Tourism Essays (Examples)

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Tourism Australia Tourism Profile for
Pages: 8 Words: 2459

Fraser Island is one of the largest and beautiful islands of Australia and is very popular destination for holidays. Tourists get a chance to see species of wild dogs and a variety of types of fish that are found only in Australia. Similarly Kangaroo Island, Adelaide, Jamison Valley and Cairns are also on the top list of tourists attractions.

Markets and Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages

Every year, overseas as well as local tourists plan their trips for Australia and have a great time enjoying the natural and artificial tourist's attractions. Australia has a wealth of assets that give it a competitive advantage over the other tourists' countries of the world. These include; natural places for tourism, exclusive landscapes, culture and heritage, urbanized cities and egalitarian society, which gives a comfortable & friendly environment to the visitors. However, having a competitive edge over others does not mean end of the game; therefore Australian…...



Australian Bureau of Statistics "Population clock." website. Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved 28 July 2012.[email protected]/94713ad445ff1425ca25682000192af2/1647509ef7e25faaca2568a 


Australian Bureau of Statistics. "Tourism Satelite Account 2010-11:Key Figures." Commonwealth of Australia.

Tourism Towards Sustainability
Pages: 4 Words: 1101

Tourism & Cyprus
Tourism and Cyprus

Tourism-Towards Sustainability: Case of Cyprus

Tourism-Towards Sustainability: Case of Cyprus

epublic of Cyprus

Sustainable Tourism Development

Tourism-Towards Sustainability: Case of Cyprus

The current paper is an exploration of the concept of tourism as a contributor of sustainability and sustainable growth and for this purpose the author has selected the epublic of Cyprus as a case study. Cyprus has been because tourism here is the most significant economic activity. In addition, besides the economic point-of-view, the casino industry and tourism have their contribution in the social development of the community

Tourism now has become an industry which has a significant role in the economic growth of any country. Visitors coming to a destination spend money on shopping, hotel accommodation, eatables, and transportation as well as on entertainment and thus contribute to increase the gross domestic product (GDP). Tourism also helps to create employment and provide socio-economic development. The data show that during the…...



Aas E, Baussant T, Balk L, Liewenborg B, Andersen OK. (2000) PAH metabolites in bile, cytochrome P4501A and DNA adducts as environmental risk parameters for chronic oil exposure: a laboratory experiment with Atlantic cod. Aquat Toxicol 51:241-258.

Altinay, M. & Hussain, K. (2005). Sustainable tourism development: a case study of North Cyprus. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 272-280

Cyprus Tourism Organization (2006). Tourism in Cyprus 2006.

Dallen J. Timothy, Shopping Tourism, Retailing and Leisure, (Clevedon: Channel View Publications, 2005), 42.

Tourism - Kerala Boat Race
Pages: 8 Words: 2710

The diverse culture and beauty coupled with this unique boat race fascinates a good number of foreign travelers and they are more likely to visit again or spread word about the place. All this results in a positive image boost for Kerala and there is a high chance for the number of travelers to increase multi-fold within the next decade.
Local development

The boat race event and the money that it brings to the local population has resulted in big regional developments. The boom in tourists has encouraged many private tourism companies to start tours and packages for domestic and foreign visitors. Also, the state Government has entered into a public-private agreement with many top companies in the tourism sector to open hotels, restaurants and restaurants. Many well-known hotel chains such as Taj, Oberoi, Le Meridien and Best Western have invested here. Also, many wealthy Non-resident Indians (NI) living abroad in…...



No Author. 1/31/2012. Forum says events key to regional tourism. Northern Daily Leader. Pg5.

Matthew, Kavya. Mar/Apr 2009. The Onam Festival. Skipping Stones. 21(2). p29.

George, Sanu. 8/11/2011. All Charged Up for Kerala's Boat Race. South Asian Post. P11.

Khan, Faizal. 2010. Backwaters Unleashed: Snake Boat Racing in Kerala. The Economic Times. [online].

Tourism Economics Over the Last Several Years
Pages: 5 Words: 1701

Tourism Economics
Over the last several years, the issue of climate change has been continually brought to the forefront. This is because a variety of scientific evidence is highlighting the damage that CO2 emissions are causing to the environment. In the case of Australia's tourism industry these challenges are more severe. As they want to protect the various natural resources that are adversely being impacted by these transformations (i.e. The Great Barrier eef, the Australian Alps and Outback). Yet, the introduction of a carbon tax will have an adverse impact on the sector with tourism operators expected to see a decrease in revenues from -.7% to -1.2% annually. This is challenging, as it is creating divisions about how this will affect the economy and job creation. To fully understand the short- and long-term implications requires focusing on a number of areas to include: examining why the government is implementing these measures,…...



Australia Introduces Controversial Carbon Tax. (2012). BBC. Retrieved from: 

Carbon Price. (2012). Small Business. Retrieved from: 

Carbon Tax. (2011), AAOA. Retrieved from: 

Carbon Tax and Tourism. (2011).

Tourism Chicago City Chicago IL United States
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Tourism Chicago
City: Chicago, IL United States of America

Stage of Development

The city of Chicago has been in existence for nearly 200 years and the tourism market that is present there is very entrenched and advanced in development. The city of Chicago has incorporated tourism as a major component of the city's governing structure and has placed many tourist attractions throughout the city. The city itself is a tourist destination making this city one of the most advance developed tourist cities in the world.

Approach to Destination Management

Both business and government have realized the important contributions that tourism has given the city and manages the city in accordance with that idea. Both city, state and federal governments all play a key role in managing this approach by infusing many tourist and leisure businesses throughout the city and promoted throughout the world.

System of Governance

The system of governance within the city of Chicago and its…...



Lecture Notes Week 1. Provided by student

Lecture Notes Week 2: Provided by student.

Lecture Notes Week 3: Provided by student.

Tourism Research Philosophies and Principles Competing Philosophies
Pages: 10 Words: 2944

Tourism esearch Philosophies and Principles
"Competing" Philosophies

Impact of Values and Interests on esearch

The relatively young area of Tourism esearch borrows heavily from social science in its use of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. Previously contrasted with each other, the two methods are increasingly used as complimenting disciplines by researchers attempting to deal with the complexity and global importance of tourism research. Even as researchers seek greater knowledge by Quantitative-Qualitative analyses, their research is still significantly impacted and sometimes considerably skewed by their values and interests, as well as the lack of a clear code of ethics for tourism research. Finally, four peer-reviewed tourism research articles are examined for their research methods, underlying principles and worldviews.

"Competing" Philosophies

Within social sciences, paradigms are frameworks with differing worldviews springing from theoretical and philosophical assumptions (PANSII, 2005). The social science paradigms of 'positivist/functional' and 'interpretative' research methodology have dominated research and form the bases of many other…...



BOWEN, D., 2002. Research on Tourist Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: Overcoming the Limitations of a Positive and Quantitative Approach. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 7(1), pp. 31-40.

CONWAY, D. & TIMMS, B.F., 2010. Re-Branding Alternative Tourism in the Caribbean: The Case for 'Slow Tourism'. Tourism and Hospitality Research, Volume 10, pp. 329-344.

FLICK, U., 2006. An Introduction to Qualitative Research. 3rd ed. London: Sage.

GIVEN, L.M.E., 2008. The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, Volume 2. London: Sage Publications, Inc..

Tourism in Chicago This Assessment Task Is
Pages: 10 Words: 2950

Tourism in Chicago
This assessment task is designed to encourage students to develop research, and critical thinking skills. The primary competencies addressed are problem solving, critical evaluation, innovation skills, communication, and literacy

Stage of Development

Tourism is an integral part of modern economies. Countries and cities are marketing themselves as preferred tourist destinations in order to attract visitors. This is the case in Chicago, where tourism has made significant contributions in the region's economy over time. The city existence for 200 years has seen tourism grow to be one of the key pillars of its economic development. The city has incorporated the sector as a key constituent of the governing structure in the region and this has resulted in the development of numerous tourist attractions in the city. The history and proximity of the city contribute to its appeal as a tourist destination. This has made Chicago one of the most developed tourist…...



Borrelli, N and Kalayil, A. (2011).Tourism and Planning in Chicago. The Experience of Devon Avenue. Tourism Planning & Development. Volume 8, Issue 4. Pages 345-357

Civic Consulting Alliance. (2012). Growing Chicago Tourism. Retrieved from < >

Conrady, R., Buck, M., Viehl, P., & Tittel, K. (2011). Trends and issues in global tourism 2011. Heidelberg: Springer.

Dwyer, L., Forsyth, P., & Dwyer, W. (2010). Tourism economics and policy. Bristol, UK: Channel View Publications.

Tourism and Its Current Trends
Pages: 4 Words: 1001

" (Tourism Directory, 2009) This type of system would ensure that fair-trade claims are true when these types of claims are made. All areas of the world are not reporting positive trends in travel and tourism and one such location is the Caribbean due to a downturn in economics. The 2nd UNWTO Conference on Tourism Trends and Outlook for the Asia Pacific Tourism reports "difficult conditions as the global economy deteriorates and Asia and the Pacific, one of the fastest growing tourism regions in the world is strongly feeling the impact of the global slowdown." (Tourism Directory, 2009) Also reported is that the Council of State Tourism Directors reports state tourism office best practices which are based on 40 state tourism office responses to the annual survey. Specific findings include those as follows: (1) While an expanded web presence has produced no incremental reduction in print costs, it has resulted…...



2nd UNWTO Conference on Tourism Trends and Outlook for the Asia Pacific (2009) Tourism Directory. 1 Jan 2009. Online available at:

Hospitality Execs Discuss Current Trends in Travel (2009) Gauteng Tourism Authority. Online available at: 

Hotel, Catering and Tourism: Current Situations and Trends (2008) Credit Suisse. Economic Research. Online available at:

Market Trends (2009) Tourism Alliance. Online available at:

Tourism Heinberg Sustainability
Pages: 4 Words: 1285

Tourism Industry
Tourism is a burgeoning industry in this world right now, and the growth being driven by a number of different factors. Rising incomes, increased exposure to and interest in travel, and massive infrastructure investment by companies and countries hoping to win tourist dollars all encourage a higher level of travel than has ever been seen before in this world.

Tourist industry that is based on unsustainable natural resource should be banned, because it is harmful for local environment. There are many countries that have few industrial assets, but have leveraged their climates and scenery to develop tourism businesses -- many Caribbean islands, the Maldives, Fiji, Costa Rica and others have a high level of dependence on tourism for their income, even though the expense of it is their ecosystems. Furthermore, competition among both cruise providers and airlines has resulted in an increase in capacity, even though both of these industries…...

Tourism in Mozambique Being a Country That
Pages: 2 Words: 690

Tourism in Mozambique
Being a country that was known for nothing but war till the early 1990s after running for 16 years, Mozambique has made significant strides in terms of the investment in general and investment in tourism in particular. Mozambique, situated in the southern part of Africa is slowly emerging as a favorite destination of tourists who are drawn to the region by the tropical weather, rich culture, beautiful beaches and tourism site on top of the political stability that now exists within the country and region at large (Anna S & Ema B., 2011).

These factors aforementioned have worked to the advantage of the country in stabilizing and expanding the tourism industry within the country to experience a four times increase between 2004 and 2010. This sector is now considered one of the major sectors in the contribution to the GDP of the country with the hotels therein barely able…...



Anna S & Ema B., (2011). Economic Case for Tourism in Mozambique. Retrieved April 24, 2013 from 

National Policy for Tourism, (2013). Tourism Policy and Strategy. Retrieved April 24, 2013 from,%20plans/Tourism%20Policy%20and%20Implementation%20Strategy.pdf

Over Reliance on Tourism in Developing Countries for Gdp Growth
Pages: 2 Words: 826

Over Reliance of Tourism for GDP in Developing Countries The tourism sector has the ability to promote as well as sustain a nation’s economy. But being over-dependent on tourism will prove potentially harmful for unindustrialized nations. One clear example of the consequences of overdependence on tourism is that of the scenic Republic of Maldives, which was mainly reliant on tourism for economic development and sustenance. The nation declared an emergency last year after threats of an attack; its economic condition was subsequently labeled unstable and a near-stoppage in its activities was witnessed. Not even seven days later, the government withdrew the emergency after widespread local and global censure. The emergency was unallowable owing to its immense potential adverse impacts on the nation’s tourism sector (Bojanic and Lo 2016, pg. 4).
Being overly dependent on tourism for supporting the national economy places a nation at significant risk. In general, nations wholly dependent on…...



Bojanic, D.C. and Lo, M., 2016. A comparison of the moderating effect of tourism reliance on the economic development for islands and other countries. Tourism Management, 53, pp.207-214.

Cheer, J.M., 2015. After the cyclone: why relying on tourism isn’t in Vanuatu’s interests. The Conversation, 15 April.

Dredge, D. and Gyimóthy, S., 2015. The collaborative economy and tourism: Critical perspectives, questionable claims and silenced voices. Tourism Recreation Research, 40(3), pp.286-302.

Fang, B., Ye, Q. and Law, R., 2016. Effect of sharing economy on tourism industry employment. Annals of Tourism Research, 57, pp.264-267.

George, R., Barben, T., Chivaka, R., van Vuuren, M.J., Knott, B., Lehmann, S., Mulder, M., Nel, J., Nieuwenhuizen, C., Saunders, C. and Swart, K., 2016. Managing tourism in South Africa (No. Ed. 2). Oxford University Press.

Mak, J., 2004. Tourism and the economy: Understanding the economics of tourism. University of Hawaii Press.

Mok, C., Sparks, B. and Kadampully, J., 2013. Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. Routledge.

Mowforth, M. and Munt, I., 2015. Tourism and sustainability: Development, globalization and new tourism in the third world. Routledge.

The Effects of Tourism on Local Community
Pages: 2 Words: 740

Fairfield Lake State ParkIn an event that directly affects the community of Fairfield, Texas, Fairfield Lake State Park, a 4,200 acre park located between Dallas and Houston, has been closed and sold to private developers. This has sparked concern and worry among the community, which is a town of approximately 3,000 people (Blakey, 2023). Of primary concern is the towns economic well-being. Fairfield Lake State Park is not only a popular recreational destination but also an economic engine for the community. According to Texas Parks & Wildlife, more than 80,000 people visited the park last year. The closure of the park and its sale to private developers is likely to have a significant impact on the local economy. The loss of visitors and tourism revenue could result in job losses and decreased economic activity for local businesses (Blakey, 2023). The closure of the park may also affect how the community…...



Blakey, K. (2023). Fairfield State Park closes. Retrieved from 

Lopez, R. (2023). Fairfield Lake State Park land owner sells to real estate developer. Retrieved from 

Tourism in Dubai Tourism in Dubai Is
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Tourism in Dubai
Tourism in Dubai

Dubai is a nation which is continuing to try to draw in tourists from all over the world in order to increase its revenue potential from its tourism industries. As the nation continues to develop new and often estern style influenced projects, it is opening its doors for a plethora of international tourists. Public policy in the region helps facilitate more tourism through allocating funds to increase airport size, promote duty free shopping, and by generating partnerships between the public and private sectors to increase competition within the tourism industry.

The country has taken on numerous airport expansions. Each new expansion opens up the potential to accommodate more and more travelers, making visiting Dubai an easier and more enjoyable experience. One of the most influential in increasing modern tourism was the opening of the Sheikh Rashid Terminal in 2000 (Nair 1). The Dubai airport now even accommodates…...


Works Cited

Dubai Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing. "Projects & Initiatives." Government of Dubai. 2011. Web. 

Ellis, Dominic. "Dubai Airport Announces $7.8 Billion Expansion." Business Traveller. 2011. Web. 

Khaleej Times Online. "Shot in the Arm for Tourism Sector in Dubai." Khaleej Times. 2010. Web. 

Nair, Manoj. "Dubai Duty Free Benefits from Innovative Marketing." Gulf News. 2011. Web.

Tourism and Hospitality Industries it Is Perhaps
Pages: 3 Words: 1017

Tourism and Hospitality Industries
It is perhaps indicative of how interconnected the hospitality industry and the tourism industry are that they are often connected in literature as one broad industrial category, "the hospitality and tourist industry." Their aims and objectives certainly overlap, sharing a common goal of catering to the needs and desires of people who are traveling for one reason or another. It is a facile separation of the domains of each industry to suggest that hospitality pertains to where people stay and tourism pertains to what people do in the process of travel, particularly as the options become more elaborate and varied to reflect a simultaneous increase in technology and the sophistication of consumer demand. Instead of focusing upon debatable divisions between the functions of each industry, it is perhaps a better model to look at the ways in which they support each other's key services (Ottenbacher 2009).

One of…...



Brey, ET al. (2008). Standard Hospitality Elements at Resorts: An Empirical Assessment. Journal of Travel Research. 47: 2; 247-258.

Crouch, GI. (2011). Destination Competitiveness: An Analysis of Determinant Attributes. Journal of Travel Research. 50: 27-45

Denver ES et al. (2009). "A World Ranking of the Top 100 Hospitality and Tourism Programs" Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 33, 4: 451-470.

McCleary KW. (1993). Hotel Selection Factors as They Relate to Business Travel Situations. Journal of Travel Research. 32: 2; 42-48.

Tourism Know in Spite of Rio's Iconic
Pages: 3 Words: 918


In spite of Rio's iconic statue of Christ the Redeemer and its noteworthy names like Copacabana and Ipanema, relatively few international visitors make it to Brazil. According to Smale (2010), Brazil does not even come close to being in the top ten international tourism destinations in the world. Only 5.2 million people visited Brazil in 2010 (Smale, 2010). This is compared with the top spot-holder France at 76.8 million people. The 2014 World Cup is sure to boost Brazil's image in the world's eye, leading to a profitable growth in the nation's tourism industry.

Brazil is actively and consciously using the World Cup 2014 celebrations as a means to draw tourists. Direct and indirect marketing methods as well as developments in infrastructure and social institutions are being designed with tourism in mind. For example, Brazil is improving its airports to the tune of 6.5 billion Brazilian real ($3.4 billion; or £2.3…...


Part of the TRIZ method is eliminating contradictions, including technical and physical contradictions. As the ATM technology improves, banks might struggle to keep reserves of cash high enough to meet demands. This will require the government to intervene. Physical contradictions are related to the hardware and/or software upgrades to existing ATM machines and banking systems.



plan a seminar on developing the needs of educational tourism for young ones?
Words: 143

Educational tourism for young people is a great topic. Unfortunately, many educational tourism destinations are too focused on adults. To plan a seminar on developing the needs of this type of tourism for the younger crowd, it would be important to reach out to educational tourism locations either in the local area or even nationwide. Asking them to come and talk to the participants could create a seminar that's highly valuable and also showcase the need for change. Additionally, you can create a seminar that's designed more as a focus group, where people who are concerned about the lack of....

Can I get many essay titles on adventure tourism?
Words: 395

Adventure tourism refers to international or domestic travel that involves traveling to a remote location in order to take part in physically challenging outdoor activities.  While many people think of daredevil type activities when they think of adventure tourism, adventure tourism does not require risky activities.  Any activity that is physically challenging and occurs outdoors can qualify, so milder activities like hiking, backpacking, zip lining, rafting, biking, skiing, snowboarding, or snorkeling would all fall under the adventure tourism umbrella. Of course, adventure tourism also includes high-risk activities like swimming with sharks.  However,....

Need Help with Essay Topics on Global warming?
Words: 120

1. The impact of global warming on natural disasters such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires.
2. The role of human activities in causing global warming.
3. The effects of melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels on coastal communities.
4. The importance of renewable energy sources in combating global warming.
5. The role of international cooperation in addressing global warming.
6. The economic consequences of global warming for industries such as agriculture, tourism, and insurance.
7. The social and health impacts of global warming on vulnerable populations.
8. The role of education and awareness in combating global warming.
9. The ethical considerations surrounding global warming and climate....

why graffiti should be protected?
Words: 662

Graffiti should be protected for several reasons:

1. Artistic expression: Graffiti is a form of art that allows individuals to express their creativity and communicate messages visually. It provides a platform for artists to showcase their talent and perspective.

2. Cultural significance: Graffiti often reflects the cultural identity and vibrant spirit of a community or neighborhood. It can convey unique stories, experiences, and beliefs of a particular group of people, preserving their history and heritage.

3. Social commentary: Graffiti serves as a powerful tool for social commentary, enabling artists to raise awareness about various issues such as social injustice, environmental concerns, or political....

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