Transformational Theory Essays (Examples)

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Individual Literature eview
Transformational Theory

Change theories have long been used to address leadership styles in education and other positions of power and respect. One of the theories to which educational leaders widely subscribe is transformational theory. This theory involves the study and understanding of leadership as a process by which one individual engages with another (Wolinski, 2010). From that engagement a connection is formed. It is believed that connection will create stronger morality and better motivation in both the leader and the followers (Anderson, 2010). Transformational leadership is sometimes likened to other, similar styles such as charismatic leadership and servant leadership (Wolinski, 2010). All of these leadership theories discuss leaders as having specific qualities like extroversion, confidence, and values that are strong and clearly stated (Anderson, 2010). Leaders who have those things are better at motivating followers, overall, than leaders who follow styles where there is little connection with followers --….

Leadership: Theory and PracticeIntroductionThis paper explores my leadership practice in education concerning the values I stated earlier. It is concerned with how my leadership vision fits in with my actions. Many leadership definitions exist, but most of them suggest that influence initiated by a group, or one person, over others, is to determine the activities and shape relationships and what happens in a group. Concepts of leadership are viewed as a process of social influence. Still, they differ concerning the one that exerts influence, the form of the influence, the exercise\\\'s intention, and the results. Most of the research examines principals as the central source of leadership in learning institutions. While there are several definitions of leadership, most of them suggest that intentional influence is propelled by one individual or group over others to structure relationships in an organization or group.The concepts of leadership differ based on the person who….

Leadership Innovation
The ole of Leadership Styles in Organizational Innovation and Success

Purpose Statement / Problem Statement


Effects of theory

Limitations of the theory

Innovation and Organizational Success

Leadership Style and Innovation

Leadership Styles and Organizational Success

Instruments for assessing leadership style

Vl. Methodology

Vll. Type of Study

Quantitative esearch

Qualitative esearch

Vlll. Conclusion

This study will attempt to identify which leadership style is best suited for organizational innovation and success. There are a large range of factors to be considered. Among them, leadership style has been recognized as one of the most important of the various considerations. Leadership style correlates to positive transformation as well as influences organizational innovation and often diffusion of innovation. A few studies have empirically examined and found the links between leadership style and innovation at the organizational level and even connection between style of diffusion of innovation and success. Leadership style has been traditionally emphasized as the most important individual influences on organizational innovation (Goldsmith, Baldoni and McArthur,….

Theory vs. Creativity in Design
Leaders have a task of moving the organization forward in a fashion that is supported by all stakeholders. After allocating resources to bolster organizational success, leaders must primarily assess and accept the risks related innovation. Innovation includes accepting new management theories to replace the outdated philosophies widely incorporated into an organization's procedures and policies over time (American Evaluation Association, 2004). This study aims to identify, discuss, and recommend strategies to create tension between existing management theories and management's ability to create new business paradigms. The study will also identify and discuss stakeholder attitudes towards innovation, ethics, and inclusion as primary drivers of a successful organization. While focusing on innovation and ethics, the study will suggest ways in which organizational leadership can prepare a company for the future and current environmental changes.

How leaders integrate innovative principles while adhering to industry and market mandates

Integrity and honesty: Organizations must….

Transformational Women's Leadership
The website for Changing describes transformational leadership in the standard way, as charismatic leaders with vision and imagination who inspire followers to achieve radical change in an organization or society. Transformational leaders are passionate and exciting and they care about their followers. They make people believe that their ideals can be achieved through their own commitment, enthusiasm and drive. In the process, their followers are also transformed and empowered to do things that they would never have believed possible. This website also points out some of the dangers of transformational leadership in that when such leaders are wrong they can lead "the charge right over the cliff and into a bottomless chasm." They may also "wear out" their followers with constant demands for high energy and commitment, especially if those at the lower levels really do not desire change (Transformational Leadership 2002-11) has a very extensive guide….

Dangers linger in any relationship where one party holds power and the other party gives it. Any student of leadership, must recognize that tripwire, and assiduously avoid it through correctly recognizing the dangers that abuse of power can bring.
orks Cited

Bass, B., Atwater, L., & Avolio, B. (2008). The Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Men and omen. Applied Psychology, 5-34.

Beverly Alimo-MetcalfAlban-Metcalfe, J., Bradley, M., Mariathasan, J., & Samele, C. (2008). The impact of engaging leadership on performance, attitudes to work and well-being at work: A longitudinal study. Journal of Health Organisation and Management, 586-598.

Beyer, J. (1999). Taming and promoting charisma to change organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 307-330.

Bolman, L., & Deal, T. (1991). Reframing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J., & Boydell, T. (1944). A Manager's Guide To Self-Development 4th ed. London: McGraw-Hill.

Ulrich, D., Zenger, J., Smallwood, N., & . (1953; CR 1999). Results-Based Leadership. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Press.


leadership theories and how they are influencing an organization. As, we carefully examine the different ones and discuss how this will impact the long-term sustainability of the firm. This is the point that we can determine how and when these different ideas should be used to motivate subordinates.
When most people hear the word leadership they will often think of a person that is sure of themselves. As they are using: their experiences and courage to help inspire everyone around them during the most challenging of times. Yet, when you look a little further, it is clear that genuine leadership is more than just an image or an ideal. Instead, it is common form of thinking and a way of life that can help to transform the world as we know it. To fully understand how this is taking place requires: providing a basic definition of this concept and examining….

The four lanchard leadership styles include:
1) directive;

2) managing;

3) coaching; and 4) delegating. (Clawson, 1989)

2) House's Path Goal Theory of Leadership - the motivational function of the leader consists of increasing personal payoffs to subordinates for work-goal attainment and making the path to these payoffs easier to travel by clarifying it, reducing roadblocks and pitfalls, and increasing the opportunities for personal satisfaction en route. (Clawson,1989)


Charismatic leadership is measured by: (1) Followers' trust in the correctness of the leader's belief; (2) similarity of followers' beliefs to the leader's beliefs; (3) unquestioning acceptance of the leader by followers; (4) followers' affection for the leader; (5) followers' willing obedience to the leader; (6) emotional involvement of followers in the mission of the organization; (7) heightened performance goals of followers; and (8) belief of followers that they are able to contribute to the success of the group's mission. (Clawson,

Charismatic leaders have the….

Leadership Theories
Event in Health Care Organization

In order to run health care organizations such that they are always viable, when it comes to both economic and health results, health care leaders frequently feel attracted to a practical managerial point-of-view with insistence on the daily production pressures together with its need to react to both large and smaller issues. This tendency could restrict their capability of engaging on visionary leadership practices, that assist in changing their organizations for the futures. For instance, the present event in the health care of Kenya is that health care employees' need encounter a rising multitude of job demands: cost efficiency, patient care and administration as well as optimal employment, and might be less efficient in both secondary and primary role liabilities. Thus, leadership skills are required in assisting both providers and managers in making consistent and thoughtful choices amid values in competition. This matter can best….

Organizational ole as a Nurse Leader
A nurse leader is an individual engaged in direct patient care and who regularly enhances the care given to patients through influencing the treatment provision delivered by others. This implies that leadership is not merely a matter of skills but an attitude which informs behavior. This essay develops a detailed leader profile based on the transformational theory, as this is the most relevant theory for this leader. Moreover, the essay will analyze the leader's role and philosophy as a nurse administrator. The final section will present the role of nursing leadership.

Leader's Profile: Lee Moldowsky

Lee Moldowsky started off as a volunteer EMT in the early 70s since then nursing has struck interest. In 1983 he joined the army at age 25 and became a sergeant in charge of operating services. Moldowsky went to Farmingdale and also worked in a burn unit at Nassau University Medical Center.….

Work and Management
AND Management

The objective of this study is to compare House's Path-Goal theory of leadership with the Situational Leadership model. This study will make provision of an example or application of the two theories utilizing the writer's work situation.

This study will describe the leadership styled utilized by the writer's boss or other CEO or high level personnel in the work organization. For part two of this study examined is how causes of conflict can be found in the organizational and personal characteristics of those involved in the conflict.

This study will answer as to the similar organizational and personal factors and provide examples using the organization the writer is most familiar with.

For part three of this study, Chapter 17 on Career Management will be examined and the following questions answered: (1) What aspects of9 the New vs. Old Career Paradigms can you relate to your work place or any organization….

Nursing: Theory and Nursing Practice Issues
Theory and Nursing Practice Issues: Nursing

The modern-day staff nurse faces a variety of challenges in the work environment. These include inadequate staffing, the authority gradient, and issues related to changing models of care. The nurse leader has a duty to aid staff nurses working under him in addressing the challenges posed by these, and other issues facing the nursing profession. Leadership theories provide effective guidelines by which nurse leaders can address issues inherent in the nursing profession. In so doing, they accord staff nurses adequate opportunities to make meaning out of their lives. Leadership theories such as the situational leadership theory, the transformational leadership theory, role theory, and path-goal theory provides crucial insights from which nurse leaders could draw reference when seeking solutions for problems facing subordinate staff nurses. This text explores how leadership theory can be applied to nursing practice issues, and the implications….

Applying Change Theory to Nursing Operations
In response to a request from a nurse manager to select a team of nurses to assist in implementing a long-needed change to existing policy, it will be necessary to change the manner in which the nursing staff performs shift-to-shift reporting. At present, nurses report to each other in the break room and the nurse manager has decided that in the next 2 weeks the nursing unit will transition to report being endorsed at the bedside. This paper describes how a project manager should approach this change project using a transformational leadership style to guide the process as well as how Kurt Lewin's change theory can be used support the change implementation process. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings concerning transformational leadership and Lewin's change theory in this context are provided in the conclusion.

Discussion concerning the selected leadership style and supporting rationale


Contract Negotiation
Situation Summary

You are part of an Integrated Program Team assigned to the Perigee Advanced Design Program (PAD), with multiple Contract Options, for the Pulse Differential Quadrature (PDQ) Satellite System. A major Subcontractor, providing a crucial part in the PDQ, recently disclosed that unexpected obsolescence of a critical part will increase the cost of their original estimates, from over extended quotes, by an estimated 30% and add an additional 6 months to the planned delivery schedule. No other vendors are available to meet the critical part requirement at this time.

Conflict Overview

In the modern business world with supply chains that span the globe, it is virtually impossible to account for every potential risk that can emerge in various circumstances. The PAD project is no exception and they have recently received devastating news that was unexpected from a critical leg in their supply chain. Not only is the part more expensive, but….

Diagnosing Change at Toyota Company
The organization chosen is the Toyota automobile company. Toyota Company is a global company operating in more than 100 countries in the world. Its market share is approximated to be the second largest, with the company itself being the second largest automobile company in the world. It has an employee base of over two million people, most of which are professional automobile engineers and marketers (Frakes, 2004). . The growth of the company has been attributed to its design of the brand that has met the preference of many beverage-drinking clients in the global market. As a global brand, it has managed to move its products and services from the small local outlets to many other global outlets that aid in distributing the brand in all parts of the world.

At Toyota Company, H is a critical docket that goes all the way to determining the magnitude….

3 Pages


Individual Literature Review Transformational Theory Change Theories

Words: 1045
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual Literature eview Transformational Theory Change theories have long been used to address leadership styles in education and other positions of power and respect. One of the theories to which educational…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Theory and Practice of Leadership

Words: 2109
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership: Theory and PracticeIntroductionThis paper explores my leadership practice in education concerning the values I stated earlier. It is concerned with how my leadership vision fits in with my…

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10 Pages


Transformational and Innovation

Words: 3571
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Innovation The ole of Leadership Styles in Organizational Innovation and Success Purpose Statement / Problem Statement Theory Effects of theory Limitations of the theory Innovation and Organizational Success Leadership Style and Innovation Leadership Styles and Organizational…

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7 Pages

Business - Management

Theory vs Creativity in Design Leaders Have

Words: 2363
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Theory vs. Creativity in Design Leaders have a task of moving the organization forward in a fashion that is supported by all stakeholders. After allocating resources to bolster organizational success,…

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9 Pages


Transformational Women Leaders

Words: 3061
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Transformational Women's Leadership The website for Changing describes transformational leadership in the standard way, as charismatic leaders with vision and imagination who inspire followers to achieve radical change in…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Transformational vs Charismatic Leadership Leading

Words: 2008
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dangers linger in any relationship where one party holds power and the other party gives it. Any student of leadership, must recognize that tripwire, and assiduously avoid it…

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10 Pages


Leadership Theories and How They Are Influencing

Words: 3160
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

leadership theories and how they are influencing an organization. As, we carefully examine the different ones and discuss how this will impact the long-term sustainability of the firm.…

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5 Pages


Leadership Theories the Objective of

Words: 1328
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The four lanchard leadership styles include: 1) directive; 2) managing; 3) coaching; and 4) delegating. (Clawson, 1989) 2) House's Path Goal Theory of Leadership - the motivational function of the leader consists…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Analyzing the Leadership Theories

Words: 942
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leadership Theories Event in Health Care Organization In order to run health care organizations such that they are always viable, when it comes to both economic and health results, health care…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing


Organizational Change and Transformational Leadership

Words: 979
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Organizational ole as a Nurse Leader A nurse leader is an individual engaged in direct patient care and who regularly enhances the care given to patients through influencing the treatment…

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5 Pages


Theory on Work and Management

Words: 1415
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Work and Management AND Management The objective of this study is to compare House's Path-Goal theory of leadership with the Situational Leadership model. This study will make provision of an example…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Theory and Nursing Practice Issues Nursing

Words: 3046
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nursing: Theory and Nursing Practice Issues Theory and Nursing Practice Issues: Nursing The modern-day staff nurse faces a variety of challenges in the work environment. These include inadequate staffing, the authority…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Transformational Leadership and Leadership

Words: 933
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Applying Change Theory to Nursing Operations In response to a request from a nurse manager to select a team of nurses to assist in implementing a long-needed change to existing…

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3 Pages

Psychology - Theories

Transformational Leadership and Leadership

Words: 921
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Contract Negotiation Situation Summary You are part of an Integrated Program Team assigned to the Perigee Advanced Design Program (PAD), with multiple Contract Options, for the Pulse Differential Quadrature (PDQ) Satellite…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Transformational Leadership and Organization Change

Words: 1823
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Diagnosing Change at Toyota Company The organization chosen is the Toyota automobile company. Toyota Company is a global company operating in more than 100 countries in the world. Its market…

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