Travel Essays (Examples)

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Travel Blog Year 2012 Travel
Pages: 3 Words: 1043

Bangkok, the capital of the country, can present the visitor with an out of body experience, with a focus on religion, history and a larger-than-life temple.
In contrast with Thailand, Brazil is just a few hours' flight away, and in the same time zone as the East Coast of the U.S. In Brazil, one could visit any of the three large cities: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paolo or Brasilia, the capital. Rio the Janeiro is the must-see, tourist attraction, a vibrant city both during Carnivale and out of season, with fantastic temperature year-round. Sao Paolo, however, offers a big city, New York-esque experience, for those who want to enjoy culture and food. These few destinations, counted here and divided into categories, present any couple with a fun, exciting itinerary that can be relaxing, fast paced, or culturally resplendent.

Last to be included here is a list of hotels where one can…...

Travel Project the 2010 World
Pages: 2 Words: 631

The Stellenbosch ine Route covers the area around that city; the Constantia wine route is the oldest in Africa and the Durbanville wine route is an up-and-coming tour with unique cellars, horse racing and ample opportunities for high-adventure outdoor recreation (South Africa Guide, 2010). Many wineries and towns along these routes now have guesthouses to host visitors, and wonderful restaurants, to create the most idyllic experience possible.
Back in the city, the wine scene is supported with a number of excellent restaurants. Trendy restaurants feature the region's best and most exclusive wines -- the good stuff we keep for ourselves -- and the bold, innovative cuisine to match. Unbothered by adherence to stiff rules, South African chefs infuse the world's great culinary traditions, leaving no stone unturned to create the ultimate experience for enjoying estern Cape wine. From there, the rest of the city's many pleasures awaits. If you prefer…...


Works Cited:

D'Angelo, a. (2010). Cup runneth over for wine industry in Western Cape. Business Report. Retrieved December 3, 2010 from 

South Africa Guide. (2010). South African wine -- Tour the wine routes of South Africa. The South Africa Guide. Retrieved December 3, 2010 from

Travel Agents Analysis the Following
Pages: 23 Words: 6342

A company's success or survival, no matter the field it operates in, relies on the satisfaction that the company is able to provide for its clients.
esearch Scope

The scope of the research regards the synthetic definition of the information that must be obtained through this research. The scope of this research project is determining and evaluating the current situation and estimating the future situation of high street travel agents compared to the e-business travel that gains more and more field.

Establishing the Objectives and Hypotheses of the esearch

The objectives reside from the scope of the research, presenting on operational level the information that must be obtained from this research. In this case, in the study referring to the situation of high street travel agents, the following objectives of the research must be taken into consideration:

Identifying the differences between high street travel business and e-business

Finding advantages and disadvantages of both types of…...


Reference List

1. 1. Anckar, B. (2003). Consumer Intentions in Terms of Electronic Travel Distribution: Implications for the Future Market Structures. E-Service Journal. Indiana University Press. Available at .

Britain Inbound. Overall Market Profile (2008). Retrieved March 10, 2008 at

High street agents still have a future (2007). Goliath online. Retrieved March 10, 2008 at .

Internet travel tightens its grip: high street travel agents could be threatened by the increase in popularity of online travel agents and their commitment to relationship marketing (2007). The Alacra Store. Available at

Travel Industry Demand Management Competitiveness
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Yet, there is still tremendous opportunity for many procurement organizations of travel industry operators to improve their performance as a significant gap exists between the Best in Class companies and the rest of the field.
Best in Class enterprises understand that technology is a process-enabler, not a process in and of itself; successful organizations have efficient, proven processes in place before introducing a new technology. This translates into patience in first perfecting the processes surrounding e-procurement and supply chain management first, then selecting adding in SRM and supply chain information technologies products aimed specifically at automating the tasks overall.

Best in Class travel operators understand the large change management issues at play in an e-procurement and the development of an overall supply change strategy. The fact that 70% or more of a supply chain integration projects' cost is used for planning and managing the change at the individual contributor level and…...

Travel Agents Service Customization and
Pages: 2 Words: 789

Similarly, in a study of 60,000 Internet users, Forrester found that the number of people booking online travel has dropped by 9% from 2005 to 2007.
Apparently, found Forrester, people do not like to spend hours using search filters to sort through billions of pages. Also, these travel websites consumers want to talk to a person about their travel needs. Instead of typing in their needs into their computer and getting back generic suggestions, they would rather explain their needs to a person who will make recommendations and, most important, the reasons for them. The New York Times article said of the Forrester report: "This is a wake-up call for the industry. Customers are tired of spending two or three hours trying to find the airline or hotel or vacation package that meets their needs" (as cited in Murphy, 2007) Internet provides a powerful environment for the creation of…...

Travel and Tourism U S China Compare and
Pages: 2 Words: 783

Travel and Tourism U.S. China
Compare and Contrast USA & China -- Implications of Political Change

Statistics indicate that now more than ever tourism is booming among the Chinese, with Chinese tourists numbering just under 41 billion in 2007, a number that was up 18.6% from the previous year (Xola, 2008, p.2). oughly 90% of those tourists traveled within other Asian countries, with just 3% traveling to U.S. destinations (Xola, 2008; oy, 2011). The government has good reason to be involved in travel and tourism, as it is an important source of revenue in both the U.S. And in China, especially during tough economic times (Butler & Suntikul, 2010; oy, 2011). In fact travel and tourism is one of the few industry sources of revenue that continues to generate revenue even when times are tough, as the affluent continue to require leisure time, and business travelers will always require travel, whether for…...



"Asia and Oceana" Foreign & Commonwealth Office, China. Retrieved August 6, 2011: 

Butler, Richard & Suntikul, Watanee. (2010). Tourism and Political Change, Goodfellow


Travel Itinerary
Pages: 9 Words: 2401

Travel to British Columbia

To really see the beauty of British Columbia, rent a car. Driving is relatively easy even in the cities, as Canadians drive on the right side of the road, and a car is superior to any other option for seeing the countryside.

Unless you're looking for a "winter sports" vacation, the best time to visit British Columbia is the summer. While the southwestern part of British Columbia has a mild climate, there is much to see outside of Vancouver, some of it requiring driving on good, but mountainous, roads (1).

You must have appropriate documentation to enter and leave Canada. driver's license is technically sufficient, but in this time of extra caution at all border crossings, anyone with a passport should take it with them and use it for travel identification purposes.

Other rules: seatbelts are the law in British Columbia. In addition, British Columbia requires you…...



08/04/2004 10:05 PM

Travel Time: 1 hrs 7 min

Travel and Tourism Is the Largest Industry
Pages: 4 Words: 988

Travel and tourism is the largest industry in the world. Tourism is the business of providing information, transportation, accommodations, and other services to travelers. The industry is established almost everywhere in the world. According to the United Nations, international tourism has more than tripled over the past 30 years, accounting for thirteen percent of all foreign trade.
The country of Denmark consists of one peninsula and more than 400 islands. Denmark's capital city, Copenhagen, is stunning and picturesque, despite being home to nearly one million people. It is a large city yet has the feel of a quaint town, thanks to its cobbled streets, shops and restaurants, street musicians and vendors. The Danish people are known for their friendliness and hospitality.

Denmark offers an excellent public transportation system, along with a plethora of activities, such as hiking, biking, art shows and more. The city is also filled with large parks and gardens,…...

Travel Industry Is Currently Undergoing Several Changes
Pages: 10 Words: 3360

travel industry is currently undergoing several changes because of the introduction and increased use of internet technologies. These technologies have provided several opportunities in this industry that have made it more attractive for small companies because of the numerous advantages associated with these developments. For a small company considering entry into the internet for market travel, there are various strategy routes that can be used for developing corporate and global strategy for all business operations. The most appropriate strategy for such a company is the prescriptive strategy route because its helps in strategic planning, which is an important aspect for every company or business. This approach enables the firm to develop its objectives, goals, and intended strategies to business operations through analysis of the environment and the organization's resources.
As an established internet provider, the small company can used learning-based, survival-based, and network-based strategies to increase its presence in the…...



Fulbright, J (2011), Ride Out the Tough Times with these Strategies,, viewed 7 July 2012,

Harris, L. & Duckworth, K (2005), The Future of the Independent Travel Agent: The Need for Strategic Choice, Wiley InterScience, viewed 7 July 2012,

Lynch, R (n.d.), What is Strategic Management? Global Strategy, viewed 7 July 2012,

Travelling America The Diaries of John Steinbeck
Pages: 6 Words: 1935

Travelling America: The Diaries of John Steinbeck and Jean Baudrillard
America has long been considered the "land of opportunity," which makes it in turn, an opportune place to travel and explore. Though vast in geography and rich in culture, America has often offered its travelers a similar experience, as these travelers so often find themselves visiting similar places and hearing similar tales of the past and the present. Additionally, travelling often brings with it a longing for the past, as is seen so often in the case of America and the search for an understanding of the "American Dream," which has for years been rooted in the land and resources that America has to offer. Is this notion still true, or is it merely wishful thinking of the past?

This question can be explored further in comparing the travels through America of author John Steinbeck, and author and sociologist, Jean Baudrillard.…...



Arbuthnot, J. And Lingg, S. 2007. A comparison of French and American environmental behaviors, knowledge and attitudes. International Journal of Psychology. 10(4): pp. 275-281. Web. Retrieved from: JSTOR Database. [Accessed on 12 February 2012].

Baudrillard, J. 1986. America. Print. New York, NY: Verso Publications.

Freudenberg, N. And Steinsapir, C. 1991. Not in our backyards: the grassroots environmental movement. Society and Natural Resources. 4(3): pp. 235-45. Web. Retrieved from: JSTOR Database. [Accessed on 12 February 2012].

Kuzmiak, D. 1991. The American environmental movement. The Geographical Journal.

Travel Kurt Anderson Investigates Different
Pages: 3 Words: 995

It is impossible to read the Great Gatsby without identifying if not with individual characters then with the struggles they experience. Truly, it is timeless.
In my personal life, I have recently experienced several setbacks which forced a reassessment of those goals and achievements I had been working steadfastly towards for years. Much the way that Gatz had in the pursuit of becoming Gatsby. So certain was I as was he that in the pursuit itself the reason I was working so hard was lost. Re-reading such a cautionary tale at this juncture is a reminder, though fictitious, that it is important to make certain in each day that those things which you chase tirelessly are not in fact chasing you. The lesson to be learned from this iconic American novel is that, the American dream can in fact be a nightmare.

Listening 3: Barbie

This broadcast discusses the origins of possibly…...

Travel in Art Time Traveling
Pages: 6 Words: 2164

com). There was nothing obscene about the beauty of David, not even in the eyes of Catholic Italy, and long after the wars of the Italian city-states have ended, the glory of David lingers in the mind.
Chapter 3: Islamic detour

It must not be forgotten that many great, artistically-inclined civilizations existed beyond that of the borders of est: for example, remember the Islamic world during the Middle Ages. But upon gazing at the works of this great civilization it is essential to remember that artistic conventions differ greatly than from their estern counterparts -- pictorial and figurative representations of individuals were not prized as they were in Italy, for example, because of the Islamic injunction against perfect reproductions. But this does not mean that human likenesses were not represented at all, as can be seen in a typical depiction of a tympanum, from a fifteenth-century tombstone of the town of Kubachi,…...


Works Cited

Figural Representation in Islamic Art. (2001, October). The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Retrieved June 20, 2009 at 

Seindal, Renee. (2003). Arch of Constantine. Last updated 2006. Retrieved June 19, 2009 at 

Statue of David by Michelangelo. (2009). Retrieved June 19, 2009 at

Travel Behaviour The Concept of
Pages: 10 Words: 3062

" Understanding mobilities, the researcher asserts, may enhance one's understanding of why people might walk.
As noted earlier in this paper mobility is not a new thing, but rather the state of things (Adey, 2010; Steinberg & Shields 2008). In the book, Tracing mobilities: Towards a cosmopolitan perspective, eert Canzler, Vincent Kaufmann, and Sven Kesselring (2008) report that mobility portrays a basic contemporary principle like others including" individuality, rationality, equality, and globality" (Book overview). In the book, Mobilities, networks, geographies, Jonas Larsen, John Urry, and K.. Axhausen (2006) report that five interdependent mobilities exist that form geographies of contemporary world networks and mobilities. These include:

1. Physical travel of people for work, leisure, family live, pleasure, migration, and escape;

2. Physical movement of objects delivered to producers, consumers and retailers;

3. Imaginative travel elsewhere through images and memories seen on texts, TV, computer screens and film;

4. Virtual travel on the Internet;

5. Communicative travel through…...



Canzler, W. Kaufmann, V. Kesselring. S. (2008) Tracing mobilities: towards a cosmopolitan perspective. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.: Burlington VT

Fox, D. (2008). Walking the talk: As someone who enjoys being out and about, it's been interesting to reflect on how my own mobility and use of public spaces has changed in the last 10 years. Green Places. Landscape Design Trust. Available At: HighBeam Research:   [Accessed 16 January 2010]. 

Larsen, J. Urry, J., & Axhausen, K.W. (2006). Mobilities, networks, geographies. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.: Burlington VT.

Litman, T. (2008). Creating safe and healthy communities. Environments. Wilfrid Laurier University - Environments. Available at: HighBeam Research:   [Accessed 16 January 2010]. 

Travel Incorporated
Pages: 2 Words: 511

Organizational Culture Analysis
Travel Incorporated

Travel Incorporated has over twenty years of providing individuals with the best service available regarding travel in general. By taking on attitudes directed at making its customers feel that the company develops a personal relationship with them, the institution successfully manages to turn a simple holiday into a unique and memorable life experience. The company promotes the idea that the cheapest version of travelling is not always the best. By openly emphasizing this concept and by making it possible for people to see what it is like to travel with it from a first person perspective, Travel Incorporated takes travelling to a whole new level.

Observable artifacts can be easily detected by interacting with the company's workers, collaborators, and customers. The company is accustomed to focusing on a series of rituals meant to improve the connection between every individual it deals with. As a consequence, it often organizes…...


Works cited:

Baack, Donald, "Organizational Behavior," (Thomson South-Western, 1 Apr 1999)

Sinha, Jai, "Culture and Organizational Behaviour," (SAGE Publications Ltd., 2008)

Travel in the Second World
Pages: 8 Words: 2646

Asian Tourism Critical Issue
The Asian travel industry has been rocked as of late by a series of events, fears and rumors. These events and possibilities have really hurt the Asian tourism industry and this will probably remain the case for quite a while. In general, there are two major issues at hand. First, there are the areas that are in turmoil and/or war. These areas include Hong Kong, ussia/Ukraine and others. The other main issue, and it is partially related to the first, are the issues of the airlines in the Asia area making some rather noticeable blunders. Malaysia is easily the best example of this as they have had two planes full of passengers killed within the last year or two. Indeed, one of the airplanes veered off course and is rumored to be somewhere in the oceans west of Australia. The other plane flew over Ukraine during an…...



Barlow, R, DeBess, E, Winthrop, K, Lapidus, J, Vega, R, & Cieslak, P 2014, 'Travel-associated Antimicrobial Drug-Resistant non-typhoid Salmonellae, 2004-

2009', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20, 4, pp. 603-611, Academic Search

Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 23 October 2014

'Cholera, 2013' 2014, Weekly Epidemiological Record / Health Section Of The

What is a good thesis statement for research paper on airline safety?
Words: 130

Your thesis statement should be bold, but also something you can back up with facts throughout the paper. If you say, for example, that airline travel is becoming more dangerous, you will need statistics to prove that. You might want to focus your thesis on the risks vs. benefits of air travel, instead. You could use a thesis statement like \"despite the recent disasters occurring in the field of air travel, it remains the safest way for people to get from one place to another.\" As for structure, you could have an intro, information about the most recent disasters, what....

Can you help me with my thesis on something I find calm and soothing?
Words: 294

Congratulations on your entry into grad school. Because of its astounding geography, the Grand Canyon would make a fascinating topic for your master’s thesis.  Hopefully, you will have plenty of opportunities to visit it while you are in Arizona, though it looks like access is currently limited because of a combination of COVID-19 restrictions and normal winter access restrictions. 

Geography is a fairly broad area of study and focusing on the Grand Canyon as an example of arid-land erosion is probably not the kind of through-provoking material that you want for a master’s thesis.  Fortunately, its immense size....

I have an assignment essay on united airlines vs spirit airlines inc. do you have resources on both airlines?
Words: 373

A comparison and contrast essay on two specific service providers is a little different from comparison and contrast essays on ideas or people because you are going to always want to focus on the customer’s experience.  However, if you are writing the essay for a business class, you would be focusing on different aspects such as corporate structure, stock price, etc.  So, keep that in mind when writing your essay.  Are you providing more of a user review or a business analysis and structure your essay accordingly.

It is also important to keep in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic has really....

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