern Times Corporate Stakeholders Ethics & Social Values Ecology & Natural esources Saint Leo Core Values Throughout its long and storied history, tobacco has…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco and Its Influence on the American

Words: 2174
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Tobacco and Its Influence on the American Economy Tobacco trade has been an integral part of the American economy for centuries. From its early use by the Native American Indians…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Alcohol and Gambling The

Words: 2762
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ironically, those opposed to smoking used the very same medium to help kill smoking in public places, restaurants, and even cars when children are present (as is the case…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Cessation Evaluation and Pre-Assessment

Words: 1468
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I would continue offering information including access to Web sites, books, and multimedia sources. If possible, I will spend extra time with the patient to help them reinforce…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Smoke Contains About 4 000

Words: 488
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Interference of nicotine with the immune system further aggravates the chances of cardio-vascular disease. ("High Blood Pressure") Carbon monoxide, another constituent of tobacco smoke, latches on to the…

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2 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco There Are Numerous Legislative Actions That

Words: 543
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Tobacco There are numerous legislative actions that have been addressed at the federal level. Both these laws, and the State of Washington's rules and regulations regarding tobacco and smoking present…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Cessation Treatment Plan This

Words: 1195
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For example, the patient will be expressly forbidden from smoking based on behavioral cues or previous patterns such as immediately upon waking, with coffee, after meals, in conjunction with…

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17 Pages
Research Proposal

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Industry Where Business Meets

Words: 5112
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Although it is expected to die in Congress -- and President Bush has promised a veto if it does not -- a bill is currently circulating that would…

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4 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Smoking in United States of America

Words: 1072
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Tobacco Smoking in United State of America Tobacco is a plant which belong to the nightshade family, which also include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and red pepper. Whoever the concentration of…

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4 Pages
Article Review

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Use Management System Analyzing

Words: 1163
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

For example, one approach to regulation would be to outlaw tobacco use entirely, but this action would have serious consequences that the government may not be able to…

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4 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Companies Should Not Be

Words: 1254
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

" (Sciencentral, 2006) Sepsis is not the only immune response system disease that cigarette smoking has been credited for protection the individual from developing as it is additionally it is…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco vs Other Drugs Nowadays

Words: 2055
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alcohol, even at low doses, significantly impairs the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely. Low to moderate doses of alcohol can also increase the incidence…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Tobacco Hornworm an Analysis of

Words: 2046
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

There are, of course, other methods that have been developed for the reduction of destruction to agricultural crops from pest insects such as the Manduca sexta, including the use…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Products Effects Law and Statistics

Words: 1868
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Tobacco Products Just put out the facts and let the public make their own decision on the use of Tobacco products. At times revealing information and statistics is all…

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2 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Tobacco Control Program the California Tobacco Control

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Tobacco Control Program The California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) is one of the oldest state tobacco control programs in the Nation. Established in 1990, CTCP was the first tobacco…

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