Two Kinds Essays (Examples)

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Two Kinds Short Story by Amy Tan
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Conformity and Two Kinds
Amy Tan's Two Kinds is a story that, like some of her relationships in The Joy Luck Club, is concerned with the conflict and complexity within the relationship between mothers and daughters -- particularly those mothers who are first-generation immigrants, born in China before the Communist revolution and their American-born daughters who must choose which parts of traditional culture they will adhere to, and which they will reject in favor of their desire to conform to a new culture. In Two Kinds, the narrator is Jing-mei, who wishes with all her heart to be just a regular American "kid." Her mother, however, is overbearing and wants Jing-mei to become a musical prodigy so that she can compete with one of her friend's daughters. Jing-mei tells the store after two decades, but she still struggles in trying to understand her mother's viewpoint, motivations, and attitudes.

The idea of conformity…...

Amy Tan's Two Kinds Amy
Pages: 4 Words: 1791

When it came time to recite what she knew, Jing-Mei was so sure of herself that she could pull it off that she began making sure all they keys on the piano were punched incorrectly and realizing it. Jinq-Mei method was successful but it was here that she brought shame to her mother. The show was a disaster and Jing-Mei hated the piano so much to the point that she would go against the back home Chinese culture. She breaks all the rules and respect for her mother flies out the window. Jing-Mei's desire changes drastically and becomes more Americanized in her attitude of feeling more liberated.
In conclusion, it appears that love becomes the motivator once again. As a full-grown woman, having her mother propose her the piano once more, Jing-Mei, with love in her heart, welcomes the reassurance provided by her mother. Plans have changed; in the end…...



Girard, Kristin Ann. "Mother/cultures and the "New World? ." Daughters: Ethnic Identity Formation and the Mother-Daughter Relationship in Contemporary (2006): 56-89. State University of New York,.

Tan, Amy. Two Kinds.American Stories II: Fiction from the Atlantic Monthly. San Francisco: Ed. C. Michael Curtis, 1991.

Yu, Su-Lin. "Sisterhood as Cultural Difference in Amy Tan's the Hundred Secret." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction (2006): 202-250.

Amy Tan's Two Kinds Two
Pages: 4 Words: 1340

I never really listened to what I was playing. I daydreamed about being somewhere else, about being someone else" (2). Naturally, her poor practice leads to a poor performance in front of her family and peers.
Here however, her reactions betray her. Tan reveals that Jing-mei values her mother's acceptance of her above anything. hen Jing-mei laments that her "mother's expression was what devastated [her]: a quiet, blank look that said she had lost everything" and "No accusations, No blame. And in a way, [she] felt disappointed" (3), it becomes clear that Jing-mei's rebellions have been a function of her need for mother's acceptance and approval.

Jing-mei needed her mother to express some form of emotion towards her. Even anger or hostility equates to emotion, which in turn equates to love. Jing-mei does not express devastation over her embarrassing performance or the snide remarks by the little boy or her cousin.…...


Works Cited

Melani, Lilia. High-context Cultures and Low-context Cultures. Accessed on September 5,


Tan, Amy. "Two Kinds." The Joy Luck Club. G.P. Putnam and Sons. San Francisco:

1989. Accessed on September 4, 2010.

Character and Theme Two Kinds
Pages: 3 Words: 1056

eally, the theme of this story is growing up and how quarrelsome mothers and daughters can be toward each other, but it goes deeper than that. This is a story of a young girl trying to find her own identity, and distance herself from her parents and their ideas. The young girl defies her mother because she feels the need to be herself, but she hurts herself in the process. She never tried to be better or grow from her experiences, and because she believes she is ordinary, she really is. She does not push herself or test herself in any way, and so, she does not achieve anything. This really only hurts her in the end. Her mother is wise enough to know that she could have done more, but she stops pushing her to succeed. The daughter takes a lot longer to understand things, and by then, it…...



Tan, Amy. "Two Kinds." Mothers and Daughters. 346-354.

Risk There Are Two Kinds of Risk
Pages: 4 Words: 1077

There are two kinds of risk that a company faces. Systematic risk is risk that is inherent in the economy. This risk is generated largely by external factors to the company, such that the company has little control over these factors. This type of risk is faced by all companies (or most of them) within the economy and as a result it is very difficult to diversify systematic risk away. Hence, it is undiversifiable risk. The other type of risk is diversifiable risk. This risk type is generally internal to the company, so it is generated by company-specific factors that are not shared by other companies.

In modern portfolio theory, firm-specific risk factors can be diversified away, if a portfolio has enough other securities and securities from different risk categories. A fully-diversified portfolio should have risk equivalent to the broad market (undiversifiable risk) because the risk associated with any one individual…...


Works Cited:

Investopedia. (2012) Systematic risk. Investopedia. Retrieved September 11, 2012 from 

Investopedia. (2012). Capital asset pricing model. Investopedia. Retrieved September 11, 2012 from

Parental Control in Two Kinds
Pages: 3 Words: 874

She never had the opportunity to grow at her own pace and this was something that her mother had to live with every day for the rest of her life.
Parental control can also work against a parent/child relationship because even if a child is talented, rebellion will destroy opportunities and appreciation. Jing-Mei might have possessed what was needed to be a prodigy but she spent all of her energy resisting her mother, so she will never know. hile this may seem trivial at the moment, we see how this thought plagues Jing-Mei until her adult life. The piano was like a ghost looming just behind them and even as an adult, Jing-Mei's mother believes her daughter simply did not try. Jing-Mei declares that she could not have been a genius but the truth is that neither one of them will never know because so much energy was wasted on…...


Works Cited

Tan, Amy. "Two Kinds." The Joy Luck Club. New York: Ivy Books. 1989.

People Consider There to Be Two Kinds
Pages: 4 Words: 1342

people consider there to be two kinds of thinking. "Convergent" or analytic thought we normally relate to mathematics and science. In this method of thinking things already thought to be related are demonstrated as connected logically. The second kind, "divergent" or associative thought, is closer to Freud's notion of free association (Gabora, 2010). In the first kind of thinking, relationships are proven instead of sought and in the second kind, they are sought and experienced rather than proven. Sometimes we categorize the first as scientific thinking and the second as creative.
Convergent Thinking

Convergent thought is usually supposed to be linear. Two models can be used to describe it, the first being an equation based on logic and read left to right in a chronological sequence. First comes A, then B, then C, following one another in a sort of logical, step-by-step sentence form. The other model would be in the…...



Gabora, Liane. (2010). Revenge of the "neurds": Characterizing creative thought in terms of the structure and dynamics of memory [electronic version]. Creativity Research Journal, 22(1), 1-13.

Kirby, Gary & Goodpaster, Jeffery. (2007). Thinking: An interdisciplinary approach to critical and creative thought.(4th ed.).

Kinder Morgan the Enclosed Project Contains a
Pages: 6 Words: 1740

Kinder Morgan
The enclosed project contains a summary of operations for Kinder Morgan's Earnings, Cost of Capital, Target Multiples, and various assumptions that were used to construct pro forma financial statements and valuation summaries.

Financial Analysis

The natural gas industry has changed dramatically, and is much more open to competition and choice. Wellhead prices are no longer regulated; meaning the price of natural gas is dependent on supply and demand interactions. Interstate pipelines no longer take ownership of the natural gas commodity; instead they offer only the transportation component, which is still under federal regulation.

There are about 160 pipeline companies in the United States, operating over 300,000 miles of pipe. Of this, 180,000 miles consist of interstate pipelines. This pipeline capacity is capable of transporting over 148 Billion cubic feet (Bcf) of gas per day from producing regions to consuming regions?, and 123 natural gas storage operators, which control approximately 400 underground storage…...

Two Party System the Two-Party
Pages: 6 Words: 1731

The merits of the two-party system all stem from its perceived (and probably justifiably so) stability. That stability is offered by many as reason enough to avoid rocking the boat. But, as presented here, the arguments against the two-party system and, indeed, maybe against stability itself, are more persuasive. The U.S. can handle electoral dynamics associated with more than two parties, and it seems that the governing body can only benefit from the injection of new, perhaps radical, ideas. hile the two-party system is unlikely to change in the near future, it seems possible that a charismatic and visionary leader from a third party could tap into broad public dissatisfaction and create a whole new chapter for America.

orks Cited

Alesina, Alberto. (1988). Credibility and Policy Convergence in a Two-Party System

with Rational Voters. The American Economic Review, 78 (4): 796-805

Arjmand, Marzieh. (2010). Two-Party System in the United States. Available at:

Dalton, Russell J.…...


Works Cited

Alesina, Alberto. (1988). Credibility and Policy Convergence in a Two-Party System

with Rational Voters. The American Economic Review, 78 (4): 796-805

Arjmand, Marzieh. (2010). Two-Party System in the United States. Available at:

Walpole the Two Cultures of
Pages: 3 Words: 1234

"My gracious Lord," said Hippolita, "let us submit ourselves to heaven. Think not thy ever-obedient wife rebels against thy authority. I have no will but that of my Lord and the Church." (alpole, Chapter 4) Despite Manfred's attempt to control the world, the forces of heaven cannot be thwarted in their determination to right the wrongs committed by Manfred's grandfather, Ricardo, and prevent Manfred from committing further mischief. The characters experience helplessness and terror in the face of the forces of beyond, rather than any sense of empowerment that they can control them with science. Morality, rather than reason enables them to survive.
The realism that alpole perceives in his narrative is the morality that the characters struggle with, in attempting to do the 'correct' thing. Finally, at the end of the novel, Manfred realizes his ancestor's crimes and repents: "Thou guiltless but unhappy woman! Unhappy by my crimes!" Manfred…...


Works Cited

The Castle of Otranto." Wikipedia. [28 Jul 2006] 

Snow, C.P. The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1963.

Walpole, Horace. The Castle of Ontranto. Originally published 1764. e-text available [27 Jul 2006]

Waves There Are Two Types of Wave
Pages: 1 Words: 330

There are two types of wave motion: Longitudinal and traverse waves .In longitudinal waves, the particles are parallel to the direction of wave propagation. In traverse waves, the particles are perpendicular to the direction of wave motion. Further more, in the longitudinal waves, the particles move back and forth about their mean positions. In traverse waves, the particles oscillate up and down about their equilibrium positions.

The water waves are a combination of both the longitudinal waves and traverse waves. While the waves move forward (because of longitudinal properties) the particles rotates in a clockwise motion giving the impression of waves as we see them at oceans.

Energy is required to disturb the particles and make them move in any of above ways. However, the question that arises is, from where do the ocean waves get their energy? They are incessantly moving in the direction predicted without any visible source of energy…...

Kinder Togs Has Been an
Pages: 2 Words: 483

To completely retool our image is a daring act on the part of the company, but the executive management team is confident that this is the best step to take, albeit untraditional (Maclachlan 130).
Appendix I


Hisey, Pete. "Marketing support for lifestyle merchandising - K mart's Fresh New Face."

Discount Store News. 17 Dec. 1990: 1-4.

Maclachlan, Ian. "Plant Closure and Market Dynamics: Competitive Strategy and Rationalization." Economic Geography 68.2 (1992): 128-142.

Pennington, April. "Designer Babies: Munchkin Couture Is All the Rage With Hip

Parents." Entrepreneur. Sept. 2005: 1.


Situation Analysis


Company Strengths

Management style

Loyal employees

Slow, steady marketing

Long-term existence

Relationship with wholesalers

Established plants

Established distribution channels

Company Weaknesses

Military style technique

Developing trendy atmosphere in traditional New England

Cost of living increases by unions

Risk of radical makeover


Regain #1 rating

Secure future

Higher profit

Diverse product line

Freshness of product

Good income forecast


Not only company considering move

New demographic

Finicky market

Price and quality control

Material accessibility and availability





Financial industry



Spokesperson Credibility




Desired Responses




Consistent and positive messages


High quality


Communication Strategies

Employee worry

Other worry


Phase one

Phase two

Phase three

Verified Results


Two Forces That Motivate People Self-Interest and
Pages: 3 Words: 967

two forces that motivate people: self-Interest and fear.
Motivation is too much of a complex subject to narrow it down to two forces. However, the many forces that motivate people may indeed be classified under these two broad terms. In order to examine the forces that motivate people it is important to first define motivation and examine some of the theories of motivation. The complexity of the subject can be seen even in attempting to do these two things. There are many definitions offered for the term motivation. Motivation has been described as an internal state or condition that activates behavior and gives direction. Or, it has been described as a desire or want that energizes and directs goal-oriented behavior. The definition that I like best is by a psychologist, Samuel Bell, who defines motivation as ' the processes involved in arousing, directing and sustaining behavior'. Whatever the definition, the…...

Two Top Issues and Memo to the President
Pages: 8 Words: 3279

Public International Law
Memorandum for preparation for next year's negotiations for the Conference of the Parties (COP)

President XI Jinping of China

Preparation for next year's negotiations for the Conference of the Parties (COP)

Climate Change - Carbon Emissions

Climate change poses one of the most difficult questions to the world today. Cities continue to be the main contributors of this challenge. Most of the greenhouse gases are produced by industries, motorized conveyance, domestic fuel, and disposal of waste and are centered in and around cities. The IEA (International Energy Agency) foresees almost three fourths of the carbon emissions coming from urban centers by 2030. It then becomes imperative for the cities to take cognizance of the fact and react to lessen the effect. Creating an inventory of the carbon footprint would then be the logical first step in the process of addressing the issue of climate change effectively. In creating inventories, policy decisions regarding…...



Alvarez RA, Pacala SW, Winebrake JJ, Chameides WL, Hamburg SP. Greater focus needed on methane leakage from natural gas infrastructure. (2012), ProcNatlAcadSci USA.

Hansen, James, et al. "Assessing "Dangerous Climate Change": Required Reduction of Carbon Emissions to Protect Young People Future Generations and Nature." PLOS One (2013). Review.

Heinberg R, Fridley D. The end of cheap coal. Nature, 468(7322): 2010, 367 -- 369. DOI: 10.1038/468367a.

International Energy Agency. 2010 Key world energy statistics, 2010. Retrieved from:   / textbase/nppdf/free/2010/key stats 2010.pdf 

Kinds of Minds by Daniel C Dennett
Pages: 12 Words: 3526

The fields of literature and research are the ever-flourishing disciplines. ith various researchers, experts and other prominent figures including writers producing remarkable works based on extensive research, expertise, experience and relentless efforts, literature is making unmeasured and unbelievable advancement with every sketching moment. Like many writers, one personality that has made a mark in the western literature and one name that often emerges in research and literature pertaining to human mind and behavior is Daniel C. Dennett. The following passage of our research paper will present an overview of the renowned writer of the marvelous book, The Kinds of Minds: Towards an understanding of Consciousness.

Overview of the author

Educational Qualifications and Teaching Career:

Daniel C. Dennett was born in 1942 in the city of Boston at a historian's place. After receiving schooling in the hometown, he completed his B.A. In philosophy in 1963 from the prestigious institute of Harvard (Dennett's Home…...


Works Cited

Daniel C. Dennett's Home Page. Available at:   11, 2002) (November

Daniel Dennett: Kinds of Minds (Basic, 1998). Available at   (November 11, 2002) 

Dennett D. Kinds of Minds: Toward an Understanding of Consciousness. Basic Books Publishers, New York, ISBN: 0-465-07351-4

Daniel Dennett: Kinds of Minds. Available at   (November 11, 2002) 

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