Unethical Behavior Essays (Examples)

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Unethical Behavior in the Workplace
In this article, Christopher Baxter discusses allegations by Carol Gabel, a former executive of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, that she was repeatedly sexually harassed by a group of men during her work. Gabel also described incidences in which she was degraded by then-governor Donald DiFrancesco. Gabel reported the behavior when it occurred. However, she claimed "in the suit the chamber never took her complaints seriously despite a policy against sexual harassment, and that she was underpaid compared to her male colleagues. She said she developed anxiety, depression, hypertension and headaches, and took disability leave.

She was later told that she was fired because her position was eliminated, though she claims in the suit that she was dismissed for speaking up" (Baxter 2011).

Sexual harassment is a serious ethical issue and it goes beyond the simple quid-pro-quo demands for sexual behaviors that were often regarded as the….

Other reasons may be institutional -- a harried employee may cover up mistakes, for fear of losing a job or a client in a pressured situation. or, an employee may be asked use unethical accounting practices to cover up business losses, ostensibly to protect shareholders and employees with a vested interest in the company's success. An accountant may feel pressured by a client not to use generally accepted ethical accounting practices and rationalize the fact he is saving an important client money, thus his behaviors are 'good' despite being technically illegal or unethical. As during the Enron crisis, workers may feel pressured to comply with top-level management's unethical behaviors for fear of losing their jobs and also because of the 'bunker' mentality that 'everyone is doing it' at the company so it must be 'okay.' Groupthink, guilt, even a desire to help others may all be as much of a….

Unethical Business esearch Conduct
Business research is conducted for many reasons that are dependent on intended recipient of the research. For business marketers, research might include customer surveys of focus groups. When the research is for the development of a product, it can have a scientific basis and when it comes to stakeholders the research may include financial projections. This paper will therefore look at an article that focuses on some of the unethical business research conduct. The paper will clearly highlight some of the unethical research behavior that is involved and the people who are affected by these unethical research behaviors. The paper will further highlight how the unethical behavior has affected the organization, individuals and society at large. Finally a conclusion will be made on how the unethical behavior can be avoided or resolved.

The article "The case of Neurontin; Skewed esearch in service selling" is an example of some….

Unethical Business esearch Practices
What unethical research behavior was involved?

The antitrust case brought by Wal-Mart and other retailers against Visa and MasterCard in the U.S. Eastern District court, was settled in 2003 for $3 billion and primarily involved a dispute concerning the efficient pricing of access to payment information, including security data that confirmed or refuted the transactional identities of cardholders (oberds & Schreft, 2009). In their pleadings, Wal-Mart and other class action litigants argued that third-party providers such as Visa and MasterCard required them to accept both debit and credit cards issued by MasterCard but the interchange fees were higher for debit cards (Ulzheimer, 2012). In sum, the suit filed by Wal-Mart and other large retailers claimed that Visa and MasterCard "required all merchants who accept their credit cards to also accept their signature debit cards [which] constitutes an illegal tie-in in violation of antitrust law" (Peterson, 2002, p. 31).….

Over 100 of that group will be allowed to participate in a special training session that both teaches and tests medical preparation and fire suppression skills, and which will allow those who pass to gain entrance into the department (eese 2011). Those who are not selected will be eligible to partkae in a $30 million dollar monetary award that was largely facilitated by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The fact that such a venerable organization had to become involved with this particualr grievance of African-American firefighters is largely indicative of the fact that such unethical practices of hiring -- which directly influence the amount of those promoted -- are based upon discriminatory measures against African-Americans.
In conclusion, it has been conclusively demonstrated that there is a history of unethical practices in regards to the promotion of African-American firefighters that continues throughout contemporary times. In some respects,….

Unethical Leadership

Unethical Leadership
Leadership is not an inherited gift or a family heritage. Becoming a leader is a deliberate and planned process of personal and professional development that must be carried out experientially. It requires one to have the courage to say both "yes" and "no' to an everlasting chain of large and small tests. In order to become a true leader, one must be prepared to define his/her values, character, and leadership style. The resilient, tough leaders make this process a way of life, not only in business, but within their families, communities, and the world (Chandler, 2009).

Leadership can be described as "a process of social influence through which an environment is provided where personal, professional, and/or organizational goals can be successfully achieved" (Bahreinian, Ahi & Soltani, 2012). In today's rapidly-growing and spirited industry, efficient management is the major cause of making an organization superior to the other. If truth be….

Though the Vioxx incident is one of the more major breaches of this implicit public contract, the issues of improper marketing -- especially in over-promoting a drug's efficacy and unethically downplaying a drug's risks -- are an industry-wide problem (OBM, 2005) for that reason, Merck and other pharmaceutical companies ought to adhere to the same standards as social marketing. Social marketing, which is generally not for a profit, is concerned only with public welfare, and thus faces slightly different ethical issues (Brenkert, 2002). Both commercial and social marketing are concerned with improving the well-being of the consumer, but in social marketing "the intended well-being of the people targeted is not simply an individual or subjective matter" (Brenkert, 2002). The same should be true of pharmaceutical marketing; though these companies must turn a profit, their main concern -- like the main concern for all other sectors and practitioners in healthcare….

The charges were quietly dropped against the suspect and an Internal Affairs investigation cleared them of all wrong doing. (Terruso, 2011)
Explain the outcomes of the cases. Did you agree with the outcomes? Why or why not?

The situation involving the New York City police officers is still in the court system. So far I agree with the outcome. This is because they were deliberately breaking the law by selling automatic weapons to criminal elements. Moreover, they were also working with organized crime to sell cigarettes that were stolen from the police evidence room. This can erode the confidence of the general public in the department's ability to objectively enforce the law. When this happens, it will affect investigations and their outcomes. As a result, they had to be stopped before the situation became worse. (ashbaum, 2011)

While the case in Elizabeth, resulted in the suspect suing the department for violating his….

Unethical 'Best Practices'
Corporate Governance Case Study: Enron

Enron, the seventh-largest American corporation, collapsed in December 2001 in what most people refer to as the 'New Economy's first major failure'. Following its collapse, Congressional committees immediately embarked on inquiries to determine the cause(s) of its bankruptcy. Once investigations were complete, it was evident that the corporate governance mechanisms employed by the company had contributed to its downfall. The company employed the Anglo-American model of corporate governance, which places substantial emphasis on shareholder rights as opposed to stakeholder rights, and which, in addition, is management-dominated and has a unitary board structure with a single powerful leader. Driven by an urge to keep shareholders appeased by paying them more even when the company's resources were strained, Enron's managers employed off-balance sheet transactions with SPEs, and were able to hide huge amounts of debt that was often collaterized with the company's stock. The CFO, Andrew….

Business Research
The unethical research behavior discussed was conducted by yeth, and is symptomatic of the systemic issues that the pharmaceutical industry has with respect to research. The article details a case involving yeth that resulted in class action litigation. The ethical issue in this case is fraudulent research. The allegation is that yeth fabricated research by using "vendors to produce ghostwritten manuscripts and place them into medical journals." The research produced was therefore entirely fraudulent, but passed off in medical journals as legitimate research. The objective of placing this research in the journals was to legitimize the new drug that yeth was about launch, Prempro, a menopausal hormone therapy.

The larger issue is publication planning, described by Fugh-Berman (2010) as "the process by which pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies produce and release articles in medical journals and posters at meetings to establish key marketing messages." These companies use academics to….

It is more concerned with understanding the way that ethnical ideas are presented, than judging those concepts within the construct of the society. However, when one looks at the history of any philosophical subject, it is important to note that differing concepts of philosophy often arise "out of" that very historical and cultural fabric of the time -- and then evolve so that they become more acceptable to future generations rather than contemporaneous ones. Individuals tend to justify unethical behavior based on these concepts; if the behavior results in what they perceive to be the best choice for everyone, or if they have self-interests and are able to find a reason for their action. A classic example is in the Victor Hugo book Les Miserables. The main character is imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread for his starving sister and seven children. He is imprisoned for 19 years….

Ethical Behavior Theory in Organizations
This analytical research report discusses the debatable issue of the much-needed ethical behavior in working milieu. The research paper highlights the fundamental characteristics, a well-drafted research design, a separate section of suggestions; a orks Cited an appendix featuring important data and relevant diagrams pertaining to the organizational behavior theory and the underlying ethical issues. The orks Cited nine sources in MLA format.


Ethics and ethical behavior: a challenge for organizations


Reasons for unethical behavior in organizations

Prevalent justifications of unethical behavior

Results from Baucus and Near's research model

Part Three


Part Four


hat is organizational behavior?

Purpose of organizational behavior

An overview of organizational behavior and its cardinal components

Basic models of organizational behaviors

Part Five


Part Six


orks Cited


Ethical Behavior in Organizations

Individuals working towards a common goal for personal as well as combined benefits form institutions popularly called as "organizations" or "associations."….

IV: How to influence stakeholders and shareholders to behave ethically

It would be perfectly normal for any organization or individual that is often faced with ethical dilemmas to be assisted by someone who is experienced in decision making and who is better qualified to deal with ethical dilemmas. Shareholders often tend to be biased in decision making, as they are aware that their wealth can be put at serious risk if they perform a wrong move. In contrast, stakeholders are more likely to behave objectively when they know that their decisions will not necessarily affect their social position. Thus, stakeholders can behave more ethically than shareholders, but the downside on this is that the former have more chances of performing mistakes, as they know that the risks involved in most conditions that they encounter are lesser on their side.

In particular situations, stakeholders can feel more inclined to behave unethically, as they….

Ethical behavior of a person or a corporation greatly affects the stakeholders with which that person is involved. Often, people and companies take serious consideration when it comes to those stakeholders, and they work to take good care of the people who are involved with them (Keller, 2002). There have been cases, though, where ethical behavior has been ignored in the name of profit. Eventually, most companies and people who ignore their ethics are caught and punished, but not before they end up harming the financial and emotional lives of many of their stakeholders. Plato once said that the nature and the origin of justice was that men who were capable of doing wrong to other people would often do so. He also said that men who did not have enough strength to keep themselves from being harmed by others would not do harm to other people.
In other words, if….

Ethical Behavior

Ethics and Nursing
One of the complexities of 21st century medicine is the evolution of nursing care theories in combination with a changing need and expectation of the stakeholder population. Nurses must be advocates and communicators, but must balance these along with an overall philosophy of ethics while still remaining mindful of budgets and the need for the medical institution to be profitable. It seems as if these issues comprise a three-part template for nursing: respect for patient value & individuality, education of patients, and cognition and respect for the realities of contemporary medicine. When there are issues surrounding unethical behavior, the standard view is that the issue is one of ignorance (unaware of the issue or policy), failure (sloppy medical work), or intent (purposeful negativity). Instead, Christopher Meyers (2004) believes that it is more the culture of the institution that frames ethical behavior than it is anything more purposeful. Indeed,….

1. The Dark Side of Business: Unethical Practices in the Corporate World

2. The Ethics of Exploitation: Uncovering Unethical Practices in the Modern Workplace

3. Unmasking Unethical Behavior: A Closer Look at Fraud and Corruption in Business

4. Ethics vs. Profit: The Impact of Unethical Practices on Companies and Society

5. Whistleblowing on Unethical Practices: Exposing Wrongdoings for the Greater Good

6. The Slippery Slope of Unethical Behavior: How Small Transgressions Can Lead to Larger Issues

7. The Role of Ethics in the Digital Age: Addressing Unethical Practices in Technology

8. From Enron to Volkswagen: Case Studies of Unethical Practices and Their Consequences

9. Unethical Practices in Healthcare:....

1. Unethical Practices: A Scrutiny of Corporate Greed and Moral Decay

2. The Shadow of Unethicality: Unveiling the Perils of Unprincipled Behavior in Business

3. The Moral Compass in the Marketplace: Reorienting Ethical Standards in Corporate Decision-Making

4. A Path to Perdition: The Consequences of Unethical Practices in the Business World

5. Deconstructing Unethicality: Exploring the Motives and Manifestations of Corporate Malfeasance

6. The Corrosion of Trust: How Unethical Practices Undermine Business Integrity and Public Confidence

7. Ethical Erosion: A Systemic Analysis of the Factors Contributing to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace

8. The Triple Bottom Line of Unethicality: Impacts on the Economy, Environment, and Social Well-being


Lesser-Known but Interesting Essay Topics on Code of Ethics for Supply Chain Management

1. The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Supply Chain Management

Explore the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in automating supply chain processes, such as decision-making, inventory management, and supplier selection.

2. Ethical Supply Chain Management in the Era of Globalization

Examine the challenges and opportunities in maintaining ethical practices in global supply chains, considering issues of cultural diversity, labor laws, and environmental standards.

3. The Role of Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Ethical Supply Chains

Investigate the potential of blockchain technology to ensure transparency, traceability, and accountability....

Workplace abuse of power can manifest in several ways:

1. Micromanagement: When managers excessively monitor and control employees' work, it can create a toxic environment of distrust and intimidation.

2. Favoritism: If a supervisor plays favorites or shows bias in promotions, assignments, or disciplinary actions, it can foster resentment and inequality among coworkers.

3. Harassment: Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse from those in positions of power can create a hostile work environment and harm employees' well-being.

4. Retaliation: When employees fear retaliation for speaking up about unethical behavior or reporting misconduct, it can lead to a culture of silence and cover-ups.

5. Arbitrary decision-making: When....

2 Pages
Capstone Project

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Unethical Behavior in the Workplace

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Unethical Behavior in the Workplace In this article, Christopher Baxter discusses allegations by Carol Gabel, a former executive of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, that she was repeatedly sexually…

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1 Pages


Unethical Behaviors in Enterprise the

Words: 347
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Other reasons may be institutional -- a harried employee may cover up mistakes, for fear of losing a job or a client in a pressured situation. or, an employee…

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3 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Unethical Business Research Conduct Business Research Is

Words: 1012
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Unethical Business esearch Conduct Business research is conducted for many reasons that are dependent on intended recipient of the research. For business marketers, research might include customer surveys of focus…

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3 Pages


Unethical Business Research Practices What Unethical Research

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Unethical Business esearch Practices What unethical research behavior was involved? The antitrust case brought by Wal-Mart and other retailers against Visa and MasterCard in the U.S. Eastern District court, was settled…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

Unethical Labor Practices in the

Words: 1810
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Over 100 of that group will be allowed to participate in a special training session that both teaches and tests medical preparation and fire suppression skills, and which…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Unethical Leadership

Words: 2942
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Unethical Leadership Leadership is not an inherited gift or a family heritage. Becoming a leader is a deliberate and planned process of personal and professional development that must be carried…

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2 Pages

Business - Advertising

Unethical Marketing Successful Advertising Has

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Though the Vioxx incident is one of the more major breaches of this implicit public contract, the issues of improper marketing -- especially in over-promoting a drug's efficacy…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Unethical Police Operations Over the

Words: 766
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The charges were quietly dropped against the suspect and an Internal Affairs investigation cleared them of all wrong doing. (Terruso, 2011) Explain the outcomes of the cases. Did you…

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2 Pages


Unethical Best Practices Ethics and Morality

Words: 864
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Unethical 'Best Practices' Corporate Governance Case Study: Enron Enron, the seventh-largest American corporation, collapsed in December 2001 in what most people refer to as the 'New Economy's first major failure'. Following…

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3 Pages


Business Research the Unethical Research Behavior Discussed

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Research The unethical research behavior discussed was conducted by yeth, and is symptomatic of the systemic issues that the pharmaceutical industry has with respect to research. The article details…

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2 Pages


Organizational Behavior Leadership Is One

Words: 769
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

It is more concerned with understanding the way that ethnical ideas are presented, than judging those concepts within the construct of the society. However, when one looks at…

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25 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Behavior in Organizations

Words: 7363
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ethical Behavior Theory in Organizations This analytical research report discusses the debatable issue of the much-needed ethical behavior in working milieu. The research paper highlights the fundamental characteristics, a well-drafted…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Behavior Really Exist in

Words: 961
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

IV: How to influence stakeholders and shareholders to behave ethically It would be perfectly normal for any organization or individual that is often faced with ethical dilemmas to be assisted…

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3 Pages


Ethical Behavior of a Person or a

Words: 1086
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical behavior of a person or a corporation greatly affects the stakeholders with which that person is involved. Often, people and companies take serious consideration when it comes to…

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3 Pages
Peer Reviewed Journal


Ethical Behavior

Words: 1201
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal

Ethics and Nursing One of the complexities of 21st century medicine is the evolution of nursing care theories in combination with a changing need and expectation of the stakeholder population.…

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