Urbanization Essays (Examples)

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This in turn drew more workers (Hassan 2004). The result is that Kuala Lumpur has added millions to its population and enjoys a far greater average annual income than does rural Malaysia. Indeed, Harris-Todaro also helps to explain urban-urban migration in Malaysia. As Kuala Lumpur has grown to be the country's primate city, it has captured migration from smaller urban areas, including the region's former primate cities such as Melaka and Georgetown.
Compact development for a sustainable city is generally possible when a long-term strategy is put into place. Typically, this will also involve a slower pace of rural-urban migration, so that the city will have the resources to handle the new migrants. Curitiba, Brazil is a city that has long had a sustainable development plan. By designing a city that encourages compact development, including dense and integrated transit networks, urban sprawl is contained. Compact development typically emerges as a….

In developed nations this is easier because technologies and materials, often expensive and hard to come by, can help to mitigate pollution. In less developed nations, pollution is often somewhat of an afterthought as a product of production or prosperity (Termorshuizen, Opdam, and van den Brink, 380). By creating cheaper, more fuel efficient technologies and by making them available to all nations, pollution in the third world and developing nations' urban environments can be reduced as well.
Another top priority for urban planning and development should be lifestyle factors. These factors include access to parks, open spaces, community centers and the like. This is a major concern because people living in places where these types of spaces are abundant tend to be happier and feel more fulfilled (Termorshuizen, Opdam, and van den Brink, 383). It is far more difficult to create and promote these spaces in urban environments that have….

Tillburg planners use a problem-solution strategy that will be familiar to many CEOs and corporate executives. The basic process is as follows:

1. problem recognition - to identify all problems in the neighborhood;

2.agreement - to discuss the results together;

3.the solution - how the recognized problems can be solved;

4.the responsibilities - who is responsible for carrying out the solution;

5.the agreement - are individuals and organizations in agreement with the solutions. (Unesco, 2008d).

Every city planning commission could benefit from this example.

Slide 6

Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association

The Bronx Center Project encompasses a number of cooperative efforts ranging from economic development, health and human services, education, culture, housing, and transportation (Unesco, 2008e). This project highlights the need to attack community programs at the root of the problem. Moving out of degraded communities is not the answer. evitalization is an excellent use of existing resources. Instead of using new resources and allowing those in local communities….

1995, 359-365). However, Chicago is well placed due its geographical location to weather many of these ills. eing centrally located in the Midwest, it enjoys good lines of communication and trade with the rest of the country, mitigating many of the more extreme problems. Unfortunately, what is happening in Chicago is the result of years of developments in the deindustrialization of the city. Recently, studies have shown that this trend will likely continue and Chicago will increasingly become dependent on goods and services from outside of the city. While this has helped the city previously (goods and services flow in and out of the city easily due its central location), the effects of Chicago not making more of its goods and services is starting to show. In an excellent study, it has been possible to produce a comprehensive economic photograph of the 1996, 14).
If the above trends continue (and….

Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land eform: A Case Study of Papua New Guinea
Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land eform: Papua New Guinea

Global Urbanization, Slum Formation, and the Persistence of Slums

Urbanization is a phenomenon affecting each and every country of the world. In this text, I hypothesize that Papua New Guinea ought to fix its land policies so as to properly manage urbanization. One of the country's cities, Port Moresby, has been grappling with informal settlements as a consequence of rural-urban migration that has taken place in the past, sine the 1960s. Currently, up to 50% of Port Moresby's residents (both recent and long-established) put up in informal settlements. If the issue of land is not addressed, as will be highlighted elsewhere in this text, the situation is likely to worsen given that the country's rural to urban migration is projected to be on a sustained upward trend. Papua New Guinea's urbanization….

Moreover, the "Great Leap Forward" was a negative response to "urban-centered planning strategies; and the "Cultural Revolution" involved the "excision of tens of millions of urban educated from the cities" in an effort to "dissipate the new and threatening forces of urban-based elitism" (Kirkby, p. 5).
As to what tasks the government has taken regarding urbanization since 1949, Article 10 of the 1958 law ordered each residence to have a "hukou bu" (permanent registration booklet) designed to "anchor people to their native places," Kirkby writes, and to "prevent unauthorized movement" into cities (p. 25). In 1978 China ushered in an "open policy" which was followed by a big increase in the urbanization. A United Nations University article states that the "regional distribution of the urbanization level I still similar" to what was happening prior to the open policy and economic reforms (http://unu.edu). hy? The provincial variation in the urbanization level….

Population and Urbanization in Brazil
Brazil, officially known as the Federative epublic of Brazil, is located in the eastern side of South America. Without a doubt, Brazil is the largest of the Latin American countries as it covers about half of the South American continent. Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru Uruguay, and Venezuela are some of its well-known neighboring countries. Its capital is Brasilia while Sao Paulo and io de Janeiro are the country's largest cities ("Brazil," 2009). Brazil occupies a vast territory with most of its large cities located either on the Atlantic coast or the banks of large watercourses. It falls in the category of one of the world's largest economies as it has strong sectors of agriculture, mining, industry, and services. Its major trading partners are Argentina, China, Germany and the United States. The official language is Portuguese whereas English is spoken as a widely accepted second language.….

Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization, And Transportation in United States Post Civil War
The process to modernize the American states after the end of the Civil War was one of the most complex events that shape the way in which the history of the United States would evolve in the 20th century. There were several aspects of the history of the States that determined changes influenced by consequences of these events. In this sense, the processes of industrialization, immigration, transportation, and urbanization were essential for the evolution of the U.S. In the period since 1860 to 1920 when the U.S. became indeed an important power in the world.

However, there is a sequence of events that determine such outcomes. Therefore, it can be said that it was in fact the industrialization process which influenced the development of the others. It was a causal relationship between these elements that all together determined the evolution of….

Babes in Warland; Agrarian eforms/Urbanization and Child Abuse
Babes in Warland agrarian reforms urbanization and child abuse_A2072388

The pictorial shows how perpetrators of civil wars take advantage of children. Children are enlisted in rebel army ranks in many armed conflicts in the African continent. Amnesty International estimates that over 250, 000 children under the age of 18 years take part in armed conflicts. UNICEF reports that the services of more than 300-000 children are used in the armed conflicts in the DC. The services of child soldiers have been enlisted in virtually all armed conflicts in Africa. Talk of Zairean Tutsi fighters in the DC, the Young Somali Islamist fighters, the Al-shabab militias, Joseph Kony's Lords esistance Army in Uganda and the Liberian United for econciliation and Democracy fighters. The United States backed Somali government also enlisted child soldiers (Anonymous, n.d.).

Armed conflicts that have led to conscription of child soldiers into rebel….

Keyder, Caglar. "Globalization & Social Exclusion In Istanbul." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29.1 (2005): 124-134. Web.
The question and issues to be addressed in this source are the negative effects and outcomes that are seen with globalization within Istanbul and the rest of Turkey. There is the recognition that Turkey has globalized and grown significantly over the last century but there have also been a lot of people that have been hurt by the patterns rendered. One of the main reasons that urbanization happens and ends up having undesirable effects is the fact that the globalization and associated global reconfiguration has an effect on the "urban fabric" that causes a disturbing of the stability and balances of the economy. This is due to the restructuring of the same. The new networks brought on by globalization introduce new employment types and levels of differentiation. There are certainly people that….

Urbanization in Turkey
hen it comes to concerns about rural areas versus that of urban areas, there are most certainly pros and cons involved. Turkey is certainly a country that could and should be included in this debate. hile many people tout the improvements and advancements seen when an area becomes urbanized and more developed, it is seen by many that there are tradeoffs. One such tradeoff is the effect on wages. In many instances, people see stagnation and suffering of wages as an area becomes more urban. In other words, as populations shift, gross domestic product grows and so forth, there is a dragging effect on wages that is seen as people make less money than they probably should given the advancements and changes that are otherwise occurring. Put another way, it is seen that the wages of people like those in Turkey do not advance proportionally with the economic….

The urban culture doesn't have a single characteristic that could define it but urban cultures around the world have some common traits. Economics and work are the main focus, customs and traditions are non-existent, religion is everyone's personal matter and law is not to be taken in one's own hands. Urban culture is more powerful and influential because it doesn't bind. It offers freedom and a chance to grow and become as successful as the next person. But these things are missing in many tribal systems around the world where the rich people would keep the poor down by various means to secure their superiority and might.
While the tribal culture has a better chance of survival in third world countries, they have little or no chance of going the distance in the developed world. In order to prolong their survival, they need to stick to some values and customs,….

In 2007 it was 5.8%, while the State of Florida was at 12.1% (Palm Beach Gardens Florida, 2008).
According to the U.S. Census in the year 2000, there number of high school graduates in Palm Beach Gardens was 94%, which was well over the state average of 79.9%. It was also recorded that 43.8% of the population, compared to 22.3% in the state of Florida had received a Bachelors degree or higher. These figures speak very highly of the school systems in Palm Beach Gardens, showing that they are indeed doing something right (Palm Beach Gardens (city), Florida, (2009).

Although Palm Beach Gardens has grown and prospered over the years and appears to be a great place to live, it is not without its problems as well. Like most modern communities around this country it is faced with some challenges. One problem that has recently been discussed is that of dealing….

Dasgupta (2018) shows in his article on urban growth around the world, that by the year 2050 approximately 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. This means that cities are going to have a major impact not only on the lives of human beings but also on the planet, as there will be a concentrated amount of energy and activity in these urban parts of the world. Moreover, aside from environmental concerns there are likely to be social issues that emanate from this intense localization of the population into vast cities. As Coleman and Kerbo (2009) point out, how these areas are socially organized will be very critical to how well they are maintained and how well the inhabitants of these areas are striving to take care of their world: “Young people may be inadequately socialized because of problems in the institution of the family, or society….

Stream Degradation and King County' Salmon Population
King County in Washington State is home to some of the most significant spawning beds in the nation for several major species of salmon, such as the endangered steelhead and Chinook (or King) species. As a result of Washington's urbanization over the preceding years and decades, the purity and integrity of King County's streams and rivers have been degraded and the waterways contaminated (Morley, Karr, 2002). Currently, the Department of Natural esources' Water and Land esources Division is working on numerous projects to reclaim and maintain the streams and rivers of the County (Salmon and Trout Topics: ecovery, 2016). King County's own Wildlife Program Publication offers an indication of how important it is to maintain clean streams and waters for the salmon population. This study aims to answer the three-fold question: Has stream degradation affected salmon habitats in King County Washington state (specifically the….

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of heavy rain
B. Importance of discussing heavy rain
C. Thesis statement

II. Causes of heavy rain
A. Weather patterns
B. Climate change
C. Urbanization

III. Effects of heavy rain
A. Floods
B. Landslides
C. Destruction of property

IV. Impact on society
A. Disruption of daily life
B. Economic consequences
C. Health risks

V. Mitigation strategies
A. Improving drainage systems
B. Implementing flood control measures
C. Public awareness and education

VI. Conclusion
A. Recap of key points
B. Call to action for addressing heavy rain issues
VI. Conclusion
A. Recap of key points regarding heavy rain and its causes, effects, and....

Sure! Here are some suggestions for essay topics related to loneliness:

1. The impact of loneliness on mental health and well-being.
2. The role of social media and technology in exacerbating feelings of loneliness.
3. The relationship between loneliness and addiction.
4. Loneliness in the elderly population and potential solutions to combat it.
5. The portrayal of loneliness in literature and film.
6. Loneliness as a universal human experience.
7. The connection between loneliness and creativity.
8. The effects of chronic loneliness on physical health.
9. Strategies for coping with loneliness and building social connections.
10. The link between loneliness and societal factors such as urbanization and individualism.
11. The impact....

1. The impact of deforestation in California on indigenous communities and their cultural traditions
2. The role of corporate interests in driving deforestation in California
3. The connection between deforestation in California and climate change mitigation efforts
4. The ethical considerations of deforestation in California for economic development
5. The potential solutions to combat deforestation in California and restore forest ecosystems
6. The intersectionality of deforestation in California with social justice issues, such as environmental racism
7. The long-term consequences of deforestation in California on biodiversity and ecosystem services
8. The challenges of enforcing deforestation regulations and protecting California's forests
9. The role of urbanization and agriculture in....

Deforestation in California: A Complex and Thought-Provoking Crisis


Deforestation, the removal of trees from forests, has emerged as a formidable environmental challenge in California. Driven by various factors, including urban expansion, agriculture, and wildfires, deforestation has significant ecological, social, and economic implications. This essay delves into the complexities of deforestation in California, exploring its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

Causes of Deforestation:

Urban Expansion: California's burgeoning population has led to increased urbanization, resulting in the conversion of forest land into residential and commercial developments.
Agriculture: Agriculture accounts for a substantial portion of deforestation in California, particularly for the cultivation of crops like....

3 Pages

Urban Studies

Urbanization the Harris-Todaro Model of

Words: 978
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This in turn drew more workers (Hassan 2004). The result is that Kuala Lumpur has added millions to its population and enjoys a far greater average annual income…

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2 Pages

Urban Studies

Urbanization and City Planning Considerations

Words: 682
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In developed nations this is easier because technologies and materials, often expensive and hard to come by, can help to mitigate pollution. In less developed nations, pollution is…

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4 Pages

Urban Studies

Urbanization and the Environment A

Words: 1096
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Tillburg planners use a problem-solution strategy that will be familiar to many CEOs and corporate executives. The basic process is as follows: 1. problem recognition - to identify all problems…

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6 Pages
Case Study

Urban Studies

Urbanization Chicago Has From Its

Words: 2368
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

1995, 359-365). However, Chicago is well placed due its geographical location to weather many of these ills. eing centrally located in the Midwest, it enjoys good lines of…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Urban Studies

Papua New Guinea Urbanization Slum Formation and Land Reform

Words: 3284
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land eform: A Case Study of Papua New Guinea Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land eform: Papua New Guinea Global Urbanization, Slum Formation, and the Persistence of Slums Urbanization…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Urban Studies

China and Urbanization What Are

Words: 759
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Moreover, the "Great Leap Forward" was a negative response to "urban-centered planning strategies; and the "Cultural Revolution" involved the "excision of tens of millions of urban educated from…

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7 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Population and Urbanization in Brazil

Words: 2306
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Population and Urbanization in Brazil Brazil, officially known as the Federative epublic of Brazil, is located in the eastern side of South America. Without a doubt, Brazil is the largest…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

American History

Industrialization Immigration Urbanization and Transportation in United States Post Civil War

Words: 871
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization, And Transportation in United States Post Civil War The process to modernize the American states after the end of the Civil War was one of the most…

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2 Pages


Babes in Warland Agrarian Reforms Urbanization and Child Abuse

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Babes in Warland; Agrarian eforms/Urbanization and Child Abuse Babes in Warland agrarian reforms urbanization and child abuse_A2072388 The pictorial shows how perpetrators of civil wars take advantage of children. Children are…

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4 Pages
Literature Review


Human Capital and Urbanization

Words: 1624
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Keyder, Caglar. "Globalization & Social Exclusion In Istanbul." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29.1 (2005): 124-134. Web. The question and issues to be addressed in this source are…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Market Potential and Urbanization

Words: 876
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Urbanization in Turkey hen it comes to concerns about rural areas versus that of urban areas, there are most certainly pros and cons involved. Turkey is certainly a country that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Tribes and Urbanization in Olden

Words: 783
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The urban culture doesn't have a single characteristic that could define it but urban cultures around the world have some common traits. Economics and work are the main…

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3 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Sociology Population & Urbanization Back

Words: 1043
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In 2007 it was 5.8%, while the State of Florida was at 12.1% (Palm Beach Gardens Florida, 2008). According to the U.S. Census in the year 2000, there number…

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3 Pages

Environmental Science

The World Population and Urbanization

Words: 980
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Dasgupta (2018) shows in his article on urban growth around the world, that by the year 2050 approximately 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. This…

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16 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete

Urban Studies

The Relationship Between Urbanization and Stream Degradation

Words: 5088
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Stream Degradation and King County' Salmon Population King County in Washington State is home to some of the most significant spawning beds in the nation for several major species of…

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