Uganda Essays (Examples)

135+ documents containing “uganda”.

Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa whose diverse landscape encompasses the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains and immense Lake Victoria. Its abundant wildlife includes chimpanzees as well as rare birds. Remote Bwindi Impenetrable National P...

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Peru in Comparison to Uganda, Colombia, & India
This paper looks at Peru, and discusses three fundamental problems faced by this country. The paper then compares Peru to three other developing countries, Uganda, Colombia and India, in terms of these three fundamental problems.

Peru was subjected to over a decade of military rule, which ended in 1980; since then, the country has been ruled by a succession of democratic governments, but the country has experienced major economic problems, and has also suffered from terrorism, from groups such as El Sendero Luminoso (CIA, 2002a). In 1990, President Fujimori came to power, with a hard hand, and curtailed the terrorist activities of El Sendero Luminoso. Hs government also dramatically improved the economy, through neoliberalist policies, but his use of authoritarian methods was questionable, and led to a great deal of dissatisfaction amongst ordinary Peruvians (CIA, 2002a; Youngers and Burt, 2000). Despite this, and….

GMO Bananas Uganda Case

The Uganda bananas case is about the regulatory and political issues surrounding genetically-modified crops. The case is written from the perspective of a scientist who has developed a banana that is resistant to a particular Black Sigatoka, an airborne fungus. This fungus can kill banana plants, which makes it a threat where bananas are a staple crop and where there are few remedies once the fungus sets in. The case uses this anecdote to make a larger argument about the merits of genetically-modified foods, namely that they should be allowed in Uganda, lest the nation starve. There are utilitarian arguments in particular used to support the thesis that Uganda would do well to accept genetically-modified crops into the countries, solving all problems save the starting goalie on the World Cup team. Hyperbole aside, the article presents as a simplistic, one-sided analysis of the issue, carefully avoiding too much science….

Introduction It is in emerging nations where the female population encounter countless restrictions on a daily basis. It is a well-known fact that even in the education sector, the rate of girls pursuing their learning is massively lower than their male counterparts. Few females join learning centers. This is enhanced by the fact that their caregivers prefer investing into their male children to enable them learn. Apart from biases in the education sector, females have been rendered vulnerable to ferocious behaviors. Moreover, there are certain regions in the emerging states where ladies’ voices are unheard of in civil matters. It is considered an innate trait to find females more involved in house management as compared to the males. In addition to that, there are fewer involvement levels of females in the workforce sector (United Nations, 2015; Goel, 2016). For those who are in the employment sector, most of them encounter constant….

Ugandan Culture

Uganda Culture




The country known as Uganda was once a British colony just like the majority of its neighbors in East Africa. It was initially intruded into by the Arab traders led by Speke and the British explorers led by Stanley in 1862 and 1875 respectively. They both paid homage to Mutesa who was the King (kabaka) of the Buganda. Uganda remained predominantly under the colony of the British until 1962 when they were granted internal self-government by Britain (History World, 2011).

Uganda is a country that covers 7,108 sq mi in area and a host of 33.3 million people found in East Africa. It is bordered by Congo on the West, Kenya on the East, Tanzania and wanda on the south and Sudan on the North. It enjoys the equator since it crosses through it and has three major weather areas; the fertile plateau, swampy lowlands and….

Origins, History of the MF
The nternational Monetary Fund was first conceived between July 1-22, 1944, at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The conference was attended by representatives of 45 nations, which were called together in order to plan and lay the groundwork for a cooperative economic framework to solve global financial crises before they occur. One key reason for the conference was to put in place the fiscal mechanisms which would provide protection against a possible repeat of the terrible Great Depression of the 1930s.

Also, another significant reason for the Bretton Woods conference was that WW was showing signs of winding down in 1944, and the allied nations that were about to put the finishing touches on the defeat of the Nazis and of Japan, were seeking solutions to hitherto chaotic international monetary relations. t was a time for the practical and shared….

(Mwenda) Musevini, who faces opposition in the next election from northern Ugandan resident Norbert Mao, has had to deal with accusations from Mao that Musevini deliberately ignored the problems in northern Uganda as part of deliberate plan. (DP Uganda).
Interestingly, as the national election nears Musevini has suddenly begun to actively campaign for votes in northern Uganda. He is promising to bring the same social and economic reforms that he introduced to the rest of Uganda to northern Uganda after virtually ignoring the region for twenty-four years. (Acemah) Additionally, he is trying to assure the northern Ugandans that the LRA is no longer a power in the region and that if re-elected he will make sure that the LRA has no capacity to come back to disturb the peace. Residents of the area, however, have every reason to suspect that Musevini's claims are without merit. As noted in a book….

S. But these were things that were perfectly normal and accepted in Uganda. Green needed to have a conversation with Martin and tell him what a good job that he thought he was doing and together they should have come up with some guidelines and rules for how things were going to be done. If there was a business practice that Martin was doing that Green did not agree with then he needed to find out if there was any other way that this could be accomplished. It may have been that Martin did not feel that he had any other choices but to do it the way he did in order to make the project successful.
ith the knowledge that Martin had with African culture he was definitely the perfect fit for his job. He did a very good job and managed to lead the project to successful. If the….

Personal Statement MPH, I applying IU school Medicine, Masters Public Health, Background; MBA Universit Phoenix. Bachelor Business Admin. Makerere University Uganda., Reason MPH serving society.
A Dream Realized

In many parts of the world, the ability to improve your health and the access to healthcare is not a right nor is it even a privilege. It is a dream. It is something that you can only fantasize about. You wish to live longer than your father, who didn't live longer than his own. You wish to have a career that will enable you to earn a decent living, to drink clean water and eat nourishing food, to better your world and to raise children who will do the same. I come from one such part of the world. I am from Uganda, a small country in East Africa, which during my lifetime and long before, has suffered a great deal of….

Nternational and Domestic Efforts in Human Rights Protection
This particular batch of readings was highly interesting, and very educational. Collectively, these readings explored various notions and reasons for the process of international courts attempting to learn more about human rights criminal activity predominantly from an international perspective. Individually, these readings detailed various aspects of truth commissions and of the International Criminal Court, both of which are fairly influential in the investigation of previously existent human rights violations.

Victor Peskin's 2009 article, "Caution and Confrontation in the International Criminal Court's Pursuit of Accountability in Uganda and Sudan" provided a clear look at some of the internal processes and challenges faced by the ICC's prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo. In particular, this article focused on why it was advantageous for the prosecutor to initially attempt conciliatory stances about the regimes he was looking to attempt to pursue human rights violation cases in, Uganda and Sudan, and….

The particular academic discipline I have chosen to pursue is a major in a General Studies with a double minor in both Biology and Sociology. However, after spending the past several weeks engaged in readings related to human rights, it has become quite clear to me that the consideration of human rights can apply to virtually any field of study. Still, when considering the relationship between human rights and psychology in particular, there are a number of aspects of the former that directly correlate to the latter. The most foremost of these entails a psychological evaluation or analysis of the political leaders who mandate ethnic cleansings or who order entire races or nationalities, tribes, etc. Of people to die. Several of these orders inherently pertain to political objectives that are either being impeded by or can be achieved by the extermination of a group of people. But there is….

Republic of Tanzania
Tanzania is officially called the United Republic of Tanzania and was formed when Tanganyika and Zanzibar were combined in 1964. This country is situated towards East Africa (Tanzania, 2007). On its borders are situated Kenya and Uganda towards the north, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo and urundi towards the west. Towards the east side are situated Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi. On the east side of the country, Indian Ocean is located. United Republic of Tanzania has been divided into thirty further regions. Five of these regions are located on the semi-autonomous islands of Zanzibar; meanwhile twenty five of these regions are situated on the main land in the area that is part of the previous Tanganyika (Central Intelligence Agency, 2009).

In this paper we shall look at the two different areas of study of the United Republic of Tanzania. The chosen areas of study are economy and culture….

Egypt Is Going to Take

The source of the current crisis can be traced to 1998 when an initial agreement was reached on a plan of action and policy guidelines to establish the Nile Basin Initiative at the 2nd Nile Technical Advisory Committee meeting held in Arusha. A few months later, the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) was officially launched at an extraordinary meeting of the Nile Basin Council of Ministers, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Mohamoda 2003). According to Swain (2004), "In March 1998, the Council of Ministers of Water Affairs of the Nile Basin States reached a broad agreement at Arusha, Tanzania, over sharing and managing the Nile water, and endorsed a new program of action. This led to the formal launching of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) in February 1999, of which all but Eritrea are members" (p. 106).
During the period between 1993 and 1999, further preparatory steps were taken in furtherance….

Refugee Crisis in Africa

Humanitarian Analysis: efugee Support in UgandaThe Bidi Bidi settlement in Uganda hosts a significant number of refugees, especially from South Sudan, and requires support due to its growing population and the needs of its inhabitants.Uganda has been exemplary in its open-door policy towards refugees since 2013, with an influx of refugees from South Sudan, the Democratic epublic of the Congo (DC), Burundi, and Somalia. The refugee population in Uganda has steadily increased, from approximately 547,000 in 2016 to over 1.4 million in 2021 (UNHC, 2016; 2017; 2021). Settlements like Bidi Bidi, Nakivale, and Kyangwali have seen significant growth. Bidi Bidi, in particular, has become one of the world\\\'s largest refugee settlements. The conflict in South Sudan has been a major driver of this influx.Settlements are spread across Uganda, with the northern region, particularly Adjumani and Yumbe districts, hosting the largest numbers. But Bidi Bidi in Yumbe district, which used to….

For a country such as Uganda to possess sufficient health care is tremendously important to the people of the republic of Uganda. Even triumphant medical treatment for malaria can involve pain through injections of drugs and in the entire period of recuperating after the administration of the drugs. Furthermore, nervousness may crop up, threat and unavoidably a lot of money. The final thing a parent of a sick child suffering from malaria in a hospital needs to believe about is how he or she is actually going to pay out for all the costs encountered or the billing. In an ideal world, as a substitute of distressing about money, a patient or a mother or a father of a kid who is suffering from malaria should be focused on getting well or consoling the sick child respectively. Nonetheless, the entire subject of health cover can be puzzling (Trisha, 2007, p.….

afternoon, light rain falling and predictions of thunder storms on the way. Client was eight minutes late to his appointment. "It doesn't matter that you're a few minutes late, I am glad to see you -- but is everything going okay this afternoon?" he was asked by therapist.
Client seems defensive when no pressure at all is put on him. First he said his watch stopped, then he admitted he lost track of time because he was into playing a new video game. He asked if video games are a bad thing and was assured that entertainment was his choice.

"Oh, also," he added. "After I was in my car I went back to my apartment to get my umbrella." Client is trying to maintain a good relationship with the therapist.

The client was sweating when he sat down, and it was humid in the room so we agreed the air conditioner….

6 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Peru in Comparison to Uganda Colombia &

Words: 2281
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Peru in Comparison to Uganda, Colombia, & India This paper looks at Peru, and discusses three fundamental problems faced by this country. The paper then compares Peru to three…

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5 Pages
Case Study


GMO Bananas Uganda Case

Words: 1757
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Theories The Uganda bananas case is about the regulatory and political issues surrounding genetically-modified crops. The case is written from the perspective of a scientist who has developed a…

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9 Pages

Gender / Sexuality

The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Uganda

Words: 2643
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Introduction It is in emerging nations where the female population encounter countless restrictions on a daily basis. It is a well-known fact that even in the education sector, the rate…

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6 Pages

Literature - African

Ugandan Culture

Words: 2231
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Uganda Culture SFC LUNFOD SGL SFC BOADUS SENIO LEADE Uganda The country known as Uganda was once a British colony just like the majority of its neighbors in East Africa. It was initially intruded…

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68 Pages
Term Paper


Marketing and Economics Agricultural

Words: 18779
Length: 68 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Origins, History of the MF The nternational Monetary Fund was first conceived between July 1-22, 1944, at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The…

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2 Pages

Literature - African

Musevini and Lack of Sustainable

Words: 779
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

(Mwenda) Musevini, who faces opposition in the next election from northern Ugandan resident Norbert Mao, has had to deal with accusations from Mao that Musevini deliberately ignored the…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Business International Describe Ugandan Cultural

Words: 1072
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

S. But these were things that were perfectly normal and accepted in Uganda. Green needed to have a conversation with Martin and tell him what a good job that…

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2 Pages


Personal Statement Mph I Applying Iu School

Words: 566
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Statement MPH, I applying IU school Medicine, Masters Public Health, Background; MBA Universit Phoenix. Bachelor Business Admin. Makerere University Uganda., Reason MPH serving society. A Dream Realized In many…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

International and Domestic Efforts in Human Rights Protection

Words: 936
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Nternational and Domestic Efforts in Human Rights Protection This particular batch of readings was highly interesting, and very educational. Collectively, these readings explored various notions and reasons for the process…

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3 Pages


Perspectives From My Discipline

Words: 1098
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Discipline The particular academic discipline I have chosen to pursue is a major in a General Studies with a double minor in both Biology and Sociology. However, after spending…

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4 Pages

Literature - African

Republic of Tanzania Is Officially Called the

Words: 974
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Republic of Tanzania Tanzania is officially called the United Republic of Tanzania and was formed when Tanganyika and Zanzibar were combined in 1964. This country is situated towards East Africa…

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36 Pages

History - Israel

Egypt Is Going to Take

Words: 9929
Length: 36 Pages
Type: Dissertation

The source of the current crisis can be traced to 1998 when an initial agreement was reached on a plan of action and policy guidelines to establish the…

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1 Pages

Africa / African Studies

Refugee Crisis in Africa

Words: 377
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Humanitarian Analysis: efugee Support in UgandaThe Bidi Bidi settlement in Uganda hosts a significant number of refugees, especially from South Sudan, and requires support due to its growing population…

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9 Pages


Role Relevance and Future Potential

Words: 3295
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

For a country such as Uganda to possess sufficient health care is tremendously important to the people of the republic of Uganda. Even triumphant medical treatment for malaria can…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Medical - Disorders

How to Provide Positive Therapy for a Depressed Anxious Person

Words: 2810
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

afternoon, light rain falling and predictions of thunder storms on the way. Client was eight minutes late to his appointment. "It doesn't matter that you're a few minutes…

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